View Full Version : Marked for life

Drizzit Darreerden
Jul 14th, 2003, 10:31:07 PM
Last time the outcast had walked into this bar he was tagged and ever since then his life only got worse. He had no mistress and didn't want one witch ment big trouble for a male. So here he was back in the bar this time he was looking to make his life a little better perhaps he would find a mistress that would respect him this time around.

He had made the choice to giving just after he had been tagged by the one he called a evil witch. She tagged him for no reason he was no spy just an outcast who refuse the rules of the norm. Drizz made his way to the bar.

"Waterrr Pleassse."

Kaiasssuri Cissaroni
Jul 20th, 2003, 05:21:22 PM
It was a rather quiet evening as Kaia sat in the shadows of the club. With her back against the wall and her lengthy tail wrapped around the leg of her chair, the young Cizerack female was quite a sight. She was beautiful and her blue eyes spoke archives of the good heart she possessed.

A service droid approached her and beeped several times, requesting her order. "jI'll take a waterrr pleassse." She purred the words and the droid retreated to retrieve her order. It was then that she noted a young, handsome male sitting off to her right. She smiled a toothy grin and batted her eyes his way, but it was no use -- he didn't notice her.

With a sigh, Kaia lowered her eyes and focused on being part of the wall once again. She felt hopeless, completely and utterly rejected. She once had the love of a man, but his disappearance so long ago caused her a broken heart -- and no one to love. Now she was all alone, and even the lonliest male would not even cast her a glance.

Jaassuuvi Ageerrodarr
Jul 21st, 2003, 10:42:52 AM
Jaas walked into the building and made his way to the bar and sat down next to drizzit and tapped the bartender on the shoulder, the man turned around and faced Jaas "ji'd ljike a glassssss of vodka" He threw a couple credits on the counter and the man filled a glass and set it down infront of Jaas

He looked at the cizerack next to him "hello, jyou look ljike jyou've ssseen betterrr dajysss" He gave him a toothy grin.

Drizzit Darreerden
Aug 19th, 2003, 11:03:58 PM
"jyou could sssay that. Life isss bad when jyou got nothing."

Drizz had noted the female to his side but held silent and tried his best not to stare at her. He knew some females looked down on such things and he didn't want to cause trouble. She had beautiful eyes and there was something about her he couldn't place. His eyes kept wanting to drift other but he held back as best he could.

Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Aug 19th, 2003, 11:36:32 PM
Saarrreeaa bellied up to the bar, skin slick from dancing in the hot club. "Gjive me anotherrr of the sssame!" She leaned against the bar, saw two males loitering near her, and glared. "Wherrre arrre jyourrr mjisssssstrrressssssesss? Don't jyou have anjythjing betterrr to do?"

Kaiasssuri Cissaroni
Aug 22nd, 2003, 05:08:00 PM
Kaia smiled when she noticed the male make eye-contact with her, but he quickly looked away. "What makesss me ssso djifferrrent?" The young female thought to herself. With a heavy sigh, she leaned back in her seat and noted another Cizerack walk in. This one was assertive and seemed to demand things wherever she went. "Not verrrjy attrrractjive, jif jyou asssk me." She thought again.

Soon the service droid returned to Kaia's table with the requested glass of water and left it sitting before her. "Thank jyou ssso m --" But before she could finish her sentance, the machine rolled away beeping and whistling as it went. Her ears lowered as she lifted the cold glass to her lips and took a sip of the water before setting it back down upon the table. It was then that she nearly spilled the contents of the glass all over the table, all thanks to the female she noted before.

"What'sss herrr prrroblem?" Kaia questioned herself as Saa scolded the two males for supposedly 'loafing around'. They were truly attempting to enjoy themselves and this was obviously unsatisfactory for the other female. Usually a bit reserved when facing another, Kaia decided that this was not the time, nor the place to allow someone else to be walked on. "That one jisss mjine -- and -- and --" She paused, as she brought her pointed finger from Drizzit over to Jaassuuvi. "He'sss jin mjy carrre tonjight." The young female concluded as she turned with a toothy grin toward Saa. "jI brrrought them herrre to rrrelax a bjit beforrre we -- go home." She said in a seductive tone, a bit uncharacteristic to herself.

Jaassuuvi Ageerrodarr
Aug 23rd, 2003, 01:07:39 PM
Jaas watched as Saa walked up to them, but when she anaped at him and the other male he started to growl but stop as soon as Kaia spoke up to they're defence

He quickly cought on to what Kaia was doing "jyesss we arrre wjith herrr."

Drizzit Darreerden
Aug 24th, 2003, 01:10:42 AM
Drizz just nooded in agreement he didn't say a word to the female to afraid she would rip him apart if he said anything out of line. This was a female domonated society after all. He made his way over to Kaia's table and whispered to her as he got close.

"Thankssss forrr the help." he added a cat smile