View Full Version : New Face, Familer Sense (Open)

Simene Dawnstrider
Jul 10th, 2003, 08:38:21 PM
Simene steps into the bar and grill and glances around. She walks over to a table and takes a seat. She waits for the droid to roll over to her, orders a drink and places some credits on it's tray. The droid rolls off to get the drink.

She leans back and looks down at the pack that she had dropped on the floor. It ususaly contained the wolf pup that she had rescued but was at the moment full of books. The pup had fallen asleep in her room and she had left it there. They had a hard time before they came to the order so she was glad he was finaly able to sleep.

But now it was time for her to relax. She leaned forward and grabbed one of the books as her drink came. She sat there, reading and drinking.

Vishalla Daoked
Jul 11th, 2003, 07:56:48 AM
Vishalla, an elf child with long blond hair, comes racing into the B&G, and manages to just barely slip past that guard at the door. The guard has become used to her doing this though, and also knows that she carries no weapons, being but a child. She is dressed in a slightly dirty and slightly bloody white dress. Coming to a stop at the bar, she climbs up onto a stool and looks around, looking for somebody who knows her. None seem to recognize her so she jumps off of the stool and goes to run around the bar a few times. After several rounds of running, she comes to a stop beside Simene and looks up at her.

"Hello there lady. Whatcha reading??"

She asks in a cheerful voice as she climbs up onto a chair next to Simene, her feet not quite touching the ground.

Simene Dawnstrider
Jul 12th, 2003, 06:17:23 PM
Simene looked up at the elven child. She smiled at her and nodded a hello. She placed her finger on her page and closed the book on her finger and turned it to let the child look at the book. It was a book about jedi. She then placed a peice of paper on her page and set the book down.

"I am Simene Dawnstrider. Who are you?"

Vishalla Daoked
Jul 13th, 2003, 11:16:36 AM
Vishalla looks at the book before shrugging her shoulders.

"I don't know who I am."

She says that in a matter-of-fact, but cheerful voice, almost as if she doesn't care right now.

"So, whatch doing here besides reading??"

She asks curiously.

Simene Dawnstrider
Jul 14th, 2003, 07:34:20 AM
"Just hanging out. How about you?"

Simene glanced at her drink and noticed the girl did not have one. She glanced around for the serving droid and waved it over.

"Do you want something to drink?"

Vishalla Daoked
Jul 14th, 2003, 07:55:53 AM
"I'm talking with you. I come here to talk to ppl and to see if maybe they may be able to help me figure out my past. I remember nothing before waking up here.

And something to drink sounds nice, but I don't have any money so I'll just go for a glass of water."

Vishalla starts to swing her legs.