View Full Version : in the begining there was dark (open)

Colin O'Gunlesi
Jul 13th, 2003, 11:00:37 AM
((ooc: i need two jedi, and anybody else who wants to join!, thanx:ooc))

On the far off planet of Cytronl, a young prince is in the mist of a battle between his government and a terrorist group, known as the Bogan... Prince Par and his father's government are at odds themselves... as Par wishes to have a democratic system, his father still insists on a Dictatorship... only the future will show the outcome of this feud...

in King Vernun's council Chambers....transmission:

"my Lord, we have received word of a vast attack on your government, by the Bogan... we suggest you flee the country... i must-- oh no, they've found me! AHHHH!" suddenly the hologram goes from a small dark complexioned man to a graze of blaster fire... a face appears in the hologram... a young brash man, a head full of dingy hair, and beady blue eyes... "My Lord, i am Fortagayn... your death will come soon, we will not stand for this tyrannical system any longer! Death must come, blood must be spilled to purify this ground... your blood..." the hologram fades into oblivion....

transmission end...

King Vernun stands up from his throne chair at the end of the chamber, " who does he think he is I would ne--"
a tall sleek man, with gray hair stands up, "ohm... My Lord, perhaps you should do what the informant said to... for your safety..."
" do the rest oft he council think so?" nods and grunts of yes go all around....
" well to hell with that idea, i am the king here! i will destroy the Bogan! i will stay and stand tall...", said Lord Vernun!
silence goes around....

days later without threat from any Bogan present, Lord Vernun decides to go on a stroll...

" see i told you there was nothing to worry about!" says Vernun...

" I guess not..." says one of his Bishops, Tameri, a short old man, who had a symbol on his forehead... the mark of light, this was given to all who had achieved supreme importance and wisdom...

the sun was beginning to go down, and their walk was nearly over when... laser swords ignited from all around Tameri and Verunun... one man steps forward, taking his hood off to reveal a young brash man, a head full of dingy hair, and beady blue eyes... Fortagayn... " My Lord, what a disgusting honor to meet you in person..."
Vernun spits at Fortagayn, who in turn slaps the mess out of Vernun, " you can call it... pay back. take him away..." he turns to Tameri, " and kill this old fool!" another man steps forward, his red laser sword ignited, he knocks Tameri to the ground, and VMMMM! THUMP! it's done.... " get me contact with Prince Par I wish to make a treaty with him!", and with that all the laser swords are de-ignited, and Fortagayn stalks off with glee....

in his office, Luc Joch Par sits filling out vpad work about new bills, and regiments, when... "My Prince, how goes the night?" says the hologram of Fortagayn... " what? what are you doing here, how did you get this line? i shall call the Royal Guard!"
" No need, they've been... detained... it's just me and you... i wish to meet with you, i have something of great value to you.... your father, and your beloved Star system..."
"what have you done Fortagayn?"
"just meet me on Saris at 12 tams... (Sunday at six)... oh and, bring some dealers with you.... end transmission"
Par sits at his desk for hours, contemplating what to do when... Jeric, his personal bodyguard dashes in... " My Prince, the King has been captured!!!!"
"yes Jeric... i know!"
"what should we do?"
"call the Jedi!"