View Full Version : Siiwook: The Fiery Wookiee

Wampa Stompa
Jul 10th, 2003, 01:33:32 PM
Name: Siiwook

Species: Wookiee

Bio: During the height of Imperial rule, Trandoshans - the long time enemies of their neighbors, the Wookiees of Kashyyyk - allied themselves with the Empire and convinced them to enslave the inhabitants of Kashyyyk. Using the Wookiee's reknown strength, the once peaceful culture was driven into a the harsh labor of enthrallment.

Siiwook was born into slavery. The Wookiee child inherited a rare gene that gave him a unique pelt: jet black furr with red tips highlighting the ends. Sessks, a Trandoshan slaver and owner of Siiwook saw a chance to earn favor of the Trandoshan god, the Scorekeeper, by slaughtering Siiwook when he came of age and sacrificing his pelt to the alter of the Scorekeeper.

Years would pass and Siiwook began to come of age. Before Sessks had a chance to kill the Wookiee, Rebel soldiers raided Kashyyyk to free some of the slaves. Siiwook was captured and saved by a rebel leader named Jace Esi. Esi eventually provided Siiwook transportation to a colonized moon called Enluust where he could hide from Imperial influence.

On Enluust, Siiwook lived in the capital city of Dantire where he learned various trades such as engineering and piloting. Soon afterwards, the Galactic Empire fell and was replaced by the New Republic. The Trandoshan slavers were ran out of Kashyyyk and the Wookiees were finally free to restart their civilization.

Angered, the slavers took up arms and became individual bounty hunters - slaughtering as many Wookiees as they can to pay for forgiveness from the Scorekeeper. Siiwook's former slaver would come to find him on Enluust and set a trap to kill him.

Siiwook survived, however, and killed Sessks with the help of a bounty hunter named Fyel Miwn. The human female became Siiwook's partner who took up the hunting trade. Together the two would experience many adventures in capturing criminals anonymous.

Years would pass until a Jedi who'd gone insane murders Fyel and frames Siiwook for it. Captured by correctional authorities, Siiwook was sent to a prison on Olovo IV. There the Wookiee would despair, blaming himself for the loss of the only member of his Honor Family (special friends that Wookiees would die for).

Three years would come to pass, and the Jedi who killed Fyel would begin a campaign to kill Luke Skywalker and take over the Jedi Academy. Infuriated, Siiwook escapes Olovo IV with ruthless tactics and a murderous count of deaths in the guards who work on the facility. He takes up his old bounty hunting trade and sets after the Jedi who killed his partner. Ultimately, Siiwook comes to Yavin IV and kills the dark Jedi - mostly with luck.

Awarded for his efforts in saving the Academy, Siiwook buys a ship and other various tools and remains a bounty hunter.

Later on the ultimate job passes by Siiwook, who already claims to a frightening title in the underworld business being called the 'Fiery Wookiee' both for his numerous weapons and opposing appearance. The bounty was place on the head of an underworld crimelord operating on Nar Shadaa. Powerful enough that he's said to be untouchable, Siiwook accepts the job (for the enormous bounty).

Several harsh trials would lead to a unimaginable connection between the crimelord and the Wookiee. Siiwook's former partner's dead body was recovered by the crimelord and now answers to him as a cyborg rebuilt. Siiwook has trouble overcoming to brain warped Fyel and is almost killed. Thankfully he finds it within him to destroy Fyel and brings down the crimelord who made her that way.

Afterwards Siiwook retires back to Enluust and disappears. Some say he built a cabin with the money he made and lived richly in the secluded mountains far north from Dantire. So ends the tale of the Fiery Wookiee.

Wampa Stompa
Jul 10th, 2003, 01:41:10 PM
Read it, Review it, maybe even add your own story featuring Siiwook. Try not to alter the Biography if you can, but if you really want to go ahead. Parodies, dramas, anything.

-Wampa Stompa