View Full Version : In need of a job

Vysten Ambre
Jul 18th, 2003, 11:32:47 PM
Vysten Ambre sat alone in her usual corner. Corellia had always been a lively place, exactly parallel to this cantina. Everything was lively except for her. She idly tapped her fingers against the spotless table and looked at her reflection in the mug of ale for about the fiftieth time. She was a walking, rather a sitting, advirtisement. People didn't come into restaurants day after day if they didn't need a job. And she desperately needed one.

Running her fingers through her red hair, Vysten reflected on her current situation. Expelled from the Academy, disowned by her parents, couldn't get a real job. She kicked her foot against the table leg. Life sucked.

She was running low on credits and her tiny freighter was in despirate need of a repair. Oh well, she could go a few days without eating. Vysten had done it before and the Star Goddess could use some investment more than she did.

Her eyes darted around the room. The place was busy today. Please she begged to no one in particular, please give me a job...anything.

Jul 18th, 2003, 11:48:08 PM
As if her prayer had been answered Ezra appeared next to her table. His leather trench hanging loosely on him as he smiled down at her. He had been watching her since she walked in and noticed she had the look of "need" to her. Not the need of male companionship no, but the need of a good paycheck, she had the looks of someone who just hit rock bottom.

"So, you need work do you?"

He asked and chuckled at her expression that he knew what she thought. He gestured to his head by tapping his finger against the side and nodding.

"Yes, I could hear you. I am Ezra....Bodyguard to Hera Drenkast and pilot of the Empress Marva, at your service." He paused to bow slightly and then continued. "If you want work, I may be able to help you. Now what can you do as of service?"

Vysten Ambre
Jul 18th, 2003, 11:56:08 PM
Vysten looked at the man and snorted. It was completely inappropriate, but the whole mind reading gag seemed like such a joke. Who did this guy think he was? Obviously he thought he was Ezra.

She looked at him and smirked. "You can sit y'know. I don't have cooties." To answer his question she replied with "Try me. I'm desparate enough to do pretty much anything. I don't care what it is, name it." She eyed him and then added quickly, "though I don't relish bodily harm and or dying."

Jul 19th, 2003, 12:18:42 AM
He laughed and took a seat at her table, he tilted his head forward and turned serious. Business was always serious, thats how it was with the SFF. He clasped his fingers together on the table top.

"Well....we dont need dying or maim workers...defeats the purpose of "work" dont you think? What can you contribute with? Assasination skills? Mechanical? Smuggling? What skill do you have to offer the operation?"

He sat there waiting patiently for her response.

Vysten Ambre
Jul 19th, 2003, 12:31:00 AM
This guy was serious. She wanted a job but this... Ezra might want her to go in deeper than Vysten wanted. It was too late to back down now. She swallowed a large sip of ale before speaking. "Assasination? I'm pretty good at the firing range and I've hunted wamp rat occasionally. I'm not sure how good of an answer that is. Mechanical? Ehhh... I'm not too great at that, but I do what I can to get by. Now smuggling is your best bet, mister. Me 'n' my ship are pretty damn good at looking sweet and innocent when we want to."

Jul 19th, 2003, 12:46:21 AM
He nodded and smirked.

"I was hoping you'd say that. We could use a few good smugglers. Now tell me about yourself, not really deep details, some of us at the Fortress have dark pasts that we dont want broadcasted, just basic knowledge stuff."

He said as he gestured with his hands.

"Reason why I'm asking? Well, I need to know who I'm offering the part to. Plus in case the boss asks I can inform her of who you are."

Vysten Ambre
Jul 19th, 2003, 12:58:31 AM
Vysten frowned disgustedly. He wanted a sort of bigography... in summarization. She would make this as short as possible. "I guess to start with my name is Vysten. Since didn't give me your last name I won't give you mine. I started upper level school a while back, but ah, got myself expelled. Don't worry, it wasn't anything bad. I just had a little disagreement with a few professors."

She again resumed her nervous habit of running her fingers through her hair. "After that my parents refused to have anything to do with me and kicked me out of the house. I'd been kicked out of better places, and I had my own ship already so it wasn't so bad. I've been scraping by with odd jobs and living with the same two sets of clothes for a while now and I'm kinda running out of money. So, yeah, any help ya got for me would be nice." Her right hand stopped moving in between stands of hair and lazily moved to scratch the back of her head.

Jul 19th, 2003, 05:05:56 AM
Ezra smirked at her responses, he liked her style already, especially the little remark of since you didnt give me your last name ,I wont give you mine....exactly the type of attitude the boss and Daiq would appreciate.

"My last name is Darkmere. And I think I could put a good word in for you with the boss. She is a bit of a pill at times, but I think you can handle somone like that, you look like you look like you could."

He gestured for the waitress to come over and he ordered a platter of steamed meat and veggies and two drinks. When the waitress left to get the order, he turned his attention back to Vysten.

"Ok, here's the deal.....I have a shipment of "toys" recently aquired for the boss and I will let you ship it there to see if you can do the job. It will pay good I promise you. Name your price and we can discuss payment, for starters, this meal for you will be a little bonus. You look like you could use a decent meal. Think it over, if you do a good job, you will have employment."

Vysten Ambre
Jul 19th, 2003, 11:04:41 AM
"Toys." Vysten repeated. "Ok, I won't ask." She hungrily grasped a handfull of random contents on the platter and dropped most onto her plate and stuffed the rest into her mouth. "It's a deal, but first tell me exactly where I'm going, then I'll tell you how many credits you're gonna fork over to me."

Jul 21st, 2003, 01:25:51 AM
Ezra smiled, and shook his head. The girl had alot to learn of the business and its lingo.

"Vysten, "Toys" means arms, weapons. We have a shipment to be brought in and it will pay good I promise you, probably more than what you'd ask. These "toys" are well....pretty "hot". And once you get them back and safe, youd land a job that pays really good and excellent benefits."

He smiled again.

"So what say you? You up for a little adventure?"

Laric Nworb
Jul 22nd, 2003, 07:53:27 PM
Laric had been sitting in the resturant booth adjacent to Vysten and Ezra initially minding his own business, however he couldn't help but notice the details of a girl in need of money who was also in possession of her own ship.

Instead of saying anything and interrupting their conversation, which would be rude, he decided to wait and continue to drink his water and finish the rest of the cheap biscuit. With luck her destination would be mentioned and Laric would find out if she would be of any use to him.

Vysten Ambre
Jul 23rd, 2003, 09:59:33 PM
Vysten snorted disdainfully into her mug. "Uh, yeah." She then shoved a slice of meat into her mouth. "I told you already I'd do it. Or is your short term memory not too great?" Between gulps of ale and large mouthfulls of food she stopped to speak to Ezra. "So where is it I'm going? Who am I giving these hot toys to, and what do I gotta do to get there?" Vysten felt it was best to keep up this extravagant confidence level, even if it was slightly over the top. She didn't feel at all worried though, she was good at taking things as they came.

Jul 23rd, 2003, 10:43:45 PM
Ezra smirked, "firey" she was.....good character for an SFF recruit. She would fit in well with Hera and Daiquiri. He leaned in closer over the table so only she could hear it.

"Well, its going to the Fortress base who may be employing you...the coordinates I will give you when we reach your ship and the cargo is loaded up. And the person you will be delivering to I will also tell you once we reach your ship."

Ezra leaned back and allowed her to finish her meal, poor kid must be really hungry.

Vysten Ambre
Jul 23rd, 2003, 10:57:44 PM
"Good, good." Vysten finally slowed down enough to savor the food slightly. "Thanks for the grub, great stuff." A thought crossed her mind. "So I'm guessing we'll talk about my pay when we get to the ship too. Food's nice, but it doesn't solve all my problems." She grinned, feeling slightly happy for the first time in ages. "So Mr. Ez-rah... I like your name. Just rolls off the tongue, eh?"

Jul 23rd, 2003, 11:06:21 PM
Ezra nodded, she was correct of the payment she would recieve.

"You're quite welcome, and yes.......when we get the cargo loaded, I will talk price with you. And no, I wouldnt insult you with just food as your payment."

He smirked at her next statement about his name.

"Yes it does have a nice sound to it doesn't it? It is an old name you know....very old."

Vysten Ambre
Jul 23rd, 2003, 11:10:41 PM
Vysten drained the last of her ale before raising her eyebrows. "Old? No, I didn't know it was as old as you are implying. I really do like it though." She hiccupped before again saying, "Ez-rah!"

Jul 24th, 2003, 10:31:22 PM
He laughed and shook his head. This girl had some spunk and it was refreshing. Just like Lenore, except this time he wouldnt reveal himself for fear of the same reaction he got when he let Lenore in on his secret.

"It is hundreds of years old....I like it."

He tilted his head to the side a bit.

"Vysten is a nice name......never heard it before, but it is equally beautiful as its bearer."

Vysten Ambre
Jul 24th, 2003, 10:51:38 PM
Vysten blushed and lifted the empty mug to her lips, pretending to drink as she found herself caught off guard. Beautiful? That's a new one.

"Erm, ah, thank you," she stammered as she picked up the nearest vegetable stick on her plate. Her teeth crunched satifyingly on the vegetable when a piece lodged itself between her teeth. "Damn" she muttered under her breath. "Scuse me for a sec." Vysten reached across the table for the box of toothpicks. She jammed it in between two side teeth and fished for the piece of food. She found it and the toothpick emerged from her mouth bearing a large green wedge. Vysten held it at eye level. "Ooh!" she exclaimed, "a big'un!"

Jul 24th, 2003, 11:18:55 PM
He smirked and leaned back, she would definately fit in with the rest at SFF with her antics. He surveyed the room and noticed a couple others taking an interest in her. He knew they should get out soon as his instincts told him they should. He sent to her in the way that vamps did, as a form of a whisper that seems to echo in one's head, as if spoken directly against the ear. His voice sounded to her an she looked up to see his hand in the form of a fist covering his mouth and he wore a smirk.

' Vysten.....we must hurry......I will explain when we leave.....but we should leave soon '

His eyes darted to the right and then came back to rest on her.

Vysten Ambre
Jul 24th, 2003, 11:24:32 PM
Vysten felt confused. She let her eyes wander around, surveying the patrons and trying to find exactly who Ezra spotted. She dumped the remains of the food into her coat pockets. "Okaaay," she said slowly. "Follow me to the hangar, not the nice one, the dumpy one. My ship's there, we can get down to busness and leave." She stood up and headed toward the exit, not looking back for she knew Ezra would follow her.

Jul 24th, 2003, 11:34:23 PM
He walked behind her and when they were near the sreet, he took her by the arm and guided her to a speeder across the way. He gesture for her to ge tin and he jumped in gracefully and started her up. They took off towards the spaceport.

"We will get the crates from my ship first. Then I will hand you the coordinates to the drop point. You will also be given clearance codes that you must reply with when prompted by the security detail of the place........Now what would you usually charge for someone who asked you to do a drop? Just give me an average or even an above average fee you'd ask for."

He asked as they neared the spaceport.

Vysten Ambre
Jul 24th, 2003, 11:43:05 PM
Vysten's eyes narrowed slightly as she pondered how much she should charge. "Ten thousand standard credits," she said boldly, hoping that Ezra didn't find her price unreasonable. She twirled a strand of hair with her index finger, feeling slighly nervous again. "So when I get to the drop off point what kind of party will I recieve?"

Laric Nworb
Jul 25th, 2003, 11:21:44 AM
Laric listened to the two flirt back and forth and found himself leaning against the wall his booth was connected to and toying with the crumbs left from the biscuit. Blah blah blah he said in his mind Just spew the info and let's get on with it!

As if it were timed the two got up without words and began to walk out. Sure enough Laric wasn't prepared to leave, a random assortment of objects laid on the bench outside of his back. He quickly stuffed them into his bag and slung it over his shoulder and began to follow them; who were already out the door.

Laric watched as they got in a speeder,
Ah you gotta be kidding me! he screamed in his mind. There went his ride... But what did she say before they left the resturant? The space port... not the nice one, the dumpy one. There was only one "dumpy one" in this area of the planet. Laric took off in a full sprint in the direction of the space port, hopefully he could make it before she left.

Jul 25th, 2003, 10:57:36 PM
Ezra looked at her with no expression.

"If you do what is instructed, the reception should be good and easy......and say the least....warm. If you fail in anything important I tell you, it could get ....messy."

He casually warned. They arrived at his ship, the Refitted Naboo Royal Barge that was named The Empress Marva. He brought the speeder to the rear of the Ebony ship and remotely opened the rear bay. Walking up the ramp, he made his way to the right side and to the five crates which waited. He left it up to Vysten if she wanted to come in and take a look at the E.M. She was his pride and joy and a family heirloom. Not often one gets to see inside a modified luxory vessel.

Vysten Ambre
Jul 26th, 2003, 09:55:59 PM
Vysten nodded solemnly and followed Ezra. She needed the crates and knew she should get going soon, but curiosity got the best of her as she tailed Azra up the ramp. Her jaw slacked and she looked at his ship in awe. It was beautiful.

Jul 27th, 2003, 12:34:30 PM
He was coming out with a small loader that carried three crates at a time. He was making his way past her and smiled. She was looking around and was taken by the look of the Empress.

"She's pretty isnt she? She has comfort and also a bite, I have hard point Ion cannons on the nose, and two double barreled turrets above and below. She also has a little secret I'll tell you about when we're at the Fortress."

He walked by and loaded the crates on the speeder. He did the second trip and all five were onboard. He placed the loader back in its place and gave her a quick tour of the ship, the pilot station, the cargo bay, and the weapon station for the above turret. He lead her out and got into the speeder, then headed for her ship.

Vysten Ambre
Jul 27th, 2003, 01:48:45 PM
Vysten grudgingly stepped into the speeder with a last longing look at the Empress Marva. She had already told Ezra where her own ship was located, so she didn't feel the need to insult him by telling him something he knew before. She stayed silent and looked straight ahead.

Jul 27th, 2003, 04:19:14 PM
He watched her expression as they left the Empress behind. He smiled as she was a beautiful specimen of a ship.

"You like her ...dont you?." He asked Vysten. "The Empress..... wish you had something like that right?"

He wasnt meaning to insult her, but more find out if she really wanted something like that. Who knew, he had a couple ships he aquired down the line that only he and a couple others knew of, Everyone at Shadow Faene, knew the Empress Marva, only Kariss knew of the Shadowmoon....he had two others, a fighter and a modified freighter he kept away on his retreat in the second ships bay that Kariss never seen yet. the Foxbat and the Errant Star. Now the Errant Star needed a captain......he smiled at the prospect.

"You werent joking when you said the "dumpy bay" were you?" Ezra said as he looked at the delapitated ships bay. Then he saw the freighter she called her's. It was your typical corellian model, and it had some wear to it, not that bad though....fixable.

"That's your's? She isnt that bad Vysten."

Vysten Ambre
Jul 27th, 2003, 07:15:42 PM
Vysten stared at Ezra as if he had just slapper her in the face. "Of course I like your ship. A gal would be crazy not to. But me 'n the Goddess have been through a lot together.

As they nearned the "dumpy" hangar Vysten found herself playing with her hands. She felt ashamed having a wealthy man like Ezra truly see what a poor state she was in. "You're right. She ain't bad, probably because I've spent all my money on her instead of me. I can't remember the last time before tonight that I had a real meal."

The speeder slowed down to a stop and Vysten gingerly hopped out. "I was kinda bein' a bum the last time you loaded the crates. Anythin' I can do now?"

Jul 27th, 2003, 10:25:10 PM
"Yes there is.....get the Goddess up and running captain, I'll load the crates and we'll be off."

Ezra said as he unloaded the crates to get ready for the haul up the ramp when she opened her up. There was one small detail he failed to mention to Vysten......he was coming along....in the Goddess.

Vysten Ambre
Jul 28th, 2003, 10:19:55 AM
Vysten walked up the ramp of her beloved Star Goddess and left the entrance open for Ezra. She sat in the now well worn pilot's chair and began running the necessary pre-flight checks and keyed in the coordinates of her future destination. She watched Ezra load the crates, thankful that he was doing all the lifting. Smiling lopsidedly she called out to him, "Hey Carpetbreath! Ya done yet?"

Jul 28th, 2003, 08:52:42 PM
He laughed when she called him over the comm.

"Yes I am....I'm closing the ramp now."

He hit the button and the ramp started to close. He stayed there till the ramp fully locked in place and he headed up to the Pilot station. Once there he sat down and put a headset on. Taking out a slim chrome gadget, he punched a few buttons and smiled as he put it back into his jacket pocket.

"Alright, the cargo is loaded, The Empress is on her way. And We're ready to go whenever you are...Captain."

Laric Nworb
Jul 29th, 2003, 05:33:22 AM
Laric had seen from the central tower, one that he had illegally snuck into, a speeder move between ships due east. It had stopped at a Corellian freighter, both passangers getting out. One dissappeared into the ship while the other stayed behind to load the cargo.

Only have a few minutes... He thought to himself. He ran to the ladder leading down from the durasteel balcony and did his best to hurry down it. As soon as his feet touched the dirt ground and took off in a full sprint and before he knew it the freighter was right in front of him. The man who's name he didn't catch was loading the cargo. As soon as he turns around... Laric made a run for it and the man failed to see him, whether he had heard him or not was a different story. He made quite a ruckus diving for cover behind a box.

Vysten Ambre
Jul 29th, 2003, 06:57:06 AM
The hangar opening was clear and Vysten was ready to take off. She narrowed her eyes slightly at Ezra's comment and pressed her thumb to the comm. "Hey, do I sense a little sarcasm? I might bump up my price just for putting up with you."

All the pre flight checks were done by now. Vysten cracked her knuckles, grinning wildly. With a roar the engines came to life and the Goddess hovered in midair for a few seconds, then flew out the spaceport.

Jul 29th, 2003, 09:55:09 AM
"You may up the price when you find out we have another passenger. I waited till we were off to go bring him out. Let him think he got away with it."

he smiled as he got up from the co-pilot's seat and headed for the cargo bay.

"I'll find out who he is."

Vysten Ambre
Jul 29th, 2003, 10:16:00 AM
"WHAT?!" If the ship had been ready for autopilot Vysten would have loved to have the pleasure of finding the no good stowaway and punching him in the face. She'd let Ezra do that... but how did he know there was someone else on board? Was he playing at some sort of wierd game? She ground her teeth and kept her eyes forward.

Jul 29th, 2003, 09:44:11 PM
Ezra walked in the cargo bay, he could smell the person there.....he smiled as his eyes turned to their ice blue natural color instead of the brown they were a second before.

"Come out come out where ever you areeeee......I can smell you.....I know youre here...." He walked closer to where the scent was coming from. Mixed with the smells of ships grease and repair poly-resins. "If I have to walk to you , it will be far worse then comeing out yourself ...... and you dont want that, trust me."

Vysten Ambre
Jul 29th, 2003, 09:54:17 PM
A chill ran down Vysten's spine. She could hear every word Ezra said as her ship wasn't nearly large enough to take a long stroll in. He could...smell the stowaway? How? And he never explained that telepathy thing either. Just what was he not telling her?

Laric Nworb
Jul 31st, 2003, 05:20:02 AM
Ah great, I've been spotted. Laric thought to himself. Well, there's only one thing to do. Laric jumped up and turned around with his hands in front of his chest. "Hi, uh... I was going to leave the credits here on the floor but I guess this means you'll want them in advance, huh."

Vysten Ambre
Jul 31st, 2003, 08:11:28 AM
Vysten angrily punched the autopilot controls and unfastened her restraints. She leapt out of the chair and stalked towards the man who had just spoken. "I want more than your damn credits," Vysten spat in his face. "I want an explanation! Why in stars did you get on my massive junk heap over every other decent ship?! And what exactly do you want out of this? You don't even know where we're going!" She reached into the man's pocket and pulled out three coins. "This had better not be all you got. I'm just swiping this for an annoyance fee."

Laric Nworb
Aug 1st, 2003, 03:19:03 PM
The smile faded from his face and he swallowed. "Well...you see...I overheard your conversation in the resturant." He said knowing full well the woman's annoyance level went up a notch. Eavesdropping didn't please anyone. "And you needed credits, I have some besides those coins..." He began mumbling while reaching for the twenty in his pocket, "Not with me, but..." He continued on like she hadn't heard him and her annoyance level went up another notch, "most transports wouldn't accept the little that I have to offer." Especially if he didn't have it up front. "So I figured someone in need would appreciate the credits for a short trip a little out of their way to drop a nice guy like me off." He finished and smiled with uncertainty.

Vysten Ambre
Aug 1st, 2003, 04:22:50 PM
Vysten lifted an eyebrow, skeptical but willing to listen. She knew what it was like to be in a tight spot. "Why should I be so convinced that you're this nice guy you say you are... and how do I know you're gonna pay me?"

Laric Nworb
Aug 1st, 2003, 10:33:39 PM
"Well, I can't really give you proof. I guess you're going to have to trust me." He said, a little unsure of how she might react. "I have this," He said and pulled the twenty credit note out from his pocket. "It's all I really have with me." He handed her the note, "If it means anything, you have my word I'll pay you."

Vysten Ambre
Aug 1st, 2003, 10:59:55 PM
Vysten snatched the note out of the man's hand before he finished talking. She narrowed her eyes. "I'll trust ya for now... but who are you and where exactly were you planning on going?"

Laric Nworb
Aug 2nd, 2003, 03:39:21 PM
Laric thought for a moment, he wasn't really anything except maybe a drifter. "My name is Laric, professional drifter. And I need to get to Obroa-Skai." Laric didn't know the planet she was heading for but hoped it was close to where she was going.

Vysten Ambre
Aug 4th, 2003, 10:50:30 AM
"Well here's a news flash for you, Mister Laric," Vysten said in a low tone. "I don't even know where I'm going. The freaky guy over there just told me the coordinates to put in the computer, I didn't even bother to look. We're most likely not going to Obra-Skai, but I can tell you that it looks like you're screwed."

Laric Nworb
Aug 4th, 2003, 01:08:04 PM
"Hmm." he mumbled and looked at the "freaky" man. "well.. maybe," He said but trailed off confused as to what he was going to do. Now he glanced out the window and saw stars. "Well, it's too late now to hop off this ship... I guess I'll have to stick around!" He said with a smile and then walked down a corridor, "You wouldn't happen to have any food would you? I'm STARVING!"

Vysten Ambre
Aug 4th, 2003, 02:58:37 PM
Vysten smiled softly. as much as she hated to admit it, this guy wasn't so bad, and she was pretty much stuck with him so she had to make the best of a situation.

"Hmmm, food food food. If you were following me you'd know that I'm broke and usually don't eat for days at a time." She walked to the cramped galley and pulled out a half eaten box of stale ccrackers. Vysten held it toward Laric. "This is all I got right now. Take it or leave it."

Laric Nworb
Aug 5th, 2003, 11:36:11 PM
"Yeah, I guess I didn't really expect much, but hey, I'll take what I can get." He took the the box of crackers, "Thanks!" He ate a few very quickly but didn't eat anymore. "I'll save some in case you want some later." He said. Now he changed the subject, "So you have no idea where we're going?"

Vysten Ambre
Aug 6th, 2003, 12:43:45 AM
Vysten shook her head. "None at all, and if I did, I probably wouldn't tell you right now, even though you're kinda growing on me." She took the box of crackers from his hand and threw it into an unoccupied chair. "WHat's so important at Obroa-Skai?"

Aug 7th, 2003, 04:50:40 AM
Stepping over to the stowaway, Ezra looked at him with a dark brooding gaze. As Vysten had come up and started in on the man, Ezra kind of relaxed a bit, not in his full mood to throw him in the air lock and dump him.

"Well, Laric......We are not going to Obroa-Skai, But instead will be making a drop for my employer. You on the other hand, will more than likely spend some time in the chiller for this intrusion on her craft"

Laric Nworb
Aug 9th, 2003, 05:52:40 PM
"Chiller, huh?" The only thing that came to mind was a walk-in refrigerator, Laric had no idea what Ezra meant. "Actually, I think I like it here." He said and moved the box of crackers and sat down.

Vysten Ambre
Aug 9th, 2003, 11:19:03 PM
Vysten frowned when Laric sat down. "Ok, as much as I like you an' all, I can't let you get off that easy," she said hotly. "So until we get to our destination, uh..." she searched her brain frantically, "no more crackers for you." Vysten then grabbed the box of crackers and shoved her hand inside and pulling out only a handful of crumbs.

Laric Nworb
Aug 10th, 2003, 10:49:49 PM
Laric raised an eyebrow and watched Vysten. "Um.. ok. That sounds fair." He said quietly. Hopefully the limit on crackers was the only punishment he would receive.

Now changing subject, he spoke to Ezra, "So where are we heading?"

Laric Nworb
Aug 23rd, 2003, 12:46:30 AM
It seemed as if Ezra was refusing to respond to Laric. "Yeah... Sounds good to me too..." He looked at Vysten now, "Guess he doesn't like me very much." He said and frowned.

Vysten Ambre
Aug 23rd, 2003, 07:21:03 PM
Vysten nodded and later rolled her eyes. "Good observation, skippy. Now lemme think why that might be... and it isn't even his ship."

Laric Nworb
Aug 23rd, 2003, 11:31:38 PM
"Yeah, it's yours but what does that hav-... Oh yeah. I can make it up to you. In fact, in addition to giving you the credits I'll... I'll clean your ship!" He said with the sincerest look on his face. Then he looked around and realized it was kind of clean already.

Vysten Ambre
Aug 30th, 2003, 11:39:03 AM
Vysten scanned her ship, looking for anything particularly messy. "Hate to break it to ya, skippy, but if ya hadn't noticed there ain't much to clean. "

She then walked a few paces to the box of stale crackers and threw it on the floor, spilling broken pieces and crumbs widely acroos the floor.

"The cleaning stuff is back there," she said, jabbing a thumb backwards in the direction of a closet. "Clean that, pay me, and we'll call it even."

Laric Nworb
Aug 31st, 2003, 03:43:55 PM
Laric watched the crackers fall to the floor and sighed. With his head hung low he walked to the back to get the cleaning supplies needed.

After retrieving them he started to pick up the mess. Laric was debating whether or not to make friendly conversation with her. And for some unknown reason he decided it was a good idea, "So, um... where are you from?"

Vysten Ambre
Sep 3rd, 2003, 03:20:20 PM
Laric's question struck a nerve. Vysten hadn't had a real home in over two years after being completely disowned by everyone she knew.

"I'm from nowhere," she growled. She then left Laric to be by herself, stepping over all the crackers and crumbling them. Kicking her left boot backward, Vysten let the crumbs fly everywhere.

Serves him right, stupid jerk.

Laric Nworb
Sep 3rd, 2003, 09:47:56 PM
"Whoa." He said in a hushed tone. He got up from the floor and began to walk after her. "You know, I didn't mean anything by that." He called although he couldn't see her. Then he dared to say, "We can... talk? About it...if you want..I mean, we don't have to. I just thought..." He felt a sinking feeling in his gut, perhaps it wasn't the best thing to say to her.

Vysten Ambre
Sep 3rd, 2003, 10:37:24 PM
"Well you know what? You thought wrong and I don't want to talk about it. Especially not to someone who's only here because he's mooching a ride offa me!"

She ran into the only place that offered complete privacy, the refresher, and slammed the door angrily. She stared at her reflection in the mirror remorsefuly.

Laric Nworb
Sep 4th, 2003, 07:09:04 AM
Laric watched the door slam and stood there silently. "Yeah, right. You'd understand if you had ANY idea what I've been through!" He shouted to the door but didn't expect a response from neither the door or the person behind it. To himself he thought about not being on the ship, not being a drifter, not having no one to go to.... He wished he had a loving family to come home to.

Vysten Ambre
Sep 4th, 2003, 03:56:14 PM
Vysten cracked the door slightly and shoved her hand through it, not looking at Laric but making a very rude guesture with her middle finger. She then withdrew her arm and slammed the door yet again.

Laric Nworb
Sep 4th, 2003, 06:59:13 PM
Laric gritted his teeth and picked up the nearest object and through it at a wall as hard as he could. He wanted to scream that he hated her, but didn't. How would he feel if someone just showed up and started asking questions? He scrambled for a piece of paper and a pen and scribbled a messege.

Look, I'm really sorry about everything and
I didn't mean to upset you. I'll be in the cargo
bay for the rest of the trip. Let me know when
we get to Obroa-Skai and I'll get you your

He put some chewing gum behind it and slammed it on the bathroom door, loud enough for her to hear it, and left.

Vysten Ambre
Sep 5th, 2003, 07:46:16 PM
Vysten quickly stepped out of the bathroom and yanked the note off the door. She quickly scanned it over and yelled aloud from her spot, "Dude! I never even said I was going to Obroa-Skai! And how'd you know how to spell my name anyway?"

Laric Nworb
Sep 5th, 2003, 08:54:33 PM
Laric heard some unrecognizable speaking from where he left. He opened the door to the cargo bay and sat down on the ground against a box. It was going to be a while before Vysten ever went to Obroa-Skai, so next stop he'd get off and hitch hike it from there. Not a very good plan, but it would have to do for now.