View Full Version : Alone Inside My Mind....(Verse)

Damien Steele
Jul 14th, 2003, 06:57:17 PM
"This is the last straw, Damien -- you're all done!" A gruff voice spoke. It belonged to a short, fat man who was dressed in a long, white labcoat. In binders before him walked a figure about six feet in height. His hair was black and stood atop his head in tall liberty spikes. He was dressed in a black pair of pants, a black t-shirt, and a black trenchcoat covering those. Chains, piercings, tattoos, and eyeliner were just a few things that made up his appearance.

Reluctantly, at first, he marched down the halls until the pair finally reached the foyer of the Coruscant Mental Institute. The doctor unlocked his binders as they reached the door, then he opened it and shoved Damien out into the cold, wet, Coruscant night. Falling to his hands and knees, the young man closed his eyes tightly and lowered his head. He felt worthless, still, yet, and again -- now even the Mental Hospital did not want him.

"Fine." He growled deeply and pushed himself to his feet. He had no purpose -- no where to go. He had been locked up for a year and a half and knew nothing of the world around him. In fact, everything had changed so much in that short amount of time, he found himself standing -- rather awestruck. That did not last long, though, as he began walking down the side walk toward a bridge. "I have no purpose -- I'll end it here and now -- for good." He said in a voice that seemed quite promising. "And no one is here to stop me."

Verse Dawnstrider
Jul 14th, 2003, 08:58:43 PM
"Your right. No one can stop you but yourself."

::The younger man stopped for second at hearing someone speak to him. The older, though he did not seem it, man had heard every word and knew alot about the stranger. He knew he was alone, and had no where to go. He also knew that the GJO had sent this man away. The Order was a Hospital, but it was not common for Jedi to give help outside the Order. In fact it was smiled apone. Giving back to the World in a way.::

"We all command our own fates. No one can take that right from you."

::Verse walked to him. He was dressed in his Jedi robes. They were blue and grey. The same ones his Daughter was known to wear. Verse used not to waer them, but lately desided that he should because he felt like he was hiding who he was when he was not dressed int hem in public.::

"Verse Dawnstrider, Jedi Master and Garou Knight."

::He smiled and held out his hand. He doughted teh other man would take it. Teh doctors said he had a very bad attitude and didn't take well to people. According to the reports he was cronic depressent. This was caused from what they thought was his 'condition'. That being they said he was crazy, heard voices, multiple personalities, and a long list of other things.::

"You are.........?"

Damien Steele
Jul 15th, 2003, 01:09:27 PM
Suddenly Damien stopped as he heard a voice. It belonged to a man who sounded a bit older than he. Sighing, the younger closed his eyes and clenched his fists. "Finally, someone who understands." He thought to himself and continued walking -- but it was evident that the stranger was not finished. He continued following him, causing Damien to stop and turn around.

"What do you want?" Damien questioned as his dark eyes glared at Verse. Soon a hand was being thrusted forth at him and a name was being given. He scoffed slightly and folded his arms over his chest. "Another Jedi? Are you here to throw me off the bridge?" A strained laugh escaped his lips and he turned around and began walking away.

He stopped for a moment and looked over his shoulder at the Jedi Master. "He doesn't seem that bad." The thought crossed his mind but he pushed it away. "Damien Steele -- soon to be deceased." He called out and began walking once again, nearly reaching the bridge. Tonight would be the night he died, and there was nothing anyone could do about it -- not even that Jedi Master. At least, Damien didn't think so.

Verse Dawnstrider
Jul 15th, 2003, 06:17:50 PM
::Verse just shrugged.::

"They say you are crazy.....but not that you were a coward. I will have to make sure I let the people know......"

::It was a bold statement meant to cut to the man's....no he had to be called a boy for the way he was acting.....soul. He knw he would hit a soft spot.::

"Killing yourself will not help. Are you going to do the world that much of a favor? If you have so much dislike for those peopel living would be a better kick in the balls........"

Damien Steele
Jul 15th, 2003, 07:53:37 PM
The words made Damien's blood boil. He could not believe the audacity that this man held -- he had a lot of guts to be saying these things to a perfect stranger. Stopping once again, the young man sighed and turned around to face Verse once again. He couldn't believe what he was saying -- and to think that this man claimed to be a Jedi.

Then again, he was learning that they were all the same.

Looking over his shoulder at the bridge, he began to think about how much of a favor he was actually doing the world -- but mostly himself. It was then that Verse took it a little to far and began to pretend to know more than he really did. "Who the hell do you think you are?" He was speaking more to this man than he had to anyone in the last year and a half -- or perhaps -- ever.

Except -- except for her.

"Just don't talk to me, okay? Leave me alone!" He shouted and began running toward the bridge, preparing to jump off of it the instant that he reached the edge. This was it -- and Verse was not going to get in his way -- no one was.

Verse Dawnstrider
Jul 15th, 2003, 09:02:57 PM
"I think I am the man that can change all of this."

::He just sighed. Kids these days were stubborn and hard-heared. Many just needed a good butt kickin' to take them off their pedistal. It was obvious that this boy needed one bad.::

"That is if you are interested. If not take the cowards way out. Prove to those men in there that your life is worth nothing."

Damien Steele
Jul 16th, 2003, 08:38:17 AM
Damien stopped as he spoke. "Prove them wrong? I can't prove them wrong!" He thought to himself as he lowered his head and sighed. He now was just a few feet from the bridge -- he was so close to ending it all, ending every ounce of pain he had ever felt or would feel again.

But this stubborn man was standing in his way.

Turning around to face him one last time, Damien threw his hands in the air in defeat. "And what do you think you're gonna do about this? Huh? You think -- you think you're some super man?" He scoffed and began walking towards Verse with a disgusted look on his face. "No -- you're nothin'."

He shook his head and then spit at the Jedi Master's feet. Deep regrets of his past -- memories -- pain, they all flooded his mind and tore him apart. "You can't help me -- I'm lost like they say I am." He said in a voice just above a whisper. It was then that he felt a few tears stinging at his eyelids, but no, he would not allow them to fall and humilate him in front of another man -- a man obviously stronger than he.

Verse Dawnstrider
Jul 16th, 2003, 10:29:07 AM
"You want to know about pain? I looked intot he eyes of a child as I ripped his mother apart. ten minutes later I saw the remaining Ciz warriors rip my brother into shreads. I have watched the news about how my son has killed, not one, not a hundred, not even a frelling thousand, but Millions! 3 frelling million people! I have watched my daughter jump man to man never happy. You think you know pain?"

::Verse walked up to the boy and grabbed him by his shirt he pulled him so close teh boy could smell his minty fesh breath, thanks to the gum he chewed, on his face. He scowled and trhew him down a near-by alley. He grabbed the boys head with both hands and forced him to look at a woman sitting in filth.::

"Do you see her? Do you boy?!?! She is at the alley everyday selling her body to men and begging for money? You want to know why? She has 5 children to feed, and they are starving now. She has lost 2 already. That is pain! That is lost! You know what though boy? She isn't giving up. I have more respect for her than almost any other person alive."

::Verse threw him back out the alley.::

"And you think your life is so hard you have to kill yourself....."

Damien Steele
Jul 16th, 2003, 11:04:45 AM
Damien was shocked as Verse attacked him. He yelled in his face, telling him what he thought pain was. He attempted to rise to his feet once thrown into the alley, but Verse was at him again -- and he tossed him back into the street. The young man had a cut on his face, just under his left eye -- and now, it was bleeding.

Growling and bending over slightly as he tried to regain breath, the young man coughed and slowly rose to face Verse. "You tell me about pain. Pain this -- pain that. You know nothing about me!" He shouted, moving in towards the Jedi Master. He looked away for a moment but then turned back to face him.

"I watched my mother die! I watched three men beat her, v -- violate her, and then slowly kill her by removing vital organs from her very living body!" He spit on Verse's face in sheer disgust. A few tears managed to fall from his eyes and mingle with the blood that was now running down his cheek. "I watched the love of my life kill herself! I watched her tie a rope around a tree, then tie the rope around her neck -- and she jumped from a frelling bridge!" He turned away and looked over at the place where he had hoped to end it all -- end all of the pain and misery.

Damien placed a hand on his head for a moment and closed his eyes before he turned around and used that same hand to point at Verse. "And you know what is the worst part of it all? My father is one of the three men that took the life of the woman who birthed me. Do you know how aweful that is? No, I didn't think so. That is real pain." He growled and lowered his arm and in turn, lowered his head again. His life was more detailed than those tragedies -- in fact, there were more that had sent him into a mental tailspin, but he was not here to rehash the past, no -- he was here to put an end to it repeating itself.

Verse Dawnstrider
Jul 16th, 2003, 05:21:53 PM
::Verse wiped the spittle from his face.::

"Strike one. Don't spit on me again. I don't give any other strikes. I guess you can say I don't play fair."

::He didn't flinch at what the boy said. The child had been through a lot. That was for sure, but Verse had seen worse. He had seen much much worse.::

"I do know how you feel. Don't be so jump tp think I am so ignorant of life. The point I am trying to make is simple. Others have it rough. That woman I showed you is going trough what your mom went through every day of her life."

::He just looked at the boy. He coudl feel teh boy was Force sensitive. Odds are that just made it worse for him. There was potenial here. That was for sure. He just had to get the boy out of these rut her was in.::

"So why don't you try and keep stuff like that from happening to others? Why choose to live in that place?"

::With these Verse pointed at the Hospital.::

Damien Steele
Jul 25th, 2003, 01:16:27 PM
Damien growled as Verse spoke. No, he didn't play fair and that did not sit well with the youth. Lowering his eyes as the Jedi Master spoke, he thought of the words he was saying for once. Perhaps he was right -- and perhaps Damien needed to grow up a little bit.

"So why don't you try and keep stuff like that from happening to others? Why choose to live in that place?" This statement made the young man snap, though, as he glared at the hospital. "I didn't choose to live there!!!" He spat the words out and placed his hands upon his head, idly rubbing his temples.

Damien turned to face away from Verse for a moment as he continued thinking. He was not crazy and in fact, was very intelligent and knew what was going on -- he knew what he had to do. "Fine -- fine! What do I have to do? Huh? You have some -- some big idea about me? Well, that's just fine. I'll prove to you that I'm worthless!"

He folded his arms across his chest and spun around, locking eyes with Verse. For a moment they stood there and he sighed, realizing that he had said the wrong things, again. "Ya know what? You're right, I don't want this stuff -- this -- this crap, to happen to anyone else. I wanna -- I wanna try to stop it but I can't. I was forced into the hospital and then they tried to dump me off at your doorstep. I want to get back at everyone that has caused me pain! Don't you understand? And that -- that includes myself. I -- I can't do this alone." He said in a helpless tone, hoping not to appear weak before the Jedi, but in the same -- he was fighting within himself to prove that he was worthy, and if that meant humbling himself, he would do it.