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Jul 11th, 2003, 01:24:55 PM
Coruscant. The place of my birth and the first sixteen years of my life. Many people immediately envision glistening palaces and spacious apartments whenever Coruscant is mentioned. None of that, however, was part of my life. I livd in a remote place on the planet known as the Shadowlands, where poverty, sickness, and crime were just as common as daylight was to the surface.

I had no knowledge of family, for we lived in groups and articulating actual lineages was hardly as important as daily survival. At the age of sixteen I tired of the incessant combat and left my Clan--a nearly unforgivable crime in the Shadowlands. As soon as I was off-world, I took comfort in the thought that I would never return.

Many years later, I chuckle at the presumption of my thoughts. Now I have returned to the Shadowlands and am no longer the upstart whose impractical but idyllic vision is a threat to whatever order may be found here. I have returned as a Jedi--I am the Keeper of this place.

These memoirs are written with the firm conviction that the best teaching is done by example. With this in mind, all of the following is written for the benefit of those who come under my tutelage or protection--and as a warning to those who underestimate the danger of consolation.

Wei Wu Wei
Jul 11th, 2003, 01:46:16 PM
"Wow, look at this run down place. The Shadowlands, I suppose."

Wei walked on, senses alert for any sort of violence or pain. Wei had only heard about this place in passing a few days ago. "You figure a place this rotten would have come to our attention sooner."

A short walk down another block brought the Knight face to face with a small gang of teenagers. They all took one look at Wei and scowled. Each youth wordlessly drew a vibroblade in preparation to attack. Wei kept on going, oblivious to what he had done.

"Goodness, but these children are so quiet. They just sit and watch people walk down the street."

Jul 11th, 2003, 02:01:08 PM
Aquino looked down from the balcony carved out of a rocky outcropping at the mouth of his cave. The underground caverns of the Shadowlands were hardly hospitable to those who lived there, let alone those who foolishly wandered in.

The lights lining the cavern walls brought a strange new figure to his attention. It seemed fairly apparent that the intruder was Jedi--and he didn't seem to be concealing his appearances either. A critical error.

Few Shadowlanders appreciate the Jedi. Far too often the Jedi had passed over their pleas for help: the last time they tried to contact the Council, their representative was rebuffed with a stern order not to return. The Council's apparent hostility towards the Shadowlanders was inexplicable.

Their outrage, by contrast, was not. Of the 22 Clans, Aquino's was the one that sent more of their kin to become Jedi than all the others combined. Eventide Clan was not small, but was far from being the largest. Jedi protection was necessary, they felt, and the Council's refusal in the face of the offering of their young men and women was despicable.

After all, offering up the youngest kin to any outsiders was a dangerous thing for any Clan to do. It meant there would be that fewer warriors in the ongoing wars. Even the loss of a single youth was mourned as loudly as the loss of the most accomplished warrior, for with the youth perished all of his or her potential as well.

Surely the Jedi who walked in their midst with no cover was aware of their bitter resentment of the entire Order. Surely, Aquino mused, he had brought reinforcements.

Wei Wu Wei
Jul 11th, 2003, 02:16:22 PM
Wei continued walking, when there was a sudden realization that something was wrong. A vibroblade whizzed by his ear.

"Goodness. Violent people here."

Wei turned around to face his attacker and found a good dozen people bearing down on him with knives like the one that had missed him.

"Hang on, guys. Let's not be hasty," Wei said in a calm voice. "Surely we can fix what's wrong if we talk about it."

The gangster nearest him lunged with his blade. Wei caught his wrist and bent it so the the weapon fell out of his hand. The boy looked at him with an expression of pure rage.

"What in the world is wrong with you?"

Wei tossed him into the other thugs, who dropped their knives to catch their friend.

"Good to see that you are all good friends."

Wei reached out with his hands and used the Force to float some heavy things from about the alley to pile on top of them to pin them down.

"Now then," Wei said, walking over to the closest filthy head and sitting down. "Why are you so violent? Why are you angry?"

Jul 11th, 2003, 02:29:47 PM
Overconfidence. How predictable. Others had reacted in a similar manner--and others had fallen prey to the same gambit, over and over again.

The display of Force control did not startle anyone in the vicinity, though the Jedi seemed to think it would do so. Whoever this newcomer was could not be a Master: a Master is always more careful and less flamboyant in use of the Force. At least, that is what experience had taught Aquino.

Aquino continued to observe, watching the ongoing interrogation. The pinned young men would not respond or would only repond with insults.

Further down the corrider Aquino saw two groups closing in on the Jedi from behind. The two groups were moving in tandem like pincers preparing to seize an unwary victim. The attackers didn't have to worry about the Jedi sensing the unveiling of their weapons: the weapons had already been unsheathed before the approach began.

Like the one before him, this Jedi would perish. Aquino nearly resigned himself to watch yet another gory execution . . . but then something in him suddenly wanted the Jedi to live.

Considering his thoughts again, he argued against the benign impulse. Some Shadowlanders hate Jedi--if he defended one, he would no longer be welcome in this insufferable hole.

A surge of hope swept over him. Free at last! If only he could save this Jedi's life, perhaps in gratitude, the Jedi would take Aquino with him! He would be free after sixteen miserable years.

He quickly grabbed a pike and swept out of his cave. Running quickly along the many acces tunnels hidden behind the rock of Corridor Wall, he rushed to intercept the Jedi's attackers.

Wei Wu Wei
Jul 11th, 2003, 02:44:44 PM
Wei frowned after hearing the same insult for the twentieth time. "I'm sorry you feel that way," Wei said at last.

Wei stood and started to clear the rubble off of the youngsters when some of them started to chuckle.

"What's so funny?" Wei asked.

In a few moments he had his answer. Wei had removed the things weighing down the gang, and now that he looked around, he noticed that there were more people, all looking just as angry as the teenagers were.

"I don't suppose you guys would mind telling me why you all seem to be mad at me? Maybe I can do something to make it up to you?"

Wei chuckled nervously. This doesn't look good. he thought, and began to slowly reach for the lightsaber fan tucked into his sleeve.

Jul 12th, 2003, 10:24:51 AM
Aquino heard the screams before he reached the Corridor. Throwing himself into the ruckus, he started screaming, "Vouchsafe! This Jedi is Vouchsafed!" The few that heard his screams looked up in bewilderment, but withdrew from the fray. Many of the others who had not heard him, however, went on with the fight.

The Jedi seemed to be faring well against his attackers, cutting through their weapons, pushing them away with the Force, and leaping over their heads from time to time in an attempt to gain a better fighting position. Soon, however, some of the combatants climbed to outcroppings above the floor, and began hurling rocks at the Jedi.

A large masked figure rushed toward the Jedi from behind swinging a huge blade wildly. Aquino intercepted his approach, blocking a downward stroke that would have otherwise decapitated the Jedi. Years of training for war kicked in yet again, and Aquino seamlessly flowed from a block to a sweep with the other end of his pike, catching the man in the crook of the knee. By the time the assailant's knees hit the floor, Aquino had already spun around again and connected with the pike, rendering him unconscious.

A sudden whoop of victory sounded behind him, and two more large warriors approached Aquino, one on the left, the other on the right. Aneira, the attacker from the left, was one of the most skilled female warriors of Aquino's age; her war partner, Sha'un'di, was a male warriors three years her senior.

Aneira's attack came first: Aquino parried with the tip of his pike, and pivoted in order to block Sha'un'di's attack from the right. The two attackers worked in tandem to break down his defenses, slashing parrying, lunging, and pivoting. None of their hits were getting through, but they were gradually pushing him away from the center of the conflict.

"Stay out of this, Aquino!" shouted Aneira as she parried yet again one of his counterstrikes. "Do not be so foolish as to Vouchsafe this Jedi!"

Clearly, neither assailant wished to kill Aquino: they wanted him away so they'd have free reign to destroy the Jedi.

"Wei deserves to die today," shot Sha'un'di as he continued to push the younger warrior back. "You will not deliver him from my hands!"

"You know this man? You know his name?" Aquino asked in disbelief. "How could you possibly . . ."

"He was part of the delegation three weeks ago that sent my father and me away from the Jedi Council in disgrace," he responded angrily. With a quick turn of his wrist, he pinned Aquino's weapon against the wall, pivoted, and slapped his face with the broad side of his blade. Aquino feel to the ground, reeling from the force of the blow.

"My father!" Sha'un'di continued, keeping the point of his blade trained on Aquino. "The WarChief of ClanEventide! Disgraced and rejected as a common ambassador--and under the guidance of that abominable Yoda!"

"But I have already Vouchsafed the Jedi," Aquino shouted in return. "A Little Council must be called to determine whether ClanKill against Wei must be deferred or not!"

Anger seized Sha'un'di. He raised his blade above his head and swung it down at Aquino's torso. At the last possible instant, Aneira's blade intercepted her partner's. She flicked her wrist, knocking the point of the blade away from Aquino; she whirled around and with a kick disarmed Sha'un'di.

"If you injure him after he has Vouchsafed Wei, the Vouchsafe will be BloodSealed--it will be impossible to oppose it. Do not be so foolish, Sha'un'di. If you wish to kill Wei, you must not injure Aquino," Aneira explained.

The advantage of the opportunity was too much for Aquino to resist. He bolted from the floor, rolling past Sha'un'di and grabbing his pike once again as he head back to Wei's side.

Just as he arrived, a stone from a slingshot struck Wei's wrist and sent his lightsaber fan flying: it dashed against the side of the Corridor and the club of an angry Clansman smashed it to bits. The gang--or what was left of it--circled around the Jedi and grabbed him, though he made no move to defend himself.

"Wait!" Aquino cried. "Wait! I Vouchsafe him! He's mine!"

Just then a gong sounded, and everyone's attention immediately left Aquino to dwell on KaLaai--Eventide WarChief. An old man by human standards, he nonetheless possessed fighting abilities exceeding those of many of Aquino's peers. In his younger days, he had been the subject of legend, and even now as his strength refused to wane, legend grew even stronger. The aura of power KaLaai radiated controlled the entire Corridor and absolute silence fell over the place.

He waited until the silence felt as though it would crush everyone in its presence. Then, breaking the silence, his booming voice questioned me, "Aquino, is it true what you have said? You have Vouchsafed this filthy Jedi?"

Never before had the attention of any Chief--let alone the WarChief--been focused on him. Aquino quivered under the sonority of his voice, wishing he had not been so foolhardy as to intervene. Somehow, though, he found the courage to squeak back, "Yes, miLord. It seemed to me that if we were to kill a Jedi, the Council might order their Knights invade our region. Protecting Wei's life seemed the best course of action to prevent further problems with the Jedi."

If KaLaai was surprised that Aquino knew the Jedi's name, only the barely perceptible raising of his right eyebrow could have indicated it. "You know his name?" he asked. "And therefore you must undoubtedly know of his offenses against me?"

Aquino nodded his headed slightly, saying, "Sha'un'di told me while he tried to prevent me from Vouchsafing Wei."

The WarChief shot an inquiring glance toward his son, who responded to the unvoiced question, saying, "Yes, I tried to stop Aquino. But I did so because the honor of ClanEventide is at stake."

Calmly KaLaai considered the new development in his knowledge of the situation. "As honorable as your intentions were Sha'un'di," he responded, "your actions make it clear that you knew Aquino was Vouchsafing the Jedi. Interference with a Vouchsafe without the express approval of a Little Council is impermissible. Now there is no alternative. The Little Council must try this Vouchsafe case." The WarChief paused here, training his piercing gaze on his son. "And then it will have to try you for military insubordination. You may lose your rank."

"Come!" cried Chief Grilafeyer, an assistant to the WarChief. "The Little Council convenes even now. Let all parties concerned approach their majestic bench!"

Silently the inhabitants of the Corridor all filled into the Council Chamber. Quietly Aquino hoped everything would turn out as he had hoped.

Wei Wu Wei
Jul 12th, 2003, 07:17:41 PM
"I don't remember sending anyone away," Wei said. "I didn't even know this place existed until just a few days ago."

It was true. Wei sometimes sat in the corner whenever things were going on. He would watch and learn, taking in everything that was going on.

"I just wanted to help."

Jul 14th, 2003, 11:05:36 AM
"Silence, Jedi!" barked the court marshal. "You will speak only when spoken to, until such time as the Council deems it necessary for you to do cross-examination."

Somewhat taken aback by the gruffness of the voice (coupled with an exceptionally gruff and hardened exterior), Wei bowed his head slightly to show that he would comply with the marshal's orders.

"Come to order! Come to order!" the court marshal shouted over the din of the Chamber. In spite of the name, the Little Council Chamber was quite an impressive structure--in size, at least. Seating for the audience circled around a central dais. Opposing parties would sit on opposite sides of dais, with the Council sitting on the edge; the arrangement afforded the Council clear view of both parties.

The Chamber was remarkably full--but then again, no Jedi had ever lived to see the inside of any official buildings of the Clan.

"The Little Council is now in order," intoned the deep voice of the WarChief, "to judge the Vouchsafe case of Jedi Wei and Aquino. Representing the cause of ClanKill is Aneira. Captain Aneira, please begin your line of questioning."

Aneira arose from her seat and crossed the dais until she was almost within arm's length of Wei. Her eyes glistened with hostility and her mein, though well-tempered by years of martial training, revealed the extent to which she struggled to control her emotions: she nearly shook as she addressed Wei.

"So, Jedi," she spat contemptuously, "what reason do you wish us to believe is the cause of your . . . journey of goodwill, shall we say?" The last words dripped with acrid sarcasm.

Wei Wu Wei
Jul 14th, 2003, 09:39:05 PM
Wei sighed, and thought about how to word this. He didn't want to make them mad. Not being able to find a good way to word his response, he decided to be honest and tell his reason the best way he knew how.

"I heard that this is the absolute worst area of the lower levels. That no one comes to help. I heard that this place had the worst crime, that people had little money and no food. And worse, I heard that no one was trying to help. So I thought that I could help you guys out a little."

Wei looked up at the woman in the eye, his face full of sincerity. Wei did not know what it was to tell a falsehood.

Jul 15th, 2003, 03:06:48 PM
Aquino sat nervously as Wei responded. He couldn't care less whether Wei told the truth or not. He was Aquino's way out of there and Aquino wasn't about to let Aneira stand in his way.

Aneira's face twisted in contempt and her sardonic voice replied, "Obviously, WarChief, this Jedi is full of lies and mischief. Let the record show that the diplomatic party authorized by the Grand Council to represent ClanEventide was soundly rebuffed by the Jedi Council."

She spun on her heel to face the Little Council, true to traditional court debate form. Refutations were never offered directly to the opponent, but to the Council alone. Aquino saw the WarChief's eyes glimmer with a strange light--not really amusement, but certainly not displeasure at her words either.

Aneira continued, "If, as this fool says, he is here to help our people, let the Council remember that the Jedi Council determines the assignments of its Knights. The Jedi Council rejected us, and now he shows up implying that he has been sent here."

Here Aneira paused and turned slightly to address the youngest member of the Little Council, Chief Arin'qua, known for his love of prosecuting non-kinsmen.

"What conclusion does that lead you to, Chief Arin'qua?"

A sly grin spread slowly across his face as the chief savored his response before saying in an oily voice, "Clearly, this Jedi is to be condemned whether he was sent or not. If he was sent, he is to be considered an intruder or even saboteur--especially in light of the Jedi Council's actions."

A look of fierce triumph spread over Aneira's face as she worked the conclusion out further: "And if he was not sent, he may very well be in violation of the Jedi Council's orders. In which event, we may execute him on behalf of the Jedi Council for martial insubordination."

Aneira turned to the table, painfully true to form, and addressed the defendants, saying, "And if your Jedi is to be condemned, one must wonder why you would protect him, Aquino, from the just wrath of the Clan. You may very well be his accomplice."

Aquino knew she would be likely to try this line of argumentation. The problem, of course, is that he had no idea of how to respond. He was eminently frustrated now, since it seemed that he would be compelled to save Wei's life if he wanted to keep his own.

"I relinquish questioning to the defense," she said, spinning again on her heel and returning to her table.

Wei Wu Wei
Jul 16th, 2003, 09:37:03 PM
"Um, ok..." Wei said, clearly confused by the proceedings going on. "I suppose this means I get to ask a question."

Wei thought for a moment. He supposed that he was supposed to ask a question that would help him somehow. But Wei couldn't think of any questions that he could ask that would make the other people calm down.

"Why didn't you ask some other Jedi besides the Council to help you? Not all of our tasks come straight from the Council. Some Jedi go out and help people without having to be prompted by the Council. That's what I'm doing."

Jul 18th, 2003, 02:25:47 PM
"Let it be noted that the defense is not standing while questioning the prosecution," said Aneira to the Council. The Council ordered the court marshal to rectify the formal problem, and Wei and Aquino were forced to rise.

"Now I will answer your question," said Aneira. "Obviously you do not understand the dignity of the Clan, Jedi, otherwise you would not ask so foolish a question. Interrogate your Vouchsafer there, and he should be able to fill in the details. But if it pleases the Council I should like to inform this poor rodent." The WarChief quietly agreed.

"Our Grand and Little Councils," Aneira began, "are both headed by our WarChief as official organs of ClanEventide." She rose to her feet as she spoke, carefully enunciating every word, speaking to Wei as though forced to rehash so much trivial knowledge.

"By our very nature, we are interested only in official, formal, and legitimate authorities," she continued. "Those councils within the Clan whose existence is not permitted by the Grand or Little Councils are rogue and are not able to speak for the Clan. Should they try to do so," she said with a malevolent grin creeping across her face, "the Councils are able to wipe them out."

For the first time, Aquino spoke up, "Strictly speaking this doesn't answer his question, Captain Aneira. While we of ClanEventide may understand you, newcomers may not be so fortunate."

Rolling her eyes in sardonic disgust, Aneria continued, "Our understanding of legitimate authority does not permit us to seek out rogues. While there may be Jedi who do not take assignments from their Council, we do not fraternize with them because in our opinion they have refused to live under the dignity of their own Council. They are vagabonds and are not valid Jedi, just as no person from ClanEventide is a valid authority who does not speak from a Council position."

"But they are Jedi," Aquino responded. "The Force is strong with many of them. The experience of our own kin who have been devoted to the Jedi Order bears this out."

"Insofar as ClanEventide is concerned," retorted Aneira, "any action taken apart from the express permission of their governing body, which is the Jedi Council, renders them rogue and invalid authorities. ClanEventide is not like some of her Clan enemies, who are willing to deal with any and all agents who can augment their power. We are interested in truthful and lawful governing authority--those who depart from legitimate authority are to be spurned as potentially dangerous and harmful."

Here the WarChief chimed in, "Aneira has spoken well and truthfully. In that the Jedi Council is the governing body for the Jedi, those who operate independently of that body could conceivably be threats to that body. We are interested in opposing legitimate authority by legitimate means. If the Jedi Council has refused our pleas for help, we will not try to undermine their authority by appealing to rebels from their ranks."

Aneira furthered the explanation, saying, "We believe the Jedi Council was most inhospitable and insulting to us. For this reason we will oppose them wherever we can. But if you are rogue, Jedi Wei, your life will be immediately forfeit to us. For we are intent upon having a pure victory over the Jedi Council--we will not let our victory be tainted by involving repulsive criminals such as yourself."

Wei Wu Wei
Jul 18th, 2003, 06:06:02 PM
"So, basically you're mad because a few people in leadership positions do not feel moved to help you and mobilize a team of Jedi to help you? And you won't accept help from the people who do care because they don't have orders from a higher authority to come over here and have compassion for you?" Wei asked, feeling both curious and baffled by what this small committee has just told him. To be honest, Wei also felt pity for this group. It seemed to him that these people did not know at all what genuine love was.

Jul 23rd, 2003, 09:43:00 PM
WarChief KaLaai broke in, "The situation is more complex than you seem to realize." His brow furrowed slightly as he peered into Jedi Wei's eyes. "Are you really this ignorant of Jedi Council affairs?"

Captain Aneira spoke up, "If I may, WarChief, if he does not even understand the nature of the Jedi Council's offense against the Clan, he very well may be as abysmally ignorant as he passes himself off."

"Or it could be an act," replied the WarChief. "Ignorance is a convenient ploy frequently used by the desperate. Keep in mind, Captain, that the outcome of this trial will determine whether the Jedi lives. That very well could serve as motive for lying, couldn't it?"

Aquino bolted to his feet, disregarding protocol momentarily. "Your Excellency, if I may, perhaps it would help if you asked how many kinsmen have been sent to the Jedi for training in the past two years."

KaLaai visually assessed Aquino, eyes squinting slightly. Apparently the breach of protocol hadn't registered or, if it had, for some reason the breach seemed irrelevant.

KaLaai said, "Perhaps. You see, Jedi Wei, our Clan has sent several of our best young warriors to the Jedi Council in order to be trained. All of them were accepted as Padawans under the guidance of the Council."

Breaking in, Aquino continued, "Which is why the Jedi Council's refusal to help us is so offensive. Having committed so many fine warriors to their ranks, they seem unconcerned with those who have previously been loyal friends."

"WarChief, let the record show that the defense has violated protocol at least twice," barked Aneira almost mechanically.

For the first time in the proceedings, it seemed as though the WarChief was becoming irritated with the captain. "I'm well aware of which rules have been broken, Captain, as I was the one who established court martial protocol after the Great Insurrection." He glanced dismissively towards Aneira. "You may sit down."

Awkwardly Aneira found her seat, looking half confused and half shocked. As soon as she was seated, she glared across the dais at Aquino as though he had just deeply and unforgivably offended her.

"Stand, Jedi," commanded the WarChief. "Do you have any idea of how many of our Clan have been trained by the Jedi Council?"

Wei Wu Wei
Jul 24th, 2003, 08:22:30 PM
"Not a clue," Wei answered immediately. "But I can't imagine you'd have many of your people at GJO, seeing as you hate the Order so much."

Wei never spent much time at the Council Chamber at all. Wei always went out and found things to do for other people. In fact, he had only done one mission for the Jedi Council, and that was only because his teacher had been on the Council at that time.

"How many people do you have at GJO?"

Jul 24th, 2003, 09:43:55 PM
None too lightly, Aquino jabbed Wei in the ribs with his elbow, whispering fiercely, "Look, I'll explain all of this later. For right now I've got to get the Little Council focused on letting you out of here alive."

Bolting to his feet, Aquino underestimated his nervousness and nearly bellowed, "Your Honors, may I please remind you all that we are here to determine whether Jedi Wei will live or not? It seems to me as though we're getting sidetracked."

Aneira glared at him. "What would you know about Council proceedings, Private? And who are you to inform the Council of what they are supposed to adjudicate?"

The WarChief's brows lifted slightly as he focused his attention on the captain. "Captain Aneira, while I thank you for having the dignity of the Council at heart, Private Aquino's observation needs to be spelled out a little more before we can know whether it is to be accepted or rejected."

Apparently feeling foiled again, Aneira sat down, her facial expression becoming more taut with carefully concealed rage.

Deciding that it would be easier to ignore Aneira as much as possible, Aquino looked directly at WarChief KaLaai. "Sir, all I am trying to point out is that we are not here to try the Jedi Council. We may have grievances with them, but this case is about a single Jedi's life--not about the entire Order."

Chief Bek'ri'ida nodded in agreement, his nearly bald head reflecting overhead light rather well. By far he was the oldest member of the Council, and, insofar as uncles had power over nephews, could exert great influence through KaLaai. After all, he had raised KaLaai as his own son after KaLaai's father had been killed in battle.

A voice growing reedy with age intoned, "Private Aquino is correct. The problem before us is the Vouchsafing of a Jedi. It is that -- and that alone -- which our Council must decide."

Rising to her feet carefully, Aneira offered, "I too concede the point, but in trying to establish the Jedi's credentials I was hoping to find and pursue a line of questioning relevant to denying the Vouchsafe."

Growing irritated with the length of the proceedings (especially since they were increasing the time that would pass before he could get offworld), Aquino argued back, "I Vouchsafed him for the reasons I previously stated to WarChief KaLaai. We may be angry with the Jedi Order, but killing one of their own will certainly not help anyone."

Snapping directly at Aquino, Aneira replied, "We've killed Jedi before without consequence."

"I'm not so sure," Chief Bek'ri'ida said, intervening before the debate lost its course. "While there were no immediate reprisals, it is conceivable that the Jedi Council took note of the killings over time and therefore rejected us when we appealed to them for help." He stopped to let the thought sink in. Once he felt sure this had been accomplished, he continued, "While sparing the life of one Jedi may not of itself end the conflict, it may be the first step toward reconciliation."

"Also," the WarChief said, "we are not sure whether the Jedi we killed were part of the Order or not. Most of the ones we killed were in fact openly malicious toward us. It is to this Jedi's credit that he only fought defensively."

KaLaai looked up and down the table where he and the other Council members sat. "Let us retire to our chambers to consider these things. We will return with a verdict in one hour. All parties concerned are to be present when we render our decision."

With that, KaLaai picked up a mallet and struck a large bell hanging behind him. Everyone immediately began filling out of the chambers, and the Council Guards escorted Aneira, Aquino, and Wei to a waiting room to ensure everyone's presence when the Council returned.

Wei Wu Wei
Jul 25th, 2003, 02:21:21 PM
"Wow, so that's what court proceedings and committee meetings are like."

Wei had never been in a courtroom during session, although he had stood before the council a time or two. But all of Wei's meetings with the Council were very short. They also were more relaxed.

"And they call you Aquino. Good to meet you. My name is Wei Wu Wei, although you know that already."

Wei looked at the waiting room a moment then asked, "What do you do around here? In the Shadowlands, I mean."

Jul 27th, 2003, 12:59:15 PM
Aquino looked at Jedi Wei blankly. How can this man be so bright and jovial when his life's on the line? Aquino thought. It almost sounds as if he wants to be friends...

A few more seconds passed before Aquino realized he hadn't answered Wei's question. "I just try to survive," he said simply. "Like everyone else down here."

Captain Aneira burst into the room, eyes blazing, strides long and swift. "What exactly do you think you're doing?!" she nearly screamed. "Are you trying to make me look like a fool?!?!" She stopped short and the rug rippled slightly ahead of her. Shooting a disdainful glance towards Jedi Wei, she continued her outburst, "And saving this Jedi's life with a Vouchsafe? What has he done for you to deserve this outrageous measure of loyalty and..."

Aneira's look of rage shifted into a look of quasi-shock. Aquino could see that her mind was trying to put things into some sensible order. He secretly hoped that she could come up with some convincing excuse for him to hide behind. All of sudden he didn't feel very honorable saving a man's life only in order to use that life to get off the planet.

Aneira's lips pressed together and her eyes narrowed to slits. "Are you in league with these Jedi?" The rage present only a few seconds ago had grown suddenly and strangely cold. A steely determination stole over her voice and body language, tacitly betraying her intentions should Aquino not watch his answer carefully.

Wei Wu Wei
Jul 29th, 2003, 09:06:38 PM
"I've never met him before," Wei said.

"I'm glad he jumped in. I hate senseless violence."

Wei shifted in his seat a little. Still not comfortable, Wei leaned over to one side and fell out of his chair and onto the floor. Wei stretched out and rolled onto his back. "And you, Miss, need to calm down. All I did was take a walk down the street. If you wanted me to leave, your people could have just asked nicely, and I would have left without asking any questions."

Wei said all of this without any sort of condescending or authoritative tones. "Everyone around here seems so upset and down-hearted. Even more of them are bitter and angry. It makes me sad. I'd like for everyone to smile and laugh. I'd like to help, if you would let me."

Wei stretched and stifled a yawn. "So, if you two weren't so busy just trying to survive, what would you do?"

Jul 29th, 2003, 10:12:44 PM
For almost the same reason, Aneira and Aquino stared at Wei with their eyebrows furrowed.

"'If we weren't trying to survive?'" Aneira mimicked. "Haven't you paid attention to anything going on here? How can you be so...so..."

"Obtuse?" Aquino offered. "Really, Jedi, we have no time to think about those sorts of ifs. Daydreaming is a good way to get killed. Enemies can be very good at setting up diversions before a fatal blow. There's no sense to us helping our enemies by setting up diversions for ourselves, making way for them to come straight in for the kill."

Aneira's attitude began to resume its usual disdain for all living things. "Here you are laying on the floor as though you're in your own house. Aren't you mindful of the dignity of this place? Don't you realize that in this place it is about to be decided whether you live or die?"

Not too comfortable with the realization that he and Aneira were actually in agreement about someone's conduct, Aquino shifted his weight nervously from foot to foot. It seemed as though entirely too much time was passing, and the Little Council's apparent insistence on remaining conclave was disturbing to him.

Wei's question, though absurd from the viewpoint of a ClanEventide warrior, was nonetheless striking. Aquino's initial reaction had quite nearly been to despise the apparent stupidity of the Jedi--but then he realized that if everything went according to his plans, he would no longer be on Coruscant. He would be far away from the Clans and the perpetual wars. Sure, he would have to survive anywhere he went, strictly speaking. But he had never given thought to what he would do with newfound freedom.

What would he do without the wars he was so used to fighting?

Sudden yelling startled Aquino from his musings as Aneira's questioning of Wei had turned into a rage-intoxicated rant: "...and furthermore, you moronic toad, if you're so damned unaware of the perpetual danger in which this Clan is, perhaps it would be better if we avoided the Jedi altogether, if you're any representation of their general abilities! How dare you march in here and fling yourself down---"

The sonority of a massive bell rung through the air, slightly shivering the walls. Aneira briskly turned toward the door and stomped out in disgust. Helping Wei to his feet, Aquino felt the knot in his stomach growing tighter and tighter when they began to move toward the trial room. The dais loomed before him again, and again he suddenly had no idea of why he was here or what he was doing.

He only hoped the Council would be merciful today.

After calling the room to order, the Council members sat down, after which prosecution and defense sat as well.

WarChief KaLaai was totally unreadable as his deep voice rang out, "The Little Council has reached a verdict concerning the Vouchsafing of Jedi Wei. It is with great displeasure that the Councils notes that one of its subjects seeks to save the life of a Jedi whose connections with the Jedi Council are murky at best. ClanEventide has never condoned protecting those who stray from the jurisdiction of valid authority."

"The Council notes, however," he continued, "that we have a vested interest in the Jedi Order, having sent so many of our young people to train with them. Even if we feel that the Jedi have not honored us, we cannot possibly be in the right if we refuse to render due honor to those whose sworn duty is to protect the innocent."

The WarChief gestured to the Council member on his right--the only woman on the Council--apparently whose job was to carry forward the Council's explanation. Her contralto voice filled the court chamber with surprising force.

"Our decision has been difficult to make, not so much because there is a questioning concerning the validity of the Vouchsafe. It is clear that Jedi Wei had intended no immediate harm to our Clan and that by Vouchsafing him, Private Aquino was essentially preserving the Clan from the dishonor of murdering a potentially helpful person."

"However," she went on, "the fact that recognizing the Vouchsafe would require the Council to acknowledge the legitimate presence of an agent who--for all we know--may have defected from his superiors, places us in a supremely difficult position. We hope that the defense will appreciate the tremendous consternation they have caused all of us."

Resuming his speaking role, KaLaai said, "It may have been brave, Private Aquino, for you to Vouchsafe a stranger, but it was also foolish to protect someone you did not know. While you may claim that you were ignorant about the possible defection of Jedi Wei from his Order, the fact remains that if you had acted in the interests of the Clan with your Vouchsafe--as the legal measure is intended to be used--you would have intervened long before the situation grew so hostile as to require a Vouchsafe. We know where you live, Aquino, and we know that from your ledge you were likely the first person to see Jedi Wei. Your refusal to alert the guard to the presence of an interloper is militarily reprehensible."

"It is therefore the decision of this Council to grant a conditional Vouchsafe to Jedi Wei. He may leave in peace, but only if he takes Aquino with him. Aquino, for your failure to properly execute your military duty for the sake of ClanEventide, you are hereby dishonorably discharged from ClanEventide Military. According to the laws and customs of the Clan, you are therefore unwelcome to remain among us. Our traditions clearly state that if you are no longer of any use to us as defense or attack, you are no longer truly part of the Clan--unless your inability to discharge your duties owes to age or injury, of course."

Rising, and thereby indicating that all present should rise as well, WarChief KaLaai concluded, "Aquino, you have chosen to bind yourself to the fate of a stranger, and the Council therefore binds the stranger's fate to the conditions of your exile. Should Jedi Wei refuse to take you with him, promising to protect and care for you until such tim as you can come of age and prove competence in battle, then the Jedi's life will be forfeit. Or, if you refuse to go with him, his life will be forfeit, and then you will be exiled anyway with no one to assist you. Choose your next actions carefully, Aquino and Wei, as they very well may be your last."

Wei Wu Wei
Jul 30th, 2003, 09:27:24 AM
"So, I go free, and Aquino comes with me? Ok."

Wei got up and walked over to Aniera. Wei looked her in the eyes for a moment then leaned forward to whisper into her ear. "What would you do if you didn't have to spend every waking minute living in fear, never knowing if you would live to see tommorrow? The answer to that question is what gets you out of bed every day. I ask that question because I want to see your hopes and dreams come true."

Wei took a step back from Aniera and turned to KaLaai. "Thank you for letting me go. If I there is any way I can help you, please let me know personally."

At last, the Jedi Knight turned to Aquino. "Come along, Aquino. Once we are out of the Shadowlands, I expect you to answer my question. You'll have plenty of time to think about it once we've started on our way."

Aug 2nd, 2003, 11:52:18 AM
"If we weren't trying to survive?" mimicked Aneira. "What sort of place do you think you've run into? If we stop to give a moment's thought to anything beyond our survival, we are certain to face doom."

As much as Aquino hated to agree with Aneira, she was right. Surely the Jedi knew what dangers existed in the galaxy--and they were likely more aware of those dangers than most people. How could this Jedi ask a question like that?

Shaking his head slightly to himself, Aquino's thoughts strayed to the Council Chambers in which his fate was likely being decided. He wasn't necessarily the most politically or social adept person around, but he got the feeling during the proceedings, that the Vouchsafe case was less about Wei than it was about himself.

A gong sounded to announce the return of the Council to the Courtroom. Guards came into the waiting room and briskly escorted the occupants back to the dais. Glancing towards a small chronometer on the wall, Aquino was slightly stunned to realize little time had passed.

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 2nd, 2003, 08:32:53 PM
Wei looked about with a happpy smile on his face. "Hi guys, my name is Wei," he said to his guards. "You guys sure are serious about your jobs, huh? Good old work ethic, I like that in a person. So, do you guys guard prisoners, buildings, money, or all of those things?"

Wei noticed that they weren't going to answer and shrugged.

"Yeah, well..." Wei's voice trailed off. "Aquino, hey! Aquino!" Wei whispered loudly. "What's your favorite food?"