View Full Version : I have another Force question!
Jul 18th, 2003, 09:31:38 PM
My old thread was hijacked for the debate of time manipulation, so a new one must be made! Is it possible to for one person to use the Force to boost another person? For example, if Zeke and Inu are fighting as a team, could Zeke use the Force to make Inu faster/stronger/etc?
Ace McCloud
Jul 19th, 2003, 01:39:30 AM
Lilaena De'Ville
Jul 19th, 2003, 02:36:14 AM
I believe it could be done, yes. However, Zeke would probably suffer as a result, as he'd be concentrating on assisting Inu.
Jul 19th, 2003, 06:10:30 AM
Suffer? How so? Is it just that it'd leave him open, or do you mean somethin' else?
Jul 19th, 2003, 07:16:12 AM
You'd be leaving him open.
Jul 19th, 2003, 10:11:20 AM
That it? Cool. Thanks guys.
Alexi Hesith
Jul 19th, 2003, 11:18:03 AM
There's two jedi in ATOC who augment each others abilities through the force. Read it in the visual dictionary, somewhere.
Jul 20th, 2003, 08:18:16 PM
but I would think that it wouldn't even be that effective. If one Jedi is augmenting the other, he must first be able to communicate through the force so that the help would be most efficient. But then if the enemy is a force-user, he'd be able to read it too, and would then be able to more easily predict his opponents moves.
Pierce Tondry
Jul 20th, 2003, 09:20:32 PM
I disagree that communication is needed, especially if a plan has been formulated beforehand.
Jul 21st, 2003, 08:19:01 PM
I don't think a Jedi duo would be able to plan move for move exactly what they're going to do before they fight a skilled opponent. After all, if one of the Jedi means to swing really hard, his partner would also have to concentrate in order to use the force to strengthen his partner's strike. If one wanted to jump, the other would have to concentrate in order to make the jump more powerful. I very much doubt someone can just go, "hmm, I'm going to lend you my midichlorian count for this fight." Any augmentation of an action would have to be deliberate. And even if you want to disregard midichlorians and think of the EU, when Luke wanted to guide young Jacen Solo in the Jedi Academy trilogy, he had to tell Jacen to open himself up to the Force and allow Luke to guide his every movement. So any augmentation would have to be very precise. At least that's how it seems in my opinion, and it would just seem overly simplified if you did it any other way.
Evil Hobgoblin
Jul 21st, 2003, 08:43:14 PM
I believe your example is misapplied. Luke was guiding Jacen with his perceptions because Jacen was a child and his Force senses were inadequate to the task at hand.
There is a great difference between such guidance and Force augmentation, especially if the augmentation is done in a general way, not specific boosting of individual limbs.
Jul 21st, 2003, 10:29:50 PM
But I can't see how that could possibly be played out in a fair way. Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon fought together well against Maul because they were PRACTICED and skilled as a team. Anakin and Obi-Wan did a horrible job against Dooku because Anakin was a little too rebellious to allow Obi-Wan to plan their course of action. Obi-Wan certainly couldn't have made Anakin stronger in the force by just standing behind him and upping Anakin's midichlorian count. If somehow augmenting each other was possible, Obi-Wan would've augmented Quigon once he was blocked off by the barrier field in TPM's climax. It would also say that Anakin and the Emperor were stronger in the force than almost all of the Jedi combined.
You can't just "make" someone more attuned to the force by transferring some of your power to them. That is completely unrealistic and would RUIN all sense of fair play in any universe. I can see how it's a neat idea and all, but it simply doesn't have a place in the SW universe, nor is it even within the Jedi code of ethics in the first place.
Some of you try giving Jedi and Sith god-like powers. If you all remember correctly, as powerful as Ben was in ANH, he couldn't use the force to make the falcon fly any faster, just like how Vader couldn't just pull the Falcon back into the hanger when it was escaping at Hoth. Some of the more "powerful" Jedi rping here feel like they can appear out of thin air or be in total control of every molecule of their body of something. What a load of bs. First of all, if it were possible, it wouldn't be taught or allowed under strict Jedi protocol, and even then they're making themselves around 10 times stronger in the force than Yoda and Anakin ever were. Most of these powers discussed in these "can I do this"-threads (not this in particular) would ONLY be possible at all if you were 1) a Sith, and 2) the most powerful person known in the history of the SW Universe. Either way, it's seems pretty unusual. Look at how Yoda fought in EpII. Honestly, if he could've done better than that, he would've.
Figrin D'an
Jul 21st, 2003, 10:58:14 PM
Originally posted by Hart
But I can't see how that could possibly be played out in a fair way. Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon fought together well against Maul because they were PRACTICED and skilled as a team. Anakin and Obi-Wan did a horrible job against Dooku because Anakin was a little too rebellious to allow Obi-Wan to plan their course of action. Obi-Wan certainly couldn't have made Anakin stronger in the force by just standing behind him and upping Anakin's midichlorian count. If somehow augmenting each other was possible, Obi-Wan would've augmented Quigon once he was blocked off by the barrier field in TPM's climax. It would also say that Anakin and the Emperor were stronger in the force than almost all of the Jedi combined.
You can't just "make" someone more attuned to the force by transferring some of your power to them. That is completely unrealistic and would RUIN all sense of fair play in any universe. I can see how it's a neat idea and all, but it simply doesn't have a place in the SW universe, nor is it even within the Jedi code of ethics in the first place.
Some of you try giving Jedi and Sith god-like powers. If you all remember correctly, as powerful as Ben was in ANH, he couldn't use the force to make the falcon fly any faster, just like how Vader couldn't just pull the Falcon back into the hanger when it was escaping at Hoth.
I think you're jumping to a few conclusions, here.
I don't see why this couldn't be possible, as long as it is a focus within a Jedi's training regimen. IIRC, there is a particular skill known as Battle Meditation, in which a Jedi can actually use the Force to influence the course of a battle. While this is a rare ability, and must be studied intensely, the most gifted in this area can actually give entire armies greater strength and courage, while casting shades of doubt and fear into the minds of those on the opposing side. Augmenting the abilities of a fellow Force-user would seem to be of a similar mold as this.
Can all Jedi do this? No. Again, it has to be a focus in their training. But just as their are Force-users that specialize in the healing arts or illusions or telekinesis, I don't see why there couldn't be a Jedi that specializes in using his/her own abilities to enhance those of others. It has nothing to do with midichlorians, and I don't see how such a thing would go against the Jedi Code.
This can be done fairly, as long as it is monitored appropriately, and it needs to be made clear that this isn't something that any Joe or Jane Padawan can pull off... it's an advanced skill, and it has to be a character focus.
Jul 24th, 2003, 07:33:05 PM
SUPPOSEDLY this "battle meditation" is what the Emperor used on the Stormtroopers when he was alive, but then again, how come the stormtroopers couldn't hit a wall? And secondly, I doubt this would be that successful against an opponent who is also skilled in the force. And also, I had yet to see in EpII when the Jedi were being slaughtered ANYONE having the role of this meditator. And if anyone had, they certainly weren't being successful until the Clones jumped in. The clones, as we all know, could NOT be felt by the Force.
And if there were Jedi healers that specialized and were able to produce magnificent feats, how come Anakin was healed by a droid afterwards and was given a bionic hand? His real hand was recoverable after the duel, and if some of these HIGHLY skilled Jedi healers existed, they would've probably done a better job than a subpar surgery compared to medical droids.
Again, my only point is that people need to set limitations. And since some people see that Luke Skywalker and Anakin can do something, they immediately assume they can. If memory serves me correct, Luke and Anakin were RIDICULOUSLY stronger than the other Jedi. The others were even shot by blaster bolts, for gosh sakes. And these were the MASTERS and strongest knights. I think heeding SOME canon shouldn't be too unreasonable.
And before you cite me examples proving otherwise, tell me: when has EU ever been right?
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