View Full Version : The Dead Sector (open to jedi)

Salem Ave
Jul 10th, 2003, 06:03:23 AM
Hundreds of years ago, the Dacho District had been one of Coruscants most thriving industrial quarters. Reduced now as it was to a ghost town, the district had housed hundreds of thousands of people, most of who were under the employment of the areas immense factories. A lethal explosion beneath the surface of the region, unleashed toxic neuritic carbide gases, killing most – if not all – of the factory workers and some of the surrounding populace.

It became common rumor that beneath the shiny exterior of the Dacho District more underhanded practices were taking places – grotesque practices. The myth sprung up that the sub-terra factories used the bodies of waifs and beggars to glean useful, marketable bodily fluids. The Old Republic classified all documents pertaining to the investigation on the matter, although the local residents were not at all convinced. The borough was evacuated by the horrified civilians, disgusted by the thought of what they had been a part of.

So the legend of the name of the Dead Sector was born, deserted and ignored by all. With such a level of infamy it was not a surprise that Sith were known to use it as a meeting ground – after all, the reek of death and mutilation would always linger in the crumbling buildings foundations.

Modern day Coruscant couldn’t have cared less about the Dacho District. A few desperate immigrants had taken it upon themselves to seize land within it, not knowing of its history. Old warehouses had been converted into barely inhabited slums, across the rooftops of which one darksider crawled. Salem Ave, a Sith Knight seeking to prove himself to the Sith Order, had spent most of the dying day awaiting the fall of the sun so that he could make his way to this place, and now was on the prowl.

Earlier in the evening he’d sated his bloodlust, taking one of the vagabonds and snapping his neck, but he was not here to kill, more so to make mischief. While the factories had been closed, there power supply had never been cut off. Coruscants energy supply was in such abundance that one minimal use such as this would be negligible. Tonight, however, the switchboards would light up. The Jedi could not fail to notice this.

Inside the dusty control rooms the vampire skulked, activating conveyor belts and pulleys, watching through a murky window pane as machinery sprang to life. Odd limbs strewn about, traces of the past, moved across the belts and into the great furnaces – unlit as of yet. Down the stairs Salem bounded, setting aflame the fuel within some of the great chambers before he leapt up onto a chain hanging from above one of the moving platforms, moving in the blink of an eye up into the darkness above – the only trace of his presence the slight swaying of the chain links.

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Jul 10th, 2003, 09:37:27 AM
Salem had been shadowed, and unbeknownst to him, there was already a spectator within the factory as it came to life. Jubei was above all else, sworn to protect the sanctity of life and the balance life created, yet Salem was an affront to all of this. As the abomination entered the factory, Jubei paused long enough to activate an alert beacon that he wore around his neck, and then he silently scaled the outer wall, and bent his lithe frame through a window, disappearing into the deep shadows of the factory. For now, he watched from afar, and witnessed the vampire's grotesque menagerie.

Salem Ave
Jul 10th, 2003, 09:51:46 AM
The chains made for an easy method of transport, easily swung between allowing the airborne Salem a way of reaching the upper levels of the factory once more. Looking down into the belly of the thing was like looking into hell – fire and metal churning, groaning from years of ill-use.

Claws curled around the banister of the platform he stool on, Salem watched emotionless as the machines spluttered, vomiting up charred, half-finished parts of contraptions, while cauldrons of the vile mythical fluids bubbled under the growing heat of the furnaces.

Already a stench was beginning to fill the cavernous room, the heat only adding to the stench. Salem turned from the view to move to one of the windows looking out onto Coruscant proper, but hesitated, pausing as he felt a pang of something in the back of his mind.

Quickly moving out of the glow of the flames and against the factory wall, he narrowed his eyes. Someone else was here – he could smell them, their blood, even through the putrid smog. Soundless, he lurched down the ramp to his right, which spiraled around the whole of the inside of the inside of the main factory floor, trying to spot whoever else was lurking in the darkness.

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Jul 23rd, 2003, 09:56:26 AM
Jubei creeped soundlessly along a high roof support, eyes adjusting to the dim view inside the factory. Moving with cat-like grace, he approached a load-bearing wall, and jumped off the metal beam, braking his fall by running the soft pads of his bare feet lightly against the side, until he had descended to one level of the ramp, not far from Salem, but still obscured in shadow.

Ace McCloud
Jul 23rd, 2003, 11:53:56 PM
Ace was tired of this busy planet. He wasn't used to so many people and so many vehicles and buildings. He felt many strange things around him, through his senses from the force. He had escaped the busy city into a more rural part of town, where he slipped into an empty warehouse and sat down to take a nap. Applying for the GJO and this city had gotten to him, he had grown tired and fatigued through out the day.

He sat with his back agaisnt a wall, his black cloak covering him completely. The hood covered his face as he slowly slept into a light sleep. An hour or so passed until he shot to his feet. The presence of a sith was not far off. He knew the feeling very well, for he had once been one. The evilness of this being ached at his heart and body, but he quickly deluded it with a quick meditation.

Ace jumped out one of the broken windows in the warehouse and landed square on the ground outside. He shot off towards a building in the distance, where he felt this presense.

Concealing his aura he shot up to the building, becoming a shadow. Not only was he as invisible as a shadow but as quiet too. He quickly slipped into the factory, very stealthily. He felt another presence, a different one. It seemed to be that of a jedi, but it was a feeling not to well known by him and he was unsure. He walked along the shadows, trying to find what may have been an ally.

Salem Ave
Jul 24th, 2003, 02:08:25 AM
It didn’t matter whether or not someone traveled silently or as loudly as a thundering bantha – it wouldn’t be heard in this place, not with the cogs and machinery grinding and sparks sizzling. Never the less, there was always the option of cloaking ones presence with the Force, which Salem attempted to do (but was not particularly strong at).

Still stalking down the ramp, the Knight came to an abrupt halt. There was a new arrival and, if he was not mistaken, his first guest was not far off. Salem slowed his pace to a walk.


Ace McCloud
Jul 29th, 2003, 08:22:41 PM
Ace calmly walked in and out of the shadows, searching for someone. They both hard their aura's hidden so he couldn't pinpoint them, but he knew they were here. Just then he caught the glimpse of someone out of the corner of his eye.

"There you are..." he thought quietly outloud, then jumped up onto a moving belt, one level below his target. He reached for his saber, feeling it wasn't there.

"Ah blast! Firgin has my lightsaber," he thought to himself as he knew the sith had most likely seen him.

Salem Ave
Jul 30th, 2003, 06:59:09 AM
The vampires’ eyes had locked on the movement instantly and as the Jedi appeared on one of the belts, Salem bound up against the railing and caught one of the chains hanging from above to steady his position.

“What arrr-e you doing here?” he hissed, “Thisss is private property.”

Ace McCloud
Jul 30th, 2003, 06:10:57 PM
"Really? Then I guess I should leave?" Ace responded in a sarcastic tone as the belt carried him past the Vampire(although he didn't know it was a vampire, for he had never met or seen one before).

"But, then again I think I'll stay," he muttered as he jumped backwards onto the top of a large furnis. His eyes glowed red as he watched his enemy.