View Full Version : Basic Lesson 101 - Hades

Makoto Neo
Jul 21st, 2003, 10:38:43 AM
In the lush grounds of the Order's Facilites there is a grove which bears many blackend scars of battle. Yet there is a perfectily untouched circle of green, healthy grass, dotted here and there with rocks of many sizes and shapes.

A summon had been sent hours eariler, stating no specific time but did give acute directions to the grove. Another holopad sat in the middle of the grass, blinking on... off... on...

Hades Eversor
Jul 22nd, 2003, 05:30:47 AM
"What a desolate place this is." Grumbled Hades as he stepped onto the isolated patch of greenery, amongst the rocks and shrubs it wasn't difficult to notice the blue light of the holopad. Curiously, he approached the device and knealt down next to it and after giving it a quick look activated the message.

Makoto Neo
Jul 22nd, 2003, 11:32:26 AM
What is your purpose? [I]It read, a blinking cursor following the question mark...

Hades Eversor
Jul 22nd, 2003, 01:22:35 PM
Hades thought for a moment, then typed:

My purpose is to be as successful and powerful as I can be.


He finished, thinking about what he had wrote. Not entirely certain if he even knew his purpose.

Makoto Neo
Jul 22nd, 2003, 08:10:34 PM
Who would you dispose of in order to reach your purpose?


It didn't wait for a response before the next line of text appeared,
Remember: There is truth in your fiction, yet fiction in your truth. . .

Hades Eversor
Jul 23rd, 2003, 07:39:35 AM
Now riddles, thought Hades, confusion written on his face. The bit about disposing of someone he understood, as much as it disturbed him but the last bit about fiction and truth made no sense whatsoever. He pondered for a moment, then replied:

I would dispose of no-one unless I had to, I'd rather defeat and humiliate those in my way.


Makoto Neo
Jul 23rd, 2003, 09:16:02 AM
"Good enough lad."

Mako stepped out from behind, his arms crossed over his chest as ruby eyes examined the boy from afar. The seemed to be coming in younger and younger these days, "Hades Eversor, I presume?"

Hades Eversor
Jul 23rd, 2003, 01:26:52 PM
"That's right." Answered Hades, who took a step away from the creature who had emerged from behind him, he was a frightful beast, he thought, wearing a look of curiosity and fear. "Who are you?"

His resolve steeled and he frowned distastefully. "What are you?"

Makoto Neo
Jul 27th, 2003, 01:50:49 PM
"What I am does not matter, but I am adressed by Knight Makoto. I have been assigned to instruct you and guide you on the path of the Sith. By your answers beforehand, I'd say you are well on your way."

"But. What do you know of the Sith, the Darkside?"

Hades Eversor
Jul 27th, 2003, 03:13:48 PM
"Okay." Hades replied, relaxed now that he knew that Makoto wasn't about to eat him or something. "I know a little bit about the Sith, I learned about the Sith in Ancient History a year ago. It was one of the only lessons to which I paid some attention." He snorted a malicious laugh to himself, clearly amused.

"The Sith was a race who were red-skinned, had very strong bones and horned heads. They were corrupted by Dark Jedi and started learning the ways of the Force, only the Dark Side though. I don't know anything about the Dark Side. Anyway, I know that there was a time when there were only two Sith Lords at one time, for example, Vader and Palpatine. That's about all I know."

Makoto Neo
Jul 27th, 2003, 08:25:37 PM
Makoto face-palmed, sighing audibly. The rubbish that most scholars talked these days, what idiotcy. "Most of that is incorrect, lad. Basically up to the Two Sith Lords deal, then it becomes fully true. No matter how many Sith rise, there will always be a pair One master, one apprentice.

"The Darkside is freedom and power," Makoto continued, clasping his hands in the small of his back before walking slowly across the circle, "The Jedi and the Sith struggle for dominance over each other. Although, the jedi wont admit it, The Sith will for it is true purpose, they use the force for distruction and power over those whom are weaker, or to create freedom for themselves. The Force is something that each individual gifted with it must meld in their own way. Are you following me?"

Hades Eversor
Jul 29th, 2003, 10:03:14 AM
"Yes, I am." Hades was smiling, immediatly interested. "And that is how it should be, the weak exists to hoist the strong and powerful onto their shoulders where they will lead them onward. The Jedi are allowing society to dwindle into madness; their pacifistic ideals grant liberty to those who would run amock and do as they wish. The Sith should take all the power for themselves and bring real law and order to the Galaxy."

Makoto Neo
Jul 31st, 2003, 12:49:43 PM
"Well said Eversor,"

He rounded the clearing once before spotting what he wanted. Picking up a flat, dull stone, he tossed it between both hands before resuming.

"By some means you will learn that the Force, on either side of the bridge, is an initiy that can be melded as another arm, another extention of your organic body."

Hades Eversor
Aug 3rd, 2003, 01:16:56 PM
"I see. I'd never thought of the Force as being one with the Force-User before." Hades said with intrigue then his eyes lit up. "So what can Sith actually do with the Force? Can it be used as a weapon?"

Makoto Neo
Aug 5th, 2003, 10:30:20 PM
"We can do many things," Makoto replied shortly, "The Force can be used to lift," He rock in his palm floated into the air, began to spin wildy then promptly plopped down into his waiting palm. "It can be use to hide yourself from other Force users, hell... I've seen, and feld, lightning created from the Force alone."

"When it comes down to combat, if you spent enough time and trouble in your studies, the Force can even keep you from receiving damage," Makoto continued, crossing his arms over his chest once more, "Attack me."

Hades Eversor
Aug 7th, 2003, 01:54:00 PM
Not needing to be asked twice, Hades stepped in and as much as he wanted to bring his knuckles into Makoto's stupid-looking muzzle he was too short and happily swung low for the creature's gut, not sparing any strength.

Makoto Neo
Aug 21st, 2003, 05:42:36 PM
Mako's right hand flew up, catching the boy's fist by the wrist and pulled it torwards himself. In the same motion, he took a step back, pivoting on his left foot, and stuck out a boot to effectively send the boy face-first into the ground.

"Good try, for a kid..."

Mako turned and sat on a rock, "The force is a feeling, a certain... touch... To tap into the fountain; Concentrate on every emotion you've had; anger, fear, rage.." He held up a rock, "Mold it into a hand and take this rock from my hand.."

Hades Eversor
Sep 3rd, 2003, 10:06:30 AM
"For a kid." Hades grumbled to himself as he climbed to his feet.

While Makoto was speaking, Hades just stared at him incredulously, he didn't understand a word that his master was saying. It made no sense at all. Mold my anger into a hand, he thought, he's completely mad! I'll show him some angry hands!

Suddenly, Hades leapt at Makoto or more accuractely the rock he was holding aloft. His intent was to simply jump and send himself crashing into his master and snatch the stone from his hand.

Makoto Neo
Oct 4th, 2003, 10:15:24 PM
Mako's hands flew up with an uncanny speed and dexterity, locking upon Hades's own and the boy suddenly found himself hurdled through the air by a simple, powered, fireman's throw. The rock floated around the sith-wolf's head almost tauntingly.

"AGAIN!" Mako barked, letting the stone settle back to his hand.