View Full Version : A New Beginning(closed, waiting for a friend)

Jul 18th, 2003, 03:23:40 PM
Her mother was just a normal human, dying at an early age. Her father was a powerful Sith, leaving his daughter and wife for the dark life of a Sith. Their offspring, a young girl by the name of Ayamae, had nowhere else to go and nothing else to do but survive. So she trained herself, using her street smarts, given to her by her mother, and her strange force powers, given to her by her dark father. Some of these powers are: Push, Choke, and Speed.

Ayamae is not exacly old or young. In fact, her age is unknown. She is a slim girl, having finess and speed, but her appearence hides her deadly abilities. She wears a skintight armor, giving her the protection and movement needed to save her life. Her outfit is white, and has a cloak that hangs around one shoulder, anchored by a chain that goes around a broach on her left shoulder. Her weapons, two blue dagger lightsabers which are about 1'6" to 2', are held by her armlets on her forarms. She also has small repulsors in the soles of her shoes, allowing her an extra kick in her jump. Also she has a small floating droid called Misha that gives her company.

She begins in the streets of Coresant, searching for her father and trying to make a descent living.