View Full Version : The Kincaid family seeks refuge and acceptance...

River Kincaid
Jul 9th, 2003, 07:23:37 PM
Twenty-seven year-old River Kincaid stirred from a brief sleep to the dawning of a new day and hopefully a new life.

A wide smile crossed his young features as he saw the grandest sight he'd ever seen.

The Great Jedi Temple. A safe haven, if not for him at least for his children. Surely, the Jedi would not turn their backs on Force-sensitive homeless children, who would be constantly on the run from the realms of danger. River shuddered at the thought, he didn't want that.

He looked down at the small sleeping boy who was using his lap as a pillow and nudged him. 'Ry-Obi, wake up," he said gently as he tousled the boy's blond hair. "We're here, son."

The young boy opened his eyes sleepily. "The Jedi temple, Dad?" He asked as he sat up from the dirt and grim of the alley and rubbed his eyes.

"Yep." River acknowledged as he motioned across the street.

The boy stood and brushed himself off. "Will they help Hunter?" He asked.

"I hope so, Ry-Obi." River answered as he took his attentions from his son and to the small form that lay in his arms. His four-year-old daughter. "Hunter," he began softly. "Sweetheart, we're here. Open your eyes for daddy."

The child's eyes opened, but focused on nothing. The once happy child was now nothing more than a dark desolation of an empty shell. Done in by a merciless tragedy.
Hunter was barefoot, her light green cloth dress was smudged with grim and her long, blond, curly locks of hair hung in dirty strands around a dirt smudged face.

Being from a long generation of Jedi and chosing not to follow, River had picked up on a few things. He held a strong Force connection with his children.

With careful ease, River gently touched his daughter's mind, but found nothing but a strong mental block that he could not penetrate.

With a deep sigh, River gave up and carefully stood. He grimaced slightly at the grim on his own dark pants and wished that they could've cleaned up a bit.

Hopefully, the Jedi would look past appearances and look into the heart of hte situation.

With another deep sigh, River took a hold of his son's hand. "Come on, let's go." His mind was racing as they crossed the street and climbed the outer steps to the Recruitment center.

River opened the door and let his son go in first and then he followed carrying Hunter. They stepped into a...very large empty room! No one was there to greet them, not a single being!

"Where is everyone, Dad?" Ry-Obi asked as he looked around.

River shrugged as he spotted a bench nearby. "Well, let's sit and wait. It is still pretty early, so surely someone will be getting down here soon."

Ry-Obi leaned against his father once they sat down.

River put his arm around his son and held his daughter close. For the first time in his life, he felt he could protect them. Unknowingly, he grew tired as he waited and closed his eyes.

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 10th, 2003, 05:24:26 AM
The sound of conversation not too far away could be heard, as two sets of footsteps approached. They echoed around the recruitment centers walls as the two figures came into view. One tall, slim looking man in light robes and another, shorter in similar attire but with a slightly nervous air about him

“I need this transferred to all of the second level rooms as soon as possible,” one said, a confident kind voice.

“I’ll have it done as soon as possible, Master Jedi,” the other replied, doting before turning and making a beeline for a door on the other side of the room.

The Jedi Knight sighed lightly, as though concluded the conversation mentally, before looking up at the small party sat across the room. It took a lot of effort for his expression not to turn into one of pity – he had learnt long ago that even those who appeared deprived still had pride in themselves and did not always take kindly to others sympathy.

“Good afternoon,” he bowed his head in greeting, eyes lingering a moment on the small child that the eldest of the group held. She reminded him a little of his daughter.

“I am Jedi Knight Dasquian Belargic. Is there something I can help you all with?”

River Kincaid
Jul 10th, 2003, 05:59:46 AM
River opened his eyes quickly and stood, trying not to disturb his daughter. He knew from teaching of his father, how one was to greet a Jedi.

He bowed respectfully as did Ry-Obi as he stood beside his father.
"Sir Belargic, I am River Kincaid. This is my son, Ry-Obi and my daughter, Hunter. We've traveled very far to get here and unfortunately have only the clothes on our backs. So, I beg please forgive our appearance."

River shifted a little, so Hunter would be a bit more comfortable. "We have come to seek refuge and accptance into your Order. My father was a Jedi, as well as his father before him and so on. Hiding is not what I seek, I seek knowledge. The knowledge that only the Jedi can offer me. But, I also seek safety for my children, for my family is in danger."

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 12th, 2003, 02:37:26 PM
“Our order is an Elysium from most of the dangers of the world. Your family will be safe here.

As to your becoming a Jedi, why is it that you wish to become one? Simply to gain this knowledge? What do you perceive Jedi as a collective and as individuals do?”

River Kincaid
Jul 13th, 2003, 05:08:06 AM
River felt an usher of relief to know his children would be safe. He glanced at the Jedi briefly. "Excuse me for a moment, Sir Dasquian." He spoke as he looked down at his son.

"Ry-Obi, please hold your sister, while I speak with the Jedi."

The boy nodded obediantly and sat down. River shifted his duaghter carefully and placed her gently into his son's awaiting arms.

He then turned back to Dasquian. "The reason I have come here is a bit complex as far as reasons go, Sir. As I said, I've come from a long line of Jedi. My father's name was Aramis Kincaid, he was a Jedi Knight and he wanted myself and my identical twin brother, Ridge to follow in his footsteps. I declined when I was ten after seeing what the Darkside could do to a person and watched my uncle as he turned. I wanted nothing to do with it.
Ridge, however took on his training when he was sixteen and left...leaving behind the woman he loved that eventually... became my wife. A week ago, he returned but he wasn't the Jedi that we all thought him to be. He had chosen the path of Darkness, like my uncle." River looked towards his children for a brief moment.

"He found the relationship between me and my wife as a betrayal to him, but to us that wasn't the case. My father stepped in as the arguing and fighting began, but Ridge couldn't see passed it and before I realized it, Ridge pulled his weapon on him. Angelina, my wife and I attempted to get the children together, but in the struggle lost sight of Hunter, she had crawled under a table and ended up witnessing the slaying of both her mother and her grandfather."

River felt powerless once again as he remembered what had happened only a short while ago, something he knew he'd never forget. He looked Dasquian right in the eyes. "I didn't know what to do. I held no knowledge of how to use this..." He leaned down and pulled out a lightsaber from a concealed pocket in his pants. "This is the only thing that I own of my father's. So, I guess you could say that my reason behind me that wants to become a Jedi is so that I may defend myself and my family against my brother who wants me killed."

The young man nodded towards his children. "He wants them, so he can make them a part of his own shadow. The ultimate revenge against myself and Angelina and I won't allow that to happen. They are all I have left, so if you do decide that accepting me is not possible...." He lowered his voice. "Please, I beg of you and your Order to take them on, so I'll know they will be safe. They both hold the gift of the Force within them."

River sighed, "I know of what the Jedi do, they promote peace throughout the galaxy and I am willing to take on that mission in life. For it is part of me, it always had been. I just did not see it in the way that I do now." He hoped that his answer was what the Jedi had wanted, he knew of nothing else he could possibly say in the matter.

He briefly looked down. "If your Order decides that we are of noble blood to take on. I ask only of one favor and that is to 'reach' my daughter. Since the death of her mother and grandfather that she witnessed, she's closed herself from everything around her. She needs help that I cannot give her."

Xazor Elessar
Jul 20th, 2003, 12:25:36 PM
As the man spoke, a silent figure clad in flowing white robes had approached. Her waist length blonde hair was done up in Garou Warrior Braids and silver coins were woven into each. Quietly she had come and stood beside Dasquian, not only a fellow Knight, but the love of her life -- the father of her daughter. The man's story tore at her heart and she felt herself reaching for Dasquian's hand, but refrained. This was like business, and she had to be professional about everything.

Once the man finished talking, Xazor bowed and smiled, baring her elongated canines in the process. Her bright cyan blue eyes met those of the broken man and she felt his pain, as well as that of his children. "Greetings, River. I am Warrior Jedi Knight, Xazor Elessar." She spoke softly, her voice like a song to his ears. Stepping forth past Dasquian, the young woman gently placed a hand upon the man's shoulder and looked deeply into his eyes, searching his heart and soul for his motives, feelings, and memories. Being a very well trained Mentalist allowed Xazor the ease she needed to do this.

"River -- you are a man of pain. Everything has been stripped away from you and now you seek this place as a refuge and a place to learn. You do not wish to have these things happen to others and so, you have been lead here by the Force to become a Jedi so that you may train in the ways of the Light and accomplish all things that are pure and good." She smiled and nodded, looking over her shoulder at Dasquian. Clearly, she had heard and seen enough to warrant the idea that he needed to be accepted by the Jedi. "Welcome to the Greater Jedi Order. You shall become a Jedi." Xazor shifted her attention to the children and sighed to herself. "I will help your daughter, and you will have your little girl back." She said with assurance, hoping to pass it to River.

ooc: Sorry about the delay on your acceptance, but Dasquian's computer conked out and he wasn't able to reply. We have no idea when he'll be back, and I'm sure he won't mind that I took over here. :) Welcome...

River Kincaid
Jul 20th, 2003, 01:17:15 PM
River breathed a sigh of relief, they were accepted and his children would be able remain safe. "Thank-you, Jedi Xazor." He said with a tinge of hope in his voice. "I need my daughter back, they are everything to me, now."

Xazor Elessar
Jul 20th, 2003, 01:22:13 PM
Xazor nodded and smiled gently. She more than understood what it was like to only have a few people in life to get you through everything else that had ever happened. "You are most welcome, Padawan Kincaid." She said with a warm smile before looking back to Dasquian.

"Good day to you, Master Jedi." She said with respect before turning to face River once again. From inside of her cloak she pulled a small datapad and handed it to him. "On there is a map of the Jedi Order as well as some frequently asked questions. If you need anything -- even if it is the middle of the night, do not hesitate in finding me. I'll be your friend and I will help your daughter." She said with a smile before bowing once again.

River Kincaid
Jul 20th, 2003, 01:30:48 PM
River took the proffered datapad and bowed in return. "I can't thank you enough, Jedi Xazor. I guess, I need to find a place to stay and some new clothes for us." He turned towards his son and took his daughter into his arms and looked deep into the young child's eyes. "One day I'll have you back, Hunter. I promise." With a deep sigh, he held her close as his son joined him by his side.