View Full Version : Small Annoyances(Marcus, open)
imported_Natia Telcontar
Jul 14th, 2003, 08:28:02 AM
OOC: Please let Marcus post before anybody else responds.
*Natia is walking down the street on Coruscant, nearby Dexter's diner. She is dressed in a blue dress, but it looks as if her dress is ripped at the hem and a chunk missing. Further inspection shows that the missing bit of her dress is up at her shoulder, looking red from blood. In one hand is a blaster rifle which she's using as a walking stick. Her dark blue cloak, she's lost, and her lightsaber is hanging off of a dark blue belt. On her shoulder is a snow owl which looks rather unhappy about something. Namely the fact that Pol's perch is gone*
Now Pol, all we need to do is find my Grandpa, and things should get better.
Marcus Telcontar
Jul 15th, 2003, 12:24:33 AM
He was in Dexter's, having gotten back form the quiet trip not long before, reading with growing annoyance the datapads around him. Dexter knew better to approach Marcus when he was in a mood like this, the only thing that dared come to his table was Stig, the ever present cat. Who, while Marcus was muttering darkly, looked up and took off out the door.
A few minutes later, the Jedi Master got the oddest mental picture - of a girl using a rifle for a walking aid, an owl perched on her shoulder, looking worse for wear. Even as he looked up, puzzled, the vision didn't go.
"Stig?" he called out. No answer. That meant.... he swore, grabbed the weapons belt and threw his cloak on. "Dex, get the med pack out. I'll be back quickly". He was out the door in a blink, buckling in the belt as he ran.
Didn't take long to spot the girl from his vision - Stig was stalking her and it was the mental empathy between the cat and the Jedi that had given the first vision.
"Natia! what the hell happened?"
imported_Natia Telcontar
Jul 15th, 2003, 07:49:52 AM
*Natia smiles when she sees Marcus approaching her*
Grandpa, just the person I'm trying to find.
*Natia angles herself so that she is heading towards Marcus now, obviously looking tired. Considering her need for a walking stick, and the knife wound on her shoulder, some may say it's a miracle that she's still walking though the only wound which is noticable is the knife wound on her shoulder*
I was spending some time with a friend of mine when we were attacked. We were sitting on the ground and the first thing that happened was the Thugs took my walking stick, thereby making it exceedingly difficult for me to get up. I used the Force to try and get my walking stick back, but the two that didn't take my walking stick started firing at Adriana and myself with blasters. As a parting gift, the Thugs threw a knife at me, it would have hit my back, but I sensed it coming and I rolled out of the way, and only got hit in the shoulder.
But the worst part of it is the fact that they managed to get off with my walking stick. It's pretty much a one of a kind walking stick. It's got a perch on top for Pol, and some carvings all along it which I put on it.
**Poledra hoots in displeasure at this point**
And Pol's rather angry as well since she likes her perch and it's now gone.
Sanis Prent
Jul 16th, 2003, 09:41:29 AM
"I ask you to steal something worth selling, and you get me a stick?"
I looked at the walking stick, and back up to my temporary employees.
"You are the worst hired hands ever."
One of the dirtier ones looked at me.
"Oy, but its a pretty stick."
If there was a trace of a pleasant expression on my face, it now escaped.
"It's a stick."
The skinny thug shook his head emphatically. I sighed heavily.
"Here's twenty credits, idiots. Don't spend it all in one place."
I flipped a chit to the hired goons, and they all began to squabble over it. Shrugging, I took the cane and placed it in the large travel case in the back of my speeder, with the other "antiques and collectible items".
Jul 16th, 2003, 11:09:40 AM
"Wee still did as we were told! That doesn't make us bad!" Thug1 exclames "I lost my blaster rifle and a good throwing knife getting that STICK! It's worth more that twenty Creds!" He says as he points a blaster pistol at the back of Sanis's head. A quick click can be heard as the safety is turned off."
Sanis Prent
Jul 16th, 2003, 11:52:34 AM
My right hand slipped slowly to my belt, to tap at a small device clipped there. I turned around slowly, to look at the man's blaster.
"Lets not try to get too smart here, fellas. Obviously, our definitions of the entrepeneurial spirit are a bit wanting between each other. You see...I pay you for goods. I don't compensate you for incompetence. You don't like the pay, you find better wares, comprende?"
My eyes looked back to the blaster.
"And please...don't give up your day jobs. You aren't that good."
They seemed to hesitate, and I continued.
" No goods...frack off. Simple, really. Now, if you want to make ends meet, time's a wasting, and I've got places to be."
Marcus Telcontar
Jul 17th, 2003, 10:00:24 PM
His face grew somewhat concerned.
"Okay, first thing's first..."
Without asking, he picked Natia up.
"Let's get you to back to Dexter's and give you some medical attention."
Why the hell would someone take a walking stick??? That simply didnt gel with Marcus at all. This was rather odd indeed, but he would ask questions after Natia was seen to.
Jul 18th, 2003, 12:18:06 AM
"Or here is another deal... how about I take the Cash of you dead body!!" Thug1 exclames as he fires a shot at the back of Sanis's head, and another at the middle of Sanis's back.
imported_Natia Telcontar
Jul 18th, 2003, 08:00:02 AM
*Natia normally would have objected to being picked up and carried, but she's happy this time about it since she doesn't have to continue walking*
In case you're wondering, the only injury I have is the knife wound to my shoulder.
*Natia goes to rest her head on Marcus's shoulder, just taking the bit of time to relax*
**Poledra hoots slightly when Marcus picks Natia up, but shifts her position slightly so that she remains on Natia's shoulder**
Sanis Prent
Jul 18th, 2003, 08:38:14 AM
By the time the first thug squeezed the trigger for the second time, he was dead. It was all the time required for the first killbolt to careen off of my personal shielding and sizzle through the hired goon's skull. The second shot was more or less a residual twitch of the nervous system, as the man fell to the ground with a smoking crater in his face. I turned around, glancing at the others.
"Anybody else want to negotiate their job description?"
By now, my ever-present shell gun was righted in its loop holster at the hip, and leveled off at the remaining goons.
"That's about the only severance pay I've got to give. You can either make me and yourselves a lot of money, or you can get a terminal case of ambition. I'd prefer the first option, personally."
Jul 18th, 2003, 10:16:38 AM
Thug1 dies and fas to the ground like a sack of bricks..
Thug2 and 3 quickly gather up thug1's blaster, leather outfit, and 5 throwing knifes.. they turn to sanis and thug2 asks
"So what can we get for this stuff..."
Sanis Prent
Jul 18th, 2003, 10:49:32 AM
Smirking, I steadied my weapon, taking the goods off their hands and looking them over.
"That's more like it. 30 for the knives, 40 for the pistol, and 15 for the jacket. Pleasure doing business with you, gents."
Jul 18th, 2003, 11:21:15 AM
The two remaining thugs take the money and walk off.
Marcus Telcontar
Jul 21st, 2003, 07:53:49 AM
Back in the Diner, Natia was taken behind the kitchen, to where there was a smallish office. Sat down on an old but comfortable lounge, where she could be attended to. Marcus hadn't talked to Natia about the Force nor ever shown any of his power - in fact, hardly anyone had seen it for a long time - but now, he was just exhibiting a bit of just how much he knew. He was a bloody good healer.
"Not too bad, could have been a lot worse. Normally stitches would be needed, but I dont think that will be necessary, even tho I will have to pull the wound closed. Before I do, I'm just going to lay hands on your shoulder"
He allowed his mind to drift into the Force, feelign the calm and peace wash over him.
"This'll make you feel rather drowsy. The pain will go for now, I will need to bandage as well. Okay with you?"
imported_Natia Telcontar
Jul 22nd, 2003, 08:04:32 AM
*Natia nods as Marcus says that this will make her drowsy. If she falls asleep, then when she wakes, she will move better without assistance. She settles herself comfortably on the couch so Marcus can do what he needs to in order to help her out*
It's find by me Grandpa.
Marcus Telcontar
Jul 25th, 2003, 06:38:04 AM
For some one who was such a brutal warrior as he was, someone with little or no mercy, scarred and battered, weatherbeaten and dirty most of the time, he had a surprisingly light and gentle touch. He was also so much better at healing than anyone gave him credit for.
Maybe it was becuase he rarely showed how capable he was. He was normally too busy causing injuries to be able to heal them.
A quick assessment showed this wasn't going to be too hard. He placed a hand over the wound, Natia felt the warmth from his hand spread and still the pain.
"Anything you need buddy?"
Marcus didnt turn to look at the huge four armed alien named Dexter. "Sutures, antiseptics and bandages. And get that bird out of here for now. Go on, shoo Pol. Natia will be allright"
15 minutes later, he was cleaning up his hands, finished. "What you should do is concentrate on the Force, focus on the wound. Allow the Force to flow and to begin it's work to heal you. If you know how, you should go into a healing trance for an hour or so, I'll fix some soup up for you. Or... you can tell me who did this. I'm afraid what they took is making absolutly no sense to me"
imported_Natia Telcontar
Jul 26th, 2003, 08:41:52 AM
**Poledra when told to shoo, hops off of Natia's shoulder, spreads her wings and flys out of the room**
*Natia smiles when the pain subsides. She keeps herself still and quiet as Marcus goes about healing her*
There were three Thugs who attacked me and my friend. I don't know who they are, or why they took my walking stick. Other then that, I really can't tell you much. I did what I could from being stuck on the ground, though I did manage to get a blaster rifle from one of them.
*Natia nods to the blaster rifle she was using to get herself here*
Kelt Simoson
Jul 26th, 2003, 11:53:30 AM
' Excuse me...' Said a quiet, calm voice from behind Sanis. The Jedi Knight had felt panic, hurt and pain as he sat in a near by cafe and of course he heard the shot to go with it. Rounding the corner he had seen the mutilated body and Sanis standing over it.
Kelt waited a few moments for the man to turn from the speeder.
' May i ask what happend?...' Kelt asked politely as he turned the body over to reveal the bloody crater that nearly blasted a hole though the mans head. The jedi caught sight of the shell gun but quickly looked up to Sanis to make it see if as he had not seen it. ' I am Jedi Knight Simoson...what happned here?..' he asked again more abruptly.
Gav Mortis
Jul 27th, 2003, 03:45:03 PM
"Jedi Knights and murderers--" Mumbled a feeble voice, a man walked by and although still young, his body was crooked and wretched, his arms were wrapped around his small frame as though to keep himself warm and his head twitched erratically. He spoke randomly in jumbled, disjointed sentances.
"Holes in heads, I don't know-- three of them-- saw it all, terrible-- thugs and murderers-- robbing from the dead, what is the galaxy coming to?" He jabbered on, before he walked past he stopped and for a moment a finger outstretched and pointed accusingly at Sanis. Then he carried on walking, mumbling as he went.
"Robbers-- and murderers-- and thugs-- Oh my!"
Marcus Telcontar
Jul 28th, 2003, 06:46:18 AM
He glanced at the blaster rifle, giving it a professional once over.
"Hmph. Amateurs, trying to pick on someone they thought was weaker"
Feeling a bit tired, he took a seat across from his adopted grand-daughter, looking up at the ceiling for a few seconds, before returning his attention back to the young woman across from him. He was feeling somewhat angry that this attack had happened... but more than that, he was feeling like he had failed here. He shouldn't have, hell, Natia and Marcus hardly knew each other.
But, Helenias and Xazor could protect themselves. In Helenias' case, extremely well. Natia was younger and no where near as learned in the Force. It was strange, this feeling of protectiveness. He felt a sense of responsibility like he had never really felt before.
"Be that as it may, how good or incompetent your attackers were, it wont be the last time you get attacked. Jedi seem to have that knack of finding trouble and I really should have asked this earlier - are you being trained by anyone and how does that go?"
imported_Natia Telcontar
Jul 28th, 2003, 07:56:37 AM
It was not the first time I've been attacked, and I know for a fact that it won't be my last time either. I still have my life ahead of me.
As for my being trained, I have recieved training, but currently, I have no one training me.
*Natia closes her eyes for a moment before opening them again*
What I'm really wanting is to be able to get up off the ground without any help at all. That way if I'm in a fight and get knocked to the ground, I can get up again.
*Natia has a brief flash of anger, directed at her legal guardian, as she thinks of all the trouble he's caused her in her life*
Sanis Prent
Jul 28th, 2003, 09:24:25 AM
If Coruscant were a pasture, Jedi would be bantha pies. You couldn't take two steps without stepping on one and making a mess of things. I turned around in a polite manner to address the annoyance.
"Self defense. He attacked me, and his killbolt hit my defense shield."
I reached into a pocket, fished out a stim, and watched some crazy fool stagger out of the shadows and mumble, pointing at me as he did. My brow furrowed, and my attention shifted away from the crazy guy and back to the matter at hand.
Kelt Simoson
Jul 28th, 2003, 09:47:14 AM
Kelt surveyed Sanis intently along with another quick glance of the shell gun, an eerie feeling running up his spine...a clear sign that something did not add up. ' Why did he attack you Mr...Prent...Sanis Prent?...' He was not asking question, Kelt had already searched Prents mind for the answer.
Kelt stood up away from the body, crossed his arms and watched the man very closely, the force still searching him for clues. Kelt had a feeling about this man...something was not right.
Sanis Prent
Jul 28th, 2003, 10:32:38 AM
"Hell if I know. Looked like he was hard up for money, or something of value."
I shrugged, lighting my stim.
"Honestly, I'm not the easiest mark or anything, so it wasn't too smart of him to pull the trigger at any rate."
Gav Mortis
Jul 28th, 2003, 01:56:44 PM
After turning a corner Gav straightened up, chuckling to himself, his day by day routine had become so dull lately that he found himself doing the most random, peculiar things to amuse himself. He stopped a middle-aged man for directions to the nearest decent café and shortly he was headed for Dexter's Diner.
Kelt Simoson
Jul 28th, 2003, 05:13:10 PM
' Killing, even in self defence is still very wrong Mr. Prent...' The Jedi Knight said with a look of disapointment ' There are other ways of dealing with people like this without ending there life. No need for death.' He added turning to view the gathering crowed looking to see the dead man that lay on the floor.
It was evident that The Watch had to attend the area and police the removal of the body. Kelt looked towards a young man, no older than 25 and smiled gently. ' Would you mind alerting the Coruscant Watch of what has happned here? Tell them a Jedi Knight is on the scene if you will my friend...' The man not alot older than Kelt himself walked off briskly towards a Cafe on the far side of the catwalk.
' Mr. Prent dont let me see this happen again with your involvment. And listen to what i say. There is no need for death. Go on' Kelt said not ignoring to take another quick glance of the gun this time letting Sanis know he had seen it.
Kelt turned and started to talk to the worried people that had gathered around the body.
Marcus Telcontar
Jul 29th, 2003, 02:53:20 AM
" What I'm really wanting is to be able to get up off the ground without any help at all. That way if I'm in a fight and get knocked to the ground, I can get up again."
Marcus felt the small smile appear on his face.
"Well, I think we can do that. In fact, I have no doubt what so ever we can do that. It's not like I dont know something on that very subject"
A pause.
"Maybe Natia, this is reckless on my behalf, but I would like to teach you. I have heard others, before I... say that to be a Padawan of mine was to get the finest training from the most powerful Jedi there is alive. I would select who I trained and I would train them how I wished. I have had very few of my apprentices fail to make Jedi Master. But your family, not just a Jedi Initiate. There are things you will learn and know I would not tell a Padawan. You'll find out just how difficult my road really is and.... "
He had said too much. Marcus quit that track for now, for to continue speaking on that would be to skirt too close to the Lost. If she said yes, well..... he would rethink.
"... it's up to you. You say no, that is fine. If you say yes, I cant promise that the road will be easy, if fact, I know it wont be. It will be dangerous. The paths I tred a dark and treacherous, but I can assure you, I train you, there is no doubt you'll get up again. I doubt you would even be knocked over in the first place"
imported_Natia Telcontar
Jul 29th, 2003, 07:47:56 AM
No road in life is easy. I've tried walking an 'easy' road in life, and it was one of the biggest mistakes I ever took.
And yes, I would like very much for you to train me.
*Natia smiles as thoughts go through her head about this talk. Her spirits rise at the thought of actually being able to get up off the ground without help*
Every path a person takes in life has its dangers. You just have to know how to deal with the dangers when they come upon you.
Sanis Prent
Jul 29th, 2003, 09:26:31 AM
"Whatever, man. I didn't even fire a shot. He popped himself on my energy shield. You expect me to valiantly take a killbolt at point blank?"
I shrugged it all off and walked away, slinging my duffle bag over my shoulder till I got to my speeder, where I slung it in the back seat. Hopping in, I revved up the repulsordrive, and eased off the street overhang, and out into the skylanes.
Gav Mortis
Jul 29th, 2003, 09:47:35 AM
"Oh, dear me!" Gav heaved as he stepped inside Dexter's Diner, he was less than discreet and had caused one or two heads to turn with curiosity. He found himself a stool next to the bar and slumped down upon it. "I don't know what the planet's coming to, I really don't!"
He ordered a drink and struck up a conversation with a fellow patron, immediatly telling him about what he had just witnessed. "Yes, terrible it was! Murder, on the streets no less. I thought crime was supposed to fall once the Jedi returned to Coruscant." He laughed heartily. "They're doing a bang up job so far!"
Jul 30th, 2003, 01:50:29 AM
"Yeah, like we give a frell in here what Jedi or those other scum do" wheezed the huge 'owner' of the Diner, Dexter Jettster. "You gonna keep whining about them pretty boys, or ya gonna order? Bantha steak is todays special"
Gav Mortis
Jul 30th, 2003, 03:41:08 AM
"Then I'll have a bantha stake, thank you." Replied Gav, his tone of voice had changed, it was smooth, eloquent and deeper than at had been, this was his real voice, clearly he had not received the results he had been looking for with his entrance and as such let it be. His drink had arrived, it was a Correlian red wine, he took a sip and stood.
"I'll be sat over there." He pointed to a free table next to the window looking out onto a busy Coruscant street and occupied it. His mind wandered back to the incident involving the death of that man and he remembered hearing the Jedi say the supposed killer's name. He should've been paying more attention.
Marcus Telcontar
Jul 30th, 2003, 05:35:07 AM
Every path a person takes in life has its dangers. You just have to know how to deal with the dangers when they come upon you.
He grinned again.
"Yeah, that's true. Tell me, you know how to handle weapons and guns?"
imported_Natia Telcontar
Jul 30th, 2003, 07:58:51 AM
*Natia smiles, showing her youthfullness for a change. She is after all just a teenager*
I know how to use a few weapons and a couple of blasters. Though I'm not the best at it.
Marcus Telcontar
Jul 31st, 2003, 07:22:00 AM
He got up from his chair and locked the office door. Not careing what Natia thought, he walked around to the opposite wall, paused, then touched a wall panel. A cunningly disguised door opened in the roof, a stell ladder came down as well from the gap now revealed.
"Come on up. I'd like to show you something - It's what your mother and I really get up to. Believe me, you stick around and learn from me, you'll know how to use a weapon."
imported_Natia Telcontar
Jul 31st, 2003, 07:37:28 AM
*Natia raises an eyebrow as Marcus got up and locked the door. She then gets a surprised look on her face as he opens up the hidden door in the ceiling. Without saying a word, she stands up from the couch, and slowly walks over to the ladder, without using anything to support herself. Upon reaching the ladder, she looks up before starting to head up the ladder which she does very very slowly. She does after all, want to show Marcus that she can do some things without any help from a walking stick. When she reaches the top of the ladder, she moves off to the side, waiting for Marcus*
Marcus Telcontar
Jul 31st, 2003, 07:58:36 AM
He waited politely for Natia to make her way up (And ready to give her a hand) before making his way up the ladder himself.
This would have been completely unexpected for the young lady. Downstairs, it was somewhat seedy and worn in the Diner. Up here... it was all high tech, beautifully maintained. Consoles of computers, gym equipment, a table with several leather chairs - and there on one of the walls was the weapons rack. A few rows of the latest and most powerful blasters, a cabinet with highly illegal Rail and Guass guns, an ammo locker, shield belts, armour, swords and other hand held blades and pikes...
And in the pride of place, mounted by itself with it's own directional light shining on it, the strangest lightsabre Natia had ever seen. It was twice as long as other normal sabres, with what looked like what apepared to be a hilt in the middle, the fins on the emitter sharp and glittering. Marcus' rebuilt lightsabre, a truly ancient weapon. The original front half was with Pierce Tondry, Athona it was called. This... thing that was mounted here, didnt have a name as yet.
But it was still highly impressive to look at.
"Welcome to my home.... my real home. I'll speak openly in here, this room is shielded from eavesdroppers, be they electronic, organic or by The Force. I've spend a good deal of time making sure what is in here stays out of the attention of snoops and especially Jedi and Sith. We coudl be right about a Force User and all they would notice was that above them seemed oddly fuzzy and out of focus. If a Jedi found out about this... "
He paused, surveying the room.
"What I'll tell you is a great trust I place in you, because..... well..... Xazor and I, were not the standard Jedi. we're no dark siders by any stretch, but be that as it may, we're not the usual peace lovers. we fight for what we believe in. Have you ever heard of The Lost Twenty?"
imported_Natia Telcontar
Jul 31st, 2003, 08:07:54 AM
*Natia looks around, open mouthed at what she sees up here. When Marcus starts to speak though, she turns her attention towards him as she slowly makes her way to one of the chairs which is in the room where she sits down since she has had a long day already*
When I was younger, before I even met Mother, I heard a story being told to somebody else and the story mentioned the words The Lost Twenty. But other then that, I'm sorry, I haven't heard of them.
*Natia does let her gaze wander the room again briefly, having a hard time believing that this is actually here*
I will do my best not to break you trust Grandpa.
Aug 4th, 2003, 03:50:03 AM
"I know, else I wouldnt show you this"
He glanced around, before looking back at Natia again.
"The Lost Twenty were the only Jedi Knights or Masters who willingly left the Jedi Order. Of all the millions who were Jedi in the 25,000 years of the Old Republic, only Twenty left. They were usually the most powerful, the most leaned and grevious losses to the Order. Count Dooku was the last one. They left normally one reason - they could not any longer sit by while the Order did nothing, they did not agree with the Order any more. Unfortunantly, most became like Dooku - Dark Jedi Masters that challenged the very core of the Jedi to it's foundations. A Lost Jedi is the single most frightening thing to the Order, due to their power and the fact they are no longer compelled to obey rules that the Jedi set down"
He sighed, saddened. But in some way, it was a relief to tell Natia this - Only Xazor truly knew.
"The Greater Jedi Order, I was one of the founders of. I lead it. I am the third Jedi Warlord to arise. I have power and learning beyond any Master still active. I am, without boast, most likely the single most powerful Jedi alive. I have.... knowledge. And yet. And yet, I have seent hat the Jedi do nothing,. They are still there is evil out there, evil that must be contended with. There are things to do that a Jedi should never be allowed to do. I have seen that my path could no longer be that of a Jedi in the Order. Thence, quietly, I have had myself erased from archives. I ceased to exist. What I did, who I am, it is no more. No one knows of Master Elessar and I hope no one does. I am not the last of the Old Lost.... I am the first of the New. I am a Lost Jedi"
I wish there was some other way he thought. But if there is, I can not see it
imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 4th, 2003, 04:03:58 PM
*Natia sits there, listening carefully to what Marcus is saying to her. This is definately not what she was expecting, but she keeps her body language still, not saying anything of her thoughts. Though there is one question that stands out amongst all that she has of this*
Does Mother know??
*Natia asks this one question, her voice quiet like it is most of the time, but it seems like there is power behind her words, as if this truly matters to her. To her, it is possibly the most important question to ask right now*
Marcus Telcontar
Aug 4th, 2003, 10:11:29 PM
"Oh, yes she does" He replied without any hesitation. "Xazor knows everything I do. I can't keep secrets from her for long anyway. We both have ways of knowing what the other is thinking. She knows, approves... and even helped me get this far."
imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 5th, 2003, 07:36:53 AM
*Natia smiles even more when Marcus says that Xazor does know. She then goes to speak again, her voice soft*
If there is anyway that I can help you with anything, please feel free to just ask.
But I have another question, why is it that you can't keep secrets from Mother??
Marcus Telcontar
Aug 7th, 2003, 07:55:15 AM
"Ummmm.... "
Unlike other potentially tricky questions, there is a reluctance for Marcus to answer this one.
"That's probably something I'd rather not say, for now anyway. Just know that what she hears, I can hear. What I see, she can see. It comes in useful now and then"
imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 7th, 2003, 08:06:12 AM
*Natia nods her head slightly. She makes no more comment about that right now, instead, she changes the line of talk, knowing that if she doesn't she'll ask again"
Grandpa, do you think you could perhaps help me find my walking stick??
*Natia knows that what she wants to do, some would say is near impossible, finding one particular walking stick on Coruscant. That's like finding a needle in a hay stack*
Force Master Hunter
Aug 7th, 2003, 08:09:57 AM
To anyone else, that would be a ridiculous question. How does anyone find a walking stick on a planet liek this?
The answer was, you were a Jedi. Jedi had ways.
"Yes. Let's call it training, shall we? There are various Jedi ways to accomplish this, even if the walking stick has been moved"
OOC : frell, I hate being logged into the wrong person when I reply -_-
imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 8th, 2003, 10:57:13 AM
*Natia smiles. Her first new training session more or less, with a new Master on the very same day which she gets a new Master*
I'm ready and willing to learn.
*Natia says this very simply and calmly*
OOC: Understandable. I've done that once or twice myself.
Marcus Telcontar
Aug 11th, 2003, 10:23:17 PM
"allright, first think is to go back to the palce the assault happened. Feel up to it now, our you want to wait a day?"
imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 12th, 2003, 07:59:35 AM
*Natia nods her head slightly*
I feel as if I'm up to it now.
*Natia stands up, showing that she's ready to go now to do this*
Marcus Telcontar
Aug 12th, 2003, 08:10:13 AM
He reached out his hand - the sabre that was one the wall came flying to him and landed in his palm. That went on his belt. He picked up the other belt - the one with his sword and dagger on it.
"Rightio. Lead the way Natia. And umm... can you grab my cloak as we go out?"
imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 12th, 2003, 08:19:40 AM
Not a problem Grandpa.
*Natia goes to exit the hidden area via the ladder, but she goes carefully. As she does this, she uses the Force to grab Marcus's cloak, though she slows down when she does this. She feels rather annoyed at herself for having to slow down in order to use the Force, but she causes the cloak to go to Marcus. After she's off the ladder, she steps off to the side to let Marcus come down*
Marcus Telcontar
Aug 12th, 2003, 08:23:08 AM
Marcus initially thought o just simply jump down the ladder, but that woudl be rather posing, wouldn't it? He was after all considerate of Natia's feelings.
"Thanks for my cloak" he said, swinging it on. "Right, lead on"
imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 12th, 2003, 08:29:51 AM
Not a problem.
*Natia goes and exits the diner, after grabbing the blaster rifle, by the closest exit or one which Marcus tells her to use. As she does this, Poledra lands on her shoulder, happy to be back with her. A slight smile crosses her face at this as she starts walking back towards the park where she and Adriana were attacked. It is a bit of a walk though*
It's a bit of a walk to where the attack happened.
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