View Full Version : Strength In Weakness (open)

Xazor Elessar
Jul 20th, 2003, 10:07:03 AM
It was a gloomy day out and the rain poured down onto the streets below in sheets. Crowds flooded buildings and flocked to places where they could find a drier environment. For the Jedi, this meant extra hours to train and take care of things that were normally pushed aside for activities outdoors.

A series of overhead lights flickered on as a figure clad in a black cloak stepped inside of the large training room. Her cyan blue eyes moved about and caught the light, even from beneath her drawn hood. Moving toward the center of the room, the figure lifted a hand and pushed the fabric from her head, revealing herself to be a woman -- and a well known one at that.

There stood Warrior Jedi Knight, Xazor Elessar with her Garou Warrior Braids pulled back into a pony tail. The coins woven into them were bound together tightly and made no sound this day. The woman further removed her cloak and cast it to the side of the room, revealing her black cargo pants and a black tank top. Her muscular body was hardly out of shape, even with the birth of her baby two months ago.

She smiled to herself and looked around, inhaling deeply. It had been far too long since she had stepped foot inside of this place, and it was a welcoming feeling to do so once again. "I call to the shadows and to the light -- if anyone seeks a challenge this day, I am ready and able." The woman called out to the four corners of the room -- the shadows and the light. Folding her arms across her waist atop her weapons belt, the Knight nodded and waited for her opponent.

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 20th, 2003, 03:46:42 PM
"Is that so?"

The voice came from the cloaked figure standing in the shadows, pipe in hand.

"How much of a challenge are you looking for?"

Xazor Elessar
Jul 20th, 2003, 05:30:33 PM
Xazor spun around, a bit surprised to hear a familiar voice coming from the corner. There stood Marcus Elessar -- her Father, holding his pipe and smoking from it. Folding her arms over her chest, the young woman eyed him with a curious grin. "You almost startled me." She winked and then smiled to herself, dropping her arms to the side as she pondered his question.

"I'm looking for a tough challenge, a performance a Grand Master might give, perhaps -- and not only do I expect one, but I want anyone who accepts to expect one from me as well." She said with a grin, having lost the cockiness she had possessed as a pup. Her eyes met his for a moment and she smiled. "Do you feel like a challenge today, Father?" She put the offer forth to him, hoping that he would accept.

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 21st, 2003, 01:35:37 AM
"Ahhh, but you know already, don't you? You know what I will say, before I say it, is that not true? I see what you want as well and that...."

The pipe was set down, then he put his hand to his side, gripping then drawing out 1 meter of cold steet that glinted in the light

"You would be drawing weapon in about 5 seconds from now"

Xazor Elessar
Jul 21st, 2003, 08:48:48 AM
Xazor smiled as she thought of his words. Indeed, she knew what was on his mind -- and what he would say to her. She recited the words just as he did, and as he spoke, she thought them in the back of her mind. Just as he drew his weapon, the young woman's hand shot over her shoulder and she too drew a meter of shiny metal. Holding it before her, Xazor smiled in pride as the light caught the metallic flecks that laced the edges of the blades.

It was then that she recalled what Marcus had just said -- and it was then that she heard his familiar chuckle. "You got me that time." She said as she smiled. Looking down at the blade for a moment, the Knight shifted the hilt in her hand, finding a grip that was most comfortable. It seemed to happen immediatly, as if the sword was merely an extension of her arm. She felt it connected to her through the Force and could see it within the invisible energy field surrounding and binding the two Jedi.

For several moments she stood in silence before looking up into the Master's eyes. "And I know that in three seconds, you will have already blocked a move that could kill!" With that she raised the weapon and spun around with great precision, aiming the weapon's blade straight for Marcus's neck.

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 22nd, 2003, 06:35:12 AM
The sword whipped up and the weapons met in a loud 'clang', that rang and echoed. A blade was quite deal different to a lightsabre in handling, it took real strength and endurance to use steel intead of energy. It also took momentum to use a sword correctly, unlike a sabre, even the sharpest blade could be ineffective with no force behind it.

He went immediatly on the offensive, stepping forward as his blade whipped around, aiming for the midsection.

Xazor Elessar
Jul 22nd, 2003, 12:18:24 PM
The woman smiled as Marcus spun around. She knew his intentions and, before he arrived with the blade, her own was there blocking him from striking her stomach. Xazor shoved Marcus off and slowly began circling around him. She grinned as she spun around quickly and in her mind, thought of striking for his neck, but instead of doing so, she contradicted herself and went for his thigh area.

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 24th, 2003, 01:22:43 AM
He wasn't watching just with his mind - he was watching her hands. He never relied on just his mind and not just on his sight either - even if it wasn;t as good as it could have been. He was still affected by that flash bomb. His hands spun the sword hilt, the steel flashed and hummed through the air, to block with a great deal of power. Up came his sword in an arc, seeking to cleave her head in two.