View Full Version : Rise to Vote (open)
Alexi Hesith
Jul 14th, 2003, 12:46:46 PM
"Order! Order!" the voice of the Senate speaker cut across the babble of conversation in the Chamber. "This session is called to Order."
Conversation died away to be replace silence. Only the slightest of coughs disturbed the air.
"Senators, the Chief of State." The Senators rose en masse, a sign of respect to Leia Organa-Solo Chief of Stae of The New Republic.
"Be seated, please," Organa-Solo's face, lined slightly by the strain of running the Republic smiled down, in some cases up, at the delegates. "Senators, the motion before us is this," she read from a screen to the side, "Does the Senate agree to pass the Military Reinforcment Act?"
Sitting in his booth, Alexi Hesith, glanced at his own screen which had begun to scroll the pertinent information on the act.
Military Reinforcment Act:Proposed Terms
The Senate hereby agrees to the following:
1. A single levy of 2% upon the incomes of all member worlds so to fund reinforcment programs for the military forces of the New Republic
2. The creation of a Military Reinforcement Fund to recieve donations for the funding of the military, open to all member worlds.
3. The use of these funds for the creation and recruitment of such equipment and personnel as may deemed necessary to the defence of the New Republic in addition to existing budgets.
Hesith glanced up at the Chief of State. How keen was she on this? Was she in favour of building up the military at a time when most people wished to concentrate on eductaon, health and job creation?
"Who will speak on this?" asked the COS.
Hesith watch his fellow senators, but none moved. He rose to his feet.
"The chair recognises the honourable Senator from Gall."
"Senators, this is an unprecedented event. Never has the New Republic dared to place such a levy. And I applaud the inventivness of the Treasury in creating such a scheme. But I also lament it.
"Why must our greatest innovation always be employed in the destruction of lives? Why can they not be put to use in helping those in need? Or in betteringthe lives of the Republic's citizens? Our schools are under funded. Our hospitals are overworked. Can we not use this money for these viatl areas instead of destruction? Senatoprs I urge you to vote 'No!', not because the military is over funded, far from it. But because we can find money for ships and troops elsewhere, at another time and by another method. And because our people need help elsewhere!" he sat down.
"The chair recognises...
Kaiasssuri Cissaroni
Jul 14th, 2003, 02:51:46 PM
"The honorrrable sssenatorrr of Eden."
A Cizerack female rose to her feet and looked out at the men and women of every race before her. She smiled and bowed in respect before clearing her throat. "jI mussst agrrree wjith Sssenatorrr Hesssjith on thjisss jissssssue."
The female paused and nodded in his direction before turning her attention back to the delegation once again. "Therrre arrre ssso manjy otherrr thjingsss that thjisss monejy could be usssed forrr. Educatjion ssshould be ourrr fjirrrssst prrrjiorrrjitjy, elssse we wjill be doomed to fajil togetherrr."
She shifted her weight slightly as she readjusted her red robes. For a moment, the young Cizerack female stood in thought as she folded her furry paws together at her waist and she eyed the others. "Pleassse thjink of what would happen to ourrr chjildrrren -- ourrr fjutjurrre jif we worrrk at nothjing elssse but bjujildjing up ourrr mjiljitarrrjy. Forrr thjisss verrrjy rrreassson, jI mussst vote 'No!'"
With this said, she bowed once again and took her seat, waiting for the next to speak either for or against the Military Reinforcement Act.
Senator Mah Deesan
Jul 14th, 2003, 03:02:09 PM
"The Chair recognizes the honorable delegate from Mon Calamari."
"Thank you," Deesan spoke in a heavy Mon Cal accent. He rose from his seat, crowded into his booth by several staff members. He was shorter than the average human, his long head reaching back farther than up. His frame was medium, a sign that perhaps he had some measure of exercise routine. His face, however, did not have the usual downward pull that was characteristic of the Mon Cals. Instead, it was rather light and jovial--perhpas one characteristic that assisted his appointment to this position.
"My friends, I have addressed this body before during times such as these. Now, I will do so again." He turned to face as many of the beings as he could--the beings that made up the Galactic Senate. "It is with humility that I speak. It is a humility that respects and reguards my inexperience with mass militaristic administration; but a humility that does not boast my numerous experiences observing over-powerful militarty institutions gain and grip control."
"The proposed levy--while a bit high for my tastes--is not entriely off base. If the figures we have seen are correct, additional funding is warranted. The Creation of the Military Reinforcement Fund--while seemingly repetative--will allow larger economies of stronger member worlds buffer the fund with their support without creating a progressive tax. Now, while I can see changes being made to these two strategies benefiting the whole, the proposition thus far doesn't look bad at all."
"As for the third provision, however, I must change my tone. "The use of these funds for the creation and recruitment of such equipment and personnel as may deemed necessary to the defence of the New Republic in addition to existing budgets." This statement--stand alone--is too dangerous to accept." His tone remained polite, but grew stern. His eyes glanced past where Chappelmount--his trusted friend--sat. "Questions come up that must be clarified: Who will deem necessary changes? What is necessary for defense? How will we define the necessary quotas and requirements for recruitment and equipment alike? If I have learned one thing in all my career thus far, it is that statements like this will be abused. It is not a matter of faith in our body or trust of our delegates; it is simply a matter of time."
"I urge you all to vote 'nay' on the current draft of the Military Reinforcement Act." With that, Deesan took his seat and remained focussed on the discussion at hand.
Helenias Evenstar
Jul 15th, 2003, 02:27:21 AM
I decided to speak.
"Dont give me nonsense about education and other bleeding heart rot" I snapped out in my rather undiplomatic way. "It is NOT for this Senate to set up text books and schools, it is for member states, be they planetary systems or Sectors to decide and fund that for themselves. Stop trying to divert the issues to something that simply is a bad disguised and cynical "think of the children" nonsense and is not something the NR has a say over anyway!"
I looked about, before continuing.
"However, it IS for the Senate to decide on matters like joint defence. While a strong military can help a lot with disputes and law enforcement, the amount proposed is a farce. 2% of all member world's income?!? Do you have any idea what a pile of credits that is? Are you seriously expecting me to believe the miliary is in need of such huge wealth? It is not! Why, 2% of the income of one planet is enough to fund a strong space fleet, let alone millions of planets! I would remind the Senate that Arcan IV already supports vital aspects of the NR military extensively as well as providing bases, production facilities. Arcan knows it's duty and will do it. But, this is not it's duty, this is robbery! I say Nay!"
Jul 15th, 2003, 04:25:15 AM
*So, all the senators are finally together in one place. How perfect*
Flying in his lambda class shuttle, Malice was headed for where the Senators were meeting.
*I have never been to one of these meetings. I think it would be fun*
Grinning, the demonic sith cloaked his presense within the force. He did not want any unneeded attention until he has gotten to where he wants to be.
As the meeting went on. An delegates were starting to cast their votes. Malice was just exiting the hanger bay. Pulling over a taxi craft, Malice hops in. His usual white robes were not present. Instead, he was dressed as a senator. And with his force presense hidden, it would be hard to discover him.
*To the senators building please. I am rather late for a very important, galactic disccusion. I need to get there fast*
With that said, he sped off. The sith should reach the building within a few minutes.
Alexi Hesith
Jul 15th, 2003, 06:04:57 AM
Several more Senators had risen to their feet to be heared by their collegues. Hesith was watching them with interest. Each Senator seemed to oppose the Act for a different reason, there was no unified opposition. Interesting....
Jul 15th, 2003, 06:37:29 PM
As the taxi neared the building, Malice had him stop at the building right next to it.
*Thank you my good sir. Here's your credits. Have a nice day*
It sickened him to act nice. But he had to in order to get what he wanted. Slipping into a dark section on the outside of the building, Malice took his duffle bag and began to change clothes. Once the sith emerged from the shadows, he looked different once more.
No more was he a senator, nor his old self. This time he was dressed in jedi robes. His waist length white hair tied back into one big braid. Grinning, Malice force lept the distance to the Senators building. Upon landing, the demon sith searched for a way in.
Entering the building, Malice came across a door guarded by 4 men.
(Hmmm......that's gotta be the room. Alright, time to have fun)
Walking up to the guards, Malice held both hands up infront of him. As a sign of piece.
*I am a jedi knight. I come from the jedi order. It seems i am suppose to guard one of the senators from a possible assassination attempt that might occur*
He stuided the guards faces. It didn't look good. They werent falling for it. So, he would use the jedi's mind trick. Waving both hands, he spoke to the guards.
*You are needed else where. There is a robbery going on outside and they need your help*
The guards relayed the message given to them then sprinted off to stop something that hasn't even started. Laughing at their simple minds, Malice walked through the door. It was quite a journey down a long hallway. Going up and down flights of stairs. Not to mention the many twists and turns.
But he finally made it. Coming out to a massive room. He himself entering what appeared to be his own floating stage. As were the many senators also standing upon. Grinning, Malice decided to keep quite and watch.
Senator Kensington
Jul 16th, 2003, 08:02:42 AM
"... recognizes the honorable Senator from Clak'dor VII."
Kensington remained quiet for a moment to allow the din to die down. Nearby Senators hushed each other until it was relatively quiet. The man's voice boomed decisively throughout the massive chamber.
"Fellow Delegates, I must cast my vote to the minority. The Military Reinforcement Act is meant to strengthen our Republic against it's enemies. Though our domestic agenda is full, our diplomatic stance has come into question in these troubled times.
"We have sat idly by as the Imperial factions ally with each other, and create larger, more powerful and influential fiefdoms. The Imperial Sovereignty's monopoly on Bacta has crippled our reserves. The Balmorran Empire's threat to our shipyard at Kuat is self-evident. Though they have lain dormant since the schism, it was only to prepare against us. They knew we would prove indecisive against them when they first split, so they were passive. Now their combined fleets can perhaps rival our own. Though larger, we are surrounded on many sides. Efficient enemy fleets can cut off entire sectors and trap our garrisons, not to mention our planets!
"This act will help to counter the Imperials and their maneuverings. Let us bring the might of our people, and the wealth of our planets to bear upon them. Through fair and just appropriations of the funds, we have to ability to keep our military leaps and bounds ahead of our enemies. I ask of you, vote yes! Yes... to the Republic!"
Alexi Hesith
Jul 16th, 2003, 09:29:46 AM
Kensington's words were greeted by shouts of "Here, here" from some, but many rose to their feet shouting: "Warmonger! Scaremonger"
Though Hesith disagreed strongly with Kensington, he also belived in good manners. So he was happy to hear the CoS calling for order. She came to her feet shouting above the rest:
"This meeting must come to order. Please, the honourable Senator must be heard!" Silence descended once more over the Chamber, Organa-Solo, sitting once more addressed the Senate, "Who will speak next?"
Senator Kensington
Jul 16th, 2003, 10:14:33 AM
Kensington took his seat, pleased in his mind with the reaction that his words prompted. He had a feeling the act was doomed to failure, especially with such vocal opposition from the non-border world aristocrats, but his appeal's purpose was to make his views known, and to bring those who agreed with him closer into his camp.
He waited until the outrage was calmed by the CoS, and observed the other Senators to see who would speak next.
Senator Thareena
Jul 16th, 2003, 11:52:13 PM
Thareena stood, getting recognition from Organa Solo. "The Chair recognizes the Senator from Chandrila."
Fa'un Thareena steadied herself against the railing in front of her as the pod she and her aides were standing in moved to a more central location. "My collegue from Clak'dor VII voices what many fear. The Outer Rim worlds, and those nearest to Corellian, Balmorran, and Sovereignty space know those fears.
"And Chandrila knows them as well. We cannot afford to let our defenses grow lax in this time of peace. If an attack were launched against a weak link, it would only be a matter of time before our enemies have a staging area from which to attack the Rim Worlds, and then perhaps even threaten the Core. I vote yes."
Senator Thareena
Jul 16th, 2003, 11:55:23 PM
Behind Malice, three other New Republic guards appeared, armed with spray sticks and stun weapons, in addition to the rail pistols strapped to their thighs. "Sir, you are not permitted in this section while the Senate is in session. Please come with us."
Jul 17th, 2003, 04:16:54 AM
Turning to the guards, Malice flashed his lightsaber.
*I am a jedi. I have come here with orders from the jedi council to protect one of these senators. We have gotten word that a possible assassination attempt will take place*
Malice would continue to use this tactic for as long as he could.
A Nameless NR Tech
Jul 17th, 2003, 05:31:39 AM
One of the guards had a very acidic look on his face.
"Really? Funny how we haven't heard a thing. Funny too how Senator Evenstar is a ranking Jedi and she don't seem too worried"
"Maybe Evenstar can id this guy. After all, she'ld know if he was a Jedi?"
That seemed to settle it. "Sir, you will come with us. Now"
Senator Kensington
Jul 17th, 2003, 01:46:48 PM
Kensington smiled at Thareena. Whereas the opposition to the Act had various different purposes to which they subscribed, those who defended it had one thing in mind. Preparedness against the Imperials. With a cause so tangible that the memory of it is still engrained in many of the Senator's minds, perhaps the Act might gain some backing.
Jul 17th, 2003, 05:53:12 PM
Growling inwardly, Malice tried a little trick of his own. Tapping into the darkside, he bled into the minds of the guards. Filling their heads with the dark energy. Malice was going to try and cloud their minds, while hinting to them to take a different approach.
(Let him go. Send him to the senator after the meeting is over. They would get mad should you disturb them now)
A voice echoed within the backs of their minds. Malice making it as if their on concience was speaking to them.
*You must understand. The mission i am on is very secret. I doubt the jedi senator would know of this. As not all jedi would know. Please allow me to remain. Should you remove me from this spot, you could very well be signing the death warrent of one of the senators*
Helenias Evenstar
Jul 18th, 2003, 05:11:53 AM
"II'm sorry to interject" I suddenly said, not waiting to be acknowledged, "But there is an idiot of a Sith thinking he can use the Dark Side and not escape notice. Riiiiight.... there" I pointed at exactly the right spot, where the Sith was. "Hi there. Time to run, Sithy"
Alexi Hesith
Jul 18th, 2003, 11:05:09 AM
Evenstar's words cut across the senator who was speaking. Hesith sat bolt up right in his chair, looking down to where she was pointing.
"The Senator from Arcan IV is out of order," barked the Speaker.
Senator Kensington
Jul 18th, 2003, 11:13:33 AM
Kensington furrowed his brow and stood up, leaning forward with the rest of the Senators to look where she was pointing.
What? A sith? Here?
Senator Thareena
Jul 18th, 2003, 12:21:50 PM
Senator Evenstar's words shocked most into instant disbelief, but a worried murmur echoed through the chambers. Thareena looked at the monitor and saw the direction the Arcan IV senator was pointing...
..and looked at the pod beside hers. There was a cloaked being with his back to the Senate, talking to some guards. Thareena let her eyes look past the possible intruder to the pod on the other side, and caught the terrified glance from one of the aides of the Ryloth delegation. The girl promptly fainted into the arms of one of the other females.
"Order!" The Chief of State called desperately for the Senators to remain calm, even while individual security details for those gathered went into action. They would do all they could to protect the senator they served.
Thareena stood to her feet, speaking to the Senate. "You see! Are our defenses so weak that a Sith can waltz directly into our very chambers?"
Jul 18th, 2003, 05:51:31 PM
Looking at the guards, Malice suddenly whirled around. All the senators, and guards were looking his way. Cursing under his breath, he once more hid his force presense. Raising his hands, he watched as his pod too started to float out into the center of the room. Letting all see him.
*I am sorry to worry you all. But i am no sith*
Malice was dressed in the robes of a jedi, so he flashed those around as an attempt to gain their trust.
*I cannot state why i am here, for it may jepordize my mission. But i asure you, i am here only to protect, not to harm*
With that said, Malice's pod floated back into place. Unfortunatly however, the guards he had been speaking with were still there. And this time they had some more company.
*Now do you all believe me? I am not who you think me to be*
Should this not work, he would have to make a very violent escape.
Senator Vobb
Jul 18th, 2003, 05:56:56 PM
Giving a slight sigh, Vobb sat down, watching his monitor. He had come here to reject this proposal. 2% was far too much to pay for something that was uneeded. The reinforcement fund was a good idea, but 2%? That would be unfair on planets that had become a success!
But now, more had occured. An intruder, possibly a Sith, had entered the senate hall for whatever purpose. Looking around, Vobb worked out his location to be at the far side of the room.
"Senator Vobb, this one reccomendz we leave the area for your sake." he heard from behind, feeling the hand of his Barabel bodyguard on his shoulder. A trusted companion, Kranar had proved himself time and time again to be a perfect bodyguard.
"No, I am staying. Why would I miss the opportunity to watch exactly what we pay our security for?" came his reply, not turning his view from the screen.
Helenias Evenstar
Jul 18th, 2003, 09:02:29 PM
What a moron. What a staggeringly, stupid, undescribably retarded moron.
And the Sith was not much better.
"THE SPEAKER WILL SHUT UP AND GET TO SAFETY!!" I yelled. "All units! Sith intruder!"
Jedi did not lie on such matters and considering I was on the Jedi Council itself not long ago, I knew all the true Jedi. Besides, no Jedi would use the Dark Side or be so lame.
You really would think a Sith would be smarter than to be so pathetic as to disguise themselves as a Jedi when there were ranking Jedi on the Senate. While security pods decended to cut off an aerial escape, I decided that I would run around to where the moron had come from.
The secuirty forces had responded quickly, blocking the way. I was allowed through, being a known Jedi, to find the Sith neatly surrounded.
Now do you all believe me? I am not who you think me to be
"Your a Sith and you are under arrest" replied one of the security forces. "We request you come with us now"
Senator Thareena
Jul 19th, 2003, 02:43:32 AM
Thareena was shoved roughly to the floor beside her chair as her head of security decided she'd taken enough risks. Being right next to the intruder did pose more of a hazard, she supposed. But what if he was a Jedi?
Or perhaps...
No, she would have been notified. Wouldn't she?
She squeaked as strong arms manhandled her out of the front of the pod, near the back, but not outside of it. The Sith was outside. Or, whatever he was. Fa'un saw the backs of two of her bodyguards, pointing their blasters at the side of the intruder, ready.
Then she was forced down again, and she covered her head with her hands. The vote had been interrupted. There were many more systems yet to get a say in the proposed levy.
Alexi Hesith
Jul 19th, 2003, 02:47:29 PM
Hesith's bodyguards were a bit slow off the mark. Hesith was already on his feet looking to see waht was happening before they grabbed him. From the floor of his booth, pinned by the weight of one of the two, Hesith could see nothing.
Jul 19th, 2003, 05:20:44 PM
OOC: Ok, now the fun starts
IC: Malice grinned at the senator that had just arrived. This one amused him. Malice had heard of jedi being ont he senate but have never actually seen them for himself. This posed a question in his mind. A question he would have to ask later,
Holding out both arms, Malice put them together, looking up at the guards, he nodded to them.
*Very well, you have caught me. Come, come and take me away*
Malice flashed them a sadistic smile. Flashing images within the guards heads of the horrible, deadly things he could do to them should they try and touch them. He would not bother with the jedi, for they would not work on him.
Jul 19th, 2003, 06:58:48 PM
Jhony left without them...important business he said couldn't be helped. That leaves his sister May and his Padawans Janus, Destiny, Rognan, and Ariel stuck in the hijacked city maintenance van for another eight hours, and to tell the honest truth, he's sick of sitting around and lecturing them on how to combine and apply Force techniques. Lucky for him--or not so lucky, depending on your perspective--a shock of darkness makes his heart jump in his chest.
He leans past May to look out the window and spots the Senate building ahead. For whatever odd reason, he feels something very wrong is happening there.
"May, go to the Senate building. When we get there, let us out. We've got a bit of business to take care of, it seems." May is there within an eyeblink, parking expertly by the curb and pulling a cap low over her eyes.
"Have fun," she says sarcastically, popping the locks and unleashing the five Jedi onto the Senate steps.
"We will," comes Zeke's grim retort as he leads the group up the stairs. "Up the stairs quickly. If you don't have a weapon, speak now or be bare-handed."
Rognan Dar
Jul 19th, 2003, 08:27:52 PM
Rognan was sitting in the van waiting patiently for the time that they were to leave. Sad to say, it wasn't anytime soon. So he tried to get a little shut eye. Again, sad to say, this did not happen.
Shortly after he was about to fall asleep, Zeke has them pull up to the Senate building. It was big. Anyone could tell that a mile away, but when you got up close, you knew how big it was.
Rog jumped out of the car and followed Zeke. When He asked about a weapon, he unclips his lightsaber from his belt and gets ready to use it.
"I have a lightsaber, Master Zeke. Whats going on?"
Senator Thareena
Jul 19th, 2003, 08:48:55 PM
Guards blocked the way of Zeke and company as they tried to enter the Senate building. "The Senate is in session, you are not allowed in."
"But I'm a Jedi, and these are my padawans..." Zeke tried to explain he wanted only to help, but the guards were adamant.
They were also edgy, knowing about the disturbance inside. However, to add more Jedi into the mix would be like adding gasoline to a fire. It was also against protocol. The building was sealed, to prevent further hosilities against the Senators gathered peacefully inside. "Return to the Jedi Order, Jedi. You are not permitted inside."
Jul 19th, 2003, 08:58:53 PM
"Let us in. At least for the sake of knowing that everything's really okay in there. I've this horrible feeling is all."
Senator Thareena
Jul 19th, 2003, 09:05:12 PM
ooc: to say that Zeke knows exactly what's transpiring inside the Chamber is a bit you've just arrived from who knows where, and how do you know the senate was even in session before your arrival? /ic:
The soldier rolled his eyes a bit. He didn't especially care for Jedi, the ones these days all seemed to have attitudes. "Master Jedi, with all due respect, I doubt your padawans will be much help either. You mentioned cannon fodder?" There was a snicker from another soldier, and the huge doors remained closed securely, guarded within and without. "Go now, or I won't be so nice about askin' next time." The rail pistol on his hip glinted in the late afternoon sunlight.
Inside, from the 'basement' (there was no such thing on Coruscant), three specially trained soldiers were heading up the turbolifts to Malice's level. They had yslamiri nutrient frames strapped to their backs, and were prepared to render the intruder useless to himself. The NR was quite prepared for such an emergency, although of course everyone had hoped it would never come to something like this. Boots echoed on the marble hallways as they ran towards the confrontation, their combined bubble of null Force extending sixe metres all around them.
Once they reached the intruder, the security task force would have the advantage.
Jul 19th, 2003, 09:45:44 PM
Malice merely glared at each and every guard. His dark blue eyes gazing right through them.
*Might want to hurry up and take me boys. Otherwise i wont be responisble for what i do*
Teasing the guards, Malice let out a wave of the force. Hitting the guards and causing them to stumble. Not stopping them, Malice stretched out with the force. Wrapping around the guards guns. Grinning, he watched as they were wrenched out of their owners grasps, hovering in the air, the barrel facing the guards.
*Pity. You all need more training. It would seem your own weapons do not trust you....hehe*
Malice could have easily broken out of here already. But had different motives instead.
Senator Kensington
Jul 19th, 2003, 10:00:14 PM
The excited murmurs of the Senate were broken by the yelling of a captain of the Senatorial guards. His voice resonated through speakers.
"Attention, Senators, this is Captain Fellowes of the Guard speaking. Please evacuate the hall in an orderly manner to the Inner Council Chamber. We will reconvene there. Don't worry about the intruder, he will be handled. This joint session is not over."
Kensington felt the hand of his bodyguard fall upon his shoulder and sighed.
"Very well, Ayoub, let's go."
The Inner Council's meeting chamber was in another building of the complex, but it was nearby. A quick private shuttle would do the job.
Dwayne Hicks
Jul 20th, 2003, 12:57:59 AM
Not everyone had their guns taken - Dwayne Hicks, Former NRSF guard was not exactly that persuadable in the Force and he was trained to deal with Force Users. He simply pointed and fired, the hypersonic projectile too fast to block at this range, winging the dark sider. The concentration of the Sith was broken and every man plus dog leapt for their guns again as they clattered down.
This time there was no hesitation. The sith was centred and fired on.
Jul 20th, 2003, 03:42:45 AM
Malice fell to his knees when the shot struck. Albeit not a life threatening, or a very deep wound. It still distracted his concentration. Causing the other guards to re take their guns. From there, Malice's senses alerted him seconds before the first group of shots came in.
Some of the shots missed, striking on the ground beside Malice. As if the shooter had missed on purpose. They hadn't. Malice had simply manipulated the trajectory of the shots. Making it look lke the guards missed. When in actuality it was the forces doing.
Though the sith master could not do that with all of the blaster fire. And so, the only thing he could think of, was to put up a force shield. The bolts either disippated, or bounced off the shield. This way, Malice would be able to take a minute to think before the shield gave way.
*Hmm.......not very smart i'd say. Here you had a chance to take a prisoner. And yet you'd rather kill him. Very well i shall play along. I have given you a chance at an easy way out but clearly the easy way bores all of you pigs*
After his insult, Malice sprung into the air faster then the normal eye could see. Letting down his shield, Malice landed upon one of the guards. Acting quickly, Malice kicked backwards, knocking another down before he could fire. Grabbing the closest one to him, He used him as a human shield. His companions shooting an endless stream of blaster fire into his body.
Laughing, Malice shot out one hand, his lightsaber coming into grip. The two white blades shot out from both sides. Instantly Malice dropped the man and brought his lightsaber to action. Deflecting shot after shot. His speed enhanced by the force.
While at the same time, Malice was edging ever so closer towards the exit. Aiming some deflected shots towards the guards whom blocked the door. Looking around, Malice saw the guard that had shot him. And decided to repay the favor. Swinging his sabe blade in the mans direction, a stray blaster bolt screamed towards him. Knicking him in the left shoulder.
Now it seemed all the sith could do was escape. Which of course wasn't his plan, but ohh well. Plans of a sith often go array.
That was when ones true geniousy showed.
Senator Thareena
Jul 20th, 2003, 06:56:43 PM
The soldiers with the nutrient frames arrived, flooding the area with the non-detectable Force null bubble. Senator Evenstar carefully backed up to be away from it, but the Sith was caught directly inside of the null space. His wounds ached and bled as his control over his body ceased, and he felt disoriented, even slightly nauseated.
Thareena was hustled out of her pod, and whisked down the corridor, past the Senatory from Arcan IV, and away from the intruder and the soldiers. Blaire had a long hair pin in her hand, but she merely held it between finger and thumb, and took Fa'un's elbow, directing the younger Senator through the crowd of aides and security personnel. "Hurry, Senator. The stairs, not the lifts."
Fa'un nodded, and followed her burly bodyguard into the stairwell.
Jul 20th, 2003, 11:13:56 PM
Without warning, Malice found himself on his knees. His whole body felt limp. It was as if all the energy had suddenly drained out of him. Which in fact, it did. Looking up, Malice could see a new set of guards arrive. Growling under his breath, the demon sith tried to stand.
(Ohh great, they must be carrying Ysalamiri. Perfect timing. I was just about to break out too. Damn it all)
Leaning up against the wall behind him, Malice glared at all the guards. Holding the flesh wound he had gotten, which thanks to no force aide being put onto anymore started to bleet a little.
*Hah, you guys sure have perfect timing. Your buddies here were just about to die*
Malice now stood there, his lightsaber held up infront of him. He may no longer had the force, but should it come to it, he would take a couple of these blokes with him before he died. Pity though, he would die in such a weak state. This was unbecoming of the sith.
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