View Full Version : An Explanation

Ka' el Darcverse
Jul 10th, 2003, 12:52:58 AM
For those of you who know who I am and for those of you who are fans (wink) just wanted to say hi.

No I didn't quit, though I've only been posting about once a week if that, though the contemplation did cross my mind. Rather I've decided a few things.

1. I'm eliminating all my characters save, Ka' el, Helios and Du' Caat. However I'm really only going to focus on Ka' el. Helios and Du' Caat are the type of characters that can be ignored or used only when I have specific threads for them.

2. I'm pretty much giving up on all ooc* interaction. This is no reflection on you all, it is rather a reflection on me and my limited time. I'm involved in a rather serious relationship (been contemplating proposing), I work 40 hours a week at a Volunteer intership (yes you heard me right, 40 hours a week and my payment is experience on my resume.) Also I play in an online gaming Clan which is fairly demanding of my available free time. That and I have a hard time connecting to text (which is my own fault) I can connect to your characters, but I have a hard time differentiating them from your real personality, due mainly to the fact that I don't spend much time ooc and I don't really have the time to do so.

3. I've gone nearly 3/4's of a year rping with no one other than my own master. I've entered a few threads most of the time they are forgotten or I lose my direction with them (my apologies to those I've done that to and my forgiveness to those who've done it to me) I now realize it is because I have not made a reputation or created a stable character. I'm attempting to change that, Ka' el's personality will be much more stable, though he will still mirror my manic persona in a vague manner.

So suggestions, proposals, comments or compliments (:)) are welcome. Also if you'd like rping with someone who si simply focused on rping his character and really can divulge his entire rp time to one character and perhaps one thread at a time feel free to contact me. Ciao

Vishalla Daoked
Jul 10th, 2003, 08:05:43 AM
Hey Ka'el, if you want to RP with me, I'm all game for it. Here's a list of characters that I'm really working on right now.

Vishalla Daoked
Natia Elessar
Marga Alton
Chelsea La (would also have Shandri La on the list, but I'm waiting for a thread to be completed so I can move out of RP limbo with her. Only threads I'm doing with her right now are the ones which are already started)

If you want to rp with any or all of those characters, just let me know. I just ask that you understand if I don't post for a day or two since rl is kinda hectic right now for me.

Jul 10th, 2003, 10:06:09 AM
If you want to RP with:

Shanaria Fabool
Ida Knoe
Lord Talzen
Dark Lord Rivin
Leten Snat
Darth Bubbles

Just give me a PM I'll hope into just about anytype of thead you need me for.