View Full Version : Unpack Your Troubles

Hades Eversor
Jul 21st, 2003, 08:37:40 AM
Having been accepted into the Sith Order, Hades, buzzing with excitement and energy had been sent on a trek to find his quarters. He had been given the room number and had hauled his luggage from one end of the building to the other searching for it. It was a tiresome journey and he believed he had gone around in a circle at least twice but finally he had arrived at his new home.

"Room 027. This is the one." Set into the old-fashioned stone wall was a metal protrusion which had an indentation running down it's centre. Hades took his keycard and swiped it through the device, the red light flashed twice then the green light next to it turned on instead and the metal door slid aside granting the boy access.

"Holy Bantha Dren!" He gawped with wide-eyes as he stepped inside. The room was the opposite of what he had been expecting, instead of a dull, cold and spartan stone room was a fully furnished, crisp and clean room composed of all modern fittings. There was a computer terminal set into a table, a Holonet box, a repulsor-lift bed with matress, pillows and sheets, a comm-port fitted with screen and audio transciever, a broad window overlooking the grounds and a en-suite bathroom complete with a vibro-tub and sonic shower.

Instintively, Hades dropped his trunk inside and headed for a remote and turned on the Holonet, switched to one of his favourite channels and then went about unpacking his things into a number of spacious storage units. All the while he whistled heartily thinking how wrong he had been about Sith being anywhere near primitive beings.

Dark Lord Rivin
Jul 23rd, 2003, 10:03:37 AM
After a few moments a voice is heard from the doorway....

"Disgusting.... No wonder the young sith are becoming so weak...."

A man in a dark cloke stands in the doorway, looking at all the features that this boy's room has to offer.

"....They get pampered, and become soft."

He looks at Hades...

"None of this will help you become a good sith."

Je'gan Olra'en
Jul 23rd, 2003, 01:54:08 PM
"What you fail to understand, my fellow acolyte," a razor-sharp voice cut in, "is that there are many ways to becoming a Sith. One may be forced to become toughened..." Je'gan appeared from the shadows, hands clasped behind his back, "or one may choose to do so. It is one's own choice, and one that the intelligent will make in a heartbeat. I have little doubt that, if this young boy became enamoured, nay dependent on his luxuries, he would never reach even a fraction of his full potential." He smiled grimly. "And if that became the case I have similar levels of doubt that the Masters would deny him of them, and make him take the first path."

Hades Eversor
Jul 27th, 2003, 11:40:37 AM
"Who the hell are you?" Hades snapped at the new arrivals, he turned on his heel and surveyed the pair with a glowering snarl. The first of the two, Rivin, in particular forced the recently accepted new member to pull a look of distaste.

"How dare you pass judgement on me." He spat venomously, taking a step forward and casting a shirt to one side. His eyes moved over the two. "I didn't invite you into my room, let alone invite you to give me a lesson in philosophy!"

At the back of his mind, Hades was hoping his uncle would arrive about now, he had taken a brief detour on the way here and hopefully would help calm the situation before it became too sour. Nevertheless, the boy had to keep face in front of both Rivin and Je'gan.

Jul 27th, 2003, 11:48:12 AM
As if having heard Hades thoughts, the old Warlock made his presence known as he strode into young Eversors room. At first he did not acknowledge the others, his gaze roaming over what was before him to see that the room was satisfactory for the young Sith. Once he mentally resolved that it was, he turned and looked down to his young nephew.

A wry smile wriggled over the mages lips before his hood turned so that his eyes could rest upon the pair who stood in the doorway.

“We all learn and grow in our own ways,” the sage voice said.

“But I do not believe that you will become anymore powerful by criticizing your peers.”

Warlock brought his staff in closer to his body, shifting more of his weight onto the sturdy wood.

“How does that old saying go…”

Under his shroud, Warlock narrowed his eyes in thought, before plucking the idea out of mid air.

“Yes… that’s it… If you don’t have anything good and useful to say, don’t say anything at all.”

Dark Lord Rivin
Jul 28th, 2003, 12:27:50 PM
Rivin keeps his attention on the young boy but nods to the other to let them know he heard them...

"First of all I only have one hand on you doorframe, so I don't think that that counts as being IN your room, and last I checked anybody can stand in the hallway...

Second, My name is Rivin.

Third, I did not once say that YOU were becoming weak, I just notced that your room is too comfortable, and pampering to allow your Force potental to reach it's maximum as a Sith. If you want to be pampered then you should have joined the Jedi... The life of a Sith is not ment to be comfortable."

Rivin find some enjoyment in the fact that Hades is getting slightly cheesed off at him...

Hades Eversor
Jul 29th, 2003, 09:58:32 AM
Hades could only roll his eyes impatiently while Rivin carried on, once he'd finished Hades immediatly said: "You talk too much."

The boy looked to Je'gan and with an incredulous look, pointed at Rivin and asked: "Is he always this boring?"

Je'gan Olra'en
Jul 29th, 2003, 02:52:03 PM
Je'gan considered, mock-thoughtfully.

"Well," he finally said, "I just met him, but judging from what I've seen so far...without a doubt." The young man grinned maliciously. His opinion of Rivin was going straight downhill, from Dark Apprentice to, well, busybody.

Lady Vader
Jul 30th, 2003, 01:06:48 PM
My room is comfortable...

*The voice startled them all, save for Warlock who had seen LV coming silently up the hallway.*

...does that make me less powerful?

*Rivin turned to find LV glowering at him, a black panther at her heals snarling. She knew Rivin had skills and she knew he had great potential for being a powerful Dark Sider... but he also needed to learn how to curb his loud thoughts otherwise it might upset a member of the family he had joined.*

Do NOT start anything, Rivin, that you cannot finish. I suggest you keep your oppinions to yourself lest a pointless fight ensue... or need I remind you of the Order's rules?

Jul 30th, 2003, 01:18:06 PM
A tired laugh escaped Warlocks lips, raspy and strained. Extending a hand towards the panther at Vader’s side, which trotted to him as he beckoned, he gently stroked the sleek black fur with his fingertips as he looked towards his young nephew – who would no doubt, in a few moments time, be beaming with malicious amusement at what had just occurred.

Hades Eversor
Jul 31st, 2003, 06:56:34 AM
There was a time to speak and be a wise crack and there was a time to shut the hell up and simply enjoy the moment, for Hades it was the latter of those two options which he had taken. He took a step back, closer to his uncle and wore a big, proud grin but was only too happy to give Rivin a wink when he caught his eye while being reprimanded by the Lady Vader. Oh, how he would enjoy his new home!

Je'gan Olra'en
Jul 31st, 2003, 07:22:50 AM
It was only through the most powerful of mental disciplines that Je'gan was able to stop the flush from creeping up to his face, and his discomfort from appearing in his posture. Slowly, carefully, he bowed to Lady Vader.

"My apologies, Ma'am. I meant no disrespect."

Dark Lord Rivin
Jul 31st, 2003, 12:18:27 PM
Rivin turns around to face LV, not the slightest bit phased by her... No bow... Not even a nod... he sends a strong, cold gaze back into LV's eyes.

"I am familar with the rules... And I do not recall a part of the rules saying that I can not express my opinon to others... in my opinon... Yes... it does make you weaker than what you could be... In no way am I saying you ARE weak, just not as strong as your potental would allow...

I will finish what I start Lady Vader... Even if what I start is with you."

Lady Vader
Jul 31st, 2003, 02:14:45 PM
Careful, Rivin. Disrespect is also grounds for removal from the Order.

*She folded her arms across her chest, not amused.*

I suggest you take a walk and cool off, before you say something more that will crack the ice and send you under.

Je'gan Olra'en
Jul 31st, 2003, 03:37:42 PM

Je'gan, normally quite prideful, was coming to an odd realization; he didn't mind being proven wrong, as long as he learned something from it. With that in mind, he refrained from comment or expression.

Dark Lord Rivin
Jul 31st, 2003, 04:23:07 PM
Rivin tilts his head slightly... then smiles.

"Like I have done my whole life, I only speek what is on my mind, and the truth as I see it... I see no reason why I must Cool off... But since you wish me to take a walk, then I shall be going now.."

Rivin nods slightly to LV, then nods to the others, turns his back to LV, and starts to walks away. As he is only a few steps away, he mutters in the old Sith language, a rude comment about women with power.

After that his pace quickens as he walks down the hall and around the corner.

Lady Vader
Jul 31st, 2003, 04:30:51 PM
*LV let out a slow breath, watching Rivin retreat, before turning to the others.*

In conclusion... there is nothing wrong with one's own opinion. It is only when an opinion is stated as fact that it can lead to trouble.

*With one last look at the remaining trio, she turned and left in the opposite direction Rivin had gone, closely followed by Iesis.*

Je'gan Olra'en
Aug 1st, 2003, 10:16:37 AM
A little of the tension eased from Je'gan's frame, but none of the chagrin. He was fully aware that Lady Vader's statement applied to him as well.

Something to keep in mind, definitely.

"I'm afraid we may have gotten off on the wrong foot," he said, stepping forward but pausing at the doorway. "Je'gan Olraen. A pleasure to meet you, Mr..." His voice trailed off slightly as he looked to Hades.

Hades Eversor
Aug 3rd, 2003, 01:19:47 PM
"Eversor. Hades Eversor." He answered blankly, clearly uninterested. "So you've met me, the pleasure was all yours, now what?"

Je'gan Olra'en
Aug 4th, 2003, 05:05:57 PM
Je'gan smiled mirthlessly.

"Now, Mr. Eversor, I leave." His actions suited his words, and as he walked down the corridor to his own chambers he pondered the addition of children to the Order.

Hades Eversor
Aug 7th, 2003, 01:50:44 PM
Hades was clearly pleased with himself, the devilish smile was evidence of that and unphased, he closed the door to his quarters, shutting out any further unwelcome visitors and continued to unpack. Settling in was going to be so much fun,

Aug 8th, 2003, 04:54:36 AM
“Well… congratulations, boy. It seems you made an excellent first impression,” Warlock said, trying to hold back a chuckle.