View Full Version : Drinking buddies (open to all)

Sanis Prent
Jul 15th, 2003, 10:23:27 PM
Ok, so I was a little drunk. Ok, a lot drunk. But like any good gambler, I never showed my hand. No point in falling out just yet, I had things to do. I'd been on this barstool since early in the afternoon, and I still had a ways to go before seeing a Coruscant sunrise. This is how the best nights went, when nothing was guaranteed and anything was promised.

"Ok, ok...."

Sitting upright in my seat again, I took the shot. A snort of Bespin rum with a pistachio sitting on the bottom. A quick maneuver of the tongue freed the nut from the shell, and I chewed it up along with the rum, sloshing about in the back of my mouth. I swallowed, leaned back, and spit the shells over my shoulder.

"Up, up, & away!"

I leaned forward again, filling up four more shot glasses, and my jovial face suddenly got very serious.

"But seriously..."

I passed the shots about.

"...that was the last time I saw the Governor or his daughter, and I sold the keys to the city for a hypermod and two swoop bikes. True story. I heard that there's a spring festival named after me, but I haven't stopped by to check."

Sejah Haversh
Jul 15th, 2003, 10:41:16 PM
Sejah took one in his unsteady paw as he laughed at Sanis's seemingly impossible story. Tipping the glass up to his lips, he let the liquid burn his throat before waving a paw and saying, "But if you didn't have any shells, what did you shoot the guards with?"

Sanis Prent
Jul 15th, 2003, 10:55:06 PM
"That's the best part. All a bluff. I was armed at best, with an index finger in my coat pocket, and a dented coffee pot."

I shrugged, tossing a credit chit in the air a few times.

"After all, who's going to kill someone over a missing dog...even if it was a sentient endagered species. How was I to know? Even intelligent barking...its just barking to me. But fortunately, Sparky understood everything...er...I think. I wonder what happened to that dog..."

Pierce Tondry
Jul 15th, 2003, 11:01:46 PM
"That's good to know," Pierce said. Why Sanis had chosen to sit by Pierce's usual seat while getting drunk, Pierce had no clear idea. But Jax was with his grandfather, his shift at GJO had ended at midnight, and for once in his busy schedule, Pierce Tondry had the day off.

So he'd come out to get a drink and lo and behold, it was Sanis Prent. Though he had a lot of reason to hold a grudge against the man, Pierce didn't. It was fair to say any hard feelings that may have come up over the years had been outgrown as Pierce had gotten further into his Jedi training.

Pierce stopped himself from sighing and chuckled instead. "Prent, you're as big a braggart as I've ever heard, but you give me a good laugh. You keep either of those swoop bikes you mentioned?"

Sanis Prent
Jul 15th, 2003, 11:08:15 PM

I smiled and shrugged, angling the bottle in Pierce's direction.

"Totalled one in an underground street race in Ryloth, and lost one to the dutchess of Hapes."

Sejah Haversh
Jul 15th, 2003, 11:26:47 PM
"Oh, like you know the Duchess," Sejah balked, then had to take a moment to let his eyes focus again. He had no idea how much he had drank, but he knew it was a lot, and he liked it.

Pierce Tondry
Jul 16th, 2003, 12:28:07 AM
"Like he can race," Pierce laughed. "You want real racing, go to Vortex and try manuevering light speeder bikes through gale force winds. That's racing."

Sanis Prent
Jul 16th, 2003, 10:11:06 AM
"Hey...I didn't say I knew her...just that I lost my bike to her. She needed the bike to escape an arranged marriage. I needed a royal pardon for a bank robbery. It was an understanding."

Popping another pistachio, I continued.

"I paid most of the money back, mostly."

Pierce Tondry
Jul 17th, 2003, 12:07:12 AM
"Oh, now that takes me back," Pierce said, a smile warming his face. "I remember a theft op on Duroon from my Imperial days. Simple credit withdrawal from their planetary bank- or it was supposed to be. A Republic task force hopped in-system an hour before things went down. We were evading planetary militia and Republic shock troops who were ticked at having to leave their drinks in a transport speeder for nearly an hour. Then our speeder ran out of power."

Pierce chuckled. "By the way- watch out for dianogas in Duroon's sewer system."