View Full Version : Teras Kasi...

Ki-Adi Kindo
Jul 10th, 2003, 08:34:14 PM
I'm doing a little research into the Teras Kasi, an ancient form of martial arts long forgotton in the SW universe. Any information you could provide would be more than adequete, considering I only know minor details at the moment. :)

Pierce Tondry
Jul 10th, 2003, 09:08:44 PM
AFAIK, there are only minor details available. The entire Teras Kasi art was generated to fill the plot void in a Star Wars player vs. player game. The art was supposed to be a way to focus the Force into one's blows during combat, making fighting more efficient and attacks more deadly. However, AFAIK (again) there has been no use of it beyond the game.

PS, the game was weak.

Adonai Arael
Jul 10th, 2003, 09:14:59 PM
(Kindo here)

I've played the game, and it was alright. I do, however, plan to use this Teras Kasi concept to my advanatage.

Ishan Shade
Jul 11th, 2003, 12:18:15 AM
hmmm...sounds interesting
any info you find kindo, send it my way, i'd like to look at it

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 11th, 2003, 04:15:03 AM
When in doubt, use the force (http://www.theforce.net/cuswe/):

Teras Kasi returned 32 results on 1 pages.

Page 1 of 1

Anoon Bondara
this Twi'lek Jedi Master was a contemporary of Qui-Gon Jinn, and was a master of the teras kasi martial arts. Master Bondara was also the teacher of Darsha Assant. When Darsha was ordered by the Jedi Council to retrieve Oolth the Fondorian from the Crimson Corridor of Coruscant, Master Bondara questioned the Council's objectives in sending the padawan into such dangerous territory. However, he was forced to let her go. When she returned many hours later, without Oolth and speaking of the Fondorian's death, Master Bondara tried to calm her down and asked her to retrace her steps, so that they could determine it Oolth had survived. Unfortunately, they found no trace of Oolth's body, and ended up in the crossfire of Darth Maul's attempt to execute Lorn Pavan. Hoping to buy Darsha and Lorn time to escape, Master Bondara attacked the Sith lord during a speeder chase. Hoping to catch Maul by surprise, Bondara leaped onto his speeder and attempted to disarm Maul. When that failed, Bondara realized that he had only one option. Bondara used his lightsaber to ignited the power cells of Maul's speeder, causing an explosion which took his life but, unfortunately, not Maul's. (DMSH)

Aryx Slash
this was one of the many attack postures practiced by the warriors who trained in the teras kasi martial arts. (HNN5)

located on the planet Bunduki, this city was the home of the galaxy's most famous teras kasi martial arts tournament, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. (HNN5)

a race of beings which practice the martial art of teras kasi or "steel hands." (SE)

Charging Wampa
this was one of the many stances used in the teras kasi martial artform. (DMSH)

Dancing Dragonsnake
this was one of the many stances used in the teras kasi martial artform. (DMSH)

Danva, Joclad
this Jedi Knight was a noted student of the teras Kasi martial artform. Danva was a regular participant in martial arts tournaments, until he was defeated on Bunduki by Phow Ji, just before the onset of the Clone Wars. Shortly afterward, Danva was part of the task force assembled by Mace Windu to travel to Geonosis and confront the Separatists. Danva was one of the handful of survivors of the the initial stages of the battle, and was captured and led into the execution arena just before the Army of the Republic arrived. (HNN5, OWS)

Death Weave
this series of attack moves was used by masters of the teras kasi martial artform. (DMSH)

Ee, Chaq-Quaj
this man was a noted expert in the martial art of teras kasi, during the years leading up to the Battle of Geonosis. (HNN5)

Followers of Palawa
this group of hermits were highly revered on their homeworld of Bunduki. They were also masters of the martial art known as teras kasi. (SESB)

this stance, one of many positions used in the teras kasi martial artform, provided the warrior with a fluid position from which to move in any direction. (DMSH)

Ji, Phow
this man, a native of Bunduki and a member of the Followers of Palawa, was an expert in the martial art of teras kasi. Phow Ji won the tournament in Aslaja, just before the onset of the Clone Wars, defeating the Jedi Knight Joclad Danva in a 47-minute fight. (HNN5)

this being studied the art of teras kasi during the Galactic Civil War. (SESB)

Kashi Mer
an extinct culture that reached its height sometime before the formation of the Old Republic. Their civilization was based on the tenets of the Followers of Palawa, and many Kashi Mer had some control over The Force. They also practiced the martial art of teras kasi, refining it over the years into an almost religious form of combat. Through the use of teras kasi, many Kashi Mer were turned toward the Dark Side of the Force, leading up to the events of the First Great Schism. The Kashi Mer culture was wiped out when the primary star supporting the planet Kashi went supernova and destroyed the entire system. (SWJ6, GMR5)

Lungrolph Isher
this Krish was a noted expert in the martial art of teras kasi, during the years leading up to the Battle of Geonosis. (HNN5)

Lyn, Arden
this woman was a former teras kasi master and a member of the Followers of Palawa warriors who flocked to support the Kashi Mer exile, Xendor. During the First Great Schism, Arden Lyn was defeated in battle by the Jedi Master Awdrysta Pina, who used the mortichro technique to still Arden's heart. Her connection to the Dark Side of the Force kept her alive, and Arden Lyn eventually awoke, shortly after the Jedi Purge of Emperor Palpatine. She was captured as a Force-sensitive by High Inquisitor Tremayne, but injured him and killed Inquisitor Ameesa Darys in her escape. She was later captured again, this time by Inquisitor Torbin, who was forced to cut off her arm in the struggle. Torbin kept her alive, recognizing that she had some connection to the Dark Side of the Force, and brought her before Palpatine. She became one of the Emperor's Hands, and was summoned by Darth Vader to lead an assault team against the Alliance. Their goal was to defeat the leaders of the Alliance in one-on-one combat. In the wake of the Battle of Yavin, however, Arden Lyn defected from Imperial service and started training her own students. She even tried to help rogue Admiral Zaarin kidnap Palpatine, but Inquisitor Tremayne thwarted the attempt. Arden Lyn fled, hoping to locate an ancient Kashi Mer talisman which would bring her power enough to defeat the Empire. (MTK, ECH, GMR5)

Mi, Celjo
this man was a noted expert in the martial art of teras kasi, during the years leading up to the Battle of Geonosis. (HNN5)

Nexu Grin
this was one of the many attack postures practiced by the warriors who trained in the teras kasi martial arts. (HNN5)

Palawa Band
this was the highest ranking of teras kasi martial art combat, during the last decades of the Old Republic. (HNN5)

Pike, Dux
this Epicanthrix fighter was skilled in the martial art of teras kasi, during the last decades of the Old Republic. Unfortunately for his wife and twin daughters, Dux Pike was killed just before the Clone Wars in a tournament on Bunduki. He was defeated by Phow Ji, who used a shenbit stonecrusher blow to eliminate Pike. (HNN5)

Pike, Zan
twin sister of Zu Pike, Zan is distinguishable from her sister because she has two green eyes. Like her sister, she is completely amoral but has no criminal record. She is highly-skilled in the Bunduki art of teras kasi, and is available to the highest bidder. Prince Xizor secured her services in his hunt for Luke Skywalker. She was twenty-six standard years old at the time. Later, the sisters worked for Spinda Caveel, trying to recover the human replica droid Guri. However, as the stakes for recovering Guri grew, the sisters opted to get out while the getting was good. Later, the sisters worked for Spinda Caveel, trying to recover the human replica droid Guri. However, as the stakes for recovering Guri grew, the sisters opted to get out while the getting was good. (SE, SEE)

Pike, Zu
twin sister of Zan Pike, Zu is distinguishable from her sister because she has one green eye and one blue eye. Like her sister, she is completely amoral but has no criminal record. She is highly-skilled in the Bunduki art of teras kasi, and is available to the highest bidder. Prince Xizor secured her services in his hunt for Luke Skywalker. She was twenty-six standard years old at the time. Later, the sisters worked for Spinda Caveel, trying to recover the human replica droid Guri. However, as the stakes for recovering Guri grew, the sisters opted to get out while the getting was good. Later, the sisters worked for Spinda Caveel, trying to recover the human replica droid Guri. However, as the stakes for recovering Guri grew, the sisters opted to get out while the getting was good. (SE, SEE)

Rancor Rising
this movement of the teras kasi martial artform brought a warrior from a squating position up into a standing position in a single, fluid motion. (DMSH)

Riding Bantha
this position of the teras kasi martial artform provided the warrior with a wide stance which provided a solid base from which to move into other positions. (DMSH)

Shenbit Bonecrusher Blow
this was one of the many attack postures practiced by the warriors who trained in the teras kasi martial arts. If properly executed, this movement can be fatal to the target. (HNN5)

Slashing Wampa
this was one of the attack postures found within the teras kasi martial artform. (DMSH)

Slee, Beru
this woman was a noted expert in the martial art of teras kasi, during the years leading up to the Battle of Geonosis. (HNN5)

Slyter, Talon
a native of the planet Draethos, this man was a noted expert in the martial art of teras kasi, during the years leading up to the Battle of Geonosis. (HNN5)

Striking Sarlacc
this was one of the attack postures used by the teras kasi martial artform. (DMSH)

Swan, Bultar
this woman was a noted Jedi Knight who trained under Micah Giett, until his untimely death. She then trained with Plo Koon, and was one of many who were involved in the galactic conflict which surrounded the Clone Wars. Bultar was respected among the Jedi of the day for her combat record. Despite being a veteran of many battles, Bultar had never taken an single life, even in self-defense. In combat, Bultar Swan used a unique combination of teras kasi and Verdanaian "sliding hands" techniques. Swan, along with Empatajayos Brand and Chellemi Chuovvick, was dispatched to the Sepan Sector to mediate the early conflicts of the Sepan Civil War, shortly before the onset of the Clone Wars. Bultar Swan was portrayed by Mimi Daraphet inStar Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones. (OWS, HNN4, SWDB, PJSB)

Teras Kasi
translated into Basic as "steel hands," this weaponless martial art was created and perfected by the Bunduki. (SE)

this ancient Kashi Mer was exiled from his homeworld when he began using the teras kasi martial arts for evil by combining them with the Dark Side of the Force. As a Jedi and a Kashi Mer, Xendor developed a large following, often referred to as the Minions of Xendor, whose ranks included the warrior Arden Lyn. Xendor was killed by the Jedi Knights, shortly after the First Great Schism split the Jedi apart. (RD, GMR5)

Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 11th, 2003, 08:49:43 AM
wow, where was all this info when I went looking 2 years ago???

Ki-Adi Kindo
Jul 11th, 2003, 09:18:43 AM
Now that's information! Thanks, Dasquian! :)

Pierce Tondry
Jul 11th, 2003, 10:34:35 AM
I'd guess that a lot of it was written for Clone Wars source material, seeing as how so much of it deals with characters from that era.

I find it amusing that Lucasfilm went to this kind of effort to un-stupify something it approved.

Je'gan Olra'en
Jul 11th, 2003, 01:40:08 PM
Basic cover-your-butt style...reminds me of me.