View Full Version : Starting Over...(My Padawans)

Xazor Elessar
Jul 15th, 2003, 01:33:39 PM
It had been a long day but finally, Xazor Elessar had the chance to sit down. She was not done with work yet, though. No, instead at this late hour of the afternoon, the Jedi Knight was awaiting the arrival of her students so that she could begin a small class for them and work out their Force abilities.

Of course, it was known to many how busy she was. It was never fair to her Padawans, and she knew this as well. Unfortunatly, though, she was finding it most difficult to train them individually, and since they were all comparable in several ways, she decided it best to train as a group. They would be her clan -- her Wolf Pack. So, she called to them by means of a message under their door, and now awaited their arrival.

Leten Snat
Jul 15th, 2003, 03:11:42 PM
Leten slips into the room trying not to be seen, and thus unknowingly causing him to make a poor illusion that makes him look like a walking peice of training equipment. He sneek along the wall lot wanting to disturb his master.

Syrius Cline
Jul 16th, 2003, 02:24:20 AM
Syrius walks in. His cigarettes stay in his jacket pocket. He's quit, again, but their his good luck charm.

"One of your's?"

He grabs Leten's neck, hauling him in. Syrius was a detective, though it doesn't take much to recognise a walking inanimate object as an Apprenticing Illusionist.

"Not that I needed it to see him, but incidentally I've been working on that Force tapping, Master. Smoothly going, I'm pleased to report."

Xazor Elessar
Jul 16th, 2003, 10:02:09 AM
Xazor could sense a few of her students outside of the room -- and was rather shocked when she witnessed Leten attempting an illusion. Unfortunatly, Syrius found him out and drug him into the room by his side.

"A walking Pike, nice effect young one. You'll get there." She smiled and a gentle laugh escaped her lips. Her eyes met those of both students and she bowed her head out of respect. "Greetings my Padawans -- others should be arriving shortly. In the mean time, please be seated before me."

She motioned to the ground in front of her. Upon it rested several meditation cushions upon which the students would sit and when everyone arrived, she would begin their lessons. "Today will be a busy and properous day." She said with silent approval for her own plan.

Leten Snat
Jul 16th, 2003, 11:23:57 AM
Leten gets grabed by the neck and pulled to the center of the room. The illusion stops as soon as he is touched, but he notices that after being taking to his master. Syrius still hasn't let go of him, and he is having a hard time breathing, So he uses all his strength to kick Syrius just below the knee cap on his left leg.

Syrius Cline
Jul 17th, 2003, 01:03:04 AM
Syrius dropped like a bag of sand. Good thing his knees landed on the cushions. He grabbed Leten by the shirt and pulled him down beside him.

"That hurt," Syrius said sternly. Soon after he chuckled, his usual anger taking a backseat. "Good kick."

He positioned himself semi-comfortable on the cushions.

Leten Snat
Jul 17th, 2003, 03:49:25 PM
Leten falls to the floor catching his breath...


He then gets a questioning look on his face...

"I looked like a walking pike?.... How?... I was just trying not to be seen....."

Xazor Elessar
Jul 20th, 2003, 01:00:08 PM
Xazor smiled at Leten and shook her head. "You have a gift, young one. You are to be a great Jedi some day and you will be able to make yourself nearly invisible to others. Just give it some time and we'll get you out of making yourself into a walking pike." She said with a grin.

Chaos Alexander
Jul 20th, 2003, 04:18:57 PM
OOC: Jake just got back from vacation last night. I will give him a call.

IC:: Chaos walked into the training area. He was dressed in black jeans and a tank top. He eyed Syrius and Leten. He reached out and felt the two padawans. He was not impressed. Odds were Syrius had been trained in some hand to hand while 'on the force'. That didn't bother Alexander though. He still was not impressed. This would be fun. Oh yes...::

"Mistress Elessar, I have arrived. What is first on the list?"

River Kincaid
Jul 20th, 2003, 05:44:07 PM
After taking his children to 'the nursery', River Kincaid made his way through corridor after corridor. A slight tinge of nervousness entered his mind as he was informed to meet his new Master Xazor in one of the training rooms.

After being slightly turned around and asking as couple of other Padawan's directions, he finally found it.

The a deep cleansing breath, he quietly stepped in and took in his surroundings and noticed three other Padawan's about, two were currently wrestling.

Xazor Elessar
Jul 20th, 2003, 05:54:02 PM
The Jedi Knight looked up at Chaos and smiled as he entered the room. As he greeted her, she bowed her head and nodded. "First on the list is sit down and wait for the others to arrive." The Knight no sooner spoke when suddenly her newest Padawan walked into the room. She grinned and motioned for him to come in.

"Everyone, this is River, my newest Padawan. River, this is Alexander, Leten, and Syrius -- and they're all trouble makers." She said with a wink in Leten's way. He was the calmest out of the three, and she secretly hoped that he and River would be good influences to the others. "Please, come and sit as the others are." Xazor smiled and motioned to the cushions before her. Now there was one more to arrive and they would be set.

ooc: Thanks dude, tell him to take his time if he needs. We won't get too far without him. :)

River Kincaid
Jul 20th, 2003, 06:09:03 PM
River bowed his greeting to the Mistress and silently made his way further into the room. "Hello," he nodded towards the others as he took a place on the cushions.

River was ready to take on anything, she could possibly teach him and he would take her words very seriously. His family depended on it.

Xazor Elessar
Jul 21st, 2003, 09:29:25 AM
Xazor smiled gently and nodded as she eyed her Padawans closely. They were all prepared, even though a select two did not seem ready. Sighing inwardly, she decided to begin. Jakob was ahead of most of these students, and he would have no problem catching up when he walked in. She was aware at his busy schedule as of late.

"Alright my Padawans, settle and we shall begin." She spoke softly, looking toward a pile of rocks sitting between she and her students. "Now, I want you each to close your eyes and focus on the rocks before us. Upon each stone is a marking and a word. One is calling to you specifically -- so feel it through the Force and draw it towards you." She nodded and closed her eyes, connecting with everything around her instantly.

Through the Force, the young woman could feel each of her students as well as the rocks, the Jedi in the other rooms, and even the ants crawling around on the grasses outside. She smiled to herself at these thoughts and felt a stone calling to her. Unfortunatly, she was unable to lift the stone with her mind. This would be a good lesson for her Padawans, and soon -- they would discover her weakness.

Leten Snat
Jul 21st, 2003, 06:12:13 PM
Leten didn't see how he, a symple street boy could ever be a Great Jedi, nor did he understand how he was a trouble maker, or why Xazor winked at him... but he does wave at the new padawan... then goes to follow Xazor's instructions....

It doesn't take Leten long to find the one that is calling to him, it takes him even less time to feel it in the force.... but when he trys to call it to him, the stone doesn't twitch. he trys again, and again, and after the 27th time of him trying and the stone not moving in the slightest, leten gets up and walks to the pile of rocks, drives his hand into the pile and with out looking grabs the rock that is calling him then goes to take his seet back with the others....

He looks up at Xazor... with an Impish smile....

"It was being stuborn..."

Xazor Elessar
Jul 21st, 2003, 06:36:13 PM
Xazor smiled gently as she watched her Padawan's attempt to carry the stones to them. She grinned as she watched Leten pick up a stone and carry it back to his place. He was wise -- she had not said 'pick the stone up with the Force', instead, she instructed them to draw the stone toward them -- but had not specified how. Those who were not telekenetically adept, like herself, would simply pick up a stone by hand if the instructions given were like her own.

Upon Leten's stone was a beautiful marking in her native tongue -- and below it was an inscription, a single word in bold lettering. "Wisdom" was the word and it fit him perfectly, just as she had indicated. Somehow, the Knight had a feeling that he would not understand, and to her, that was okay. Through wisdom, he would learn and in time, would understand. Already he held a great archive of information and skills within himself, he just had to spend some more time searching for them -- discovering himself. "It chose you, Leten -- and it was, indeed, a good choice." She smiled once again and awaited her other Padawans to follow suit, interpreting the directions in any way they wished, drawing forth the stone that called to them.

River Kincaid
Jul 21st, 2003, 06:49:43 PM
River's concentration was interrupted by Leten's downed attempt to get his rock. He watched in amusement as the Padawan stood and grabbed the rock from the pile.

With a deep sigh, he wondered if he would be able to get his rock to come to him.

River closed his eyes and called on the Force, that was the easy part. He steadied his breathing and waited. Unknown, of how long it took, River began to 'feel' his rock calling to him, moreso than 'hearing'. It was a strange feeling, but it was definitely there.
The Padawan called the rock to him through the Force, but nothing happened. He tried to lift the rock, but found that it was too heavy for his mind. He tried again. Nothing.

Okay, it was too heavy, but there had to be a way to get it to move, even if just a little.
River continued to try and try, and received no movement from the rock. Tired and sweaty, he was just about to give in, when a thought hit him.

If the rock was lighter, he might be ale to move it, but how? Could it be possible to picture the rock in smaller quanties, he had done that a lot when he was a kid to help bulid homes for his clan. If he could lessen the density, it would make the rock lighter.
Separate the particles.

River formed an image of the rock in smaller bits, taking out bit by bit and separating it. As soon as he had all the rock particles separated it was time to try again.

He pictured his rock particles rising above the pile, it was still pretty darn heavy, but he felt it move and then move some more. As he heard a few rocks fall, he lost all his concentration and opened his eyes, sweating and panting as if he'd just run ten kilometers.

Leten Snat
Jul 21st, 2003, 08:01:45 PM
Leten examined the rock in his hand. He looks at what is inscribed on the stone, but doesn't understand what it says. Which is not a big suprise, he can hardly read basic, let alone what ever this language is... He looks at Xazor...

"What does this say Master? I don't understand what it says... Why do you think it chose well? I'm only a street rat... Why would any thing want to choose me?'

Jakob Burton
Jul 21st, 2003, 08:49:59 PM
Jake, hearing the beckon of his cousin and master, sprints to the room. Water still hung and flung about, whipping themselves from his hair by the momentum of his fleeting feet. He stopped just outside the door, hearing the instructions of "Everyone have a seat and we'll get started" or something to that effect. Jake walked into the door, hearing the other instructions dealing with the rocks. "Find one that suits you." As Jake's legs folded indian-style, he held out a hand and channelled the Force as he closes his eyes. He could feel all of them, but one was.....different. It seemed to burn like a solar flare, and it was all that Jake could sense. Jake's hand opened palm up and the rock shot to his hand, stopping and dropping in his palm....He opened his eyes and looked at the rock, rolling it around in his hand. He saw a rune and recognized it as a form of a Garou Cuneiform, but did not understand what it meant...

"Um, Master Xazor, what does this mean?"

Anthony Scott
Jul 22nd, 2003, 07:45:30 AM
delete :\

Xazor Elessar
Jul 22nd, 2003, 08:03:37 AM
Xazor watched as River attempted to call the rock to him. She could feel and nearly see his mental strain. He was talented, though, and had a way of making it through, despite 'opposition'. Her eyes met the stone as it fell just before him, and she recognized the symbol before reading the Basic. "Courage" was the inscription and she knew that it fit him perfectly.

The Knight's attention was drawn to Leten as he questioned her on the inscription of the stone, and then to Jakob as he did the same. Smiling, Xazor took note of the word "Perseverance" on Jakob's and decided to clue the Padawans in on what the stones said. "My Padawans -- River, your stone is 'courage', Jakob, your stone is 'perseverance', and Leten, your stone is 'wisdom'. It chose you because you are no longer a street boy, young one -- you are a Jedi. You will make a difference in this galaxy and through wisdom, you shall succeed." She said with a grin.

Her eyes moved to Alexander and Syrius who had yet to call a stone to them. Only three stones remained upon the ground and she felt hers calling to her still -- and awaited them to draw their own to them.

Leten Snat
Jul 22nd, 2003, 11:15:44 AM
Leten is even more confused now that he knows what it says....

"But Master doesn't a person need knowledge before the can have wisdom... I have no knowledge other that the basics in very few thing, and how to live on the lower floors of this city..... I think mine must have chosen wrong...."

He says as he offers his stone back to his master...

Xazor Elessar
Jul 22nd, 2003, 11:24:09 AM
Xazor laughs to herself and smiles. "Think about what you just said, pup. You hold more wisdom than some Masters do." She said with a gentle smile.

The woman took the stone in her hand and eyed it for a moment. She then took Leten's hand in her own and placed the stone upon his palm, then curled his fingers around it.

"Someday you shall understand -- for now, slip a string through the hole at the top, and wear it around your neck as a reminder of who you are." She smiled once again and nodded to her other Padawans, letting them know that they should all do the same as Leten.

Leten Snat
Jul 22nd, 2003, 12:07:15 PM
Leten grips on to the stone and nod his head as Xazor tells him what to with the stone.... he then picks up his ratty old backpack that he always has with him, and starts to dig through the things he found yesterday on his salvage trip to the lower floors.

He only keeps things that he needs, thinks he will need, or bits of salvage that are too small to put on his small hoverlift, in his backpack.

He takes out a few things from his backpack as he searches through it.... A hand full of stormtrooper food pack, a bottle of water, a spool of copper wire, a few empty beverage container, and one of the training lightsaber that went missing from the GJO classes about a week ago. The saber's blade emiter is shot and the outter casing is cracked, but other than that the saber look like it works, even though the blade is not able to do more than a mild burn when it is working.

Leten then smiles as he finds what he is looking for... He pulls a fine gold chain out of his pack, and then put it through the hole in the top of the stone, muttering to himself....

"I knew I would have a reason to not sell this..."

He puts on the chain then looks up at Xazor...

"Will this do? Or does it have to be string? I have a bunch of string in my pack as well.... I could switch it over to that..."

Leten pulls out a small spool of string from his pack... and places it on the floor...

"If anybody else wants some string, they can use this as well..."

Xazor Elessar
Jul 22nd, 2003, 12:16:13 PM
Xazor laughs to herself, not at Leten though, as she watches him search through his pack. He was quite a resourceful young fellow and she thought this to be a good attribute. "The chain is fine -- whatever anyone wants to use is fine." She smiled gently and nodded.

"Chaos -- Syrius, you two need to call a stone to you as well." She said with a smile as her eyes shifted in their direction.

River Kincaid
Jul 22nd, 2003, 05:17:15 PM
River took his stone into his hand as he read his inscription. Perhaps, his master knew him more than himself. For he felt, he had no courage.

After all, he had fled from his brother to come here, what kind of courage was that? He pondered on the thought.

Xazor Elessar
Jul 25th, 2003, 06:46:14 PM
Xazor shifted her weight as she eyed River. She knew he was thinking deeply about the stone he had drawn from the pile. It was an interesting thing indeed, but she could definatly see the connection the word had with his spirit.

"All in time, my Padawans. You shall all see how they apply to you." She said with a smile and looked to the two remaining students who had yet to draw from the pile. "Go on, Alexander and Syrius -- we await you to draw." She bowed her head and motioned for them to do as she instructed.

ooc: sorry for the hold up guys, just waiting on the two busy people to reply. :)

Chaos Alexander
Jul 27th, 2003, 10:40:50 AM
::Alexander smiled. The younge Jedi wondered what purpose did this really have. Rocks were childs play. The Garou felt like this was a wste of time as well. Sith were out there. That is what they needed to work on. How to rid the worlds of that cansor. Destroy them all, but Xaz' had her reason's. This should work out in the end.::

"A'ight Mistriss...."

::Alexander held out his hand. He felt the stones. His eyes darted back and forth feelign them out. He felt would tugging at his mind. At once it flew to his hand. He held it out for Xazor to look at.::


Xazor Elessar
Jul 27th, 2003, 11:08:42 AM
Xazor smiled to herself. She could feel her Brother's thoughts and knew that he was anxious to set out into the real world. "Not yet -- you're not ready." She thought to herself and directed her attention to the stone when he held it out to her. The rune caught her eye first and then the word "Determination". It was the right stone for him, and it had chosen the young man. "It says 'Determination'." She said with a grin.

Ah yes, that one fit him perfectly. She knew he was determined to rid the Universe of the evils it faced, but before he hurt himself or someone else, she would teach him how to do it properly. It was a noble quality to possess, nonetheless, and the woman nodded in agreement with herself. "One more..." She said softly, eyeing Syrius with a smile.

Jakob Burton
Jul 27th, 2003, 08:07:39 PM
Jake scooted over to sit next to Leten. He smiled at the boy, admiring his resourcefulness.

"I'm Jake. You mind if I use some of your string, dude?"

Leten Snat
Jul 29th, 2003, 11:12:25 AM
Leten smiles at Jake, and shrugs...

"Sure go for it. I have plenty... I hope you don't mind if some of it is slightly tattered.... Oh and my name is Leten.... It's nice to meet you you..."

Jakob Burton
Jul 29th, 2003, 07:59:29 PM
"Thanks, Leten....and tattered means it was used better....I could care less....it will do fine, man."

Jake takes a small bit, slipping the string through the hole in the stone. He then cuts the string from the bundle, tying it around his belt. It glowed slightly as he did so.

"Cool stone...What's your's say, Leten?"

Leten Snat
Jul 29th, 2003, 10:14:37 PM
"I can't read... But master says the it meen wisdom."

Jakob Burton
Jul 30th, 2003, 07:22:47 PM
"I see....well, I'm kinda in the same predicament, but mine says determination....."

Leten Snat
Jul 31st, 2003, 04:34:15 PM
Leten nods as he puts his things back in his pack....

"I wonder when Syrius will call his stone..."

Syrius Cline
Aug 1st, 2003, 12:25:33 AM
Syrius breathed in then out. He eyed Xazor with a smirk. Syrius knew enough by now to know she could read his surface thoughts, that and she and him recently exchanged mental conversation in a previous training session. So he thought at her the words: "Here goes absolutely nothing at all."

The Padawan didn't raise his hand like a mime, though his facial contortions were enough to show he was trying to all those that couldn't feel it already.

Syrius fell into a calm, one he didn't fine as hard as days ago, but still found a challenge. Following that came the unbelieveably hard task of making a rock move. One that was supposed to call to him... whatever the hell that meant.

He found what he supposed was a rock through the Force. He'd gotten good enough to see and feel objects in a murky, muddy water, sort of way through the Force.

"Calling to me, eh?" he mumbled out of the side of his mouth. "Bastard doesn't know how to speak up."

He tried ordering it. Nope. Tried pleading with it. Zilch. Tried killing it. Nada. Finally, he tried to call it. To coerce it.

The rock raised an almost immesurable amount off the ground. None of the Padawans would notice at all. Unless of course they ran up to it with rulers. Hopefully, Xazor would notice.

Suddenly, it shook. It would be a violent shake if it wasn't for the fact that it was being controlled by an telekinisis inept, instead of an adept. Then, it fell the entire fraction of an inch.

Syrius looked up, eyes open, sweating buckets.

"I don't think it likes me."

OOC - Oy. I've been busy/lazy guys. Feel free to murder me in your imagination a hundred times over. lol