View Full Version : At the other end of the bar...

General Tohmahawk
Jul 10th, 2003, 08:41:38 PM
OOc : Steal my running gag again and I'll smite you one :p


The guards at the doorwere pretty quiet, cause they were professionals and good at what they did. NRSF members from the time on Arcan IV, they were almost immune to the Jedi mind trick (as you would be as common sense dictacted... guarding a bar full of Force users? Daft if it were anything else) they simply denied weapons and kicked the <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont> outof anyone who looked like causing trouble. On a cold and raining night like this, thoughts do go astray, wven with the best of pros.

"Jefferson was talking a few nights ago"

"Yeah? What about"

"Saw The General. Older looking, looked liek he had taken some damage, but alive and just as bad tempered"

"Mate, I'd say Jefferson was drinking drano except I heard the same thing. Walked in here, bold as you please, like he owned the place. I thought he was dead"

"Me too. I'll be glad if he aint, best damn General out there"

"wonder where he's been?"

"Doing some nasty job, you know what the high ups are like. Tohmahawk got the dirty jobs"

"More liek he volunteered, cause he's the only one..."

"You can trust to do the job right" said a new voice, walking in the rain with a slouch hat and a large brown overcoat. "Evening"

The two NRSF soldiers started as if they had heard a ghost. And then snapped to attention so fast, there was a sonic boom.

"At ease". The voice was rough and had menace in it as it always did. "Quiet night?"

"yes SAH!"

"I said at ease soldier. I'm not your commanding officer anymore, General West is"

One of the soldiers grinned. "Pity. What type of trouble you getting into lately, sir?"

"Oh, really getting back into stride again. Been away for a while, lots to catch up on and <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont>. Hows the NRSF these days?"

"Bit different from when you were at the helm, sir."

"Yes, so I have heard. It's not my baby now, so I'm not going say it's for good or bad. Besides, got something cooking that might work out. I'll let you boys know"

"That'll be good sir.... are you coming in fromt he rain sir?"

"No actually, I'm your relief. I feel like taking a guard spell"

"By yourself...?"

"I'm worth four of those scum Jedi. I dont think there'll be much that can bother me. Off you go now"

and so it was, the famed and supposably dead General James T. Tohmahawk took a spot to the left of the doorway, warming and drying himself near the heater on what was truly a cold and misreble night. Not that he cared - it was doing him an extraordinarily power of good to stand there as Tohmahawk again, feeling like he was part of things.

Now... maybe that damn chef could send him out some hot soup or somethign like that.....

General Tohmahawk
Jul 12th, 2003, 02:20:02 AM
Quiet night - a really quiet night. Not a single patron had came past.

Jul 12th, 2003, 08:19:21 AM
Quiet, perhaps, but even in the most quiet of nights things still move.

The black clad figure emerged from the dark and wet night, heading towards the bar casually, as if the cold and rain held little discomfort for them. Details became clear for a moment as a flash of lighting brightened up the area. Long red hair matted to her head, and mirrored glasses before her eyes.

Finally the figure stepped into the lighted area around the outside of the bar,... how long had it been since any seen her? How many would remember the blind jedi? The questions were in her mind for the smallest of moments before being brushed aside. Neither was of any consiquence. She was here now, and if none remembered, then it was time to lay down the seeds of a lasting legend this time.

General Tohmahawk
Jul 14th, 2003, 05:01:34 AM
Just when he considering trying to warm up a bit more by the heater, finally there was a patron coming in out of the rain. He moved to the middle of the door, hands behind back.

"Good evening. welcome to the Bar and Grill. Have you any weapons to declare?"

Odd. she was female and strangely, she seemed familiar. Whilst he never used the force in this guise (except when he could knowingly get away with it without detection), he could still sense she was not quite ordinary. since the flashbomb accident, his sight never really came back in daylight, but at night, it was unbelieveably good. Things that others would miss in the murk, he could see clearly. Plus, observation. How someone walked, moved, wore their clothes didnt really change.

"And excuse my curiousity, but I believe I know you. You are...?"

Jul 14th, 2003, 06:21:30 AM
A small smile played over her lips. as she was asked about any weapons.

"Only myself."

Her voice was soft, as ever when making the statement. Confidence, not bravado inspired it.

"Your curiosity can be excused, your forgetfullness too. "

At that a chuckle escaped her lips. It was aparent that she, at least knew him.


Marcus Telcontar
Jul 16th, 2003, 01:00:40 AM
"I dont forget a Padawan. Not easily. even one that has been gone for a long as you have."

"where int he Galaxy have you been?"

Jul 16th, 2003, 07:34:28 AM
"I've only been gone a short time, if you use the right clock..."

She chucked once again and seemed to gaze at him, even though he would know that her eyes were sightless behind the glasses.

"I've probably been everywhere you haven't been... or, where you were, just at differnt times."

An enigmatic statement, but when did one get anything else from her?

James Prent
Jul 16th, 2003, 10:57:48 PM
[from here: <a href=http://sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=30693>Somewhere right in the middle of the bar...</a>]

The quiet of the night was shattered as two patrons at the other, other end of the bar fell into some barstools, knocked a being off his stool, and nearly turned over a table. The General and the Jedi both turned to see the disturbance, and caught sight of the padawan who'd obviously made some regrettable choices in the recent past, scrabbling backwards on the ground towards them. Her outer robes were shredded on one side, tangling around her sandaled feet.

James would have cursed as loudly as she could at the felinoid, but she needed every breath she had in her. The padawan's eyes were huge, watching Taataani pounce towards her, and she quickly rolled to the side, causing the Cizerack to miss. James got caught up in a chair as she scrambled to her feet, and Taa skidded into the bar, missing Tomahawk's stool by inches.

Now on her feet (her robe slipping to her ankles, leaving her in a plain white shift) James grabbed the chair that had given her so much trouble, and thoughtfully placed it between her and the raging Cizerack, legs extended towards the other female.

Taataani Meorrrei
Jul 16th, 2003, 11:03:06 PM
Taa was quick. By the time James had recovered, so had she, and used the bar as a springboard to push off of, coming off the floor in a leaping dive.

Unfortunately, she dove face-first into a chair.


Two of the chair's legs broke off, and there was a *DONK* sound as the wooden seat got up close and personal with Taa's cranium, rattling her cage a bit. She flopped to the ground, and blinked.

"Mjy glassssssesss!?"

Blinking, she flailed around, the world around her a blur of basic shapes and color. Her glasses had been knocked off during the collision, and were lost somewhere on the floor. Infuriated, she shrieked.

"RRROUURRR, jyou djid that on purrrpossse...."

She swung at a James-shaped blur near the bar, and clotheslined a Rodian off his seat.

James Prent
Jul 16th, 2003, 11:14:28 PM
James laughed, which was a mistake, because Taa immediately honed in on her voice and turned around. She let out a little "eep!" and tossed what was left of the chair towards the Cizerack, who batted it away as soon as it came into focus.

At that point in time someone shouted, "Hey, break it up! Take it outside!" The guards at the door, who'd started laying bets down on the winner, snapped to attention, and started moving purposfully towards the brawling pair as Taa grabbed James' arm, yanking the padawan towards her once more.

James felt a table at her hip and reached out desperately, snatching a pint of stout Corellian ale off the surface and trying to hit Taa in the face with the tankard. The Cizerack pulled on her arm once more, digging her claws in, and James only managed to dump the entire contents of the beer onto her opponent, soaking her clothing.

Taataani Meorrrei
Jul 17th, 2003, 11:21:09 AM
Taa shrieked, reflexively clutching at her now-soaked blouse. The pink fabric was inundated with swarthy (and frigid-cold) beer, and the blouse was beginning to cling to her skin. Her ears drooped and she shivered...and then scowled venomously at James, snatching a similar pint from a nearby table and repeating the deed to the Jedi.

Seeing James sufficiently soaked, Taa "Hmph"ed.

James Prent
Jul 17th, 2003, 12:29:36 PM
James gasped as her white shift got soaked, and then colored up a nice shade of red, the pint glass dropping to the floor with a thud as she tried to cover herself. Then embarrassment turned to anger, and Taa found herself hurtling backwards, shoved by the Force, landing in the middle of a table.

James ran after her, immediately sorry she'd gotten so angry, but determined to ...whoops... She teetered momentarily as the alchohol was still messing with her balance.

Continued <a href=http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=30231>here...</a>

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 17th, 2003, 10:04:32 PM

He paused, looking over the fight between the Jedi women

"Enmatic from you, as always and seems like we Jedi never change either. Bar brawls never change" he sighed.

Jul 18th, 2003, 07:41:00 AM
She seemed to pay the barest attention to the bar fight as she faced Marcus, but she still took not of the happenings.

"Oh some things do change. The problem, of course, is that the Jedi have too much inertia. History are traditions are seen as more than just guides in a constantly changeing world.

"Maybe that's why I left. To find my own ways of doing things. "

She reached up and took off her mirrored glasses and tucked them into a pocket. Her milky white orbs, as usual, seeming odd, but at the same time, more animated than that of a normal person who's suffered similar damage.

"I'm not sure if I have though. But, I'm back anyway.

"What of yourself? What trouble has found it's way into your life."

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 22nd, 2003, 06:28:06 AM
He hadn't actually been listening fully, so he had to stop for a sec and just rewind mentally.

"Ummm, the worst type of trouble. Family. Since you have been gone, I've somehow managed to re-accquire a wife I thought that was dead, been claimed as a adpoted father to two or three young un's and basically I'm not sure what to think of it all now"

Jul 22nd, 2003, 12:14:39 PM
"that seems to be more of a great deal of wealth rather than trouble. Family can be very important... "

She trailed off, as if thinking about something, then resumed speaking once again.

"Perhaps you just have to relearn what it's like not to be alone, and to have more than students to watch over."

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 23rd, 2003, 06:12:23 PM
"You dont know my family. They are trouble allright.... but I love em all to bits" he stated, smiling broadly. "Xazor is the most trouble of all, she could really be a true daughter with what she gets into. I suppose the best thing about it all is that I got interested in finding out where I came from. Turned out that my real name is Marcus Elessar."

Jul 23rd, 2003, 06:17:51 PM
"I'm glad for you, finding something so precious."

She lifted a brow.

"Why does it matter were one came from? The journy's always forward. And names... names are simply a convient lable to stop people from yelling "Hey you".

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 24th, 2003, 01:19:14 AM
"The journey forward should be done with one eye turned backwards now and then. That way, you can compare where you came from, to where your going - The past, present and future are connected. I'm no prescient Master, but I do know the trtuh in that those whose dont learn from history are doomed to repeat it. You have to strike a balance between looking back and looking forward"

Sudden change of subject.

"When were you blinded? I dont remember that occuring"

Jul 24th, 2003, 07:28:13 AM
"And those who study history are doomed to watch others repeat it."

She blinked at his sudden change of subject, then frowned slightly.

"Before my leave taking, dureing a battle with a Sith...."

She paused very noticable at that. Was she remembering the pain of the injury or something else?

"I beleive you were otherwise busy at the time. "