View Full Version : Deadly Alliance (Two on Two)
Zasz Grimm
Jul 9th, 2003, 11:04:06 PM
Zasz had been inside of the Bar and Grill that the Jedi's somewhat...owned. It had been interesting, rather, the conversation with his new found friend, Nathanial. Also known as Darth Snack, Dark Lord Of The Sith. The only exception to Zasz's rule, and mindset. He looked to the man now, curious. How to rile the Jedi into coming, or perhaps, a member of another order..
"Tell me, my dear friend? What would you propose? Random slaying. But that's below us. How about a...competition? Yes, that sounds reasonable."
He grinned. Random slaying was below them, but they might have to partake in it, to lure anyone out. He looked to a man, who was walking towards them, and with a movement of his wrist, he was raised into the air. The man screamed, crying out, begging through pain for it to stop.
And it did, his limbs torn apart, and then finally his head flung from his body. All those in the area were running, but with several moves of his hands, exits to alleyways were blocked, as were doors...
"Shall we?"
Nathanial K'cansce
Jul 9th, 2003, 11:27:01 PM
*A competition, hmm? Nate watched as the man rose into the air and then fell apart. The handy work of Zasz Grim.
I like him...
Nate wasn't too much into the slaughtering of people without just cause, so Zasz won that point. But he wasn't above destroying buildings and the like.
A smirk crossed his lips. Both his arms raised to shoulder height, his palms pointing outwards. The Force contorted arond his hands as he concentrated on it, and then released. Two swirling bursts of wind flew forward, manifesting themselves into microbursts: small tornado-like entities that destroyed anything in their paths.
The two clouds of wind, dust and debri traveled on opposite sides of the street, throwing vehicles about int buildings, other vehicles and people. The siding and concrete of the buildings they past by tore from their foundations. People who were trapped had to duck and take cover, lest they be impaled by the debris that flung around.*
Ka' el Darcverse
Aug 5th, 2003, 07:23:01 PM
It was late in the afternoon and Yoghurt's wasn't very crowded. Ka' el had come down for a late lunch after spending the afternoon working on perfecting the technique of Jedi Battle Meditation. He was getting closer with every try, but he was frustrated. Nothing had ever been this difficult for him to attain and it bothered him and bruised his ego.
As he dined at the B&G he noticed that he was still acutely connected to the ebb and flow of the Force. A side-effect of immersing himself so deeply into the unifying aspect of the Universe. Whispered conversations in the corner booths were plainly clear, emotions could be sensed, and it seemed that everything was happening a bit slower than it should.
"So I told the guy that if he didn't want the other ear to...."
"He is just so cute..."
"And then she told me to stick..."
Ka' el focused trying to block out all the sounds and stimulus rushing into his head. Taking deep breaths he attempted to meditate.!!!!!!
Suddenly Ka' el snapped back to reality. He immediately stood up looking around. Chest heaving from the disturbance he had just felt. Slowly the Jedi made his way towards the door.
"What the frell?"
Ka' el sprinted towards the door, George the B&G guard on duty was looking outside at a building across the street.
"I need my saber now George!" Ka' el barked.
George fumbled through the weapons closet looking for where he had placed the padawan's blade.
"NOW George!"
"Got it!" George shouted triumphantly as the hilt flew from his hand and into Ka' el's outstretched head. Immediately the boy burst through the doors and towards the building George had been watching.
A cold chill came over him as he approached as if the Force had suddenly become much darker and desperate there;
Perhaps I should try to contact Master D'an...
Just as he was preparing to attempt to link to his master a woman came flying threw one of the windows, hitting the ground limp and lifeless.
No time...
The bright cyan blade of Ka' el's practice saber sprung to life and immediately the boy tried to open the door to the building, but found it wouldn't budge. Plunging his saber through, quickly making an X diagonally across the doors. As soon as the blue blade exitted the door a force push blasted the door open.
Standing tall in the dust and confusion of the door breach was Ka' el with his saber glowing righteously in the cool afternoon breeze.
Figrin D'an
Aug 7th, 2003, 11:16:05 PM
The disturbance in the Force was as clear as hearing a glass window shatter. It would, no doubt, garner the attention of many... but how quickly anyone else would respond was an unknown variable. His casual walk down the promanade towards the Bar & Grill became a full sprint, weaving around pedestrians as he approached the epicenter of the event. The presence of the Dark Side was clear... it flowed freely, tainting the area with it's touch. The source of the disturbance was powerful... not mearly a Sith adept or a Dark Jedi. No... this was wanton malice and destruction, the epitome of Dark Side of the Force.
The Jedi Master slowed as he honed in on the darkness. He calmed his mind, allowed the Force to flow through him, and prepared himself for what awaited around the next corner. Admidst the wave of hated and anger, he could feel a single point of light... another Jedi was already on the scene. Strength in numbers, even if only in the form of two, was better than none at all. Steeling himself, he strode into the open, lightsabre hilt in hand, and pushed his way though a cloud of dust and debris.
Zasz Grimm
Aug 8th, 2003, 05:09:35 PM
His head turned to the first Jedi that was on the scene, but then, one stepped through the dust. He grinned, somewhat recognizing this one. He motioned for Snack to take the younger, as Zasz stepped slowly through debris and dust. He stepped over a dead body; the corpse of a woman who was once beautiful. Now would never see the light of day again.
"Pleasant day, wouldn't you agree?"
He looked to the lightsaber hilt. Ah, he came prepared, good, good. Zasz reached into his garb and withdrew his saber hilt. He held the cold metal with what seemed like pleasure in his face. He then looked up to the Jedi, but something caught his eye. A survivor. Zasz raised his hand, and lifted a small piece of metal with the Dark side, and with the flick of his wrist, it was sent spiraling towards that person's back.
Nathanial K'cansce
Aug 10th, 2003, 05:13:17 PM
*First one, then a second Jedi made their way to the scene where Zasz and Nate were spreading destruction. The first Jedi came from the Bar and Grill itself. And that was the one Zasz nodded to for him to take. It didn't matter which one he was to face, their fate will still be the same.
But the second Jedi on the scene felt familiar, a figure of importance in Nate's past as a Jedi...
A hilt found itself encased in Nate's right fist, his old on the object tightening as the scent of battle was drawing close. A second later a teal blade sprung up, ready with a deadly agenda to fulfill.
The two bursts of wind Nate had sent out earlier had already died, leaving wreckage in their wake. And now, walking through it towards Ka'el, was its creator.*
Ka' el Darcverse
Aug 10th, 2003, 05:48:26 PM
There is no death, there is the Force...
While the two Darksider's debated on whom would take on whom Ka' el had been focusing his mind, no his very being on the Force. Slowly immersing himself completely into the calming and focusing nature of it. His mind became devoid of outside distractions, the screams of these Darksider's victims now were falling on deaf ears. Ka' el had but one singular purpose and that was to defeat the man before him.
As Nathanial moved like a predator towards Ka' el, the young padawan struck and struck quickly. Using his connection to the Force he gapped the distance between himself and the Darksider in a mere moment swiping his saber at the man's right side.
Figrin D'an
Aug 11th, 2003, 12:25:06 AM
The metal fragment glimmered, even in the dust cloud, enough to catch the Jedi's eye. It sliced towards it's target with deadly speed, it's intended victim just regaining awareness. Reacting without hesitation, Figrin stretched out his free arm, and stretched out with the Force. The sharp twisted durasteel shard slowed it's flight, stopping just short of it's target. Wide eyed and full of fright, the survivor sat shaking for a moment, staring in terror at the jagged metal floating in front of him. Just as suddenly as it had stopped, the fragment fell to ground with a thud, jolting the man to his feet.
"Run!," yelled Figrin. "Get out of here, now!"
The man didn't need to hear the order twice. He scrambled away down the street as quickly as his cut and bleeding legs would carry him. The Jedi Master turned back to the dark figure standing before him.
"You're not going to kill anyone else... not that easily."
Figrin had become keenly aware that his comrade in arms, dueling with a second Dark warrior, was his own student. Ka' el was well-trained, and a skilled fighter... but these two would no doubt present a significant challenge. They seemed oddly familiar, though he could not yet determine how.
He rested his hands on his hips, his sabre hilt still firmly gripped in his right hand. The two stood several paces apart, facing each other, neither flinching. The wind kicked up, pushing the back of the Jedi's cloak to one side. The face off began.
"Make your move, dark one," Figrin's voice cut through air, confident and unwaivering.
Zasz Grimm
Aug 12th, 2003, 08:44:52 PM
"As you wish."
Was Zasz's reply to Figrin's statement. He reached within his robes and pulled out the metallic lightsaber hilt. He held it up as he ignited the blood red blade, moving to an offensive stance. He looked at Figrin carefully, he would need to be cautious with this one. He moved forward quickly, lightly spinning his saber before he got to his opponent.
Once he was infront of Figrin, he made basic attacks, however, he did them fairly quickly. Everytime he attacked, the Jedi met Zasz's saber with his own. Zasz stepped back and brought his saber up and over his head, to bring it down towards Figrin's head.
But it was aptly blocked, and Zasz was prepared. Moving his left hand, he opened palmed it to face towards Figrin, causing the Jedi Master to be caught in a powerful force push. As he stumbled backwards, Zasz stalked forward, and once he got to him, he made a slice from left to right towards Figrin's hip, aiming to cleave him in two.
Nathanial K'cansce
Aug 13th, 2003, 07:55:51 PM
*The Jedi was the first to act, closing the distance between him and Nate quite quickly. He sent a well trained slash at the Dark Lord, making him think that this would be a great fight - for the Jedi showed promise.
Nate stood his ground, firming his stance as to not be knocked off balance by the momentum of the incoming attacker. The saber in Nate's hand inverted with a twist of his wrist, the teal blade now pointing down instead of it's usual up stance. He lifted his right arm, so that his blade came up just high enough to block Ka'el's weapon.
Nathan pushed his arm to the side, breaking the hold the two sabers had and quickly (faster than if he was holding his saber normally) slashed from his right side to his left horizontally, aiming for the Jedi's neck.*
Figrin D'an
Aug 13th, 2003, 08:41:21 PM
Figrin reestablished his footing after being pushed back in time to see a streak of bright red arcing towards his side. Acting quickly, he inverted the grip on his lightsabre and brought his free hand to the hilt. The two handed grasp helped to strenghten his defensive posture, holding back the powerful slash of his attacker. Altering his grip again, the Jedi Master shifted to his right and torqued the hilt in his hands, gaining leverage and pushing away, putting some space between himself and his opponent.
He went on the offensive, bringing his sabre high over his head, then down fast and hard, closing the gap to the dark warrior in two great steps. The strike was deftly blocked. Releasing quickly, Figrin stabbed downward and right towards the man's leg. Another glancing block denied the Jedi's attack. His sabre now low and off-position, his opponent swung downward to take advantage. Figrin was ready, though, his own sabre arcing upward and meeting the attack mid-flight. The blades sizzled and whined, locked together in a blurred blue and red stalemate, as the two men stared each other down. The eyes across from the Jedi Master seemed more familiar than ever.
Ka' el Darcverse
Aug 13th, 2003, 10:28:21 PM
Ka' el quickly ducked out of the way of the slash, he was used to sparring against others using a single saber, but this wasn't a Spar this opponent was out for blood. As the padawan ducked low the blade singed he hairs on the back of his neck, though he didn't really notice, only something of direct threat or immediate harm could penetrate his mental wall for the moment. Quicky Ka' el siezed advantage of having leverage underneath the Dark-sider's defenses and struck in a seemingly staccato jab at Nathan's ribs, though he shifted his feet to allow for a quick escape should his strike be countered.
Zasz Grimm
Aug 14th, 2003, 12:46:38 AM
"Impressive, so you are more than just a historian, Figrin D'an."
He held the blades interlocked with the Jedi Master. He figured now would be a good time for conversation. That thought made Zasz grin a bit as he pushed his lightsaber blade into the Master's, causing him to be pushed back and away. Zasz side stepped, somewhat circling the Jedi.
"It's been a very long time."
Nathanial K'cansce
Aug 24th, 2003, 06:49:52 PM
*Danger, the Force warned in his mind. Reacting, Nate used the force, focused it in his legs, and leapt backwards a couple of meters, just out of Ka'el's blade's reach. As he landed, he spun his saber around, its hum vibrating as it swept through the air; it's color blurring until it resumed a stationary stance at the Dark Lord's side. His hold on it still reversed form the 'norm'.
There were two, well there was a lot more, but two medium sized pieces of duractrete and stone the size of footballs rested a few meters to the side and behind of the Jedi Padawan. With barely a lift of his finger, the two pieces of debris lifted off, a few inches only, from the ground and sped their way towards Ka'el's lower legs.*
Ka' el Darcverse
Aug 31st, 2003, 12:24:21 PM
Ka' el felt a slight tug in the Force as Nathanial propelled two stones at his legs. Immediately he began searching for the result. Keeping his saber between himself and Nathanial, he pivoted to his left, allowing the first stone to sail by but the second struck him in the back of the leg causing a bit of a stumble.
As Ka' el knelt, he used the Force to accelerate his opponents own attack against him.
Figrin D'an
Sep 1st, 2003, 06:20:02 PM
The Jedi Master's eyes narrowed. He did indeed know the face of his opponent, from many years before... not by name, but by look and reputation.
"I do remember you. You had potential. You could have been a great Jedi. But you were reckless. Impatient. The desire for power seduced you to the dark path."
Figrin paced in side-steps, matching his opponent movements. His sabre en-guarde low, he was taking no chances.
Zasz Grimm
Sep 23rd, 2003, 12:16:46 AM
"Impatient? Maybe. I like the path I've taken."
He smiled; conceding his opinion to Figrin. As the circled, however, his steps moved inward, as he was slowly approaching the Master. He swung his saber around his body, signifying he was about to attack.
Was it courtesy? Zasz wanted Figrin ready for the attack; to push the limit of his skills. The red blade moved quickly; flurry like. Quickly, attacking with force enhanced speed he attacked the Jedi Master.
Relentless were his attacks, trying to break through. Parry. Thrust. Lunge. Overhead strike. They were all blocked, and thus it continued. Until Zasz saw an opening, and he feigned an attack to throw Figrin off guard; he faked the low attack, and the Master went to go block.
Zasz saw his opening- and went for it, his saber now sailing towards the master's open chest.
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