View Full Version : Rico (open I guess :P)
Bryher Conway
Jul 9th, 2003, 09:17:13 PM
<font size=1>Open to anyone, although interaction with Force-users is preferred ^_^</font>
It had taken over 7 days for their small freighter to arrive on Coruscant, and Bryher Conway had dreaded every single second of the trip. Not because of the long boring hours she had spent cooped up in the ship, but because of their eventual destination. Growing up on the planet Bpfassh, found in the Outer Rim, she had basically been raised to dislike Jedi. Hate might have been a more appropriate term, since her father was constantly filling her young mind full of stories of how a Jedi Task-force slaughtered a long-dead member of their family. "One of the Dark Jedi of Bpfassh, he was! They weren't causing any trouble until those other Jedi's showed up!" She had been told, and she believed every word.
"Why do the Jedi even have to be on this damn planet anyway? I don't see how the people of Coruscant can stand them," she grumbled, brush a few stray strands of her short dark hair from her eyes. Her coveralls were a dark brown, the same color as the large boots she wore on her feet. Boots that rested up on a box of supplies they were delivering to who-knows on the mid levels of the city. She had taken this job to get the frell off Bpfassh, even if it was only for a few months out of the year. "Jedi are the foulest things in the galaxy…a bunch of liars.."
"For frells sake, will you shut your hole??" Her friend, and fellow part-time freighter, Rico, muttered across at her. "I bet we won't even see any while we're here. They probably have better things to do than bother you." With that, he rose from his seat and walked towards the front of the ship, leaving Bryher alone with her thoughts.
Several hours later, Bryher sat in a small café that Rico had dragged her to, insisting that they "had to see what this city had to offer," it being Coruscant and all. Her cup of coffee sat empty in front of her, while Rico was at the counter hitting on a girl with blue streaks in her hair. Quietly, she got up from her seat, slipping outside without him noticing. She turned, intent on making her way back to the shipyard, when she ran into someone. Someone who sent her falling back onto her butt on the duracrete walkway.
"HEY! Watch what you're doing!"
Pierce Tondry
Jul 10th, 2003, 01:56:02 AM
The blindfolded man in the voluminous robes looked down at her, his face impassive. "Next time, turn your head before you start walking," he said calmly, offering her a hand up. "You won't run into people that way."
Jul 10th, 2003, 06:43:10 AM
Satine had been walking by when he heard a cry of "HEY! Watch what you're doing!", and smiles, turning to look. Noticing Pierce there, he grins at the likely shock of a blind man telling her to turn her head before walking. Figuring he might as well go see what was going on, Satine puts a coin on the counter and stands up, brushing a stray spike of silver hair out of his face, and then walking over to the pair.
"Is there a problem?" Satine asks, smiling.
Bryher Conway
Jul 10th, 2003, 08:47:57 AM
"Yeah! This moron doesn't know how to frellin walk!"
She angrily pushed Pierces' hand away, getting herself to her feet and brushing the dirt from her clothes. All she had wanted to do was GO, but now she had two weirdos surrounding her.
"Are all the people of Coruscant this stupid? Or is it just something the Jedi have brought here?" She muttered to herself, while finishing straightening out her coveralls. She smirked at Pierce. "And what the frell is with the bathrobe? You just get out of the looney bin or something?"
Jul 10th, 2003, 09:43:00 AM
Satine frowns.
"They're robes...And what's your problem with the Jedi?" he asks, his eyes narrowing slightly.
Dyan Kharis
Jul 10th, 2003, 05:56:18 PM
"So many, my young friend, I reckon there is little time to humor the likes of either of you!"
A man stood wearing a black trenchcoat and black wraparound shades. His left hand held an yet activated lightsaber. Dyan's gaze remained concentrated upon Bryher as if both Satine and Pierce were this young woman's very own imaginary apparitions.
"Dear, are these two troubling you?"
Bryher Conway
Jul 11th, 2003, 11:25:44 PM
"No, I was just leaving..." She said, but remained rooted in place. Her eyes traveled across this new one, all dressed in black, down to his hand on some kind of metallic cylinder. She spoke to Alpha, but didn't turn her gaze to him.
"The Jedi are a bunch of hypocrital fools; they punish those who try to do right but go against their precious little "code".."
Jul 12th, 2003, 07:24:28 AM
"What makes you say that?" Satine asks, crossing his arms across his chest. "Not all JEdi are like that. Hell, most aren't anymore.
Jared Mriad
Jul 12th, 2003, 05:30:58 PM
"He's right, most of 'em are too busy wiping their asses with silk or being too trigger happy for their own good," A red-head male spoke up from the closest table, his boots crossed across the top of said table. Jared stuck a toothpick between his lips as he sat up, looking at Bryher's direction, "They parade around in... bathrobes... all frelling day, noses too far up in the air to watch where they are goin', y'know?"
His face cracked in a large smirk, "The whole deal with code is a bunch of bantha crap too, haven't seen one of them Jedi folk ever follow it properly in years!"
Jul 12th, 2003, 05:40:21 PM
"Some of us think the code is outdated and outmoded!" Satine says, his eyes flashing, frowning at Jared. "Or, at least I think it!"
Jared Mriad
Jul 12th, 2003, 05:51:56 PM
"Ah ah ah," Jared retorts, waving his index finger back and forth. "Thou shalt not be angry!" He couldn't help but laugh here, "It leads to the infamous dahkside!"
Jul 12th, 2003, 06:35:49 PM
"Been there. done that." Was all Satine says. With a grin, Satine taps into the Force, knocking AJred's chair out from under him.
Bryher Conway
Jul 12th, 2003, 07:00:35 PM
<font size=1>I'm glad to see you ALL read my posts, we are OUTSIDE not indoors:rolleyes</font>
"You know what I think..." she started to back away, moving towards the street. 'I think you're all frellin' freaks! We have an angry Jedi, a weirdo in a bathroom, a man in black and now, Red over there. If I knew this place was going to be this messed, I would have stayed home."
Jul 12th, 2003, 07:03:59 PM
Satine laughed, the sound making Bryher jump a bit. "Well, it's a messed up galaxy out here."
{OOC:Uh...I knew that! :)}
Jared Mriad
Jul 12th, 2003, 07:21:07 PM
Jared brushed himself off as he stood, shooting a nasty look the impish Jedi before returning with the smirk. "Some find it more 'messed' up than others, as well."
Dyan Kharis
Jul 13th, 2003, 01:57:59 AM
Dyan stood statuesque through the verbal exchanges, composed, permiting Jared and Satine time to acquaint themselves.
After a moment, a tiny smirk grew on his lips before turning to the departing Bryher and addressed her, "You have become the center of attention since your arrival to these quarters, what brings you to Coruscant and what is with these Jedi friends?" The last word he accentuated with a tilt of his lightsaber.
Lord Vali
Jul 13th, 2003, 02:25:55 AM
Vali sat perched on top of the roof of the cafe, listening to the conversation below. The time of day was perfect for him to exercise his skills, since it wasnt really sunny outside, but it wasnt completely dark.
There was enough light to provide a challenge. As he perched, he wrapped himself in an illusion to blend with his surroundings. He'd done this for most of the week around the same time, hiding himself in plain view.
Today though, he had sensed a decent amount of force users gathering to one spot. This sometimes meant there was a fight, which provided much entertainment, even if Vali only remained a spectator.
He smirked slightly at the conversation at hand, though he found himself agreeing with the red headed male, and the woman somewhat, but that really wasnt a big deal. He wanted to see a fight, and there were enough people gathered here for it...It would just take a little convincing.
Still keeping himself hidden, Vali nudged Jared with the force in such a way that it would appear the Angry Jedi were force pushing him again...
Jared Mriad
Jul 13th, 2003, 10:00:21 AM
Jared swayed slightly, only to everyone else it looked like he had rocked back on his feet. Glancing from Bryher to Dyan then to Alpha, Jared snuffed loudly, the Jedi wasn't even paying attention enough for a push like that.
Maybe he was, but even the most advanced force-user had to concentrate somehow..
Jul 13th, 2003, 04:18:16 PM
As Bryher started to back away, she bumped into yet another figure. This one was clad in flowing white robes. His waist length white hair hung neatly over his shoulders. Dark, sea colored blue eyes gazed at all there. Stopping at Alpha. A grin spread across his face as well.
*Hmmm not even true jedi and they try to defend the others whom actually try to follow the code. Pitiful*
Looking down at the girl which had bumped into him, Malice nodded his head.
*Tell me, if you hate jedi so much. Why not hire someone to kill them. Take these two for example. All i ask for is 20 creds and i shall be happy to destroy them right infront of your eyes*
Turning away from the girl, Malice onces more stares at Alpha.
*Greetings Alpha. It has been far too long*
Pierce Tondry
Jul 13th, 2003, 04:45:27 PM
Throughout the back-and-forth arguing, Pierce had simply remained silent. Beneath his robes he had lightsaber, commlink, and blaster- all tucked away out of sight- in case this volatile situation exploded.
"I can't help but think," he said quietly. "That as strange as Jedi are reputed to be, some of the other people who manage to find their way out of the woodwork are worse."
Pierce's head turned and his blindfolded eyes locked onto Bryher's, making it clear who his point was made for.
Bryher Conway
Jul 13th, 2003, 04:54:07 PM
Bryher caught Pierces' blindfolded gaze for a second, before lowering her eyes. She pushed Malice away, shaking her head.
"I wouldn't hire anyone, and especially not a weirdo like you. What is this? Coruscant cross-dressers week-end?"
She turned from the group, starting to make her way down the street again, regretting her choice to leave the cafe.
Jul 13th, 2003, 05:11:15 PM
A growl escaping his lips, Bryher's feet suddenly stopped moving. Turning towards her, Malice walked slowly towards the now grounded woman.
*You would be wise to watch what that mouth of your says about me. If you were smart, then you'd know that sith do not take insults lightly*
Lifting one of his hands, Bryher rose up a few inchess off the ground. The demon sith master grinned as her head came level with his.
His dark blue eyes gazed right into hers. Though it looked as if he was staring right into her soul.
Pierce Tondry
Jul 13th, 2003, 05:54:50 PM
Clearly, things were about to boil over into a fight.
Pierce closed his eyes, opening his mind to the Force and to his combat senses. The shaded light of day was replaced with an otherworldy white-on-black scheme. All around him, things that could cause him potential harm were lit with various shades of red. It would give him a few seconds of warning on impending attacks.
"Put her down Sith," he ordered.
Jared Mriad
Jul 13th, 2003, 06:41:36 PM
Jared sat back down into his chair, popping his neck with two quick jerks to the left and right before regarding the Sith In White. "Yeah, mate. Put 'er down softly, she's done nothing worth getting prissy 'bout," He waved a hand in the air in two quick circles, "Speech isn't anythin' to get hotfooted about."
Jul 13th, 2003, 10:13:10 PM
Grunting at both of the other mens words, Bryher found herself plopping right back onto the street floor. Turning to the others, Malice simply grinned.
*Tis not the speech or words that get me riled up. But, tis the lack of respect now days amongst the young folk of this age that angers me*
His gaze then shifted to Pierce and Alpha.
*As well as jedi*
Bryher Conway
Jul 13th, 2003, 10:29:10 PM
She glared impassively at him as he Force lifted her from the ground. He stared at her, before spouting some dribble and dropping her to the ground. She landed hard on her hip, winching as she rose up slightly. Her eyes narrowed as the man in white turned his back on her...her hands clenched into tight fists at her sides as she felt her anger rise up inside her...
*As well as jedi* *WHAM!* Something from behind hit Malice. Hard. He stumbled forward, nearly teetering off-balance. He would know it was a Force push, but from which person, he couldn't be sure. Bryher pushed the satisfied little smile off her face as the Sith regained his composure.
Jul 13th, 2003, 10:57:25 PM
As Malice regained his footing, he stared at the ground. A deep, dark hellfire started to swell up within his body. Speaking in a low, monotone voice, Malice addressed all around him.
*Who......did........that? I want to know right now*
Lifting his head up, The demon sith stared at each and every person around him. His dark blue eyes flaring menacingly. He was not happy, that was for sure. Whoever had struck him from behind would pay.
*No honor. You have to go and attack me from behind. Who is the coward that has done this. I WANT TO KNOW RIGHT NOW*
His voice raised. The anger swelling, boiling within him. Pretty soon it would explode. And all out chaos would ensue.
Pierce Tondry
Jul 14th, 2003, 12:40:05 AM
Pierce drew his cloak folds together, obscuring his hands. "If telling you would get anything other than mindless vengence, I just might. But given your egocentric concept of honor, I can't say that would be the case. Therefore, the knowledge of this Jedi shall remain closed to you."
Pierce inclined his head slightly, not taking his senses off Malice. "Good day, gentlebeings."
Dyan Kharis
Jul 14th, 2003, 01:01:24 AM
During all the commotion and heated exchanges between the other gatherers, Dyan had simply chosen to slip away into the evening crowds. The streets were still flowing with pedestrians and it was never the darksider's true intent to openly reveal himself or his nature to the citizens and visitors of Coruscant.
Many more opportunities will arise. Maybe fate would have it that he will meet up with this Bryher woman or the Jedi soon enough again. Maybe not. It was of no present concern neither consequence to him.
Jul 14th, 2003, 11:05:25 AM
Satine saw Malic get slamemd by a Force push and gave a little smile. Although it wasn't him who did it, the JEdi Master couldn't find fault in it.
"Relax Malice. It's no big deal. Everyone gets pushed around at some point or another."
As eh says this, Satine moves his black leather trenchcoat away from his weapons, keeping them within easy reach, just in case.
Jul 15th, 2003, 04:14:50 AM
Pierce feels a thick, black, and evil energy envelope him. Malice slowly turns his gaze towards the jedi.
*Your not going anywhere*
Looking at Alpha, Malice merely grins.
Without the slightest of motions, Bryher was suddenly flown backwards. Landing hard on her backside. It was clear the demonic sith was done playing. He would not be made a fool out of. Especially when he already wasn't in a good mood.
Pierce Tondry
Jul 15th, 2003, 11:55:35 AM
In spite of the ominous presence that had suddenly sprung up in the back of Pierce's mind, his senses didn't see any particular threats from Malice's quarter directed at himself. Fairly certain that Alpha, Jedi Master in his own right, could handle the situation regarding the young woman, Pierce kept on walking.
Jared Mriad
Jul 15th, 2003, 07:17:23 PM
Jared simply watched, bidding his time.
Darth Turbogeek
Jul 15th, 2003, 07:45:18 PM
"Hey Jared, what's this party now? Anything I'd be interested in?"
Shortish, with a face that would look good on a rat, Darth Turbogeek puts an elbow on Jared's shoulder and surveys the gathering.
Jul 15th, 2003, 07:46:07 PM
Satine isd by Bryher's side in an instant.
"You ok?" he asks, watching her carefully.
Bryher Conway
Jul 15th, 2003, 08:00:30 PM
Bryher rubbed her butt, rising slowly to her feet. One of the Jedi..? The bathroded guy was walking away, weirdo with the silver hair, another Jedi, was helping her to her feet. She brushed him away, making a face.
"I'm fine." Her eyes narrowed as she looked from Red (Jared), to a new person, a short man with dark hair, and finally on the cross-dresser in white. "It takes a really big tough man to push down a girl."
Jared Mriad
Jul 15th, 2003, 08:07:13 PM
Jared shrugged, "Don't know, Turbogeek. Seems like a regular soap opera out here: We got Whitey here, throwing little girls around. Bathrobe walking off over there, Nickle over there at the gal."
He chuckled lightly, leaning in closer. "But that gal ain't ordinary, mate. She's got some potential, seen it myself..." He trailed off, the rest coming through direct telepathy to Turbogeek, '-She nailed Whitey hard, jes' by clenching 'er fists.'
Jul 16th, 2003, 04:33:06 AM
Glaring at Bryher, Malice snickered.
*And i do so enjoy pushing little girls down*
Lifting one hand, Malice closed it into a fist. Instantly Bryher felt a vice like grip around her throat. Air was soon cut off from her body. The life giving substance no longer flowing freely throughout her system. Raising his hand further into the air, Bryher was levitated 3 feet off the ground.
Malice was done playing around. He would teach this girl what happens when she messes with the wrong people. Using the force further, he sent Pierce a message.
(Very well then jedi. We shall meet again. You can be sure of that)
Je'gan Olra'en
Jul 16th, 2003, 11:17:48 AM
Je'gan entered the scene in normal civilian clothing, unarmed. He'd been paying a visit to some family in the area, and had just been heading to the spaceport to return to Corellia when he'd sensed something. The Dark Side, beyond a shadow of a doubt, and in the home of the Jedi Order that was not very common.
He immediately recognized two of the key players in the drama; Lord Malice of the Sith, and Master Capashen of the Jedi. The girl, whom Malice was currently Force-choking, he could make neither head nor tail of. She had the look of a Bpfasshi, and some aura of the Force about her. He vaguely remembered reading some century-old history of a Bpfasshi sect of Dark Jedi; perhaps this girl was related, or more likely descended from them.
Frowning, he tried to get a clearer read of the young woman. She was obviously of the Dark Side, but seemed almost entirely untrained. Still, the fact that Lord Malice had seen fit to become this angry with her indicated that she either possessed an incredibly smart mouth or some abilities in channeling her anger-possibly both.
The young acolyte hesitated for a moment, then approached. He cleared his throat. What he was about to say very well might get him killed; he respected Malice and his abilities, but perhaps it might be to the best interests of the Order to pursue an alternate course of action then the one the Dark Lord appeared to be taking. It was possible that he was misreading the situation; he would have to couch his words very carefully indeed.
"Lord Malice," he said, with all the formal submission expected when addressing a Dark Lord of the Sith in his voice. He had to hope that Malice would read his sincerity through the Force. "Perhaps the Sith Order could take this girl in. She appears to have potential; all she would need to learn is respect, and that is easily enough instilled."
Jul 16th, 2003, 11:53:20 AM
Malice vaguely heard the words of the deciple. His mind was concentrating on the girl. He wanted to punish her. Though, what Je'gan had said is true. She has potential, and would make a good warrior of the sith should she be trained right.
But the demon sith can't stand attitudes such as hers. He had come across it with former deciples of his own and never stood for it. Once more he showed restraint and dropped her. looking at Je'gan, Malice pointed to the girl.
*Very well. If you can get her to the order then so be it. If not, then i shall resume to kill her*
Jul 16th, 2003, 02:46:02 PM
"You'll try and kill her, you mean," Satine sneers, his hand on the hilt of one of his lightsabres. "If you try and endanger her, I'll show you how dangerous a fully armed Warrior Jedi Master can be..."
Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 16th, 2003, 03:00:44 PM
:: There was a telepathic whisper, heard only by the shadow that lived beneath Satine's mind. The speaker was obfuscated, untraceable by those nearby ::
*** Kill him, Alpha!!! Kill Malice!!! ***
Jul 16th, 2003, 03:06:31 PM
Satine hears the voice, and so does something else. Unseen emotions rise up, instincts take over. Grabbing two lightsabres from his belt with a roar, Satine ignites them, his eyes burning with hate. He leaps at Malice, slicing in...
Je'gan Olra'en
Jul 16th, 2003, 03:19:51 PM
Je'gan bowed, more or less grateful that he'd lived. "Thank you, milord." He slipped a glance at Satine; hopefully things wouldn't come to blows. As a simple Acolyte, getting caught in the middle would be about as life-threatening as possible. As a mere teenager of seventeen years, the situation would transcend the possible and enter the unimaginable.
He approached the fallen girl and offered her a hand up.
"My name's Je'gan Olraen," he said simply. "I'm a Sith. I can feel the Dark Side around you, so I'm going to spare you the entry-level speech about how you can use your anger, and how we can help you achieve your full potential. The choice is yours, completely without bias in fact. You can come with me, I'm taking public transport to Corellia within the hour...or you can stay, in which case you do have a chance of escape." A slim chance, he thought, very slim. I've seen both Malice and Capashen in action. "As I said," he shrugged, "it's completely up to you.
"I would, though, like to tell you a little bit about myself. I was just a child before I joined the Sith, and while I strove to improve myself, I could always feel that there was something more. That something more was the Force, and this I swear to you; that if you have the potential to wield the powers of the universe, you will never find happiness nor satisfaction until you have learned to do so. Of course, you could go to the Jedi, beyond a shadow of a doubt you could. But the issue is, you know by now how anger makes you strong-and the Jedi would beat that out of you with hours and hours of meditation and repetitive brainwashing. They'd make you come to feel that your anger was a burden, a danger. And that, my dear young lady, would make you weaker than your potential deserves." He offered the hand again, waiting for her choice, ready to get out of the way as fast as possible if she declined and Malice turned on both her and Capashen.
Je'gan Olra'en
Jul 16th, 2003, 03:23:22 PM
Je'gan leapt into the air, pirouetting as he tapped deeply into the Dark Side, to hook a kick around the protruding hilt of one of Capashen's lightsabers in an attempt to knock it from his grasp. He spun on and landed, regardless of the success of his attempt.
"There's something wrong, milord!" he shouted, spinning and watching Capashen carefully. "This isn't how he is, he's being influenced somehow!"
Jul 16th, 2003, 04:13:03 PM
Alpah was wrenched sideways at the force of the disarming attempt, but maintained his course, sending the sabre that hadn't been struck at towards Malice, while dropping the other sabre, and aiming his outstrethced hand towards Je'gan, five small bolts of flame at him.
Je'gan Olra'en
Jul 16th, 2003, 04:15:27 PM
Je'gan duck-rolled forward and to the side, coming up with the dropped saber firmly in his grasp.
Bryher Conway
Jul 16th, 2003, 04:19:11 PM
<font size=1>OOC. Excuse me. I'd appreciate it if you would WAIT for me to post, since I'd like this thread to have SOME sense of order. Do not double post and please don't go on a huge posting spree. You should both know better. If this continues to happen in this thread, I'm abandoning it and starting it over in Storytelling.</font>
Je'gan Olra'en
Jul 16th, 2003, 04:20:55 PM
OOC/ Sorry, my fault...won't happen again.
Darth Turbogeek
Jul 16th, 2003, 04:57:15 PM
Now Geek boy was watching with more interest as a bit of a fight developed. Neat. Pity the Dark siders were a bunch of wimps, especially the ugly one. Blabbermouth had some potential, but still, neither impressed him any so far.
"I dunno Jared, lad. You think she's worth it?"
Actually he had already decided she was. His attitude was a bit less casual as he made a few hand signs to the girl
If ya want help, ask us.
He was guessing after beign attacked, she would be more indisposed to go with Jared and DT if they were caled upon. He rather hoped she would.
Bryher Conway
Jul 16th, 2003, 05:17:07 PM
Great. She had been choked, pushed, insulted, and now was really quite p.o.'d at this entire situtation. Now the Jedi and this new..Sith? kid were fighting; the Jedi going nutso. Red and other were sitting off to the side, not taking much notice of anything, when Other did something with his hands. A signal of some kind, for help. Maybe. She coughed a bit, and nodded a quick 'YES!'. She just wanted to get the Frell out of there.
Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 16th, 2003, 05:36:17 PM
:: A flameburst rose up between Bryher and the two men, and when it flickered out again, Sorsha stood in the way. Her eyes flashed gold as she looked into the girl's eyes. This was the one from her dream, and the reason why she was here now ::
Nathanial K'cansce
Jul 16th, 2003, 07:50:51 PM
*So, the Sith Witch was right. Again. Ogre's sister was wise and powerful, that's for sure. 'Father' was quite proud of the family that Nate had stumbled his way into. A family that took him in.
Nate had sorta become a Death Knight to Sorsha; her own personal warrior when big fish needed to fry. When a difficult tasks needed to be completed.
Malice felt another push from an invisible adversary, though this one was a tad stronger than the ones before. Malice found himself stumbling to regain his footing, so he wouldn't fall on his back.
He had watched most of the proceedings as they happened, blending in with the crowd that came to witness the play of Force powers between Dark and Light.
Now, Nathan stepped from the crowd, his eyes on the robbed man whom he had pushed with the Force.*
You should have left the girl alone....
Bryher Conway
Jul 16th, 2003, 11:28:19 PM
Fire shot up between her and the two men just as Bryher had gotten to her feet. Her hands went up to protect her face, slowly coming down to look at the woman who stood in the flames wake. The womens' eyes flashed a golden tone as she stared down into Bryher's sky-blue ones. She took a tiny step back before she steeled herself, ready for whatever the women was going to do.
"Who are you? And what do you want?"
Jul 17th, 2003, 04:13:25 AM
Within an instant Malice's double bladed saber was in his hands and ignited. The two white beams hissing to life. Moving with speed to match the jedi, Malice halted his saber attack. Coming from the side with a quick kick to the jedi's mid section. Throwing off his aim with the flames a bit.
Before he could attack once more, a wall of fire had risen. When it disappeared, a figure stood in it's wake. Malice growled at the woman. He knew who she was and he did not like her. They had met one another on unfriendly terms before. Moving towards her, he was suddenly halted by yet another force push from some unknown figure.
Stumbling backwards, Malice had caught his footing once more. Looking forwards, he noticed a figure standing there.
You should have left the girl alone....
Sneering at this one, Malice stood his ground.
*And just who are you?*
Jul 17th, 2003, 04:31:09 AM
Alpha grosl as he is kicked, the breath rushing out of his lungs. As he straighrens, the flames roar up, na dhe turn to look at Sorsha, before looking back at Malice, forming a force blast, and sending it flying...
Je'gan Olra'en
Jul 17th, 2003, 08:38:57 AM
Je'gan was torn, guilt and anxiety displaying broadly on his face. He had been assigned to take care of the girl, and he fully intended to do so, but...Lord Malice was surrounded, and even if Je'gan could contribute only a drop in the bucket, it still might help. Might being the operative word. And considering how absolutely wonderful his last battle with Satine Capashen had turned out, he wasn't anxious to involve himself too heavily.
He hefted the deactivated lightsaber in his palm. Capashen was a craftsman, that was for sure, the saber was well-balanced and elegant. He'd want it back once whatever foul spirit that possessed him had left. Right now, though, he seemed to be doing just fine with one saber.
The young Acolyte turned back to the girl, and was shocked to see flames leap up. A woman had appeared there, and even his fledgeling senses could detect that this woman was powerful. As in Master-level.
Not good.
Nathanial K'cansce
Jul 17th, 2003, 10:04:37 AM
*Nate stood there, his face showing off a friendly, amused feeling as he heard Malice speak. The poor kid was probably all mixed up now, with all the unnamed Force pushes he had received.*
I am THE Dark Lord of the Sith. Care to dance?
*Nathan's head kinked to the side just slightly, his smile still there. It faded, though, as 'Father' spoke up.
Oh, that was clutch. Shall I start humming the waltz?
How many times have I told you to eat me this past week?
Not nearly enough...
Lifting his right arm up and palm out, Nate sent another burst of Force at Malice. This time, however, he coupled it with a burst of wind, adding an extra punch.*
Jul 17th, 2003, 05:59:00 PM
Sensing the force blast from Satine, Malice leapt into the air aied by the force. Dodging the blast, the demon sith came back down. Staring at the new stranger, Malice's eyes grew wide as he spoke.
*New dark lord........that cannot be*
Without getting an answer, Malice was hit once more with a force push. This time though it was stronger. Due to an aided affect by a blast of wind. Though Malice was able to put up a decent defense this time. Encasing himself within a force shield. Which took the brunt of the attack. Landing on his backside, Malice stood once more. Anger, as well as irritation clearly written on his face.
*You lie. If you truly were the new dark lord, i would surly have known about it. You are a false pretender. Not worthy of even being called a sith*
Holding out one of his hands, Malice began to channel the force into it. Clinging to the molecules that floated around his hand within the air, Malice used the force to make them moved at a much faster rate. Keeping the molecules close together, a ball of fire appeared in the palm of his hand. It grew and grew, becoming twice the size of a human head.
Looking back up at the so called dark lord, Malice thrusted the fireball at him. Guiding it's course with the force.
Jul 17th, 2003, 08:05:25 PM
The fireball meets the Force equivalent of a brick wall, Alpha grinning a slightly insane grin.
"Bad Malice...You should know not to play with fire," he says, his voice straining a bit.
Jumping at the Sith, Alpha sweeps his sabre at Malice's feet, and then launches a blast of Force power at him...
Darth Turbogeek
Jul 17th, 2003, 09:09:58 PM
"Ahh bugger...... looks like more party goers"
Now the situation was difficult. No matter - grab the girl and run was becoming a good option. He rose up on his toes and then accelerated, aiming to grab her arm and get her the hell out of there.
Jul 18th, 2003, 03:50:30 AM
Malice swept his saber downwards, halting the jedi's attack. But was thrown back by the force assult. Doing a flip in mid air, Malice landed on his feet. Holding his chest, the throbbing sensation quickly went away.
*Heh, i would have never expected a jedi to intervene when a sith faught against another sith. I would have figured you guys would want us to kill our own kind. Or maybe, maybe you are in league with this one*
Malice now lunged at Satine, his saber doing a sweep at his head. While his foot came racing in towards his mid section.
*I beat you before Satine, and i shall destroy you again*
He yelled in mid attack.
Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 18th, 2003, 10:11:15 AM
:: Sorsha turns and utters a spell word ::
:: The air thickens around DT, stopping his advance. The air around him shimmered and warped, trapping him in a bubble-like plane of force ::
"This girl is destined for greater things than you. Do not interfere with her true calling."
:: The bubble warps around him, forming itself to his face like layers of shrink wrap. Trapped inside the spell, he could no longer breathe ::
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Je'gan Olra'en
Jul 18th, 2003, 04:43:06 PM
Je'gan looked on, curious, as a man began sprinting for the girl. A quick glance told him that the girl knew this and welcomed it. His incredulosity turned to horror and a distinct feeling of being out of his depth as the Dark lady wrapped the man in some sort of Force conjuration.
"If you want out of this," he said quickly to the Bpfasshi girl, "follow me."
Jared Mriad
Jul 18th, 2003, 08:47:10 PM
Jared had followed behind DT, but slipped past him when he stopped dead in his tracks. Coming up behind Je'gan, Jared clamped onto his shoulder with his right hand, the fingers digging painfully into his flesh with a unmentionable strength.
"Nuh-huh," Nothing more came out from Jared as his left hand came in a vicious, paralyzing palm-strike to the base of Je'gan's spine. Yet, hard enough to send the Sith into a daze, but not hard enough for a full paralyze.
His right hand let loose of his shoulder, letting the Acolyte fall or stumble (whichever he chose to do). Jared watched him go before looking down at the girl, "Yea?"
Bryher Conway
Jul 18th, 2003, 09:27:09 PM
Bryher took another step back as the dark haired man seemed to...shrink-wrapped? This woman was powerful, probably the most powerful of all the Force-users here. Red grabbed the kid, making him stumble. Bryher moved back behind the woman, hands moving up into a defensive pose (just in case).
"What do you mean ...true calling? What the frell is going on?!"
Je'gan Olra'en
Jul 18th, 2003, 09:42:36 PM
The grip hit Je'gan hard, and instinctively he bent his neck towards the offending hand and twisted sharply to the side. An alarm of some sort went off through his connection to the Force, warning him, and his knowledge of martial arts did the rest; the man was trying to strike him from behind, probably low.
Quick as a flash he spun aside, feeling the blow brush past his midsection. He added a bit of a stumble to the step forward he took to get into a new stance; as soon as a quick glance told him the other man had turned away, Je'gan spun and unleashed a powerful side-kick straight to the man's chest. The lightsaber ignited in his hand and he stabbed it at the man who had just attacked him inexplicably. The balance, surprisingly, was almost identical to a fencing épée; practically weightless blade, very heavy handle, a bit top-heavy. With very little adjustment, he felt, he could handle this with similar skill.
Jared Mriad
Jul 19th, 2003, 03:57:57 AM
Jared accepted the brunt of his kick, falling back a few paces with it. But as Je'gan's 'saber stabbed in, Jared tightened his right fist.
Three brilliant-colored red 'saber beams ignited from seemingly nowhere, yet.. all three originated from Jared's closed hand.
Truth to tell, metal plates had slid out over his flesh from underneight a flap of skin grafted onto the back of his hand. Three ignition boxes followed with the plates, igniting the plasma blades in a instant. One could continue on with technical rabble, but what the point?
Jared's weapon parried off Je'gan's thrust with a backhand. Slightly turning so his left side faced the Acolyte, Jared tucked his right arm in close to his chest; the three blades pointing at his opponent.
Lord Vali
Jul 19th, 2003, 04:24:04 AM
Vali scanned the area from his perch, analyzing the situation for a moment before deciding to attack. He made a decision, and acted, leaping from his perch and landing behind Malice. He landed in almost a crouch. As he quickly stood, he ignited a saber in his left hand, sending the menacing red blade straight toward Malice's neck, while another red blade ignited in his right hand, ready to defend from a counter attack.
Jul 19th, 2003, 07:37:39 AM
Alpha blocks the sabre attack, simple spinning away from the foot, and then lashing out with a kick of his own, which Malice dodges.
He then notices Vali land behind Malice, and smiles a bit. Looks like his job might be a bit easier.
Je'gan Olra'en
Jul 19th, 2003, 07:38:52 AM
The young acolyte hesitated a moment. He knew he was in over his head here, and should just leave...but his attacker's stance had left a few weak points in his defence.
He scythed the blade around, catching the three and throwing them, if not wide, than at least far enough off to do the job. Completing the swing, he spun, back-kicking into Jared's hip.
Jul 19th, 2003, 05:26:15 PM
Vali's blood read saber ran straight into a force shield. Stopping instantly. Laughing under his breath, Malice turned and spoke to Vali. The shield still up.
*You fool. You honestly think i would leave myself open for attack with all these force users around. What an idiot*
Thrusting his arms forwards, the shield expanded outwards. Knocking Vali back a ways. Holding his hands up to the sky, Malice spoke over his shoulder to the so called dark lord.
*I shall be with you in just a second*
Closing his eyes, Malice reached out with the darkside. Drawing force energy in, and channeling it upwards. Into the sky. Thick, black clouds formed up above. Swhirling and gathering together in one giant mass. From them, Lighting was seen streaking across the sky. A result of the amount of darkside energy meshed together within the clouds.
Laughing maniacally, rather thick bolts of lightning now struck the ground. Bolts that aimed for Vali, the dark lord, and even Sorsha. The witch wanted to use sorcery to intimidate others. Then so be it. So would he.
Lord Vali
Jul 20th, 2003, 09:51:03 AM
The sound of a cloak whipping through the air was heard a split second before a bolt struck where the Dark Jedi had previously stood. The clouds Malice had summoned succeeded in casting a shadow around the area. With the area now shrouded in moderate darkness, Vali was truly in his element.
Around Malice, shadows began to move unnaturally. Even the shadows of non moving objects seem to sway and move. Vali was on the move, circling the area, keeping himself hidden from view, waiting on an opportunity to strike. As another bolt struck, it caused a flash of light in the area in front of Malice. In that split second, Malice caught sight of Vali standing. In that split second, a burst of telekinetic energy hit Malice, knocking the Sith to the ground.
And Vali went on the move once more.
Jared Mriad
Jul 20th, 2003, 12:02:29 PM
Jared spun instantly, the three 'saber blades winked out as both hands caught the kick by Je'gan's ankle. Powering the force into his arms, Jared bent at his knees slightly, hefted the catch over his shoulder and pulled down hard with the shin on his shoulder and tossed the sithling face-first-flying into the air..
Jul 20th, 2003, 11:22:52 PM
Falling to the ground, Malice quickly set his mind back onto the storm. He would not lose his concentration. Standing once more, Malice turned briefly. Seeing Je'gan in trouble, Malice sent a bolt of lightning which struck Jared square in the chest.
Grinning as he fell backwards, Malice now closed his eyes. His concentration going fully onto the storm. Rain. Lots of rain came pouring down. A strong wind built up. Strong gusts of wind picking up Malice, and Je'gan. The next thing that happened would have nearly killed a normal person just at the sight of it.
Many huge bolts of lightning came pouring down upon the ground. The rain covering the groun with water, making the lightning's affects spread. Every dark corner, every black crevice was lighted. With Vali now in the light, the bolts of lightning were now being directed towards him.
Malice all the while kept his energy flowing into the storm. Manipulating it and controlling it's actions to some degree.
Lord Vali
Jul 20th, 2003, 11:34:12 PM
Malice caught sight of Vali just in time to see the Dark Jedi stepping inside the small cafe. Following the advice he'd always been given as a child, Vali stayed away from all windows and avoided use of a comlink. Of course, taking a bath was off limits now, due to the chance of electricity traveling through the pipes, but that was a sacrifice Vali would have to take. Now it was time to wait out the storm.
Jared Mriad
Jul 21st, 2003, 11:14:56 AM
Falling backwards was an understatement. Jared dropped like a rock as blue-fire filled his vision, his body twitched spasmatically on the water-soaked ground before holding still..
Je'gan Olra'en
Jul 21st, 2003, 11:38:37 AM
Je'gan rolled himself into a ball as he was tossed into the air, gritting his teeth at being outsmarted by some cyborg Darksider. He tried to prepare himself for the crash; as he spun he could vaguely make out the oncoming wall of a Coruscanti shop.
This was really going to hurt...
Abruptly a wind caught him up, blunting the force of the blow considerably and tossing him back down to the ground. He landed hard, catching most of the impact on rapidly folding legs. Aching but generally in good condition, he stood fully and stalked back over to where the Darksider lay prone.
"Why the frell did you just attack me?" he demanded, hoping the man could hear him.
Bryher Conway
Jul 21st, 2003, 01:30:15 PM
<font size=1>OOC. Can we PLZ slow it down, and wait for others to post? 11 posts since my last one, and DT, Nathaniel and Sorsha haven't replied. Plz wait before continuing. Thank-you.</font>
Pierce Tondry
Jul 21st, 2003, 07:22:38 PM
The lightning was what did it. Even if he wasn't keen to go back to that fight, Pierce knew that widespread destruction could easily harm innocent and guilty alike. There was no choice for him to go, if he wanted to call himself a Jedi with any real feeling.
But he would go about it his own way.
He returned to the scene by looping back around the building and going through the alley on its other side. He noticed when he reached the mouth that in the time he'd been away, a storm seemed to have gathered and lightning was leaping across the ground towards him-
Athona was out and ignited in an instant. The electricity hammered into the blade, but could not make it give way. Taking a look into the expanse of street that had become a battleground, he mentally noted the position of the combatants. They all seemed to be quite focused on the girl, as though she were a prize of some kind.
The rain slicked hood fell off his head as he stepped back into the arena. He was indeed a Jedi, and it was time to prove it.
Darth Turbogeek
Jul 21st, 2003, 11:40:48 PM
Utterly livid at the termerity of the woman in attacking him in this weird power, he did the only thing he could think of - he mentally lashed out, hitting Sorsha and flinging her away hard. The remains of the 'spell' were 'torn' apart, for lack of a better term.
Now he was angry. Really, really angry. Roaring incoherently, he rushed into battle.
Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 22nd, 2003, 01:32:17 PM
:: DT was strong, but not enough to breech Sorsha's mental defenses fully. She had focused on strengthing her psyche for the day she faced Rama Sha. A pity the Empire had chosen to flee into
the far reaches of space. She still dreamed every night of cutting out theire hearts. Rama, Nuriko, their precious daughter Kali.
Her eyes dilate as she focuses her hatred and incants a spell. DT bursts into flame. Magickal Flame that the wind and rain could not quench. DT was now a burning effigy of Rama in her eyes. He would burn for all of Rama's sins, and he would scream for Death's release ::
Bryher Conway
Jul 22nd, 2003, 08:34:55 PM
As Sorsha was pushed back, she inadvertantly knocked Bryher back off her feet. It was raining hard, the wind blowing her hair into her eyes. She pushed herself up, starting to distance herself from the chaos going on around her. What had started as a fairly normal day was quickly getting out of hand.
Jared Mriad
Jul 23rd, 2003, 07:54:03 PM
The streetlights go out from the unnatural storm, drenching the battlefield in complete darkness, the randomized lightning flashes bringing forth the only light for the meantime.
Jared's eyes snap awake as his right knee curled to his chest, followed by both hands planting behind his neck. His left leg followed abit slower, aligning up with his right before both shot up into the air. He pushed hard with his hands and arms, effectively kipping up to a kneeling crouch.
Lightning flashed again, illuminating the area for a breif second. Killer-cold eyes peered out under water-soaked red hair, bypassing Je'gan, past DT (if the legends were truth, he could handle himself), up to Malice.
It was one deal when you threw lightning around, was a whole different scheme when you hit Jared. Focusing, the Sith Warrior grasped ahold of a toppled street indentification sign with the Force, ripping the connecting brackets off with screams of metal. Jared held out a fanned palm, directing his concentration through the appendage and into the metal. A quick escalading swipe sit the metal hurling at Malice, the velocity and object combining into a fast, deadly frizbee. One aimed for the flyboy's back.
Jul 29th, 2003, 08:44:53 PM
The attack by Jared was backed up by a handful of blasts from Force concussion from Alpha. If someone was going to help him take down Malice, he would not complain.
Cackling, Alpha jumps, flipping away in case of any retributive strikes...
Sorsha Kasajian
Aug 19th, 2003, 05:00:11 PM
:: Sorsha releases the spell on DT, and turns back to the purpose of her journey here. She stuns Bryher with a nerve strike, and escapes with her into the shadows ::
ooc note - people had plenty of time to respond to this, but now this thread has become a liabilty to group planning, so I've taken the liberty with Dae's permission to write us out of it
Je'gan Olra'en
Aug 20th, 2003, 12:05:42 PM
Je'gan stared after Sorsha, breathing hard and feeling the cold tingle of defeat ripple down his back. He bared his teeth slightly, and faded into the shadows.
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