View Full Version : A Spark in the Darkness. (Dasquian)

Jul 12th, 2003, 01:57:09 PM
It was late dusk, early night in the artificially created forest set in the middle of the Jedi Academy. The golden disk of a star slowly drifts over the horizon of the city-planet as white, fluffy clouds follow their own path across the heavens. Here and there stars had begun to show along with the comet-tails of descending starships as an orange glow resonates from inside the thick vegetation.

Kanji sat in front of a crackling fire, feeding the hungry flames with dry timber he collected beforehand. Outlined in the orange glow, his usual wing-wraps were draped over his Jedi standard tunic and vest and trailed down past his dark platoons. A quick shake of his head sent a wave through his flesh and down to the tip of his long, serpentine tail with a rustle of cloth on bronze scales.

He had left a polite memo, he hoped, at the box of Knight Dasquian Belargic requesting, if he had the time, for his presence at the camp tonight..

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 12th, 2003, 02:16:00 PM
Leaves crunching under foot, Dasquain made his way through the orange-red autumn forest. In the evening set a warm look about the place, and the dancing flames from Kanji’s fire only furthered this welcoming atmosphere. The smell of the burning wood, the Knight mentally noted, was surprisingly pleasant.

“Good evening Kanji,” he said in greeting, as he climbed over one of the conveniently placed logs flanking the fire, lowering himself down to sit upon it.

Jul 12th, 2003, 02:28:22 PM
Kanji smiled warmly, bowing his head in respect. "Good eve' to you asssss well, Inssstructor. I hope thisss isssn't too much of a disssturbance for yourssself?" He asked musically, tilting a paw torwards the surroundings, "I thought it would be the perfect ssssetting for a lessssion."

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 12th, 2003, 02:31:26 PM
“It is a nice night tonight… I don’t remember the last time I visited this part of the, ah, woods,”

The hesitation in Dasquians last words were matched with a smile. By nature he was a man who enjoyed time in the out doors, in places such as this, but Coruscant was a jungle lined with concrete and steel, not greenery, and so it was an unfortunately rare occasion when he did mangle to slip away into the wild.

Leant forward, with his elbows against his knees and chin resting upon steepled fingertips, Dasquian stared forward into the fire a moment before tilting his head to look towards Kanji.

“Tell me what you want to learn tonight, Kanji.”

Jul 12th, 2003, 02:42:40 PM
"I'm not quite ssssure what issss next after basssic pusssh and pullsss and aura ssssenssse, truth be told." Kanji replied shortly after, feeding a twig into the fire's hungry mouth. He had heard of, and seen, acts of body alteration: moving faster, jumping higher, but hadn't really had a intimate desire to learn them.

When you have two wings sprouting from your body, there isn't a need for jumping great distances...

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 12th, 2003, 02:53:29 PM

Dasquian’s hands parted,

“There is healing, empathy, illusions… there’s a broad platter of specializations to pick from. It’s just a matter of what suits you the most.”

Jul 12th, 2003, 03:07:19 PM
Kanji lapsed into silence for a few moments, thinking.

"Assside from my natural abilitiesss, healing would be a exellent field to begin sssstudy in. Yet, with being able to partially ssshapessshift, illusssions would do a great deal of asssisssstance in timesss of need.." His speech trailed off for a few moments, as his claws tapped the ground idly. Raising his gaze to Dasquian, Kanji asked: "What field did you begin with, Insssstructor?"

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 23rd, 2003, 04:21:49 AM
“I was originally taught telekinesis, though when I came to this Order healing was my first lesson, although I did not finish it at first… most of my early time here was spent recalling my memories with Master Navaria’s help.

I do, however, agree that illusions would make a good aide especially when matched with your natural skills, yet I cannot teach you this as I know nothing of the techniques myself – though you are free to seek learning from others on the matter.”

Jul 23rd, 2003, 09:20:48 AM
"Lady AB recommended that I sssshould look into healing," Kanji commented, "But, assss far assss I know, the only sssskillsss in that particular feild I have issss battle-feild medicinesss.."

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 26th, 2003, 03:07:25 AM
“Everyone has the capacity to become strong in any area they choose to study. There are very few people who find themselves totally unable to progress in specific areas… Sejah for example cannot use telepathy, but I don’t for a second think that you won’t be able to learn how to heal.

Do you have any nicks, bruises or scars on you at the moment that we could use to test the skill out?”

Jul 27th, 2003, 04:14:42 PM
Kanji shook his head, then became motionless for a moment. His right talon reached back and drew forth a small, obsidian dagger from his sash. He pressed the blade against his left palm, then slid the blade quickly before withdrawing the dagger to his belt.


Dasquian Belargic
Jul 29th, 2003, 02:37:09 AM
A fresh cut would be much easier to work with, even if it wasn’t what Dasquian had wanted.

“Alright, now this may be a little difficult with the pain of that cut in the back of your mind, but you need to try and focus on the Force… try to feel it following through you and when you do, try to channel it in the direction of the cut.”

Jul 29th, 2003, 03:55:51 PM
Kanji nodded in understandment, tilting his snout torward the wound. In his mental realms, he tried pushing the pain back to the furthest reaches of his mind. He slowed his breathing as well down to smooth inhales and exhales, pulling at the familar cloaking feeling of the Force gently.

He concentrated it down his unwounded paw, tracing a digit over the wound. It seemed to begin to close up, but suddenly, ripped back wider, causing a loud, pained grunt from Kanji..

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 30th, 2003, 06:31:07 AM
Dasquian winced visibly.

“Don’t push it too hard, Kanji. Just try to knit the small fibers back. Working piece by piece, from the small to the large, is the best way to go about it.”

Jul 30th, 2003, 08:55:09 PM
"Much like ssstitching a deep gassssh, right?" Kanji asked, gripping the wounded paw in a fist then relaxed, "Ssstart from the origin of the wound down through the middle and through the end?"

He nodded to Dasquian, as if answering his own question. Again diving into the Force, Kanji repeated the trace again. It began to stitch together, much like a combat wound would go if sewed with fishline, slowly..

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 31st, 2003, 03:27:10 AM
“It may sting some at first, but that is natural. After all your body is not used to such a quick recovery of its injuries.”

Jul 31st, 2003, 01:28:58 PM
"That issss to be expected," Kanji replied. The wounded had stitched together nicely, leaving only drying blood and a small scar in his palm. "Assstounding! Even with the raresssst of herbsss and policesss, that would sssshould've taken a week to heal!"

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 1st, 2003, 06:38:29 AM
“Even the scar itself can be willed away.

Obviously internal wounds and injuries take longer to deal with, but providing you are willing to take the time and care to deal with them most things can be healed.”

Aug 1st, 2003, 06:03:54 PM
"What of midsssectional lightsssaber woundsss?" Kanji asked, moving to fuel the fire with two larger posts of wood...

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 4th, 2003, 04:51:38 AM
“Lightsaber wounds are more difficult than average cuts because they instantly cauterize, effectively creating a scar as sound as the hit is landed.”

Aug 5th, 2003, 10:17:41 PM
"I underssstand," Kanji replied. Standing to his feet, the dragon kin fanned his wings twice before shaking his neck. A wave flowed through his neck before dissapearing at his shoulders, "I have yet to craft a ssssutible weapon for combat, come to think of it," He turned to look in Dasquian's direction, "I haven't had any combat experience in the Order yet, Inssstructor, the training sssabersss already provided in the lockers are too ssssmall for me to weild and the other weaponsss available do not provide enough of a challenge for thossse with properly proportioned 'sssabers."

He shrugged, "Isss there ssssome bladed weapon that can effectivly fend off the plassssma of a lightsssaber?"

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 6th, 2003, 08:07:56 AM
“There is a metal named quantium which can withstand a lightsaber, however it is incredibly rare and difficult to forge with so you will not find many blades made of it. Aside from this the only lightsaber resistant substance is cortosis, but this itself is brittle and no good for weaponry – although some have been known to coat their blades in it and have some success, I believe there is too great a risk of failure.”