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View Full Version : At last, a Fleet of my own.........

Park Kraken
Jul 17th, 2003, 04:32:55 PM
"Sir, we are exiting the atmosphere, the E.T.A. for the Thyferran Shipyards is 5 minutes." reported the young shuttle pilot.

"Thank you. Inform me when the yards are in close view." replied Vice-Admiral Kraken of the Imperial Soveriengty. An aging man of about thirty or so, a reminiscent view of Warlord Zsinj if you compared Physical views of each other together. He couldn't wait to see the beginnings of what would become his first command. As the Lambda shuttle Insidious approached the yard, the comlink by his side beeped. Switching it off, and looking out the viewport, Kraken glanced out at the yards, and found himself glittering in anticipation. First he saw the skeletons of two of the new and improved Lancer Frigates Mk2. Farther along the yards he sighted the Victory Star Destroyer Mk1 Indomitable, with an even keel, the Imperial Star Destroyer Mk2 Illoustrious, plus a classified support vessel, named the Watchkeeper, and then finally, the Centurion Star Destroyer prototype, the Glorious. Kraken beamed in pride at the fleet soon to be under his command.

Park Kraken
Jul 17th, 2003, 11:27:47 PM
::On the seventh day of the beginning of the construction of the new warfleet, Admiral Kraken took a inspection tour, to make sure that the plans for the building of the Centurion prototype were going according to plan. Upon arriving in his scooter, he immediatly sighted one problem. A neck was being build for the Commander tower, which was supposed to be built into the hull, and not above it, like traditional destroyers, and what was being done here. Stalking into the chief construction Engineer's office for the bay containing the Centurion Prototype, Admiral Kraken slammed his hand onto the desk, and explained the error that needed to be fixed. The Engineer, full of worry for poosibly being executed, took his leave.::

Park Kraken
Jul 26th, 2003, 11:50:31 AM
::It had been a long twenty-five days of constant inspections, security breaks, and just stressful in general. But at last the prototype Centurion prototype has been completed. Admiral Kraken awarded the Thyferran shipyard master a medal for such speedy construction, although they did used spare parts salvaged from the ships destroyed in the recent rebel incursion into Thyferra. He now stood from the bridge of the destroyer, along with a skeleton crew. Before the main crew came aboard, they needed to make sure that everything worked correctly. With a signal from the bridge, the docking couplings, and worker's structres attached to the Glorious gave way, and the mighty ship cruised out of system. Since everything appeared to be working correctly, he took his leave of the shipyards, and headed to the Soverieng High Command Chamber, where Grand Admiral Telan Desaria had a posting waiting for him for an assault on the world called Hilari. He wouldn't be able to use the destroyer for the operation, but if it grew into a protracted campaign, he would use it in a decisive counterattack if need be.::

Park Kraken
Jul 26th, 2003, 11:59:57 AM
OOC: Cutscene, it has been about a month since the last post, IC time. The assault on Hilari has reached an unexpected standstill, with a suprising counterattack being launched by rebel forces. The Glorious completed her trials finely, and has been equipped with a full crew. Admiral Kraken is standing from the bridge of the Glorious as the ship approaches the edge of the system.

IC: ::As the Glorious pulled away from the docks, Admiral Kraken sent a notice to Thyferra control.::

"This is Admiral Kraken of the Glorious now outbound, over." He imagined that many Imperials watching from the dockyards were beaming with pride at the latest of their creations now pulling away from dock. The mighty ship reached the outer edge of the system. Then, as Admiral Kraken watched, the stars elongated, and the ship entered hyperspace, bound for Hilari.::