View Full Version : A Trip Home: Conclusion (closed)

Shandri La
Jul 19th, 2003, 09:19:47 AM
OOC: Only those which were in A Trip Home (http://sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=29363) are allowed in this thread. I have to skip ahead to this scene because I want to start RPing Shandri full-time again.

Shandri was dressed in her normal white dress with white shoes, a gold belt, a gold necklace, and her hair was still tied back in her normal partial braid which is ended with a gold band. It had been a hard few days freeing her homeworld from the Sith. But to her, the hardest part is yet to come. An encounter with her King in full court. That is never a good sign.

She already knows what is to come from this encounter. She will be charged with treason and sentenced to death. It will not be pretty, nor will it be pleasant. But with hope, her Master, Dasquian will be able to get the sentence changed to something not as severe.

Behind her a couple steps are two Palace Guards who are "escorting" her to the throne room. In one of their hands is her small knife. That alone says that this meeting will not go well for her. Always before she has been allowed to have her knife in the presence of the King.

She had asked for Dasquian and the others to meet her just outside of the throne room so she could introduce them all to the King and let them know that these are who is responcible for freeing his ppl.

After several moments, she arrives at the throne room where she waits for Dasquian and any others who wish to show up. The guards do go to move her inside, but she quietly informs them that she is waiting for somebody to go in with her. Somebody who wishes to meet the King. After a small arguement though, they finally give in and allow her to wait.

Shanaria Fabool
Jul 19th, 2003, 11:24:19 AM
"Hi Shandri! I see that you have recovered from the fight..."

Shanaria said as she approches...

"So what are we supose to expect on the other side of the doors?"

Shandri La
Jul 23rd, 2003, 07:41:41 AM
"Yes Lady Shanaria, I have recovered from the fight as I see you have as well."

Shandri motions to the guards to be silent as they are about to say something in responce to Shanaria's question.

"As to what to expect on the other side of the doors is the King in full Court where I shall introduce you as one of the ones who saved the planet."

Guard1-"Yeah, and also when the Guardian of the Treasure gets put on trial for Treason cause she's disobeyed numerous direct orders. Like joining the Jedi when she was just supposed to get help. She's got a nice body so I hope I get to be the one to get her pregnant when she's sentenced to death which is the punishment for treason."

Shandri spins around and raises a hand to slap the guard, but shakes her head and turns to face Shanaria again.

"And as the guard has said, I'm also to be put on trial for treason. Hence why there are the guards with me when normally I can move about the palace freely. But the outcome of the trial has not been decided yet because I have yet to state my reasoning for my actions. If they are deemed good enough, then I shall be let off the hook with nothing more then a slap on the hand."

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 30th, 2003, 06:27:06 AM
“And if you are not let off then we shall have to forcibly remove you from the court,”

Dasquians voice interjected, as he shot an awkward sidelong glance at one of the guards who was leading Shandri. There was a lot of confidence in his expression, though it was by no means a cheery face her wore.

Kelt Simoson
Jul 30th, 2003, 06:38:23 AM
Kelt stood behind Dasquian calmly and quietly. The Jedi Knight did not wish to interject himself having not knowing the rules of Shandis home planet. He had previously given her his good luck and encouragement and he like everyone else here hoped the slap wrist was the only punishment she would receive though he did not understand why one should be punished for wanting to learn.

' I am with you all the way Shandri, remember you have friends here and we are here for you...' Kelt finally said after a long silence.

He squeezed her shoulder encouragingly and smiled.

OOC: Sorry for the late reply Shandri :(

Shandri La
Jul 30th, 2003, 08:15:44 AM
Guard1: "If you leave the Court without the King's permission, you will be arrested as a criminal and sentenced as such." The guard looked at Dasquian with a frown on his face. "Well, there's been to much delay already. I don't care if all of you are here now Guardian, we're going in." With that said, the guard grabs one of Shandri's arms as the other guard grabs her other arm and takes her into the throne room to stand trial.

Shandri: Shandri smiles at both Dasq and Kelt, happy that they showed up to give her support. She just nods her head slightly in acknowledgement of what both Dasq and Kelt say. As she's being taken into the throne room, she closes her eyes partially and says through telepathy to Dasq.

Lord Dasquian, please help me with this. I know I won't argue the sentence they give me. Please help me with that. I don't want to die.

She turns her head to look at Dasq, a pleading look on her face as she's forced down to her knees infront of the King.

OOC: It's alright Kelt, at least you responded.

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 1st, 2003, 06:53:44 AM
Dasquian looked around the chamber inside with little expression on his face, save for the same hard glaze held over his eyes. He did not maintain eye contact with anyone aside from Kelt for over a few seconds and came to a halt as Shandri was brought to her position in front of the court.

Silent, he waited for the trail to begin.

Shandri La
Aug 1st, 2003, 08:13:10 AM
King: The King looks down at Shandri as she's forced down to her knees in front of him.

"Guardian of the Treasure. I thank you for bringing the help you brought to free our ppl from the Sith rule. But you disobeyed your orders and that can not go unpunished.

You are hereby charged with Treason"

The King pauses for a moment as a collective gasp goes up around the crowd that is at the edge of the room. He raises his hand for silence which quickly happens before he continues to speak.

"You were ordered to seek out the Jedi and ask them for help in protecting the Treasure. You sought out the Jedi and asked to become one of them.

After awhile, you were given orders to ask for help from the Jedi again in freeing our homeworld, but you were instructed to stay where you were to protect the Treasure. You sought out the help of the Jedi, but you came with the Jedi to fight the Sith.

Not only that, but you left the Treasure alone with strangers when it is your sacred duty to protect it with your life.

With all of these counts of Treason, how do you plead?"

Shandri looks around the room, her eyes resting on certain ppl, but they look away as if they don't know her.

"I plead not guilty Your Majesty. Everything which I have done, I have done so for the better of our ppl and to make sure that the Treasure is safe. If you believe I have committed Treason and are convinced of it, then there is nothing I can do to change your mind.

With my joining the Jedi, it means that I am learning more skills in which I can use to protect the Treasure, therefore insuring that it shall be safer then before."

King: The King raises his hand for silence at that point, preventing Shandri from speaking further.

"I have heard enough Guardian. You are hereby charged and found guilty of Treason. You will give birth to a female child with the Father being a person of my choosing and then you shall be killed. You shall finally be able to join your Mother and twin sister. From this moment on, you are a nobody.

From this point on, you have no name, no title, nothing. You are to tell your friends that they are to return the Treasure to us so that we may keep it safe here."

Shandri clenches her jaw as she looks up at the King, mad at what's just happened. She takes a couple of deep breaths to keep her calm since getting angry will do nothing to help her, though she desperatly wants to get angry.

"Your Majasty, M'Lords and Ladies, please, you have to understand, I did what I .."

Guard: Guard1 which is still beside Shandri, slaps her across the face rather hard for speaking up.

"Quiet girl. You don't have the right to speak to the King anymore. You don't have any rights anymore and you know that, so make it easy for you and stay silent."

Guard1 laughs softly at what he's now allowed to do to Shandri without getting into trouble now.

Shandri turns her head again to look at Dasq and the others, her eyes pleading them to help her.

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 1st, 2003, 08:19:11 AM
“I respect your right to have laws and traditions, but this is ludicrous.”

All eyes turned on Dasquian, who stood defiantly staring at the King.

“This girl has dedicated her life to protecting this treasure of yours and you repay her with death? I have seen nothing but will and determination from her through her training and why? But for the chance that when the time comes she will be able to guard your peoples treasure from attackers.

She has done no wrong by leaving it with my fellow Councilmen at the Order – each of us is well equipped enough to fend off anyone who should try to steal it. There is no place in this entire galaxy safer than the Jedi Order, I assure you of that.”

Shanaria Fabool
Aug 1st, 2003, 11:39:24 PM
Shanaria has been standing with the other Jedi trying to keep her mouth shut, but after Dasquian is done talking, she could no longer stay silent.....


She says as she pushes herself past Dasquian and towards the king...

"You have NO right to kill her!! She give you her freedom, her happiness, and every breath she takes in order to serve YOU!! And all YOU can do to repay her for hauling your slimy royal hiney out of that filth riddin trash bucket the sith had you in, is to have her sent to death!!

Not only that you have the BALLS to...to....to do this!!... In front of a handfull of Jedi!! Not only that but, also in front of one of the Jedi Council Members!!

As Jedi we live to protect life! We live so skum buckets like YOU don't go killing people at a Whim!! And if you kill her.... you are the one commiting treason to your people, and murder to the Jedi!! She has nothing but your people's best intersts in her mind!! And thus Killing her would be the most stupid thing YOU could do!!"

Shanaria takes a few deap breaths and calms herself down...

"I know I don't speek for all Jedi... But I do speek for myself and my family. I come from a LONG line of Jedi, and I know that, to me and them, murder of a Jedi is a crime that will WILL result in the death of the killer, and anybody that stands between my family and them.... You may want to rethink your sentance before I cast my sentance on to YOU."

Shanaria bows and walks back behind Dasquian, and wispers to him...

"I'm sorry master..."

Shandri La
Aug 2nd, 2003, 06:52:33 AM
King: "I thank you both for expressing your opinions, but she knows our laws, and what she has done is break them. Because of the seriousness of her crime, she has to have the appropriate punishment."

The King turns his head slightly to Shanaria.

"I will excuse you miss for your outburst.

And as for her being a Jedi, I see nothing of the sort with her. Now perhaps if her Master were here, I could sit down with them and we both could work things out and unless one of you Jedi are her Master, there is nothing more to discuss on this matter. I am her legal guardian, and she has broken my trust. She has committed Treason according to our laws, and therefore she must be punished. Her punishment is death."

Shandri lowers her head as the King sticks to the punishment he has already given, despite what the others have said. But then, to the surprise of all locals who are in the room, she raises her head and stands up. She takes a deep breath and uses the Force to push the two guards away from her so that they can not force down to a kneeling position again.

"Your Majesty. My job has been to protect the Treasure to the best of my abilities. I took an opportunity....."

She falls silent as the King raises his hand for silence. After he lowers it though, she speaks again.

"You say my Master is not here. I say you lie becaue my Master IS here.

If you truly wish to speak with him to work things out, then please, do so now."

King: The King has a look of surprise on his face as Shandri says that her Master is here.

"Then, will your Master please step forward so things can be discussed as they obviously need to be."

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 2nd, 2003, 06:56:30 AM
“I am her Master… Dasquian Belargic, Jedi Knight and Council Member of the Greater Jedi Order,”

He stated with confidently as he stepped forward.

“I will not allow my apprentice to be put to death simply for the reason that you believe she has been less than careful with your treasure, when in actual fact she has guarded it with her life.”

Shandri La
Aug 4th, 2003, 01:07:45 PM
King: The King looks at Dasquian as he steps forward saying that he is Shandri's Master.

"The Guardian, Shandri as you call her, knows that her duty is to stay with the Treasure at all times. Her life is sworn to its protection. With her leaving the Treasure in the care of strangers, she is breaking some of her most sacred vows.

She is being put to death for leaving the Treasure in the hands of strangers, for joining the Jedi without my express permission, and for coming here to join in the fight when she had strict orders for her not to come.

That Master Jedi Dasquian Belargic is why your apprentice is being put to death."

The King after saying this waves to a chair which is slightly in front of him and facing him.

"But please do sit down. You are a Master Jedi and therefor you shall be treated with honour and respect. Your fellow Jedi may stand around you, but the Guardian must stay where she is."

The King motions to the two guards to force Shandri into a kneeling position again and the guards hastily obey their King and Shandri doesn't fight the guards right now.

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 5th, 2003, 03:21:46 AM
Dasquian made no move to sit.

“Would you rather we had not come at all? That the Sith had held an eternal hold on you and your people? Or perhaps you would have preferred we brought the Treasure with us and potentially lost it in battle?”

The Jedi Knight knew that he was not above the law, no Jedi was, but he would be damned if he wasn’t about to argue until the end.

“The people she has left the treasure with are no strangers, my liege. They are the most honest and true people you will find in the galaxy. Formidable warriors all, each strong in their own way. I would wager that a single one of them could have dealt with the force contending your state without so much as breaking into a sweat.

We are not a selfish or usurping people, sir, we would not seek to use it to our gain, we only wish to guard it for the sake of one of our own.”

Shandri La
Aug 5th, 2003, 07:23:15 AM
King: The King frowns at the thought of the Jedi not coming to aid them when they had been in need of aid.

"I am happy, overjoyed to be more exact that you did come to aid us. If our military had done their job, we would not have needed any help from outside sourses though."

Shandri takes a deep breath as she hears the King say what he just did.

"Your Majesty, I did not have the skill to stop the Sith. If I had have tried, they would have killed me, and then the Treasure..."

Slap. One of the Guards slaps Shandri across her face again to shut her up.

King: "You will be silent Guardian. You are in enough trouble as it is, and believe me, you don't want your sentence made even worse then what it already is."

The King turns to look at Dasquian again.

"I am greatful that you would not risk our Treasure in battle. It would have been even more disasterous to us if you had have risked the Treasure and then lost it in battle. Our ppl would suffer to no end then.

But I am afriad that the Guardian her can be no Jedi. Now or Ever. If you could just return our Treasure to us, we would greatly appreciate that since it belongs here were we can make sure it is kept safe."

The King is obviously not willing to acknowledge Shandri as being a Jedi, even though Dasquian is there, saying that she is his apprentice.

Shanaria Fabool
Aug 5th, 2003, 05:21:00 PM
Shanaria steps forward so she is beside Dasquian, and changes her posture to that of a noble's...

"Excuse me your Majesty.... I don't think you understand that you are in no position to negotiate. You see... We have your treasure... Also The only person that can get the treasure from the council, is Shandri... Also I will be staying with Shandri untill you drop the charges, and let her come back with us to the Greater Jedi Order... Not only that, starting in about 1 min I will remove the genitals of any man that so much as touches her, and will continue to do so untill these demands are met, or untill Shandri Dies of old age..."

Shandri turns to Dasquian...

"Understand that I am not acting on behalf of the Jedi and that If I must I will Remove myself from the GJO to preform these tasks.. I act as The Noble Lady Shanaria Cena Fabool Of Omwat, Grandaughter of Grand Lord Kez Fabool Of Omwat... and as an officer of the Omwatti Military."

Shanaria turns herself so that she is speaking to both Dasquian and The King..

"As a member of the Fabool Family of Omwat, I can not allow Shandri to be killed... I can not let myself dishonor my family by letting myself stand idle as A friend of the Fabool family is executed... So I hereby Place Shandri under the protection Omwat untill Shandri has returned to The Jedi as one of us... Killing her while she is under my protection will be considered an act of war, and will be treated as such."

Even though Shanaria has been banished from her homeworld, her grandfather neglected to remove her titles, thus making it so she still has sway over the Omwatii Government as long as no other member of her family over rules her... Either way, the King doesn't even know that Shanaria has been banished..

Shanaria draws her knife as she looks over to the guards that are with Shandri...

Shandri La
Aug 6th, 2003, 08:26:51 AM
Shandri looks at Shanaria with a shocked look on her face.

King: The King looks at Shanaria for a moment before shaking his head.

"Lady Jedi, I have excused one outburst from you, and I will not tolerate any more coming from you. I am in a position to negotiate because I have the Guardian, you do not."

The King waves for Shandri to come forward to take her normal seat next to him.

Shandri, as the King waves for her to come, stands up and takes her seat next to the King, a frown on her face. She has spent many hours sitting here, and she doesn't want to spend more time sitting there, but she does as she is told.

"Killing her after she has been put under the protection of Omwat will not be an act of war since she was sentenced to death before that happened. Therefore, you have put a guilty criminal under a government's protection."

The King turns to look at Dasquian.

"Master Jedi, please get your Jedi under control or have them leave the throne room. This is two times that this one Jedi of yours has had an outburst and I will not tolerate any more coming from her."

The King turns to face Shanaria again, a slight smile on his face.

"Alright Lady Jedi, you don't want the Guardian killed. She won't be. But she will never ever leave this palace again."

The King stands up at this point and turns to Dasquian.

"Master Jedi, if you shall accompany me, I think we can continue this conversation in private so you shall know exactly what is going to fall upon the Guardian."

Shandri stands as the King stands and stays only a step or two behind him.

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 6th, 2003, 08:32:18 AM
Dasquians eyes flared with silent concern, verging upon panic.

Shanaria – do not provoke them. We are not here to make empty promises. If we are to return Shandri I wish to it to be on honest and good terms with these people.

“My apologies, my liege. As you can see, your guardian has become a valued member of our community. My apprentice Shanaria is simply anxious for her safety.”

With the Kings final proclamation of having Shandri imprisoned, Dasquian shook his head.

“No, my liege… stay. We shall discuss this in front of your whole court and my fellow Jedi. We all have a right to know what is to befall our comrade, and your own councilmen do also.”

Shandri La
Aug 6th, 2003, 08:56:24 AM
King: The King sits back down on his throne and motions for Shandri to speak since she knows what is to befall her.

Shandri remains standing while the King takes his seat and remains standing as she's motioned to speak.

"Lord Dasquian, what is to befall me instead of death is worse by my own opinion. Right now, I shall be allowed to roam freely, the halls of the palace, never to set foot outside again. After a month, I shall start being restricted on where I can and can not go until finally, I shall be confined to one room with a chance of it being a cell in the dungeon, for the rest of my life, or until I kill myself. No Guardian has ever died of old age, and I will no doubt, not be an exception."

She turns to face the King to see if he approves of what she said.

King: The King nods and motions for Shandri to take her seat again.

"As you see Master Jedi, the Guardian will not be killed by any of our hands. This is the only chance she has to die of old age. But in history, the two other Guardians who have gotten this sentence, after they had found a mate and given birth to their heir, killed themselves.

But I must request Master Jedi, that you stop referring to the Guardian as your comrade. She did not have the right to join the Jedi in the first place, therefore, I have the right to say that she is not a Jedi any longer.

I am her legal guardian, and she will do as she is told to do. And there will be no complaints coming from her at all."

The King leans back slightly in his throne at this point. He has been talking as if Shandri is not even there in the room.

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 6th, 2003, 09:02:18 AM
“Everyone has the right to become a Jedi if it is what their heart desires. We are creatures born with free will and unless I am mistaken this state of yours of not a dictatorship.

Do you your people approve of this senseless punishment? What can you possibly have to gain from forcing Shandri into isolation? Surely you as a King would be proud to see one of your people becoming something much more, something greater.”

Dasquain shook his head and sighed.

“It saddens me to see a man so bound by traditions that he cannot see beyond them, to see what is wrong and what is right.”

Shandri La
Aug 6th, 2003, 09:19:43 AM
King: "Every free being has the right to become a Jedi. The Guardian is not a free being. This state of mine is NOT a dictatorship. And the punishment that the Guardian is recieving is not senseless. The Guardian will be able to plead for her sentence to be removed before she dies.

And what will be gained from putting the Guardian into isolation is the fact that she will learn from her mistakes and know that she was in the wrong.

The Guardian can not become more then what she is. Her life is as her name says. Guardian.

And I am not bound by traditions that I cannot see beyond them. I have been far more lenient on the Guardian then any other King has been when the Guardian needs punishing."

Shandri, at this time, moves to Dasquians side.

"M'Lord, I am a free person. And my name is NOT Guardian. It is Shandri La. I am a Jedi Padawan, apprentice to Lord Dasquian.

It is stated in the laws that, and I quote, 'The Master or Teacher of the Guardian is her legal guardian. Any punishment that is deemed necessary will be approved of by the legal guardian, and if he or she believes that the punishment is unjust, he or she is allowed to come up with the punishment as he or she sees fit.'

You will find that in the section dealing with the Guardian, paragraph 7, first sentence."

She stands silent as the King waves for a person to check to see if what she says is correct. The messenger comes back quickly and whispers in the Kings ear.

King: The King stands again, an angry look on his face which he quickly changes for one of a neutral expression.

"Master Jedi, lucky for you, the Guardian speaks the truth. I expect though, that the Guardian gets punished properly because if she's not, the moment that you are no longer teaching her, she will be punished accordingly."

The King, with that said, sits back down on his throne, a truly unhappy look on his face.

"But before you leave this room Master Jedi, I want to know what the Guardian's punishment is going to be."

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 6th, 2003, 09:34:47 AM
Dasquian fought back a smile at the Kings proclamation that it was his duty to choose a punishment.

“You must understand, sir that it is not in the way of the Jedi to punish. We grow and learn from our mistakes, but we do not punish one another. It is far better to help a man to learn from his mistakes than to throw him in jail and leave him to brood and rot there.

What comes of punishment is bitterness and a development of dislike for your superiors. It is a far more potent and efficient method of punishment to leave a person to themselves, to their own mind. After all, we ourselves are our own greatest tutors and as such, have the greatest disapproval for our own transgressions.”

Dasquian looked to Shandri with a warm smile.

Shanaria Fabool
Aug 6th, 2003, 10:19:08 AM
Shanaria having been keeping an eye on the men in the room, and listening to what has been going on, respond to Dasquian with telepathy...

Master... I don't make empty promises. As a member of the ruling family of the Cenara Province of Omwat, and By the laws of my people, I have every right to say what I did. I will back it up If I must. But since things are taking a better route now, it doesn't look like it will come down to armed conflict...

By the looks of things getting Shandri out of here alive will be leaving us in bad terms with these people... I don't have a lot of jedi politics training, So I went to what I do know. Omwatii Politics, In such we are not agienst using Strong Arm Tatics.

Shanaria keeps her stance ready to remove the genitals of any man that trys to harm Shandri, and keeping to her statment Shanaria stand in a guard like postion beside Shandri.

Shandri La
Aug 6th, 2003, 12:30:46 PM
Shandri returns Dasq's smile, grateful that both him and Shanaria are here, as well as Kelt who seems to be keeping quiet during this right now.

King: The King frowns when he hears that Dasquian is not willing to punish Shandri.

"I understand Master Jedi that it is not Your way to punish ppl, but it is Our way to punish those that have done something wrong. And the Guardian had done numerous things wrong which means she needs to be punished."

The King is completly unaware of what is being said through telepathy.

"I have known the Guardian since she was born. I was the Crown Prince then, but she has grown up with me as her King. I know her well enough that if she believes that she did not do something wrong when in actual fact she did, she will not learn that she did something wrong. That is why she must be punished and I will see to it that she does get punished.

Whether it is now, or if it is when you are no longer her Master, she shall be punished. And the longer I have to wait in order to punish her, I shall make sure that her punishment is worse then what it would be if she were punished now.

The Guardian will not grow bitter towards you if you punish her. She will just take her punishment in stride and continue her life, though learning that she made a mistake."

Shandri bites her tongue as she looks at the King. It is obvious that she wishes to say something to the King, but is deciding that it won't help things if she says it.

After only a few brief seconds though, she can no longer keep silent.

"Listen here Your Majesty, I am a person and I shall be treated as one. I have seen you treat my Mother, as well as my twin sister as if they are objects, and I have been treated as an object by you since I became the Guardian of the Treasure.

I have risked life and limb to free you and to keep the Treasure safe. And the most you can do is treat me as if I were still an object. Well that's going to STOP right here and now."

She walks over to the King and slaps him rather hard across the face.

"My name is Shandri La, daughter to Santika La, who is the descendant of Lasantry La, defender of our ppl. Ever since she stopped our civil war generations ago, you and everybody else have treated my Honourable family line as if we are mere objects.

You have used Me and My Family as if we are nothing more then your personal toys.

And I, Shandri La, am now claiming my heritage in front of the Jedi, and infront of the Lords and Lady's who are assembled here today.

Unknown to all of you, but known to me is the name of my Father. I alone know who my Brother is."

She pauses here as a collective murmering goes about as she says she has a Brother.

"My Father is His Royal Magesty, King Cestrain, Father of King Gerald, who is our current King. King Gerald is my Half-Brother, but still makes him my Brother."

She looks the King straight in the eyes as she says this and she knows that if any of the Jedi are using the Force to see if she is lying, they will know that she is telling the truth.

King: The King gets a very shocked look on his face as Shandri reveals to everybody who her Father is.

"That is a lie. Nothing more then a lie of a Traitor to our ppl. My Father had no daughters, and he would never lay with a Guardian, let alone have a child with one."

The King doesn't care what Shanaria or any of the other say right now. He stands up and slaps Shandri across the face with all of his strength, spinning her around and knocking her to the ground.

Shandri just takes the hit before standing back up infront of the King. When she starts speaking, she speaks softly, that only a few ppl can hear what she is saying.

"Careful Brother. You know it is against the law to slap a Princess. You yourself made that law."

She steps back away from the King, turns and walks back to Dasq's side, looking at Shanaria and shakes her head slightly, silently asking Shanaria not to do anything to the King.

Shanaria Fabool
Aug 6th, 2003, 01:26:49 PM
As soon as The king's hand contacts with Shandri, Shanaria's Knife is fliped so she is holding the blade, and ready to throw as soon as Shandri is out of the way...

When she sees Shandri telling her not to attack the king, Shanaria nods and flips her knife so she is holding the handle again, and just gives the king a warning type glair...

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 6th, 2003, 01:28:55 PM
What an interesting turn of events. This brute of a King was in fact Shandri’s brother. Dasquian remained in reverent silence as the Jedi Padawan said her piece, leaving most of the court struck dumb. Once she was done he canted his head in the Kings direction, smiling pleasantly.

“I believe then we are done here, are we not?”

Shandri La
Aug 6th, 2003, 01:44:48 PM
King: The King scowls at Shandri and the other Jedi before he waves his hand in dismissal of them.

"Begone Jedi. We have nothing further to discuss. Guards, give the Guardian her knife back and then see to it that the Jedi are out of my sight.

Charges are dropped for now, but be warned Guardian Shandri, if you cross me once more, you will regret it and when that day comes, no law will hold be back."

Guard1: Guard1 hands Shandri her knife back before making a motioning gesture for the whole group of them to leave.

Shandri smiles as she takes her knife back and slips it into its normal spot, hidden under her partial braid.

"Thank-you Your Majesty, you are in a kind mood today."

She adds the last bit as a polite insult to the King who decides not to respond. Then she turns to Dasq and smiles.

"Shall we leave Lord Dasquian? It would be best if we don't hang around for to long right now, the King may decide to change his mind."

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 6th, 2003, 01:47:07 PM
“That would be best,” Dasquian nodded, speaking in a hushed tone.

“I think we have already outstayed our welcome in the good kings court,” he added, with a roguish smile as the party of Jedi moves to depart.

Shanaria Fabool
Aug 6th, 2003, 01:53:17 PM
Shanaria says to the King...

"When That day comes, The laws of Omwat will hold you back, for she is an honored friend of one of the ruling families. If you wish to harm her, you will have to get past me, and 100 skilled Omwatii warriors. I subjest that you do some research on my homeworld, before you do something that brings it's army down on you."

At this point Shanaria gracefuly turns and quickly walks out of the room, and down the hall, but waits at the end of the hall for the others to catch up.

Shandri La
Aug 6th, 2003, 02:40:06 PM
Shandri notes that as soon as Shanaria is finished speaking, the King starts talking to one of his advisors. She says nothing about this since it is not uncommon. Instead, she nods to Dasq and turns to leave with him, happy to finally be getting out of there.

When the party of Jedi reach Shanaria, she gives Shanaria a quick hug since she counts Shanaria as one of her friends.

"Shanaria, please don't do anything that might provoke anybody else while we are still on this planet. The group of us right now are not on good terms here because we've made the King unhappy with us.

But thank-you."

She turns to the rest of the group of Jedi that are there.

"And thank-you to all of you for coming and helping free my homeworld, and for standing up for me in there."

Shanaria Fabool
Aug 7th, 2003, 11:41:06 AM
Shanaria has gone back to her 'care-free' posture that she normaly uses....

"Mee!... prevoke!.... I would Never do that :D..... And your welcome."

Shandri La
Aug 8th, 2003, 10:49:22 AM
Shandri smiles slightly again, as she sighs with relief as she's walking with the Jedi.