View Full Version : New destiny

Dyrdre Lo
Jul 18th, 2003, 09:51:23 PM
The lighter clicked twice before producing a flame. Dyrdre put it up to the end of her cigarette and flicked it closed again. She exhaled heavily, resting her head back on the wall she was leaning against. The place seemed kind of empty to her, although she occasionally her voices or other signs of life.

She stretched nonchalantly. This had better be the right place. It had taken her five days to find, and she was tired of searching for the Greater Jedi Order, as the village elder had called it. He told her she should go in for training because she might be tuned into the Force. Dyrdre had heard of it but didn't think much of it. The elder had also said she might learn some discipline under the guidance of a Jedi Knight or Master. She brushed off what he called "lack of discipline" as her somewhat reckless way of protecting the village.

Her right hand drifted to her blaster as she thought about the people she had left behind. So what if she caused some damage? At least she never missed.

She flicked away the butt of her cigarette as she waited for someone to tell her if she was in the right place.

Xazor Elessar
Jul 20th, 2003, 08:40:43 AM
The Recruitment Center was a busy place this day, but in the midst of the large groups of Padawans, Knights, and Masters, a young woman stood out. A heavy sigh escaped Xazor Elessar's lips as she noted that the newcomer was smoking -- a bad idea within a building such as this. "Excuse me, but it would be most appreciated if you were not to smoke in here." The Garou woman smiled, baring her elongated canines, as she stepped forward and approached the youth.

The Jedi Knight's flowing red robes clung to her body and touched the ground in a graceful manner. Her waist length blonde hair was done up in warrior's braids, traditional of her people. In each lock of hair was woven several silver coins, the ancient currency of Eden, and they clanged together softly as she walked. Bowing, the woman's cyan blue eyes met the newcomer's and she grinned. "Greetings, I am Warrior Jedi Knight, Xazor Elessar. And you are?" She questioned as she extended a hand to the woman.

Dyrdre Lo
Jul 20th, 2003, 03:29:39 PM
Hrm. A sign of life, Dyrdre thought to herself. And from the looks of the flowing robes, the woman appeared to be a Jedi. Based on the appearance of the few Jedi she had seen, she had noticed a trend of those being in fashion. Perhaps she really had reached her destination after all.

"Dyrdre Lo," she said to Xazor, accepting the hand offered to her. "Sorry about the smoke - force of habit, after all." She forced a smile, not feeling entirely sincere about her apology, but she should probably be nice. "I'm looking for the Greater Jedi Order's recruitment center. I was sent here by a friend."

Xazor Elessar
Jul 21st, 2003, 09:34:37 AM
Xazor smiled to herself and nodded. She had a Padawan just like this one -- they would make great friends if ever they met. Slowly Xazor's thoughts drifted away from Syrius and onto the words that the young woman just spoke. "I'm pleased to meet you, Dyrdre."

She paused a moment and eyed the young woman after she mentioned being sent by a friend. "You were sent here? So -- you did not actually come by your own will?" The Knight questioned as a confused expression took over her face. Furrowing her brows, the young woman shook her head. "Indeed, this is the Recruitment Center of the Jedi, but why did you come here -- only because you were sent?"

Sighing once again, the Knight shook her head. "For one to become a Jedi, they must truly desire it first. This life is far from easy and is, in fact, the most difficult to live. You will face peril, strife, hardships, hurt, and temptation. You will be hated, and hunted by many -- but needed and sought after by all. Do you realize this?" Xazor questioned, shifting her weight as she spoke in the most serious manner.

Dyrdre Lo
Jul 21st, 2003, 08:02:13 PM
Dyrdre stared at the Xazor squarely. "Look," she said, almost angrily, "when I said I was sent here, it was because of those things. I'm already in a life of hardships. I lost my family to civil war. I had been protecting the village we lived in from further attack, but I failed. The village elder was the only one to survive, and he told me not to give up on the task of protecting those that need it.

"So he revealed to me that, with training, I could have mastery over the Force. I hadn't heard much about it , but I knew it was powerful when used properly. He told me to follow the path of a Jedi, and in that sense, he did send me here. Had I any knowledge of the Jedi prior to the loss of my family and my world, I would've sought this place out sooner."

She realized that her passion had run away with her, and she stopped and looked away, thinking she might be disrespectful. "I am prepared," she continued calmly, "for any lifestyle ahead. As long as I never have to see that kind of suffering again..."

Her eyes returned to Xazor. "Is that desire enough for you?"

Xazor Elessar
Jul 22nd, 2003, 09:19:54 AM
Xazor did not like this one's attitude from the beginning. She was rather flippant, but soon, the Jedi Knight realized why. She had been through a lot as well, and her life was not easy. That is why the young woman came here -- and that is why Xazor stood talking to her now. It was her destiny and the Knight would help her get there.

"Indeed -- I see your determination." She said with a gentle smile. Looking away for a moment, the Garou sighed internally and nodded. "Welcome to the Greater Jedi Order. I will work at getting you a Master soon. For now, sign up for the Force classes and you shall learn basic Force abilities from the Masters there." She said with a smile.

From inside of her cloak, the young woman pulled a datapad and handed it to the new Padawan. "Here is a map of the Jedi Grounds. Also on there is a list of questions and answers that you may have. If you have any concerns or you just need a friend -- do not hesitate to seek me out. We are all here to help you now. We are all your family." Xazor smiled once again and bowed. "Again, welcome." She said before turning and seeking out others who wished to join.

Dyrdre Lo
Jul 23rd, 2003, 12:01:32 AM
Dyrdre was mildly surprised at how she felt after Xazor turned away. Suddenly, she was much more at peace with her situation - and her future - than she had felt at the beginning of her journey. Perhaps the Jedi weren't quite what she thought they were.

With renewed courage, she left to follow the Jedi's instructions.