View Full Version : Just sick.

Jul 14th, 2003, 08:50:28 AM
Unending cough, check.
106 degree fever, check.
Stuffed up, check.
Dizzy, check.
Blurred vision, check.
Sweating profusely, check.
Clammy hands, check.
Sore throat, check.
Nausea, check.
Diarrhea, check.
Mouth ulcers, check.
Shivers, check.

Well...I hardly ever get sick, so I must be making up for lost time, then.

Yet I still went to class, and luck be with me, I'll still go to work. I have no idea how I'm doing this.

Jul 14th, 2003, 09:39:18 AM
Don't be stupid, just stay home.

imported_Terran Starek
Jul 14th, 2003, 10:01:19 AM
I second that motion. Stay in bed. I had a heckofa cold this past week, and I still worked my overnight shift and then worked all day and went out that night (on no sleep) and I nearly DIED!

Take some time off. If you hardly ever get sick, people (bosses, professors, etc.) will understand and let you have some time out. Because you're good enough, you're smart enough, and goshdarnit, people like you!

Jul 14th, 2003, 10:03:42 AM
I really can't take the time off. I need to stay on top in this class, and I could really use the money from working. I'll just have to deal with it on my own time.

I considered staying in bed this morning, but I just couldn't slack today :\ I took a benadryl at 3:00 yesterday afternoon and passed out at 9:00...only to wake up at 3:00 AM. I slept some more and woke up at 5:30, and by then, it was time to make up my mind.

Ace McCloud
Jul 14th, 2003, 10:10:47 AM
Hey, the best thing for you might be staying in bed, but what the hell. You're showing strength. Good job being a man! =)

imported_Terran Starek
Jul 14th, 2003, 10:13:08 AM
Coming from a professional slacker who remains stress-free at all times and on top of his game, I offer you only this advice:

Don't sell yourself short, my friend. You are skilled as is, and you are a dedicated and very self-motivated individual. I promise that if you take a day or two off, the world will not collapse around you! Your health and welfare is never less important than maintaining your schedule. Never.

I'm arguing against you here because 1) I like having happy, healthy friends and 2) I would like to continue to RP with you and would prefer to do so with a living, breathing Charley as opposed to a commotose one. Or worse. . .role-playing with Charley. . .FROM BEYOND THE GRAVE!! :lol

Take care of yourself, man. I mean it. :)

Jul 14th, 2003, 10:16:53 AM
I don't think it'll be anything bad, its just a monumental effort to get going today.

Besides, missing a day of intermediate finance on a 1 month summer course would keeeell me. Its hard enough when I'm attending every day, I couldn't imagine missing a day. Plus, work today will probably be pretty hectic, seeing as a lot of the lab work was postponed for the weekend, which means that a fat load of shipping has to be done today. That means that Charley can make $$$$ which = gun for me.

Jul 14th, 2003, 10:33:02 AM
When you see me again, I may be a grave man.
What do you do with a grave man?

Bury someone in it man! :D

Jul 14th, 2003, 10:34:30 AM
(rimshot) :x

Lilaena De'Ville
Jul 14th, 2003, 10:35:10 AM
You better be taking something for your fever - like tylenol.

And I'd rather you were alive and without a gun, than dead with one. In other words: GO TO A DOCTOR.

GOOD grief, 106 degree temp. chills, ulcers, bowel problems and YOU ARE NOT GOING TO THE DOCTOR WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!

I take back my chikkin soup, you're just being stupid.

Jul 14th, 2003, 10:36:41 AM
I have to agree. See a doctor.

Jul 14th, 2003, 10:37:48 AM
My mom = a nurse = she told me to go to school and work.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jul 14th, 2003, 10:37:58 AM
I am not pleased at all. :mad

Jul 14th, 2003, 10:39:40 AM
Know when Meningitis is such a killer? Because of dumb ____ who try and get on with life as if it is nothing, before dying of flu like symptoms and spreading it. You're like the Monkey in Outbreak.

Jul 14th, 2003, 10:42:22 AM
Well I'm taking some tylenol cold & sinus, so its not like I'm just shrugging it off.

Jul 14th, 2003, 10:43:58 AM
You don't need a nurse to tell you if you should go into work or not. It's common sense, if you're as bad as you say you are then whether or not you should be in work shouldn't be a question, or on the internet for that matter. Go to bed. Relax. Get better.

Jul 14th, 2003, 10:48:03 AM
If I get worse, I might. For now, I'm pretty manageable, I think :)

Xazor Elessar
Jul 14th, 2003, 10:49:27 AM

Really, Charley -- it's a noble thing to want to do everything you can when you're well, but you're dyin', man!

GO TO A DOCTOR! They're not all that bad. ;)

*sends cyber chicken soup across the wires* I hope you feel better soon. Take care of yourself! Get some sleep! You really should have stayed in bed, ya know?

Just don't die on us, k? :D *Huggles* Take care...

Lilaena De'Ville
Jul 14th, 2003, 10:53:07 AM
If I get worse, I might. For now, I'm pretty manageable, I think

THEN STOP WITH THE SENSATIONALISTIC "Oh no I'm dying I'm so sick but I must tuff it out" threads already!

GEEZ, Charley, you are such an attention whore. I refuse to give you any more sympathy at all.

Jul 14th, 2003, 10:54:16 AM
Originally posted by Agent Charley
If I get worse, I might. For now, I'm pretty manageable, I think :)

On a related note, why should you never employ a stupid dwarf?


Jul 14th, 2003, 10:55:40 AM
I was just citing a bit of Shakespeare, good grief. I never said I was going to die, just that I was feeling pretty blah.

Just forget I said anything, then :)