View Full Version : Force power discussion
Je'gan Olra'en
Jul 10th, 2003, 10:02:44 AM
True enough, Morgan...thing is, if that's the case in point, what about all these other ridiculous uber-powerful Force attacks? Creative TK (eg. Lady Vader's blowing out of the windows-hah! I'm on topic) is one thing, Force Lightning and incineration are one thing, but all this junk about hyper-powerful, hyper-elabourate attacks kinda seems unreasonable. Why bother, as you say, with something that elabourate, like, mmm, making miniature tornados and throwing them at people? It's a frelling ridiculous game of one-upmanship for who can make the most uber Force power. I'm surprised that I haven't seen the creation of vacuums here so far. And don't even get me started on the eternal question; what the heck werewolves and vampires are doing here in the Star Wars universe. Ye gads...
And from what I can see, the only people who really have a clue what they're doing use primarily TK, which is more or less all you should need. Kudos to Hobgoblin for his utterly realistic performance in 'I'm Hungry'. I mean come on, in EpII we saw a full-sale Force war between Masters. Skills used; Telekinesis, emitting and absorbing/blocking lightning, lightsaber duelling. That's it. We see Vader use Force Choke and we think 'that's terribly easy to counter, I could make it better', so we do. Perhaps those people who are 'upgrading' the 'standard' Dark Side powers should watch the movies again. Just watch as Vader chokes the life out of those people, and remember that only by the infinitely annoying creative powers of Kevin J. Anderson is Force Choke blockable by apprentices. Force Lightning has become totally trivial, people keep underestimating it and such. It's irritating that one of the greatest Sith powers of all time should be so widespread. And then we've got all this trash about teleportation, for crying out loud. What, every Dark Master in existence suddenly went off into the Kathol outback for about twenty years of lessons from the Aing-Tii on how to do that? This ain't bloody Star Trek, people.
And who here doesn't think that super-powerful, unexpected techniques have become a substitute for brainpower? I took a completely untrained and unarmed apprentice up against a Dark Master, and because that Dark Master kept making stupid mistakes while being confident in his mastery of the Dark Side, I more or less won. The only serious wound inflicted on me was done so by a GM'er, another player, after the fact. I got away from my duel with the Dark Master with a few bruises here and there...he got out of it by teleporting, with a broken hip and two missiles and a large section of roof coming at him. All because he blocked a steel bar with a lightsaber. Ye gads, it's like the Jedi weapon makes you invincible or something. I'm reminded of a passage in Heinlein's 'Tunnel in the Sky' about military scouts being sent out completely unarmed, becaus it forces them to think. In my opinion, at any rate, a lot of the Forcers here have gone exactly the opposite route.
Meh. Guess I'm used to SWG, where extravagances like 'wind serpents', 'TP', 'vampires' and 'werewolves' would get you laughed out of any decent thread, and moreover flamed to a crisp. I can see I've got some adjusting to do.
Anyways, that's my little rant for the day... :o Sorry if I stepped on anybody's toes, and kindly recall that I haven't read even a fraction of a percent of what's out there, so if this is all based on flawed premise, je le regret.
Vega Van-Derveld
Jul 10th, 2003, 10:17:59 AM
Won? NO. You didn't win anything. For one, you were thrown against the wall numerous times - I didn't write in the result, because I'm kind like that, I didn't want to cripple you, but I'm sorry but a Dark Lord's force pushes could not be simply ridden out by an apprentice.
Second of all, breaking my hip is in direct violation of the rules of this board, IIRC.
Thirdly, where did we mention teleportation? Sorsha, being a Dark Side Mistress, is able to perform highly convincing illusions. A little force push to fend off the missiles (have you played JK2?) and some help from someone else to deflect the crumbling roof and bam, open window for an exit.
Our intent in the thread was never to fight until we fell, or won. It was to stir something up and cause a little chaos.
Buuuuuut if you want to fight Vega again and see who wins? Fine by me ;)
what about all these other ridiculous uber-powerful Force attacks?
You mentioned the tornado, but … what else, oh well read one?
And don't even get me started on the eternal question; what the heck werewolves and vampires are doing here in the Star Wars universe.
Ohhhh no… I’m not canon. Neither are the elves. Neither is half of the stuff we all pull out on show here. There is no rule saying THIS IS ENTIRELY STAR WARS GUYS. So long as we make it plausible and relevant, no arguments. There are Force vampires and shape shifters in EU – our vampires and garou/lupine are just slight plays on these.
PS - insulting a community on whole is a wonderful way to get in peoples favour. nicely done :)
Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 10th, 2003, 10:34:43 AM
Vega beat me to it, and said it a whole lot nicer to you than I would have.
Jul 10th, 2003, 10:41:34 AM
Some RP boards play strict non-interpretive canon. Some take liberties. Some are off the wall (believe me, we are pretty reasonable).
If you don't like it, and if our style doesn't mesh with your paradigm, the door is that way. You aren't going to get very far by trying to "fix" the way an entire board RP's. If that isn't your cup of tea, then I'm sorry. Them's the breaks.
Nathanial K'cansce
Jul 10th, 2003, 10:42:46 AM
Why bother, as you say, with something that elabourate, like, mmm, making miniature tornados and throwing them at people?
Mm... potshot. You got a problem with a move like that, either contact to me ask me why I can do such a thing, or don't post in a thread where I have moves like that. Simple enough.
Ki-Adi Kindo
Jul 10th, 2003, 10:58:15 AM
I don't remember the last time anyone actually one a fight. For me, it always ended up in a draw of sorts. Maybe that's just me though. When Kindo was a Padawan, he got tossed, cut, thrown, and even shot at, but finally he was promoted to Knight. Now he can toss some people around. These boards have always been to me a place to build up a character. If you don't ever get the crap beaten' out of ya, how do you learn to do it to someone else? :)
Je'gan Olra'en
Jul 10th, 2003, 11:11:23 AM
a Dark Lord's force pushes could not be simply ridden out by an apprentice.
I beg to differ. If you'll allow me to call attention to EpII again...Anakin's an apprentice, he get' s Force-pushed by Dooku twice. First time, he hits the wall, but he's obviously all right, just a a little stunned and shocked...and the combination of lightning with that would likely account for that. Second time, he hits the floor hard, acknowledged that he hits the floor and not the wall of course...thing is, in neither instance does he show any sign of broken bones, as you so kindly implied with the second of your Force-pushes. The first time, my counter was perfectly legal, and perfectly believeable; he just threw himself forward as he got hit, so that the first part of his body to impact the wall would be his feet, and that would negate a large part of the force of the blow. Second time around, you had a Force-grip on him, so he couldn't have done that again, but he was able to hit the wall in a proper martial-arts fall. And while my character can do almost nothing with the Force, he's still a martial artist. So yes, he got the breath knocked out of him and such, severely bruised and whatever, but no bones would have been broken; that's exactly what breakfalls are for. So I didn't 'ride out' the blows, but neither were they crippling, you follow?
Second of all, breaking my hip is in direct violation of the rules of this board, IIRC., breaking your hip was a direct consequence of your own lack of foresight. OK, I'm swinging an iron bar, probably about an inch thick, at your hips for a crippling blow. Instead of using one of those ever-so-useful Force pushes to knock it away, you block it with your lightsaber. That's possibly the stupidest thing I've ever heard. The blade, by your own statement, sheared right through the bar half-way down it. The half that you detach is going to hit very, very hard, with similar principles to the nunchaku behind it. And if you still have doubts, go out and find a foot and a half of inch-thick iron. Picture that swinging at you with all the force of a career martial artist's arm behind it. Then picture just how fragile the human hip is...and somehow I doubt being a loup-garou is going to change that a whole lot. Now, because you didn't foresee this, you went ahead and wrote what Vega did afterwards for a good period of time. That means that going back and changing it to say you caught it or something is a rewrite, which I believe is aloso against your precious rules. Face it, you screwed up, and I'm sincerely hoping the logic of why your character now lacks a functioning hip on one side carries over to you. Side note; I never actually said the hip was broken, I said it would have logically broken the hip. You just assumed that I would GM damage like an unpolished n00b. Now take your reward; a bit of inconsequential, easily repaired damage to a character. Nothing major, right? I could have complained like heck when Kamehamehe did that dagger thing, but I let good form prevail, and mainly because no, my character wouldn't have been expecting that, and yes, the dagger would have hit him that hard. Here's where I think I'm going to have to draw the line and swallow your pride. Don't worry, admitting you made a mistake isn't so hard.
As for the teleportation thing, take a look at this:
:: The remains of the building became filled with a blinding green glow as everything seemed to slow down into dream like motion. When the glow faded, Sorsha, Jade, Videl, and Vega were gone ::
Now that doesn't sound like any illusion-working I've ever heard of, not in the slightest. For one thing, if she's such a Dark Mistress, then why would excess light be given off as she works her illusions? Sounds like sloppiness to me, if it is an illusion-working. For another, one would think this k'Vik person, being ostensibly of your group, would know what had happened and keep fighting, instead of leaving as if she was the last Dark Jedi there or something like that.
No, I haven't played JK2. One would assume that in that, you could force-push in such a way as to block both missiles at once. Meh. Whatever.
Our intent in the thread was never to fight until we fell, or won. It was to stir something up and cause a little chaos.
As it was mine. Thing was, I was never even going to get involved, until you people kept jumping on Malice from behind. At that point, that was when I figured I should get involved. A, it was a perfect field test for Je'gan and the combat system here, and B that's exactly where Je'gan would have come in. Before he'd have been more interested in observing and learning; when he saw the mass dishonourable attacks on Lord Malice, that's when he'd figure he had to enter the scene.
Buuuuuut if you want to fight Vega again and see who wins? Fine by me :rolleyes
Done. See you in one year's time OOC.
You mentioned the tornado, but … what else, oh well read one?
Actually, I specifically recall making note of the fact that I wasn't well read, not on these boards, but since you want examples of uber techniques, examples you shall have.
The tornados, obviously.
That 'wind serpent'.
The similar 'snake made out of fire' that Malice used.
Anbira Hicchoru's flying.
Also a large part of that statement was my belief that Sorsha's passage referred to teleportation.
Of course anything plausible and relevant is admissible. For some reason, thought, I saw the whole werewolf thing as just a bit more than a 'slight' play. It's just that where I come from, things like that...just don't happen, because when they do, they're always, always used for powergrabs. My apologies, and it seems that I will indeed have to make a few paradigm shifts.
Ace McCloud
Jul 10th, 2003, 11:22:27 AM
I kind of agree with Je'gan somewhat but it's just how this board plays. Sometimes it may get a little out of hand, but like Charley said, you can leave and go find another more legit SWRP board.
Jul 10th, 2003, 11:29:35 AM
Meh. Guess I'm used to SWG, where extravagances like 'wind serpents', 'TP', 'vampires' and 'werewolves' would get you laughed out of any decent thread, and moreover flamed to a crisp.
Vampires and Werewolves ARE in the Star Wars mythos.
Ki-Adi Kindo
Jul 10th, 2003, 11:42:17 AM
Je'gan does have some really good points.
Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 10th, 2003, 11:48:14 AM
Originally posted by Je'gan
I beg to differ. If you'll allow me to call attention to EpII again...Anakin's an apprentice, he get' s Force-pushed by Dooku twice. First time, he hits the wall, but he's obviously all right, just a a little stunned and shocked...and the combination of lightning with that would likely account for that. Second time, he hits the floor hard, acknowledged that he hits the floor and not the wall of course...thing is, in neither instance does he show any sign of broken bones, as you so kindly implied with the second of your Force-pushes. The first time, my counter was perfectly legal, and perfectly believeable; he just threw himself forward as he got hit, so that the first part of his body to impact the wall would be his feet, and that would negate a large part of the force of the blow. Second time around, you had a Force-grip on him, so he couldn't have done that again, but he was able to hit the wall in a proper martial-arts fall. And while my character can do almost nothing with the Force, he's still a martial artist. So yes, he got the breath knocked out of him and such, severely bruised and whatever, but no bones would have been broken; that's exactly what breakfalls are for. So I didn't 'ride out' the blows, but neither were they crippling, you follow?, breaking your hip was a direct consequence of your own lack of foresight. OK, I'm swinging an iron bar, probably about an inch thick, at your hips for a crippling blow. Instead of using one of those ever-so-useful Force pushes to knock it away, you block it with your lightsaber. That's possibly the stupidest thing I've ever heard. The blade, by your own statement, sheared right through the bar half-way down it. The half that you detach is going to hit very, very hard, with similar principles to the nunchaku behind it. And if you still have doubts, go out and find a foot and a half of inch-thick iron. Picture that swinging at you with all the force of a career martial artist's arm behind it. Then picture just how fragile the human hip is...and somehow I doubt being a loup-garou is going to change that a whole lot. Now, because you didn't foresee this, you went ahead and wrote what Vega did afterwards for a good period of time. That means that going back and changing it to say you caught it or something is a rewrite, which I believe is aloso against your precious rules. Face it, you screwed up, and I'm sincerely hoping the logic of why your character now lacks a functioning hip on one side carries over to you. Side note; I never actually said the hip was broken, I said it would have logically broken the hip. You just assumed that I would GM damage like an unpolished n00b. Now take your reward; a bit of inconsequential, easily repaired damage to a character. Nothing major, right? I could have complained like heck when Kamehamehe did that dagger thing, but I let good form prevail, and mainly because no, my character wouldn't have been expecting that, and yes, the dagger would have hit him that hard. Here's where I think I'm going to have to draw the line and swallow your pride. Don't worry, admitting you made a mistake isn't so hard.
As for the teleportation thing, take a look at this:
Now that doesn't sound like any illusion-working I've ever heard of, not in the slightest. For one thing, if she's such a Dark Mistress, then why would excess light be given off as she works her illusions? Sounds like sloppiness to me, if it is an illusion-working. For another, one would think this k'Vik person, being ostensibly of your group, would know what had happened and keep fighting, instead of leaving as if she was the last Dark Jedi there or something like that.
No, I haven't played JK2. One would assume that in that, you could force-push in such a way as to block both missiles at once. Meh. Whatever.
As it was mine. Thing was, I was never even going to get involved, until you people kept jumping on Malice from behind. At that point, that was when I figured I should get involved. A, it was a perfect field test for Je'gan and the combat system here, and B that's exactly where Je'gan would have come in. Before he'd have been more interested in observing and learning; when he saw the mass dishonourable attacks on Lord Malice, that's when he'd figure he had to enter the scene.
Done. See you in one year's time OOC.
Actually, I specifically recall making note of the fact that I wasn't well read, not on these boards, but since you want examples of uber techniques, examples you shall have.
The tornados, obviously.
That 'wind serpent'.
The similar 'snake made out of fire' that Malice used.
Anbira Hicchoru's flying.
Also a large part of that statement was my belief that Sorsha's passage referred to teleportation.
Of course anything plausible and relevant is admissible. For some reason, thought, I saw the whole werewolf thing as just a bit more than a 'slight' play. It's just that where I come from, things like that...just don't happen, because when they do, they're always, always used for powergrabs. My apologies, and it seems that I will indeed have to make a few paradigm shifts.
Sorry if that seems childish on my part. I'm just a bit sick of pompous, long-winded, nit picky types like you.
You spend alot of time criticizing, which shows a lack of imagination on your part. This character deals in magicks and illusions, with a bit of personal flair. I hardly think that's sloppy. Nothing over the top either.
Also, please explain to everyone about what that little ooc remark to Vega is all about. Threats are seriously frowned upon here and it could get you banned if that's what it is.
Jul 10th, 2003, 11:50:23 AM
Force Lightning has become totally trivial, people keep underestimating it and such. It's irritating that one of the greatest Sith powers of all time should be so widespread. Force Lightning has become totally trivial, people keep underestimating it and such. It's irritating that one of the greatest Sith powers of all time should be so widespread. [/quote]
Last I checked only masters can do that.
And to be honest, until he stops being so insulting, I'm going to struggle to care about what he thinks.
Morgan Evanar
Jul 10th, 2003, 12:00:15 PM
bla bla bla bla bla.Maybe if you did a little research on some of the characters you wouldn't come to fast, far gone conclusions.
Now that doesn't sound like any illusion-working I've ever heard of, not in the slightest. For one thing, if she's such a Dark Mistress, then why would excess light be given off as she works her illusions? Sounds like sloppiness to me, if it is an illusion-working. For another, one would think this k'Vik person, being ostensibly of your group, would know what had happened and keep fighting, instead of leaving as if she was the last Dark Jedi there or something like that. Mili is a big coward at direct hand to hand combat, and she doesn't have the same grasp of Magjics that Sorsha does. Sorsha does things for effect sometimes, it certainly seems to have worked.
PS: Lurk more.
Your posts reak of weaksauce. Instead of bitching about things after the fact, why didn't you just start at thread WHILE it was going on, or post in the existing one, asking for explanations. Oh right, crossing IC action with OOC knowledge. GO BACK TO YOUR CRAFTING SIMLULATOR.
Jul 10th, 2003, 12:15:16 PM
You aren't going to get very far by trying to "fix" the way an entire board RP's. If that isn't your cup of tea, then I'm sorry. Them's the breaks.This is all that really needs to be said.
We attempt to keep everything here rationalized in the scope of the Star Wars Universe. Some of us take liberties with exactly what will fit into the Universe. As long as it's nothing exceedingly fanciful, and as long as it does not inherently give one character an advantage over everyone else, we're generally pretty accepting about what is and isn't allowed. If you feel that this bastardizes the SWU too much for you to roleplay here then, by all means: There are plenty of other SW roleplaying boards that you can feel free to start RPing at.
Pilot Akito
Jul 10th, 2003, 12:24:42 PM
Nup won.
Zasz Grimm
Jul 10th, 2003, 01:12:38 PM
Of course anything plausible and relevant is admissible. For some reason, thought, I saw the whole werewolf thing as just a bit more than a 'slight' play. It's just that where I come from, things like that...just don't happen, because when they do, they're always, always used for powergrabs. My apologies, and it seems that I will indeed have to make a few paradigm shifts.
Things such as Lupines and Garou's have existed at this board for at least two years. Vega (the true father of the lupine at SWF), has roleplayed their existence here, for two years. So, before you start claiming 'slight' play, do like Morgan said.. LURK MORE..
All this does, for you, is make you look like the biggest newbie in the entire world, crying for momma. Grow up, learn that we have set rules, and that we've been RPing here longer than you, know the rules better than you.
And another thing, Sorsha is one of the oldest, and most respected members of this roleplaying community. The reason why she can do what she does, is that she has that experience. Does it matter how she describes her maneuvers? No. She's done them longer than most have RP'd. Snack is the Dark Lord Of The Sith. That gives him precedence to do what he pretty much wants. All of his attacks have been roleplayed and trained out to my knowledge. And he's an apprentice under Ogre, someone who has also been here for quite some time, and has gained the respect of every member here.
Before you question maneuvers of certain people. Read their titles in their signatures. Most of them hold true to their actual roleplaying capability. Learn the rules of our galaxy.
Jul 10th, 2003, 01:12:56 PM
I'm beginning to see why you're no longer at your old roleplaying forum.
Vega Van-Derveld
Jul 10th, 2003, 01:14:55 PM
Verse (the true father of the lupine)
Just for clarity - the only 'powergrabbing' being a Lupine/Garou gets you is a good sense of smell. I have never changed into some hulking wolfbeast to attack people, nor have any other wofl ppls here :)
Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 10th, 2003, 01:35:09 PM
Yeah, if I was power grabbing, I would have introduced Logrus abilities last year. But this isn't Amber, it's Star Wars.
Ogre Mal Pannis
Jul 10th, 2003, 01:41:16 PM
Someone mentioned big hulking beasts?
Vega Van-Derveld
Jul 10th, 2003, 01:43:16 PM
You were born like that, there's nothing we can do about it *patpat*
Pilot Akito
Jul 10th, 2003, 01:44:06 PM
Je'gan: Post the address of your old board so we can see what your used to.
Everyone else: Please refrain from the insults, the last thing we need in here is a fire.
We can work this out...although it might be over my dead body.. but we can still work this out.
Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 10th, 2003, 01:51:48 PM
Originally posted by Ogre Mal Pannis
Someone mentioned big hulking beasts?
:: hugs her Brother :: :D
Je'gan Olra'en
Jul 10th, 2003, 03:18:52 PM
Well, considering it would take me about three hours to sort through the sheer volume of comments that have been made since I lef the computer three hours ago, I think I'll just stick with the important points.
First of all, Dru, I have to say that that's rather insulting, especially as you can't seem to make any helpful comment whatsoever. The original SWG boards, at , were erased and restricted to game owners following the release of the Star Wars: Galaxies game. I don't own the game, therefore I can't write there anymore. The backup boards, at , have recently experienced severe server problems, and debates are underway on what to do about it. I was bored, therefore I came here as what was originally intended to be a temporary substitute.
Currently the community resides at , however their server is also having difficulty and only a very few threads have been started there. most of us are just waiting for the 'real' boards to get back up and running.
My apologies to Sorsha for what I recently realized looked very inflammatory indeed, and also for the appeareance of a threat. What I meant by that was that in one year, RL timescale (I don't know how timescaling works here, BTW, but on the other boards it was always a good bit faster than normal), Je'gan will start searching for Vega to take you up on that offer. That's all. No threat involved. Also, my apologies to Sorsha again for the whole misunderstanding issue. Please understand that to all intents and purposes, what you did lookd a great deal like someone teleporting. Sorry for that error.
Zasz, you misunderstood me completely. When I said a 'slight' play, I did not mean little writing justifying their existence. I was referring to this:
There are Force vampires and shape shifters in EU – our vampires and garou/lupine are just slight plays on these.
Also, ReaperFett, I'd be very interested in the whole topic about such things being already a part of Star Wars. I think I read something once about Sith vampires, and of course I know there are shapeshifters, but where do werewolves come in?
Thanks for the support, Kindo.
Morgan, you don't seem to be making a lot of sense here. Could you please clarify your insults to the point where I can dignify them with a response?
Shawn, that's more or less what I've decided to do (first part of your post, not the second). I've realized that RP'ing here is going to require a paradigm change...I'm fairly sure I said that in my last post, actually.
Akito, this may be newbish of me (and here, as I've realized, I am indeed a newb), but what or who is 'Nup'?
Zasz, a few more things.
Does it matter how she describes her maneuvers? No.
Actually in this case it did, because I didn't have enough experience with her writing style to understand what she was doing.
Snack is the Dark Lord Of The Sith.
Another error on my part; I'm used to newbies with weird names and calling themselves Sith Lords cropping up here and there. Je suis desole.
Before you question maneuvers of certain people. Read their titles in their signatures.
*shrugs* Back at SWG you could more or less request any title you wanted, and I'd seen a few examples of humorous titles here, so I assumed that the same was more or less the case, barring obvious exceptions.
So, as a final word, my apologies to everyone. I guess I'll lurk some more, work on getting my character trained and such. At least that's something I know how to do, that is, remains a constant from board to board. So I shall take all of your excellent and helpful advice and retreat to the TSO forums for a while. Au revoir.
Jul 10th, 2003, 03:25:40 PM
*Points out that the SWG RPG boards have had a plethora of problems with hosting and then points to the donations thread stickied in this forum*
But really, we have it very good here folks, and I intend to keep it that way.
Our community has thrived for nearly five years and that won't change as long as I draw breath.
BTW: "Nup" = Nupraptor = Shawn = one of the administrators here. Much like the way people will call me "Ogre".
EDIT: Our aliases (Nup and I) can be found in our profiles for the Shawn and SWFans.Net accounts respectively.
Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 10th, 2003, 03:30:50 PM
Apology accepted.
Je'gan Olra'en
Jul 10th, 2003, 03:34:21 PM
Gee, I guess I can't call you '' without raising a few eyebrows...Ogre really does work so much better. Thank you very much, Ogre.
And thank you for accepting my apology, Sorsha. Makes me feel rather better about the way i've mishandled the entire situation.
Jul 10th, 2003, 03:40:58 PM
You are welcome and really, you can call me just about anything and get away with it.....within reason. :p
Also: is only one of two valid URLs for this site.
These forums were at one time associated with a fairly large fan site called "SWFans" hosted at That site died about two years ago or so and we strove onwards, but were unable to get the domain thanks to squaters.
So now our URLs are
Quick history lesson ends there....for now.
Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 10th, 2003, 03:41:26 PM
I always give a second chance to people who seem sincere.
Ki-Adi Kindo
Jul 10th, 2003, 03:50:43 PM
I wish everybody could be like that.
Je'gan Olra'en
Jul 10th, 2003, 03:51:05 PM
Oh, I'm sincere, I'm just clueless :D
And thanks for that update, Ogre. For some reason I think I already knew about the two addresses, but I'm not sure. Thanks for clarifying it all; I have the feeling the occasional 'n00b lesson' is going to be very, very helpful.
Morgan Evanar
Jul 10th, 2003, 03:53:19 PM
SWG is a common acronym for Star Wars: Galaxies, the wonderful crafting simulator put out by Sony Entertainment Online and LucasArts. Its borderline content free... etc. You can see where I got confused in terms of acronyms.
I'm beginning to see why you're no longer at your old roleplaying forum. I couldn't have agreed more. What you posted was the most presumptious thing I've read in a while. An awful lot of us have been here for over three years, we've pretty much established stuff the way it is here. And then you walked up and told us we were wrong.
Guess who reacts well to that? The other thing is you brought up this stuff after the fact in an overlong rant instead of asking questions as to why things worked the way they do. The combination of things can rub some of us rather wrong.
So, as a final word, my apologies to everyone. I guess I'll lurk some more, work on getting my character trained and such.Or you could just ask more questions. Its not so much as your character being ready as you being ready to ask something if you aren't sure.
That was a hell of a misunderstanding... -shrug- I guess things will pan out in the future.
Je'gan Olra'en
Jul 10th, 2003, 04:00:27 PM
Thank you for sharing, Morgan. It was, indeed, quite a misunderstanding. It was also heavily fuelled by hunger, RL frustration, and a lack of sleep. I believe if I apologize for the whoel mess one more time, it will reach double digits; however, I apologize. Also, the main varieties of other RP boards that I've seen have been more or less SWG-forum derivative; I suppose I got so used to writing in one style that I ignored other possibilities. And I will indeed do my best to make sure it all pans out in the end.
I do agree with you about SWG the game, that's why I don't own it. I just used the SWg forums because that was possibly the most complex and realism-driven forum in existence for SWRP.
Zasz Grimm
Jul 10th, 2003, 04:09:43 PM
What's done is done. Forgiven. Yeah, just ask around. You don't have to be a recluse and only lurk. Ask people who've been here a while. IM / PM them with questions, just don't make yourself too much of a pest.
Dae Jinn
Jul 10th, 2003, 04:13:47 PM
Exactly. You wont learn anything if you don't ask. People are (normally) friendly and helpful here. Training and getting your character developed is a good idea IMO, before you go out and rp with the "big boys" :lol
And..we had an Ogre sighting and I missed it :(
Jul 10th, 2003, 04:16:47 PM
I've realized that RP'ing here is going to require a paradigm change...I'm fairly sure I said that in my last post, actually.Yes, I saw. :) However, I was just simply re-iterating a few key points I wanted to get across as my "official" stance.
Ishan Shade
Jul 10th, 2003, 04:23:00 PM
Well, look at it this way...SWFans is a great place to RP with some of the most gifted writer's I've ever seen....
BUT...roleplaying is only a small part of this place, there are some really cool people here, and half the fun is just interacting.
Je'gan Olra'en
Jul 10th, 2003, 04:39:08 PM
Actually, I do have a couple of questions, for anyone who hasn't lost patience with me entirely. First of all, those little stars under the names. Is that a post count? Like a star means a hundred posts?
One other thing...are all of those titles acnowledgements of rank? Because I've seen some ones that are quite obviously nothing to do with rank. Some funny ones, too.
And in the event that they're not limited to expressing do I get one? *bambi eyes*
Dae Jinn
Jul 10th, 2003, 04:44:12 PM
- stars are your post count; but I forget what they mean exactly ^_^;
- on Group boards, CT's are usually made-up by the mods to be funny. If you're a TSO member, post in their OOC forum for a CT :)
All ranks are earned, which is why developing your character is so important.
Zasz Grimm
Jul 10th, 2003, 04:49:25 PM
Most titles of a characters rank are usually posted inside of their signature. For instance Morg's. His says Jedi Master...Or De'Ville's..Dark Jedi Master...
So on, and so forth. But Custom Titles that appear under people's names at other forums are like Dae said. Mod's give those to be humourous at times. And sometimes, it can display rank.
Morgan Evanar
Jul 10th, 2003, 04:52:09 PM
4 stars = Mod
5 = admin
3 = 10000 posts
2 = ? posts
1 = posts?
As for titles, the ones at the GJO only seldom include a rank. The ones in people's signatures are accurate, although a Jedi Master that was registered yesterday is probably going to get a talking to.
Jul 10th, 2003, 04:55:11 PM
I'd like to take this time to remind new posters to please read the FAQ, as it contains answers to these questions and more.
Je'gan Olra'en
Jul 10th, 2003, 06:20:56 PM
*pounds head repeatedly into keyboard for forgetting the FAQ*
Thanks all...
Verse Dawnstrider
Jul 10th, 2003, 06:26:30 PM
Verse (the true father of the lupine)
::Does the happy Dance.::
If you want to know how I have intergraded my Garou (Werewolf) into SWU I woudl be glad to PM you with it. I have been working out teh bugs for atleast 3 years now. (Or is it more? I must check to see how long I have been here)
Je'gan Olra'en
Jul 10th, 2003, 06:36:04 PM
Actually, I think I'd like that very much. Thanks for the offer.
Side note on the CT's...I think I'll wait a while before asking for a special one. The one I have in mind could take quite some time to earn.[1].jpg
Jul 10th, 2003, 07:38:30 PM
Welcome to SWF. I brought the vampyre race to this SW universe. If you have any questions feel free to pm me.
Lilaena De'Ville
Jul 10th, 2003, 07:45:34 PM
one star = 50 posts, two stars = 500 posts.
And aside from the group boards, you don't get special RPs. Also, the stars are for fun and post count != rank here. In any way, shape, or form. :)
Also, Zasz, technically the Dark Jedi don't have ranks, but I earned my Sith Master rank shortly after I joined TBH, so I like to have the recognition of being a master, even though technically there is no such thing as a title "Dark Jedi Master." We're either apprentices, or Dark Jedi. I suppose I should change it to "Master of the Force."
Pilot Akito
Jul 10th, 2003, 09:39:09 PM
SWG a Crafting Sim...
What have I gotten myself into?
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