View Full Version : Force Driven.... (closed, Myaad)

Xazor Elessar
Jul 13th, 2003, 03:12:17 PM
It was an early morning on Coruscant and the suns were just beginning to peek over the horizon. Several bands of light touched the buildings that rose into the altitudes of the city planet. Those who had been resting were still sound asleep and the city was rather quiet for once -- but not at the Greater Jedi Order.

The peace keepers of the Galaxy were always busy and were up around the clock. Xazor Elessar, a Jedi Knight of the Order, was no exception. This very morning, instead of her usual jog down the winding paths surrounding the Temple, the Garou Warrior found herself standing in the center of the Recruitment Center with her back to the large double door entrance.

In her hands she held a note and her bright cyan blue eyes scanned it over. It was an odd note, scribbled in Basic with some form of writing utensil. "Myaad Seblatar?" The Jedi Knight re-read the name of the author. It did not ring any bells in her head as she read his request for her to meet him there, at this very time on this very day. Shrugging slightly, the woman stuffed the note back into a pouch on her weapons belt which also held several weapons including the shiny black hilt of her Lightsaber.

She pushed some of her hair from her face and the silver coins woven into her waist length blonde Garou Warrior Braids clanged together softly but soon stopped after she spun around to face the doors. The red robes upon her clung close to her body, revealing that she was no delicate flower, despite popular belief. In fact, she was well built, strong, and muscular -- even in her state of being merely five feet six inches tall. Upon her face she wore a smile, baring her sharp elongated canines. Now she waited for this mystery person. Though slightly confused, it would not stop her from fulfilling whatever the Force would have her to do this day.

Myaad Seblatar
Jul 14th, 2003, 04:43:13 PM
His temples throbbed with a growing sensativity as Myaad Seblatar took his first steps into the mammoth complexity of the recruitment center. Upon entering he noticed great pillars on either side of him, of which reminded him of something distant and left behind. He gazed into the room as he came to an abrupt halt, sensing someone's presence. The clicking of his shoes still rang off of the emmense walls as he closed his eyes. He meant to waste no more time than had already diminished. Myaad's face grew stoic as he left this world for... the other.

With thoughts and reality juxtaposed, everything flew together into bright colors.

The green loose-ends of his jacket started to flap as a zephyr swept through the recruitment center. "Hmph", he chuckled playfully in short as he recieved the answer he had been looking for.........behind the furthest pillar to his left, shadows blanketed his answer. The answer, to the problems; the known and unknown bound together in one sacred source.

"Come forward when you are ready", his mind spoke through elated thoughts, "While my mind notes questionably of your caution towards me, I can assure you based on my intentions of coming here that I will bring no harm, of course, which cannot be the reason of your prowess."

Myaad continued to close his eyes as he waited for an answer.

An answer...........an answer...

Xazor Elessar
Jul 14th, 2003, 06:21:03 PM
Xazor smiled to herself as she watched the man enter the Recruitment Center. He did not appear to be old nor young, but somewhere in between. His aura reflected something akin to serenity and this very fact put her at ease. It was curious, though, how he called to her within the embrace of the shadows -- for even a Garou with the finest eyesight had a most difficult time at picking out her figure.

Stepping forward, the light bathed the woman's slender and muscular figure. She seemed to possess a heavenly glow about her and indeed, her aura spoke of this to those around her. Taking a few paces foward, the Jedi Knight stopped and eyed him curiously before continuing on. "He reads people very well -- he has a keen mind and is already attuned to the Force." The woman thought to herself. Of course, these were all assumptions, though, based on his actions thus far.

Once she reached a distance of approximatly one meter between she and the newcomer, she stopped and bowed in a manner of respect and grace. "Greetings, Myaad Seblatar -- I received your message a few days ago." She said with a smile that exposed her sharp elongated canines. For a moment, silence engulfed the room, but it was not awkward -- nay, it was peaceful. Looking down at her hands upon her weapons belt, the Garou Knight gathered her thoughts and proceeded. "I am Warrior Jedi Knight, Xazor Elessar of the Greater Jedi Order."

Extending a hand, the woman continued smiling as she opened her feelings and emotions to him. There was a sense of elation on his part, and equally so from her. "He holds a great deal of promise." Again, she assumed as she thought these words -- but something -- the Force told her so. "Why is it you requested to meet a humble woman like myself rather than a stronger, more valiant Jedi Master?" She questioned, hoping to get at his purpose for being here -- for sending her that strange message. Only time would tell the secrets that this man possessed.

Myaad Seblatar
Jul 14th, 2003, 07:29:42 PM
Light poured in as Myaad opened his eyes to an at first, angelic appearing figure. By now the light breeze of energy ceased around his place of rest, as his inner thought process had been disturbed. The figure gave him a pleasant feeling and a distant preliminary welcome swept over him due to her presence. She seemed very mystic indeed.

He watched as she slowly paced forward. She stopped for a moment, for analyzation purposed, he supposed. Again she started forward, Godly hair streaming gently behind her and gown flowing peacefully with every pace. He kept his thoughts limited, as he knew she was very keen in thought and an expert in burrowing into others' thoughts. It was not imperative to become welcome so soon, but rather be found out about; this made for a good test for those gifted in the lateralus of the mind.

She stopped at a distance that would have been uncomfortably close if he had not felt safe, but he did. She was different...

The woman gave a serene bow and introduced herself. Too humbled and impressed to hear what she was thinking, Myaad stared deeply into her brilliant eyes and bowed deeply, looking down only for a second. Myaad was not used to such formal greetings, but knew that he should hold this individual in high respect; after all, she had the answers...

Searching the abyss of his mind for validation, Myaad pondered this name. "Xazor Elessar" was not felt when stepping through the files of his past. A quick skan was all he had time for, after all, but he could search more deeply later. Right now it was time to do what he had come here to do.

"Myaad Seblatar. The pleasure is all mine". He spoke with a smooth controlled voice which appeared to have little to no identifiable accent. He spoke not to her ears, but to her eyes, as these were the windows to communication. His gaze penetrated through the mere color and to the core of her thoughts, where he waited for her to say or think something.

Xazor Elessar
Jul 14th, 2003, 08:44:47 PM
Xazor smiled gently as she watched the man bow before her. He was a very curious individual -- and though she sensed that he was not use to such formalities, he followed them anyway. For several moments, Myaad stared deeply into the woman's eyes and it caused her cheeks to flush a light pink color, akin to something found in the ribbons of sunrise.

Looking away for but a moment, she gathered her thoughts on the current situation and pushed lingering ones aside. His tenor voice rang gently inside of her mind, echoing throughout the tall pillars and walls surrounding them. His eyes too were rather captivating and Xazor found it difficult to not stare in return. Lost for words, the Jedi Knight cleared her throat and stood silently until she found some.

"You have come here for a purpose, have you not, Myaad?" She questioned softly, her voice like a pleasant song to his ears. It had been told to her several times that she was like the Sirens of the oceans -- for her voice was mesmerizing and could easily draw in and comfort a stranger. Of course, she did not use this for evil intention -- she was a Jedi, and one that stuck to her work.

Shifting her weight slightly, the woman eyed him curiously, once again. "You know about me, obviously, else you would not have written me that letter. Please, tell me why you are here." He seemed to be a bit dazed, though, and it did not strike the woman as odd -- she had seen it plenty of times in the beings she greeted daily. "If you don't tell me, I shall find out for myself. Your mind is as open as a book in the archives." She thought to herself, but kept hold of these things to herself, not allowing even one word to slip out to anyone remotley Force sensitive.

Her eyes gazed deeply into his and she touched his mind through the Force. Indeed, he was very much attuned already -- much more than most were when they sought out the Jedi, though there were occasional exceptions. "Trust me." She said in a near whisper, but the words were more powerful than any of her own had previously been. They were enhanced by the Force, and they planted themselves in his mind as a seed in the ground. Soon he would tell her his reason for coming here -- and so, the Knight prepared herself for an interesting tale.