View Full Version : Hey, anyone like to give me hand?
Helenias Evenstar
Jul 18th, 2003, 09:29:28 PM
Giving this Malice a good old fashioned heave ho out the window.
I'm not really an expert, but a), How does one just walk into the Senate like that and b) then use such a stupid excuse?
While I'm at it, what the hell is a Demon Sith supposed to be?
And also while I'm at it, who made that clown a Sith Master, like he claims in his sig? The Sith Masters I know of are pretty good, Malice is not.
Jul 18th, 2003, 09:36:14 PM
I've had to deal with him before too, so I can answer these questions.
A) They just do.
B)They're retarded
I belive demon Sith is a reference to his ability to transform into some demon thing, ala Garou and Lupines.
I'm not sure who made him a Master...I think he left for a while and came back, so it was probably before my time.
Lemme check that thread out and see who fits, and I'll definitely lend a hand! If I bring Zeke, I've got 4 Padawans who are obligated to join too.
Jul 18th, 2003, 09:40:05 PM
His registration date is from Dec of 2002.
He is no Sith Master, not officially. It takes much longer than 6 or 7 months to make such a rank.
Jul 18th, 2003, 09:49:34 PM
Eh, then I was wrong on that one. ::shrugs:: Never bothered to look. Helenias, since the Kaiasssuri is there, I can get you Soen Spellflinger, a low level Force user that's adept in Force Alteration/Control with fair ease. He's not much of a fighter, as he's meant to support others with Force Barriers and Healing. Will he work, or should I try to wedge in someone else? Also, I might can do Kwiet, but saying the li'l guy snuck in there isn't much better than Malice's own story.
Helenias Evenstar
Jul 18th, 2003, 09:50:30 PM
Originally posted by SWFans.Net
His registration date is from Dec of 2002.
He is no Sith Master, not officially. It takes much longer than 6 or 7 months to make such a rank.
All right then. If he claims to be a Sith Master or spit flame from his ass in that thread, I will be hauling him up.
I've been in the Jedi, what two years at least? I will never make Master IMO, not everyone I think should be able to attain that standard. But that's just my opinion.
Edit : Zeke, whatever you see fit will be fine
Jul 18th, 2003, 10:04:50 PM
Hm. 'kay, I'll give it a bit o' thought, as I've got another possible set of plans for ol' Spellflinger. You'll have a helper by tomorrow night at the latest. If you don't, just kick me really hard. :)
Camdyn Fields
Jul 18th, 2003, 10:32:50 PM
He's in a thread of mine. He's really terrible, really. Claiming to be a Sith Lord and using force powers on my character, who's barely force adept. :x Luckily, I also have Sorsha, DT, Alpha and an assortment of other better force-users in it. >D
Jul 18th, 2003, 10:34:03 PM
I want in on yours too, but the three you listed have Malice bested 1 on 1, so for me to add my 2 cents in would be kinda worthless.
EDIT: Helenias gets Zeke, and by way of Zeke also gets Destiny Stormrider, Janus Riddyl, and Rognan Dar to help in the anti-Malice effort. Ariel's computer exploded, otherwise she'd be there too.
Soolin Anjhurin
Jul 19th, 2003, 10:48:00 AM
I already have plans (as Sorsha) to make his life a misery. He'll think his name is Itala Marzullo before I'm done. ;)
Pierce Tondry
Jul 19th, 2003, 12:26:36 PM
Malice was at one point under the screen name of Gengar13, but he decided to change the name to be cooler around last December. His actual participation on the boards known as SWFans is quite possibly almost as long as, or longer than, my own. I think he may have had a temporary extended absence from the boards, come back to a mostly inactive TSO, and more or less assumed the power rank at that point. He might have Lady Vader's blessing, too, though I'd have to double check that.
I've never really thought he was all that great, though. I have trouble taking someone with such poor grammar as he does seriously.
Brian Sears: knowing what he shouldn't since 1979. :)
Soolin Anjhurin
Jul 19th, 2003, 12:44:54 PM
Ah, so we might have to hold LV responsible for him then. :lol
Pierce Tondry
Jul 19th, 2003, 12:55:25 PM
Well, you'll definitely have to hold her responsible for allowing him back into the order, under the name Malice Draclau.
I found where he re-joined TSO ( after his absence. Then his account started giving him problems around November/December, so he had to make the name Malice to keep RPing.
Anyways, about a month after he came back, he posted a list of TSO Masters and Knights in this thread ( with himself listed under the Masters category. So his promotion to that rank, approved or otherwise, came between those two threads.
Edit: Oh, yeah, and one more tidbit of info. The "Demon Sith" feature to his character is some kind of metamorphosis that transforms him from whatever normal Malice looks like to whatever Demon Malice looks like. As a result of the change, Demon Malice is supposed to have heightened attributes and Force skills, but in turn has only a short amount of time he can control his rage before going completely berserk. Or so goes his explanation, anyway.
It sounds like wonky BS to me, and as such, I've avoided him where I meet him.
Kelt Simoson
Jul 19th, 2003, 01:24:53 PM
Yup Sieken and Malice had a fight once and apprently he half shredded Sieken up and made it seem as if he nearly killed him...of course i stoped posting i the thread as Sieken and like Pierce have completely avoided him ever since.
Loki Ahmrah
Jul 19th, 2003, 05:40:14 PM
The whole "going berserk" aspect of this demon metamorphosis thing is hardly what I'd call a detriment or drawback to compensate for immediate heightened skills. A Sith going berserk without changing into a demon is hardly a rarity, if I were in his position I'd conjure up a more appropriate drawback.
Jul 19th, 2003, 07:00:54 PM
I got him to a draw anyway by forcing a ysalamir handicap on the both of us. Anyways, help has arrived for Helenias. Let's give him hell.
Camdyn Fields
Jul 19th, 2003, 07:46:52 PM
He just used Force Lightening in my thread. :rolleyes I think Sorsha needs to punish him :mischief
Jul 19th, 2003, 09:04:09 PM
No, he'll enjoy it if she punishes him like that.
Pierce Tondry
Jul 19th, 2003, 09:44:15 PM
She means the other kind of punish, Zeke. The one where she tortures you both mentally and physically, as she did to Pierce. :p
Jul 19th, 2003, 10:20:09 PM
Well what's with the ":mischief" thingy then? Usually Dae uses that one when she's making innuendo. The whole Arcan forum is proof. Ah, whatever. Not a good day today for me.
[on topic]Helenias, think you can kinda work Malice out the door? I botched my entry and the stupid guards won't let us in.[/on topic]
Sage Hazzard
Jul 20th, 2003, 01:40:14 AM
Malice was at one point under the screen name of Gengar13, but he decided to change the name to be cooler around last December. His actual participation on the boards known as SWFans is quite possibly almost as long as, or longer than, my own. I think he may have had a temporary extended absence from the boards, come back to a mostly inactive TSO, and more or less assumed the power rank at that point. He might have Lady Vader's blessing, too, though I'd have to double check that.
:lol I think I made Gengar13 a sig one time. :lol
I think I know this Malice. I fought "A" Malice, and I believe it was this dude, one time. It was a huge piece of God Moding crap. Though I believe I won. He made a air serpent, like a huge gust of wind that looks like a serpent(WTF?), and sent it at me. I just raised the ground, we were in rainy mud, and used them to chop up the wind so it wouldn't be threatening when it hit me. But he did more God Moding crap. Like, for starters, I believe he is always eight feet all, has razor sharp nails, and a tail that's as strong as his arms(which are GMingly strong). Oy. Real pain.
I didn't read the entire thread but I could come in an throw him out if you want me too, so you can get on with the thread while he and me have a mini-battle to the side or whatever.
Marcus Telcontar
Jul 20th, 2003, 03:52:09 AM
Edit: Oh, yeah, and one more tidbit of info. The "Demon Sith" feature to his character is some kind of metamorphosis that transforms him from whatever normal Malice looks like to whatever Demon Malice looks like. As a result of the change, Demon Malice is supposed to have heightened attributes and Force skills, but in turn has only a short amount of time he can control his rage before going completely berserk. Or so goes his explanation, anyway.
I seeeeeeee. You know, I'm of the opinion that Sith are even more cold blooded when they are able to use their powers at their height, Dooku and Palpatine strike me as very, very cold fish and not particularly consumed with hate and anger. I'm further of the opinion that any Master requires control to access the Force - mad bezerker would negate any control and you would be lucky to produce a dry fart. I would suggest the Demon transformation is just a bad excuse for unfair advantage, nothing more.
I do remember Gengar13. I wasn't inmpressed then and I'm definantly not impressed now.
Zeke, I'm sure Helen wont mind you NPC'ing her permission or what you need.
Morgan Evanar
Jul 20th, 2003, 12:50:48 PM
Dooku was a Dark Jedi. Palpy was Sith, AFAIK. Palpy was an asshole too, grinning while he was frying Luke like a mosquito in a zapper.
Marcus Telcontar
Jul 20th, 2003, 03:20:18 PM
Dooku = darth tyranus. Actually, I'd pretty much agree that Palpatine and Dooku are Dark Jedi, but if Lucas lists them as Sith..... I guess that's discussion over. They're Sith, CAUSE THE MIGHTY LUCAS SEZ SO. ( /sarcasm)
And he also sez Midichlorines are somewhere but I'll rather have a seizure than acknowledge that shit.
Jul 20th, 2003, 03:36:36 PM
Actually, it's considered that the term "Sith" went under a bit of revision over the various eras, and by the time of the prequels, "Sith" is just another term for Dark Jedi.
By that point in time most of the sith alchemy was forgotton/lost.
Myself, I consider all the sith stuff in the comics forgotton and best left burried.
Jul 21st, 2003, 11:34:22 AM
He is no Sith Master, not officially. It takes much longer than 6 or 7 months to make such a rank.
Actually, I think we did make him a Master. Our rules for promoting Sith is a bit different from other groups. And like it was stated before, he was around as Gengar13, so he has been around for quite awhile.
I will admit Malice isn't the brightest we have at TSO, but he is useful, so we keep 'im.
Actually, it's considered that the term "Sith" went under a bit of revision over the various eras, and by the time of the prequels, "Sith" is just another term for Dark Jedi.
By that point in time most of the sith alchemy was forgotton/lost.
That may be true from certain point of view, but I do know there are some at TSO (myself included) that follow the majiks and alchemies of the Sith (devrived from the ancient civilization which it was named after).
EDIT: Ok, I read what he posted. Retarded. But I can't do anything about it, unfortunately. :\
Althooooough... I could post as AB and give him a good ass-whippin? :lol
Jul 21st, 2003, 12:00:10 PM
It's not really a "certain point of view" thing. rather, it's what happened according to the "official history". After Naga Sadow hideing himself on Yaving IV, the Sith learnings were passed on in a haphazard fashion. Those learning (primarly Former Jedi) never learned the vastness of the Sith's power before they were destroyed.
However, within most role play groups people draw upon the various Dark Horse comics for insperation of what Sith are and can do.
Which isn't a problem for the most part, except when people start throwing around silly things like force storms, or controling the gravity of stars, thinking that their instantanious things that they need not focus compleatly on (and suffer a blaster shot to the head while distracted).
(official history is rarely followed in role playing groups anyway, we tend to play "what's fun", which is better, and we can throw out some of kucas' more silly notions.)
Camdyn Fields
Jul 21st, 2003, 01:43:49 PM
Originally posted by AmazonBabe
Actually, I think we did make him a Master. Our rules for promoting Sith is a bit different from other groups. And like it was stated before, he was around as Gengar13, so he has been around for quite awhile.
I will admit Malice isn't the brightest we have at TSO, but he is useful, so we keep 'im.
I looked for a promotion thread for Malice, and there wasn't one :x I also found a thread where he was a Sith Knight and was wielding Force lightining.
EDIT: Ok, I read what he posted. Retarded. But I can't do anything about it, unfortunately. :\
Althooooough... I could post as AB and give him a good ass-whippin? :lol
Have LV come in and punish him for making TSO look lame, maybe? :mischief
Jul 21st, 2003, 06:17:07 PM
Bust him back down to Sith Lord or Apprentice would be my choice.
(Comedy let Darth Vader kill him option)
Xazor Elessar
Jul 21st, 2003, 06:43:43 PM
I tend to agree with you on that one, Charley. I don't think it's fair that since he was using Force Lightning as a Knight -- and I know that is far beyond the stretch of reality -- and now he's doing all of this stupid shit, he doesn't deserve to hold the title of Master, IMO.
Really, if any fuck can walk into TSO and proclaim all of these things, then get promoted to Master, hell -- I should have left my character there and she'd probably be one by now. But no, it's taken me a year and a half of character development and she was just Knighted a month or so ago.
No offense, but I find it quite ridiculous that he holds such a rank. He is making a mockery of not only TSO, but the other Sith/Dark Jedi factions as well. He waltzes around with a haughty attitude, proclaiming, even in silence, that he is unbeatable. Yes, I've encountered him before, and yes -- he was a complete God Moding asshole. I would come and help you guys out, but I have no desire to RP with him at all because I know that I can't win. If he God Modes and then I GM back, of course, he'll call it -- so I refrain from even getting involved with him.
Just my two cents. [/rant]
James Prent
Jul 22nd, 2003, 02:04:58 AM
I used Force Lightning as LD as an apprentice. But that was years ago. Things were different back then.
Gengar13/Malice has been around a long time, almost as long as me, although he didn't join until I was already a Knight at TSO. I actually helped train him at one point I think...o_O
GJO does not make TSO policy. That's all there is to it. Malice has been RPing longer than you, Xazor, so why shouldn't he be a Master?
Marcus Telcontar
Jul 22nd, 2003, 02:59:14 AM
Cause he's a fucking idiot?
Now while I dont normally question what other groups do... I'm bemused you let him slip through. Every single other Master at 'fans, you can see why. In this case, I cant. Am I missing something here? But if you say he's a Master, then I guess I cant dispute in the end.
Simply put, at GJO, there will be PR'ers who never reach Master unless they come up to the level set, there is not and will not be a dilution on what I see a Master should be.
(Hey, get a load of this... I'm about to say what I'm actually looking for before setting up a Trial)
A Master to me must be a skilled RP'er, not necessarily a writer or really grammar skilled, tho it helps. They must contribute positively to the GJO. They must also show a willingness to play fair, not break rules, to roleplay their character within some sort of believeability. It's not entirely necessary they be powerful in the Force IC. There is a canditate list I keep and I will watch those RP'ers, I might even pop up and RP wtih them to get a clear sense what they are like.
The trial is normally done without the Knight's knowledge and usually, its a dirty bastard trick designed to test them genuinely. I'm pretty pleased to say, usually the Knight in question doesnt guess what's going on. And me and a few helpers over the years have played some right nasty tricks.
Right now, there is a trial underway, openly. Estelle Russard. There are other Knights under observation and I would hope at least two others advance to Master level by the end of the year.
A Master's rank cant be bought, begged, politiced or stolen, it must be earned. I play no favours and in fact, I'm probably harsher on friends than others. Suckign up = kiss of death.
The fianl point is that when I put up a name for the entire Order to vote on (tho, I do reserve the right to promote without vote, used only once), it should be self evident the said person is overdue for promotion and there be no dispute at all.
Thence, to become a GJO Jedi Master is a feat and well worth it.
One thing I'll point out is that the GJO Elders (Those who basically started the order or been here for forever, like myself, Figrin, AB, Yog and Sage) do have authority to promote without a vote. It's not been used in years tho, I'd probably be the last to instant-promote and that woudl have been literally over three years ago. I think. I think it was a Padawan who's Master had gone AWOL. To be honest, before a instant-promote is done, I'd talk to other elders anyway at the least, or more likely, drag said Padawan to the Council myself and request the vote.
Tho if a certain Jedi Knight doesnt put up a certain Jedi Padawan soon for promotion, I'll be tempted to promote said Padawan myself.
Jul 22nd, 2003, 03:22:23 AM
Hehehe... and I, thankfully don't RP or contribute enough to get to master rank, so I'm safe! bwahahahaha!
(I think there wasn't much of a trial for me to get to knight, if I remember correctly...)
Loki Ahmrah
Jul 22nd, 2003, 08:23:51 AM
That may be true from certain point of view, but I do know there are some at TSO (myself included) that follow the majiks and alchemies of the Sith (devrived from the ancient civilization which it was named after).
(Raises hand as Gav)
I should send Mortis on a hunt for him, kick his ass and show him what being a Sith Master is all about.
Xazor Elessar
Jul 22nd, 2003, 09:14:52 AM
Exactly what Marcus said, LD. He's a fucking moron. So what if he's been RPing longer than me -- maybe here he has, but little of you know, that I actually started RPing somewhere else. I've been doing it for three or four years now.
I know the ins and outs, even though you will sit there and tell me I don't. Don't pose the question to me, "Well, do you think you're worthy of becomming a Master?" because my answer is 'No', not yet.
At least I can write and I follow the rules, though.
Malice is a crappy RPer and one who knows he can get away with breaking the rules. He figures, since he holds the title, that he can do whatever the hell he wants and no one will question him. Afterall, he's a Master, yes? Sure, I can't say anything to change the way TSO does things, nor do I wish to -- but I'm simply stating my opinion, because like everyone else here, I have one too -- hard as it may seem. :rolleyes
I think it is wise to promote as we do here at the GJO. It doesn't matter if joe off the street has been RPing for his entire life or not -- he goes through the process and it is fair. Cheap shots at me are not going to dissuade me from posting my opinion. "He's been RPing longer than me...blah blah blah." Who gives a flying fuck?!
I sure as hell don't.
In some cases, I've seen Padawans who write better than he does, act better than he does, and are generally nicer than he is. Frankly, I'd be more tempted to promote one of my Padawans to Master than I would be in promoting him to Knight. I don't care if it isn't 'my place' to talk about these things, I won't back down because I believe in what I'm saying and you can't take that away from me. My opinion is my own and I know I'm right (and obviously, I'm not the only person who thinks this way).
Loki Ahmrah
Jul 22nd, 2003, 09:48:09 AM
Less of the language everyone. The censor is off but lets use the blue stuff with moderation please.
Vega Van-Derveld
Jul 22nd, 2003, 11:52:54 AM
Uh I don't have anything to say on the matter aside from the fact that someone mentioned Garou and Lupine being like his demon thing?
No thanks. I fought him as Dasquian and he turns into a hulking demon beast. I would like you to show me a thread where I or any of the wofl folk have ever done such a thing.
thank you, that is all :D
Jul 22nd, 2003, 01:38:49 PM
I didn't mean to say that you guys use your transformations unfairly as he does. I just meant that your abilities to transform into big wolf things are his justification for being able to transform into a big demon thing.
Figrin D'an
Jul 22nd, 2003, 01:40:51 PM
Originally posted by Loki Ahmrah
Less of the language everyone. The censor is off but lets use the blue stuff with moderation please.
Agreed. There was an annoucement made shortly after this forum was created regarding this very matter. Please curb the colorful metaphor usage.
Pierce Tondry
Jul 22nd, 2003, 03:55:08 PM
Originally posted by Xazor Elessar
Exactly what Marcus said, LD. He's a moron. So what if he's been RPing longer than me-
Actually, this is an important sticking point. At one point SWFans RPing had a goofy, battle-heavy style. It has since changed to a more serious writing style of RP. A lot of things that used to be done were simply grandfathered in. Most RPers have adapted with the times and discarded some of the more unrealistic things they used to do. Some haven't.
Case in point, this one.
The leeway of the grandfathering is still built in and you'll find that in some cases, such as the character of Sorsha Kasajian, that leeway adds to the general RP quality rather than detracting from it.
I say this only as an explanation, not as a way to excuse Malice's lack of quality.
Jul 23rd, 2003, 02:59:13 PM
I looked for a promotion thread for Malice, and there wasn't one
There never was one. He came back after a bit of an absence, and we just declared him a Master (mostly cause we needed em). That doesn't happen now, though. (Note that this was done a year or so ago.)
Really, if any fuck can walk into TSO and proclaim all of these things, then get promoted to Master...
Not just any "fuck", as you so elequaintly put it, can walk into TSO and proclaim whatever they wish. We have turned down blaintant idiots before. But because Malice has never done anything to TSO to warrent any sort of punsihment, he is left alone.
...hell -- I should have left my character there and she'd probably be one by now.
That's very highly possible. But you did't stick around to find that out.
No offense, but I find it quite ridiculous that he holds such a rank. He is making a mockery of not only TSO, but the other Sith/Dark Jedi factions as well. He waltzes around with a haughty attitude, proclaiming, even in silence, that he is unbeatable.
Trying not to take any. As to what he does... the thing with TSO is yes, we take ppl into our fold, but we do NOT hold a chain on them. If they want to make an ass of themselves, be it on their heads. We can't babysit EVERYONE.
...but I have no desire to RP with him...
This is what I was going to suggest. You don't like him, don't RP with him. Simple. End of transmission.
GJO does not make TSO policy. That's all there is to it. Malice has been RPing longer than you, Xazor, so why shouldn't he be a Master?
Thank you.
But if you say he's a Master, then I guess I cant dispute in the end.
He is a Master. It was granted to him about a year ago or so. I'm sorry if is causes everyone here headaches and confusions, but that's the way it stands.
I should send Mortis on a hunt for him, kick his ass and show him what being a Sith Master is all about.
:lol You of all ppl know the major works of the Sith majiks and alchemies. Hell, you showed me some. :)
Less of the language everyone. The censor is off but lets use the blue stuff with moderation please.
:thumbup (This after I quote stuff with colorful metaphors in it :x)
In conclusion, I really can't do anything about Malice or his RPing style. And like I said, because he hasn't doen anything to TSO, we can't punish him in any way. He's on his own, and he knows it.
As to LV coming to scold him... no, that's not her style. Like I said: I don't babysit. If you can't hold your own, don't waste my time.
But, that doesn't mean I can't come in with my AB character. I may get some leverage with him on that one, hence silencing him sooner.
Camdyn Fields
Jul 23rd, 2003, 05:10:08 PM
Thanks AB/LV. That clears it up for me. I read about TSO's ranking (IE the group rps, plus a test to become a knight, or whatever new policy you have (which I think is good, esp. since there are so few higher ranking TSO members since people left for the Krath, TBH, etc)) so, I was just curious as to why he didn't have one. If you promoted him, that's fine. :)
As for how people get promoted, TSE used to promote after you had training and at least one fight (and win?) on the battle field (yes! back in the day! :lol). TSO has a different process, and I heard GJO usually promotes to Knight after 3 months or more, depending on the Master and padawan (how true this is, I have no clue). I've seen one GJO trial - Liam Jinns, I think - and it was great! They made a faux Darth Ogre account and it was really creative. :D
Rank doesn't matter if you're a consistently good rper -- meaning, you train, have what your character has learned in writing, and play by "the rules". I've been rping for nearly 3 years at Fans and the highest rank I've gotten was Sith Knight. I'd rather have a well-developed character than one with a high rank. :)
Helenias Evenstar
Jul 24th, 2003, 04:35:04 AM
I've been rping for nearly 3 years at Fans and the highest rank I've gotten was Sith Knight. I'd rather have a well-developed character than one with a high rank.
Make that four for me and that's a huzzah from me too, sister.
I rather liked Morgan Evanar's trial, when he had to save I think it was Live Wire from Lochabre.
Jul 24th, 2003, 09:32:17 AM
Originally posted by Camdyn Fields
I've seen one GJO trial - Liam Jinns, I think - and it was great! They made a faux Darth Ogre account and it was really creative. :D
This is why Akrabbim will be missed :(
Camdyn Fields
Jul 24th, 2003, 01:02:53 PM
Awww *hugs Charley* But, wont he live on in Anbira? :\
lol @ Helen. Yeah, I mean, you don't need a high rank to be tough at all :D It's all about skills you aquire and how you use that knowledge IC.
Sanis Prent
Jul 25th, 2003, 07:48:24 AM
Yeah, but nobody can really replace the kind of mind games he could play :)
He'll be back, some day!
Soolin Anjhurin
Jul 25th, 2003, 09:04:50 AM
:: Escorts Sanis OUT of Temple Avalon and leaves Grimya to guard the doors ::
Jul 25th, 2003, 09:06:54 AM
"Miss disappoint me..."
Soolin Anjhurin
Jul 25th, 2003, 09:10:11 AM
You're not a Jedi either.
Jul 25th, 2003, 09:18:12 AM
"Oh no, I most certainly am not."
The suited man approached.
"Consider our existence as a Vinn diagram. I am, shall you say, simply the larger circle. I am everything and I am nothing, and due to synergy you see me not as a summation of such trivialities, but as an entity that is something else altogether and far more grand than such a mere conglomeration.
Soolin Anjhurin
Jul 25th, 2003, 09:27:01 AM
Whatever. Kraken and Malice are out there, probably doing something infernally stupid again. You ought to look in to that instead of pestering me. ;)
Jul 25th, 2003, 09:41:49 AM
"Of course, their scheming doesn't escape my notice. Forgive me if I dabble in your affairs. The benefits of omniscience are exponential in scale."
Ryla Relvinian
Jul 25th, 2003, 01:05:33 PM
*Runs in, grabs Charley's thesaurus, runs back out*
But seriously, go give that little punk what we call in my neck of the woods a 'Comin-to-Jesus Meetin'. :) Sometimes, it's just better to handle things that you don't like on your own terms than try to change the terms of another organization. Most people know that the title of Master has a variety of associations, depending on what organization and even when it was obtained.
Jul 25th, 2003, 03:27:55 PM
:: Points remote at the Agent. ::
Dangit... I thought I turned you off...
:: Hits a button. Agent turns into a duck after a blip of static. ::
Oops... wrong button...
:: Hits another button and the Agent returns to his serious self. Then hits the MUTE button. The Agents lips disappear. ::
Wonder how long that'll last. :p
Jul 25th, 2003, 04:05:20 PM
Not long at all.
Jul 25th, 2003, 04:53:53 PM
Didn't think so...
:: Starts fulling around with the tint buttons on the remote. ::
Hmmmmmmm... Mr. Agent... you look... green...
Camdyn Fields
Jul 25th, 2003, 11:54:12 PM
Originally posted by Sanis Prent
He'll be back, some day!
So, he's Frosty the Snowman? :)
Jul 26th, 2003, 10:18:20 PM
No, he's like Goku! We just wish him back whenever we need him to kick some ass. :D
Jul 28th, 2003, 11:39:07 AM
Originally posted by AmazonBabe
Didn't think so...
:: Starts fulling around with the tint buttons on the remote. ::
Hmmmmmmm... Mr. Agent... you look... green...
My hue is constant, thank you.
Angelica Shin
Jul 31st, 2003, 10:34:24 AM
Notice how we can go from talking about someone being a dickhead to changing Charley's color???
And like Dae, I've only been here for like 3 years and my highest rank ever gained was Sith Warrior. I did have a self-given title for my *craptastic* group I tried to start, but it didn't stick. :lol
Camdyn Fields
Jul 31st, 2003, 11:25:43 PM
Maybe if you didn't make a new character ever five seconds, Ange ;) Perhaps having pinches for every new character you make will get you to stop your behavior >D *pinch pinch*
Angelica Shin
Aug 2nd, 2003, 07:31:07 PM
How about I kick you in balls everytime you get emoitional over something that happens here?
Hm? How about I do that? Hm?
*evil, satanic glare*
Aug 3rd, 2003, 10:40:08 AM
she has BALLS?
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