View Full Version : Fight Me...(Open Fight)

Jul 9th, 2003, 07:58:54 PM
Satine stands in the middle of the open plains, a sharpened scimitar held in his left hand, his right on the butt of one of his SOCOM slug-throwers. He had sent out a message to any Dark Sider in the area. Mainly dsue to the fact thqat he needed a fight, and needed it badly. He had gone months without a really good battle, and this was the time to change that...

"Come out, come out, wherever you are..." Satine says to himself.

Je'gan Olra'en
Jul 9th, 2003, 10:14:07 PM
Je'gan stood forward from behind the Jedi, swinging a long dirk carelessly from its lanyard. For this particular session he had eschewed his normal long robes and bare feet for rubber-soled, steel-toed boots, a white gi, and a thickly reinforced cloak. A purely functional outfit, and one that would let him show off his...classical education to the best of his advantage.

"I've been bored recently," he announced softly. "It appears that what we both want is a good fight. Let's not let personal feelings get in the way of this, shall we? I know I for one have no animosity towards the Jedi Order, and I have done nothing as a Sith acolyte to warrant your animosity. I doubt either of us wants to die, so let's just...mmm...spar, I think. What say you, master Jedi?"

Jul 10th, 2003, 06:46:57 AM
Satine inclines his head a fraction of an inch.

"Sounds good. The name's Satine Capashen, by the way."

Bringing his sword into a fighting position, he grins.

"What's your name?"

Je'gan Olra'en
Jul 10th, 2003, 07:02:12 AM
The young man assumed a classical fencing pose, dropping low to the ground and tensing powerful legs.

"Je'gan Olraen," he said, flipping up the dirk into his grip. Eighteen inches of cold steel and alloys, the dead blade should be all that was necessary against a scimitar. With it's longer-than-regulation hilt, it was capable of deflecting strikes from more angles than the average dirk.

Jul 10th, 2003, 09:45:00 AM
Satine smiles, and sketches a quick salute with his blade, giving a little bow.

"A pleasure to meet you. Good luck."

With that, Satine leans in with a quick stab. As that was blocked, Satine spins the blade, and then slashes.

Je'gan Olra'en
Jul 10th, 2003, 03:23:18 PM
Je'gan flipped the dirk around to a backhand grip and parried theslash, stepping in close and aiming a fist at the Jedi's chest.

Jul 10th, 2003, 05:41:10 PM
Satine flips over the attack, landing in a crouch, and lashing out with a kick.

Je'gan Olra'en
Jul 10th, 2003, 06:17:27 PM
Je'gan slammed up an open fist, grasping the incoming leg and leaping straight up with the foot in his grip, yanking the Jedi's leg up to full extension and above.

Jul 11th, 2003, 06:03:34 AM
Satine, as soon as his leg hits full extension, jumps after Je'gan, using the Force to enhance his jump. He impacts with his opponent, his leg baent at the knee, before slamming Je'gan in the chest with a fist, and kicking away.

Je'gan Olra'en
Jul 11th, 2003, 06:31:58 AM
Je'gan stumbled back for a fraction of a second, confused momentarily that the foot had eluded his grasp. He saw the punch coming in, and tried to block it, but was a hair too slow. part of the blow still got through.

And then the Jedi began to kick repeatedly. The youth began a fluid series of inside-outside blocks, knocking away or stopping dead every oneof the kicks.

The last one, however, he ducked around, coming up in a lunging stab for the Jedi's chest with his long, slim dirk.

Jul 11th, 2003, 10:20:04 AM
Swatine sees the dirk coming in and knew he couldn't get his scimitar up in time. Instead, he falls back on his greatest Force defense. Shields.

Forming a Force shield, Satine manages to block the dirk, but the shield shatters due to its hurried construction. Gasping at the near hit, Satine jumps a step back, and then comes in with a series of stabs and slashes.

Je'gan Olra'en
Jul 11th, 2003, 01:31:58 PM
Je'gan quickly regained his balance, just in time for the Jedi's next burst of skill, marvelling at teh Force shield. He rotated the dagger in his palm so the handle protruded from either side of his fist perpendicular to the line of wrist to elbow, then began channeling his energy into the forearm. The small blade danced like a live thing, slamming back and forth to clear the stab-style attacks, and using more of a whipping motion to clear the slashes. The last slash was just a hair high; throwing his armed fist straight up towards it, he caught the scimitar and forced it up and away, coming in closer for a full-bodied roundhouse to the Jedi's chest.

Jul 11th, 2003, 01:54:57 PM
Satine tries another shield, but it falters quickly, though it does break Je'gan's momentum. Taking the reduced-strength hit, Satine falls to the floor, quickly rolling to his feet, and neatly avoiding a stab. Smiling grimly, Satine catches another strike on the hand-guard of his blade, and pushes hard, knocking his opponent away.

Je'gan Olra'en
Jul 11th, 2003, 01:59:24 PM
Je'gan assumed the Rancor Rising stance, driving in with a set of open-hand strikes partnered with expert manipulation of the dirk to defend the unguarded limb.

Jul 11th, 2003, 02:22:31 PM
Satine spins away from the first set of strikes, and then shoves his scimitar back into the sheathe he wore on his back, forming Force shields close around his hands, blocking the next few strikes with his bare hands.

Suddenly, he grabs both of Je'gan's wrists, and jumps up, landing a double kick to his chest, and letting go, his opponent flying backwards, and Sartine sumersaulting in the air.

"You're not bad," he says, unsheathing his blade again, the sunlight gleaming off the silver metal.

Je'gan Olra'en
Jul 11th, 2003, 04:11:28 PM
Catching the kicks full-force to the lower chest, Je'gan felt himself be blown backwards. He came down on his feet, and immediately transferred some of that energy, plus the power in his legs and what little mastery of the Force he possessed, into a backflip.

His opponent spoke, and the Sith nodded his head fractionally. "I believe my respect for the abilities of the Jedi Order in general has gone up another notch."

He closed slowly this time, mentally seeking a way around the Jedi's defences while keeping his own guard at the ready.

Jul 12th, 2003, 03:48:17 PM
Satine smiles, and watches Je'gan for a second, before rushing in with a knife-hand strike followed closely by a stab.

Je'gan Olra'en
Jul 12th, 2003, 04:27:43 PM
Je'gan turned sideways and lunged, sliding between the Jedi's outstretched arms, warding off the scimitar with the blade of the dirk. He slid the smaller weapon up towards the hilt in a blur, snapping up his forearm to smash the Jedi in the face with the butt of the dirk. At the same time, he began slamming his left fist past his midsection into the Jedi's lower chest.

Jul 13th, 2003, 08:31:06 AM
Satine tried pulling his face back, burt isn't quite quick enough, and takes the dirk in the chuin, throwing him backwards. As he hits the floor, he rolls to his feet, shaking his head, as if to clear it. He gives a low growl.

"Nice hit."

He recalls his scimitar, the hilt flying to his open hand. Grasping tightly, Satine smiles, beginning to circle Je'gan...

Je'gan Olra'en
Jul 14th, 2003, 06:30:46 AM
Je'gan shifted stances every few seconds, staying facing towards the Jedi. He watched the man's midsection warily, aware that if any move were to begin, the first signs of it would be visible there. His dirk wove a flashing pattern of black light, prepared to intercept and toss aside any roving attack from the glistening scimitar.

Jul 14th, 2003, 07:20:57 AM
Satine watches, and then taps into the Force, using a push to knock Je'gan off balance, as he rishes in. Satine holds the scimitar high, and then lets it drop, slicing down.

Je'gan Olra'en
Jul 14th, 2003, 03:39:59 PM
Instead of trying to keep his balance, Je'gan completed the fall, grabbing both the scimitar's hilt and the Jedi's hand in both fists and bearing back. As his back hit the ground he planted a foot in Satine's chest and rolled, tossing the Jedi Knight over his head to land hard on the ground behind him. Immediately he got to his feet and swiveled, the blade of his dirk flashing in a lunge.

Jul 15th, 2003, 07:48:59 PM
As satine hits the ground, he immediately rolls, the dirk blade narrowly missing his head by inches. Breathing hard in surprise, Satine gets back to his feet, launching a flurry of hard-edged blows with his hands and feet, his scimitar lying forgotten on the ground.

Je'gan Olra'en
Jul 16th, 2003, 10:20:12 AM
The four major blocks, drilled into his head for years, flared to life as the Jedi Master closed with Je'gan. He could recall them at the drop of a hat, and did so. His hands flashed out in fists, rolling and sliding, ear-to-knee low blocks stopping the kicks dead and powerful combinations of inside-outside upright blocks sweeping the flying fists off course, the momentum of the inside blocks leading to an outside block with the other forearm. He'd practiced this so much more than he'd practiced his swordsmanship, as indeed he'd had to to get to the level he'd achieved, that the blocking patterns were utterly seamless.

Distantly he felt his forearms beginning to bruise as strike after strike was turned away. A stray memory floated through his head, through the combat conditioning and mindset.

Once you reach a certain level, once you know those blocks have been mastered, you can turn them into anything you want. A barrier, a slap, a grab, a blow in turn.

Another of the Jedi's blows came in, an overhand chop, and Je'gan surrendered completely to the Dark Side. Everything seemed to blur around him, slow down slightly, and he could see consequences and possibilities...

It was such a display as he'd only very rarely experienced.

The blow came in and he rolled offside, feeling the outstretched hand graze his back as he came around once more. His hands flashed out almost too fast to see, grasping the Jedi's elbow and wrist and twisting sharply as he found his stance and yanked the Jedi forward on the momentum of his own swing. He followed up with a straight backwards kick to the older man's lower back, transferring the energy he hadn't yet bled off from the spin.

Jul 16th, 2003, 02:57:25 PM
Satine is pitched headfirst into the ground, managing to break his fall by a shoulder roll, before getting up, wiping blood from his lip, a small wound inflicted by a sharp rock on the ground.

"Son of a..." he begins, giving Je'gan a look of appreciation. "Very good. Let's pick up the pace of this dance though, shall we?"

Getting to his feet, Satine begins with an easy one-two jab combination, quickly followed by a crescent kick, which is also blocked. Smiling, the JEdi MAster throws a left hook, and comes in with a blast of Force power from the right, which throws Je'gan off his feet.

The younger man might have the edge in unarmed combat, but Satine had the Force at his side.

Je'gan Olra'en
Jul 16th, 2003, 03:35:26 PM
Yes, the Jedi had the Force on his side...but while Je'gan Olraen was a mere acolyte, that still meant that he had some portion of that gift as well. He sensed the Force blast coming in and ducked the left hook, catching the blast on shoulder and hip. He rolled with it and came back up, lunging with a triple combination assault; a left punch to the head, a knife-hand with the right hand, and a right kick which was out of Satine's line of sight, being obscured by the knife-hand blow. The Jedi wouldn't be able to see it, he'd have to rely on his danger sense to pick it up.

Jul 16th, 2003, 04:06:03 PM
Satine taps into the Force as Je'gan responds to the attack, leaping up, into the air. Smiling, he sends two Force bolts shrieking out at Je'gan...

Je'gan Olra'en
Jul 16th, 2003, 04:18:05 PM
His fledgeling danger-sense flared and he dodged to the side. One bolt hit him in the shoulder and spun him away; he got to his feet bruised, battered, but holding both his own dirk and the Jedi's scimitar in his grasp.

"Come down and fight, you coward!" he screamed. "What happened to Jedi blade abilities? What happened to Jedi honour?"

Jul 16th, 2003, 09:48:12 PM
Satine lands lightly nearby, and smiles, apparently not taking offense.

"It seems you have my bladfe..But that's ok...I don't need it to beat you..."

Adopting a left-back stance, Satine briongs his hands up into a typical fighting position, and motions Je'gan to attack, forming Force shields in front of him, as defenses against the blades.

Je'gan Olra'en
Jul 17th, 2003, 08:45:53 AM
A flicker of...something...caught Je'gan's eye, or his Force senses, or both; he couldn't be sure. Whatever it was, it looked as if the Jedi was prepared to deflect any physical attack the young Acolyte could make. He could, in fact, do so indefinitely from what Je'gan knew of the shielding craft. He could adjust those sheilds with his thoughts alone, and Je'gan's strikes would be limited to the speed he could manage physically, even enhanced with the Force.

"Oh come now," he said sarcastically. "I thought you wanted a fight, not a slaughter, and there's no way I can disrupt those shields. You can keep going with the infinitely superior weapon, in which case I will simply walk away, or you can take back," he threw overhand, "your blade. And we can continue." He assumed a classical fencing stance, low and strong but incredibly mobile.

"Shall we?"

Jul 17th, 2003, 09:26:16 AM
Satine smiles, and catches the blade by the handle, and then adopts a more traditional Asian style stance, thought he sword was held in a fencer's grip. The Force shields all dissolved, except for one, which hovered over his free arm, like a buckler shield. If the fight got too intense, though, Satrine would lose concentration, and the shield would dissolve like the other two...

Je'gan Olra'en
Jul 17th, 2003, 05:30:08 PM
Holding the dirk straight out, hilt diagonal to the ground, Je'gan extended and lunged perfectly, exactly as his instructors had always taught him, from the outstretched rear hand to the straight and side-turned back. Tapping into the Force to enhance a fencer's natural speed, he threw in a trio of almost flawless disengages, the tiny circles of the blade's tip that dipped under and around a parry attempt.

Jul 17th, 2003, 08:09:08 PM
Satine blocks two of the strikes, while piroueting away from the third, flashing out with his scimitar, the curved blade carving a swath through the air, meeting Je'gan's weapon halfway.

The two push against each other, their teeth gritting. As they continue the test of strength, Satine's left foot strikes, curving around, and impacting with the back of Je'gan's right knee, throwing him to the ground...

Je'gan Olra'en
Jul 18th, 2003, 07:25:34 AM
Je'gan hit the ground curved, transferring much of his momentum to bring his lower body back into the air. He unleashed three devastating kicks, two straight to the Jedi's midsection and one flat across the ground, hooking in Capashen's own knee and throwing him down. Quick as a flash the youth was up on his feet again, kicking repeatedly at the downed Jedi.

Jul 19th, 2003, 07:39:57 AM
Satine feels a flash of anger, before the first kick falls. Pushing it down, satine rolls away from the kick, and then getting to his feet, recalling his scimitar, and then running to Je'gan, feinting with his blade, and sending his free hand in a fist, flying to Je'gan's face.

Je'gan Olra'en
Jul 19th, 2003, 07:57:40 AM
Fresh from six years of fencing, Je'gan recognized a fient when he saw one. This might have been better than most...but the signs were there, no matter how indistinct. The real attack, he knew in a fraction of a second, was the punch that was even now gathering power.

Instead of blocking, he let it come in, catching the blow in the hollow between pectoral and biceps, and then sweeping outward in a brutal inside-upright block that, when executed correctly, would crack bone, at the locked elbow or somewhere just above or below. The dirk was still grasped tightly in his fist, and with the way his fist was oriented, the blade would slide lengthwise across the top of Satine's arm an eyeblink before the block actually impacted.

Jul 19th, 2003, 11:56:21 AM
Satine manages to get away from the block, but takes the slice, not even blinking an eye at the pain. If fact, there was none, the dirk was razor sharp, and he barely felt it slice across.

Jumping back, Satine smiles, and brings his scimitar into a typical offensive stance, and then steps in, slicing overhead, quickly whipping around to a stab, and then into another slicee.

Je'gan Olra'en
Jul 19th, 2003, 12:28:52 PM
Je'gan caught the incoming strike in the crook of hilt and blade of his own dirk, letting it bear down slightly but stopping it. Capashen stabbed, and the shorter blade whistled as it slid down and around to knock that strike high and off to the right.

The last slice came down; almost lazily, abandoning his powerful fencing stance, the young man turned to the side and, feeling the air disrupted by the blade pass his face, stepped forward to elbow the Jedi in the face, dirk slipping up to slash at the outstretched arm of his opponent.

Jul 19th, 2003, 01:02:41 PM
This time, the Force provided some warning, and Satine steps backwards, and kicks at the dirk-arm, knocking it away. Smiling grimly, Satien ignores the now-burning pain of his arm, and begins to attack again, launching speeding slashes and stabs at Je'gan.

Je'gan Olra'en
Jul 19th, 2003, 02:02:09 PM
The slashes were powerful, and even as he deflected them Je'gan felt his wrists beginning to shake with each blow. A scimitar, however, was not a stabbing weapon, being far too heavy and ill-balanced for such a purpose, and it was with ease that he was able to divert or out-and-out dodge almost all of them.

Tapping into the Force to enhance his speed, one of the few applications he'd actually mastered, he went on the offensive, probing stabs and blinding réposts making it impossible for the Jedi to resume his attack.

Jul 19th, 2003, 08:41:02 PM
Satine blocks the attacks, slowly backing up with each successful block. Beginning to breathe heavily, Satine draws upon the Force to give him a boost of energy and speed. He is able to block the attacks easier, and, suddenly spins away from an attack, leaving Je'gan surprised. He then swings up in another heavy slash.

Je'gan Olra'en
Jul 21st, 2003, 11:41:48 AM
Je'gan gritted his teeth as he tensed all the muscles in his arm, freezing it with the dirk pointed inward and down. The scimitar hit hard coming up, and he could feel the aftershocks travel all the way to his jaw.

He snapped up his arm a fraction of a second after the blow abated, driving in a lunge for Satine's chest.

Jul 22nd, 2003, 08:39:01 AM
Satine sidesteps, and snaps out with a kick, throwing Je'gan backwards.

"I have to admit...You're very good for someone your level..."

Je'gan Olra'en
Jul 22nd, 2003, 10:30:46 AM
The kick caught Je'gan in the stomach; bending into the blow, he wrapped both fists around the Jedi's ankle and slammed his arms up with enough force to rip off a limb. In this case, however, the maneuver would only yank the Jedi's remaining foot out from under him and send him to the ground. In culmination of the move, he leapt into the air to avoid any try at a tripping kick, and landed a good two metres back from his opponent.

"My level at what?' he countered, catching his breath. "Just because I've barely learned how to use the Force doesn't mean I'm supposed to be utterly helpless. I've been fencing and prcticing martial arts for over a decade now."

Jul 22nd, 2003, 01:17:50 PM
Satine hits the ground, the breath expelling from his body. As Je'gan speaks, Satine uses the Force to throw his opponent to the ground yet again.

"Ya know...I think we're at a stalemate here..." he says, getting to his feet, and recalling his scimitar again.

Je'gan Olra'en
Jul 22nd, 2003, 02:26:10 PM
Je'gan got up slowly, sheathing his dirk in his belt. "Indeed," he said, letting out a breath. "You're a worthy opponent, Jedi." He stalked forward and extended his hand to shake.