View Full Version : Fleet request

Jul 21st, 2003, 01:33:54 PM
TO: New Republic HQ office of Fleet Deployment.
From: Captain Reshmar.

I am Captain Reshmar of the Mon Orishma. I have just returned from an extensive Patrol of the Imperial borders and beleave there fleet build up is proof of an iminant attack to come. I would like to requsition vessels to create a Task force to intercept any attack should it come. I would like one Capital vessel in addition to the Mon Orishma and 4 suppoting vessels 1 Assualt Frigate, 1 Neb B Frigate, 2 Gunships. Please take this as a serious request i have observed the fleet activities of the Imperial warlords for the last 8 mounths and would like to be prepared. Thank you .

Captain Reshmar.

OOC: I would like more ships for a task force . I dont know what the NR has in terms of vessels and didnt want to just show up with them. let me know what we have and what i can have for my Task Force thanx.

Jul 23rd, 2003, 07:42:56 PM
Just wondering if you need a Starfighter Wing commandr ecause I havent seen action in a long time and Id like to do something. Well as far as ship numbers I know Admiral Lion El Johnson personally so i know there are quite a few ship but most them I htink are on active duty and we have a new design of ships but i think he can scrape something up.

Jul 23rd, 2003, 10:17:06 PM
I can use any able bodied warrior Who will fight beside me. But for this to work I will need to be able to stand aginst any foe i may come across. My one MC-90 can take a beating but aginst multiple capital vessels I wont last long. Another major capital vessel and some support vessels will be nice. Ask the Admiral what he may have to form my task force. For now i have a Squadron of B Wing E2's which I can use a Commander for. For Now Commander Scott is acting Wing commander untill I get a vessel for him to serve on. we will be leaving Calimari to run some drills and hone the pilots skills in case i need them. We also have a new Squadron of X WIng XJ's we have to break in. If you are interested let me know. The Thread is Mon Orishma in Story telling. Just report for duty on an imcoming shuttle.
Welcome aboard. Upon reciving more vessels and Commander Scotts transfer i will promote you to Wing commander of the task force and you will be over flight ops.
My the Force be With you.

Jul 24th, 2003, 07:50:59 AM
Ill talk to the admiral for you. Actually I already have the rank of Wing Commander and I would be bringing over my personal B-Wing squadron as well.

Jul 24th, 2003, 03:09:46 PM
Very well Welcome to you and your Squadron.

Telan Desaria
Jul 24th, 2003, 04:47:30 PM
Do you have an adversary picked out yet?

*hint hint*

Jul 24th, 2003, 06:32:42 PM
Depends Telan, am I going to be taken prisoner again? lol.

Telan Desaria
Jul 24th, 2003, 06:53:22 PM
Not if you don't want to.

You could sortie against Wild Space and be intercepted by an Imperial training detachment undergoing maneuvers. Under my command, of course.

Jul 24th, 2003, 09:14:29 PM
Telan takes prisoners?

Jul 25th, 2003, 09:06:18 AM
It was just once when I was on a long rage patrol by my ship got knoced off course by a hyperdrive failure and I was low on fuel. Why would we srotie against Wild Space though Telan didnt you sy that New Republic forces dont go in there? Is there anywher else a battle could take place. How many ships are there in that detahment because if we do fight I kind of want it to be fair not like bring in like 40 MC-90s.

Jul 25th, 2003, 12:45:50 PM
Telan wants to fight? oh if only I had more ships. And why would I take my ship into wild space? Soon enough the time for fighting will be upon us. Then we will see what the fates have in store for us. Until then I will train my crew and try to convince the NR of the necessity for more ships in my Task force. And the threat the Imperial Warlord present.

Jul 25th, 2003, 12:48:52 PM
Yeah like i said in the other thread I can give u some reinforcements but i not authorized for large sacle ship movement. If you have the time we are developing a new kind of ship.

Jul 25th, 2003, 12:55:04 PM
we have the time. I want to train the crews and get everyone at peek war time readiness. I think some sims would be good. Scott and his XJ Squadron will need some break in time for the new Fighters. also once we recive the rest of the task force I want to do some fleet manuvering exercises

Jul 25th, 2003, 01:07:49 PM
Very Well. Ill divide the Task Force into 2 battle groups the Mon Orsihma, Harrier, and 4 Gunships will be group 1, The Bandanov, Hawkbat and remaining 5 Gunships will be group 2. Once we recieve these vessels we will begin running exercises. Commander Scott will be in charge of the Group 2 and its Fighter wing you Yamagi is over Group 1 and its wing. I will command from Mon Orishma. and the Tsak Force as a whole. In the meeting we will get into the object and the new vessels Tie has provided us.

Telan Desaria
Jul 28th, 2003, 06:27:04 PM
Sovereign Policy on the Taking, Retention, and Treatment of Prisoners

All war is waged with the intention of eliminating an enemy. However, in that war, elimination can be in the way of simply reducing a combatant's ability to wage said war, executed through the taking of prisoners, often in the form of wounded and incapacitated.

Officers and men fighting for a government fight for their home, not neccessarily the men who lead them and the parties or forces in charge. That said, they cannot be assumed to follow the government sway of those leaders and cannot be treated as that government as a whole may be.

1. On taking a wounded prisoner, any and all attempts must be taken to extend to a captured person the medical treatment that would be afforded a person of like stature within the Imperial Armed Services. This is to be done at the risk of Imperial lives for the preservation of the ultimate honour.

2. On taking a fully capacitated prisoner every effort is to be made to remove this person from the field of battle and located in a position which does not endanger their welfare or sacrifice the amenities for comfortable survival.

3. No prison camps are to be held as it detracts from the combat effectiveness of field units and ties forces up that would otherwise dispersed in a more effective manner.

4. The system provided for the location of prisoners in the Imperial Sovereignty is the fifth moon of Eriadu, a fully habitable body with fertile land and ecosystem. Units of construction for habitation, industry, and farming are provided. A stock of low power defensive small arms is provided so that the population may polie itself. This population is sefl sustainable and though fully commincation-eable with Sovereign High Command are not subject to Imperial Laws or Mandates. All is on the world as the prisoners wish.

Imperials do take prisoners but do not waste time with them. We are a very gallant breed, here in the Sovereignty.

Yes, I want to fight,

We are not located in Wild Space alone. Wild Space is an area of secretative expansion. We occupy that entire quadrant of the galaxy. I will email anyone a map who asks. We control Thyferra, Eriadu, Carida, Bespin, Ison, Hilaril, the Senex Sectors, all in that region.

Lion El' Jonson
Aug 24th, 2003, 09:24:37 AM
Hello, puppies! :D

Sorry about the EXTREMELY late reply, this got buried.

So, first things first. I'll make this official in an IC Roleplay, but...

Captain Reshmar is hereby promoted to Rear Admiral Reshmar, with all the rights and privledges this implies, including new quarters and such. Congratulations, Rear Admiral...you'll be getting your single gold star soon.

And of course, a Rear Admiral can't just have one ship. Your fleet has been reformed, and several vessels from the 4th fleet and the Mon Calamari shipyards have been assigned to your battlegroup. Your forces are hereby designated Task Force Orishma in all strategic communiques.

Fleet composition is as follows:

1st Division
MC-90 Mon Orishma
Assault Frigate Harrier
Nebulon-B Frigate
Nebulon-B Frigate
Corellian Gunship
Corellian Gunship
Corellian Gunship

2nd Division
MC-90 Artanis
Assault Frigate
Dreadnought, refitted
Corellian Gunship
Corellian Gunship

3rd Division
MC-80b Flame Of Rebellion
Assault Frigate
Dreadnought, refitted
Corellian Corvette
Corellian Corvette
Corellian Gunship

I sincerely hope that this matches your needs. Any of your vessels may be renamed at your leisure. You are the first line of defense, the New Republic's guardian against the forces of the Imperial Remnant. Your new orders are to head out to the Remnant/NR Border. Three disguised freighters have been loaded aboard the Mon Orishma. Each of these freighters carries members of New Republic Intelligence. You are to drop each of these freighters off in a randomly generated system, where they will then infiltrate strategic Imperial-held planets. They will occasionally relay burst packet transmissions to your fleet, which will have returned to normal patrol duties.

These transmissions are to be relayed to the Intelligence bases on Boreas and Mon Calamari. You have authorization to engage any unauthorized shipping that breaches the Remnant/New Republic border. If it is indeed as you fear, and the Remnant is gearing up for an assault, the MC-90 Badanov, along with her taskforce and the elite B-wing squadron the Black Dragons is patrolling within 12 hours of your fleet. She has orders to come to your fleet's assistance if it is requested.

The New Republic salutes you, Rear Admiral Reshmar! Continue with your duties.

~Lord Admiral Lion El' Jonson, C-in-C, Outer Rim, CODENAME 'Dragon'~
~MC-150 Pride of Caliban, Taskforce Implacable~
~Current Location: Coruscant~

Aug 24th, 2003, 11:39:59 AM
I will carry out my orders at once Lord Admiral

Aug 26th, 2003, 04:24:35 PM
I thought my squadron nam was the Black Knights. But if we're instituting name changes can i rename he squadron. i liked the squadron name ideas from the Wraith Squadron book, Silly Squadron or Dinner Squadron.

Lion El' Jonson
Aug 26th, 2003, 04:50:34 PM
Sorry, Wing Commander. I forgot to mention that you've been transfered to Rear Admiral Reshmar's battlegroup. The Black Dragons are another elite B-Wing squadron, well known for their black paint scheme with an immense, bright Krayt Dragon on the main airfoil.

Their current CO is Colonel Argus, with Wing Commander Vadim as their flight officer. They were rotated to the Badanov a couple of days before you left, but were unable to board at that time due to the hangars being full of fresh supplies.

You will remain the Black Knights. I have been reading several of your recent battle reports, Tie. It appears that you have a decisive effect on any engagement you participate in. Keep it up and there'll be a promotion headed your way, Commander.

Excellent job, Commander Yamagi! The New Republic salutes you!

(ooc: While we're on the subject of Wraith Squadron, maybe I should swap your B-wings for smuggling compartments with R2 droids on them for navigation. Whaddaya say?)

Aug 26th, 2003, 04:53:36 PM
Thank you Admiral. Ill do my best.

(OOC: Lol, sure. Whats the armament on those things)

Lion El' Jonson
Aug 26th, 2003, 05:15:52 PM
(ooc: Last time I checked, I believe it was One (1) Stripped down X-Wing laser cannon staffed by One (1) Educated Gamorrean.)

Aug 26th, 2003, 05:17:41 PM
(OOC) no chance for a torpedo launcher huh? )

Aug 27th, 2003, 01:23:05 AM
So will Ties Squadron be reminaing with my battle group?

(ooc Educated Gamorrean? where did you find one?)

Lion El' Jonson
Aug 27th, 2003, 02:29:43 AM
Yes, Admiral Reshmar. The Black Dragons have temporarily replaced Tie's squadron aboard the Badanov, so his squadron is free to move up to the Mon Orishma.

(ooc: In Wraith Squadron, a Gamorrean was experimented on. The result was a subject with incredible strategic skills, as well as the intelligence of 3 or 4 Genius'. Tie, I'd think that the Torpedo's backwash would comfortably pick clean your bones. :lol)

Aug 27th, 2003, 08:51:25 AM
Alright sounds good to me as long as we do some active stuff.

(OOC: dont worry about the backwash picking myones clean corellians have very thick skin why do you think criticism barely affects them:p )

Aug 27th, 2003, 10:42:18 PM
Very well I will make the necessary arangements and will proceed with my orders.

(OOC: I knew about piggy.Just the thought of educated gamorreans amusses me.))

Sep 2nd, 2003, 01:00:28 AM
Tie have you dropped out of the Mon Orishma Thread?

General Tohmahawk
Sep 2nd, 2003, 03:33:27 AM
Do any of our ships have ewok launchers?

Lion El' Jonson
Sep 2nd, 2003, 04:01:44 AM
Originally posted by General Tohmahawk
Do any of our ships have ewok launchers?

Yub Yub, General.

Actually, I don't believe we currently maintain Ewok launchers aboard our ships. Recent strides in Remnant shield technology have rendered the Ewok launcher obsolete: Recent tests showed that no furry creatures impacted Imperial hulls: They were simply incinerated upon hitting the shields.

However, R&D assures me that Wookie Launchers will be coming online soon...:lol

Sep 2nd, 2003, 07:55:19 AM
Sorry Reshmar forgot about that thread Ill be there right away.