View Full Version : Aegis Scatterfire Warhead

Park Kraken
Jul 18th, 2003, 09:08:23 PM
Name: Aegis

Class: Missile

Type/Model: Mulitpule Warheads Missile

Dimensions: Main Missile:
Length: 10 Meters
Width: 3 Meters
Mast: 2 Meters
Proton Warheads:
Length: 0.3 Meters
Width: 0.3 Meters
Mast: 0.3 Meters
(Oval Cone shape)

Armament: Main Missile:
810 Proton Warheads

Speed: As fast as normal torpedo, plus smaller warheads have manueving thrusters that throw them into a opening corkscrew dive torwards the target.

The missile can be destroyed before it deploys, which would create a huge explosion that incinerates anything in a 500 meters area.

Design Specifications:
For the above Drawback, this missile will only be carried by starfighters, or if modified, can act as mines, locking onto any enemy vessel that approaches to within 1000 meters. TIE Fighters, and Bombers can be modified to carry 1 missle, and Scimatars can be modified to carry two in place of all of their missile launchers.