View Full Version : Like Steel.........(Open, Council)
Damien Steele
Jul 9th, 2003, 10:12:03 AM
A bone chilling voice ripped through the dark Coruscant night. Promptly, three figures dressed in white lab coats moved away from another clad all in black. They backed away slowly and he did the same, but little did the youth know, he was backing up right into a trap. Right behind him was a larger man standing with air-locking cuffs which he slapped onto the young man's wrists.
Falling to his knees, the cuffed figure wraithed and moved like a snake in an attempt to escape, but it was no use for the larger man stuck him with a needle which contained a tranquilizer. "There ya' go, Steele -- now stay calm so we can get this over with." His voice was deep and it rumbled slightly as he spoke, but the words were gentle and it seemed as if he may have cared about the mental anguish the young man faced.
Lifting Damien under the arms to his feet, the large man hefted him over his shoulder and parted ways with the other three in white. Slowly he made his way toward the Jedi Recruitment Center, knowing it was a place where Jedi walked throughout the day. Just as he reached the large doors of the building, the rain began to fall in torrents. The large burly man flung open a door and rushed inside, laying the young man down upon the floor.
He got some strange looks at first, but did nothing about it as he began walking away from Damien. "Good luck and may the Force be with you -- you're gonna need it!" He called out before turning and bolting out the doors from which he came. That was the last time they would see anyone from the Coruscant Mental Institute regarding Damien Steele. As far as they were concerned, he was worthless and it was costing the tax payers too much money to house, feed, and look after a lost cause. Pinned to the young man's black t-shirt was a message, though, and it read:
__________________________________________________ __
To whomever it concerns,
Thank you for your willingness to take Damien Steele off of our hands. It was getting a bit too much for us to handle and we have deemed him hopeless, hence why we have sent him to you.
It is our hope and desire that you keep watch of him, closely, and perhaps guide his life in a direction suitable to society. I warn you, though, he must be watched at all times.
In a few days we shall transfer his files to you so that you may also become aware of his history so that you know what to expect and how to deal with it.
Thank you for your time,
Lacen Jakarta
C.M.H. Staff
__________________________________________________ __
Morgan Evanar
Jul 10th, 2003, 06:32:39 PM
"What the frell." Morgan muttered to himself, barely audible as he walked into the recruitment center, on his way to the Senate. He read the note from a safe distance of three meters.
"Oh no. We are not an insane asylum or a jail." This was insane. The Jedi weren't equiped to watch trouble makers, and he wasn't about to co-opt someone else's problem.
Lacen Jakarta was going to get a mighty talking to.
Morgan gingerly pulled the young man up off the tile. He had been drugged. The Jedi Master frowned, and then put the youth over his shoulder, and started to his speeder. Completely insane.
Damien Steele
Jul 10th, 2003, 06:45:40 PM
Damien waved in and out of consciousness as he was hefted onto someone's shoulder and carried for several feet. The sway of the man's body beneath him made Damien's arms move slightly as they hung over Morgan's back.
After several moments, the young man's eyes flickered open to reveal dark brown orbs with bloodshot whites surrounding them. With a heavy sigh, he closed his lids tightly and clenched his teeth, quite unaware of exactly what was happening.
"Wh -- wh --" He could not speak but struggled to anyway. "Who -- a -- are you?" Damien managed to mumble in tones nearly inaudible. It was no use, though, and again, his eyes shut and he was out like a light. Lost and confused, the angry youth rested silently.
Morgan Evanar
Jul 10th, 2003, 07:55:41 PM
"Jedi Master Morgan Evanar." He said in a flat tone before setting Damien in the back seat of his speeder and buckling him in.
Morgan pulled a data pad with an extensive map and directory of Coruscant, and managed to find the Coruscant Mental Institute, Coca district. Morgan knew most of the district well enough to take back ways to the hospital, although he had never been there.
The building was nondescript, white, and depressing. Thick, one way transperisteel systematically dotted the permacrete structure. A sturdy metal double door, also painted white, was the only apparent entrance. Morgan mashed the buzzer, and glared at the security camera. Damien stirred slightly on his shoulder.
Frelling absurd.
Irritated, Morgan mashed the button again.
Damien Steele
Jul 10th, 2003, 09:16:22 PM
Suddenly Damien's eyes shot open and he gazed over at the building that they were at. The drugs were wearing off quickly due to the fact that he was becomming nearly immune to the tranquilizers. Without thinking of anything save for escape, Damien launched an elbow to the back of Morgan's head -- but this in turn jolted his other hand along with it, causing both men to loose balance.
The air-cuffs cut deeply into Damien's wrists and he smiled as he fell to the ground and caught the glimpse of blood. The pain brought a relief to him -- it was a release of everything he had bottled up inside as of late. It was a sad attempt on his behalf, but soon the angered youth was rising to his feet, using the building as stability. "Y -- youca nnnnot --" The drugs were slurring his speech but his mind was beginning to clear.
"You can't send me back here!" Damien shouted in a rough voice that possessed the slightest hint of a gentle tone atop it. He was afraid and alone, and now he had nothing to loose so he ran. Just as he began pushing away from Morgan, a man came to the door and opened a slot to peer out at the awaiting Jedi Master. "What can I help you with, sir?" He eyed Morgan curiously and paid no mind to the fact that he had just witnessed a former patient running off.
Morgan Evanar
Jul 10th, 2003, 10:34:20 PM
Morgan was on Damien faster than humanly possible. He picked the youth up by his arms with an iron grip, and walked back to the door.
"We Jedi don't apreciate having people tossed on our doorstep." Damien squirmed frantically, ocassionally smacking Morgan with a foot stray. The Jedi Master didn't bother flinching.
"I need to speak to Lacen Jakarta. Now."
Damien Steele
Jul 11th, 2003, 03:19:51 PM
Damien flailed about in Morgan's arms but he quieted and simply drooped his head. "Lacen? Lacen who, sir? I'm sorry, but I am not aware of anyone by that name." The man spoke with a suspicious tone in his voice. Of course he knew who Lacen Jakarta was, but he was not about to let Morgan know that.
As the young man retreated in the Jedi Master's arms, his mind began to race and toil. Thoughts consumed his mind and just then, the wind began to kick up. The rain that had started when he was dropped off in the Recruitment Center picked up once again and soon both men were drenched and cold.
It always seemed to Damien that when he was angry, it was windy -- but he had not seen weather in a year and a half due to his lock up in the mental hospital. As the weather worsened, the man behind the door shut the eye-slot slightly to prevent from getting a wet face. "I'm sorry sir, but we cannot accomodate your request for we know nothing of a Lacen Jakarta." He stated coldly.
In that very instant, Damien flung his head back to smash Morgan in the face and make an escape, but he was dealing with a Jedi Master -- and knew nothing of the power which he beheld. It mattered little to the young man who would do anything he could to get away from the mental hospital -- to get away from everything that could further his emotional demise.
Morgan Evanar
Jul 12th, 2003, 08:08:58 PM
Damien's head bounced against Morgan's chest.
"You're lying." Morgan said. The Jedi Master could smell it.
"Open the door, please. I'd rather not have to tear it from the wall."
Damien Steele
Jul 12th, 2003, 08:20:30 PM
The man scoffed slightly and rolled his eyes before slamming shut the small viewing window. When it seemed as if he had refused, the large door slowly opened with a creaking sound and the bright lights from inside poured out.
"Jedi -- I should have known." He grumbled and motioned to Morgan to follow him. Damien's head ached as they proceeded forward. He figured out that Morgan was slightly taller than he, and it appeared as though he would be stuck like this.
The man who had greeted them made his way down the main corridor and then he turned right. "This way, sir -- please watch yourself as you walk." A sadistic laugh escaped his lips for a moment as they began passing by patients rooms.
Screaming could be heard from several rooms. High pitched, blood curtling cries echoed through the halls as men and women alike beat on the small thick windows that allowed them to see into the hall. Some were crying -- others sat alone on their beds, rocking back and forth.
It was a rather pitiful sight, but the feeling that floated throughout the hospital was the same: depressing. Damien lowered his eyes as they walked on. He heard his name called as some laughed and mocked him, yelling obscenities as they passed.
"Lacen's office is behind this door -- knock twice and he'll be right with you." The man offered a toothy smile revealing the fact that he had not brushed in some time. Over all, he was a vile creature and this was evident as he moved past the Jedi and Damien. "Good day." He stated flatly and made his way toward the foyer once again.
Morgan Evanar
Jul 12th, 2003, 09:39:47 PM
OOC: Morgan is 6' 6" (2 meters) tall.
The place smelled sick. It was sick. After the matter with Damien was resolved, there would be some letters to get something done about it. There was no excuse for the way this place was run.
Morgan hit the door harder than he meant to, so it seemed as if someone was pounding on it instead of knocking. He waited, and looked at Damien curiously. What was wrong with him? This was one of the many times the Jedi found his lack of empathic abilities frustrating.
Damien Steele
Jul 12th, 2003, 09:53:43 PM
OOC: Thanks for the clarification! :) Damien is only 6' ish.
Damien shut his eyes tightly and lowered his eyes as the Jedi knocked on the door. It seemed as though he was pounding on the steel structure and with the sensitive state Damien's mind was in, everything was amplified in his ears. He winced slightly but managed not to say anything.
"Come in!" A voice called to the outside and soon after a buzzer was pushed. The door hissed open to reveal the Jedi and the slumped youth. "Oh no -- now what?" Lacen rolled his eyes as he rose from his seat in a manner of greeting. It was too much for Damien to bare but he was too weak to fight it now.
Every story he had every heard about the Jedi told him they were a kind and caring people -- now he saw differently -- now he realized that it was a bunch of lies, just like everything else in life. Llfe itself was a lie to him. Clenching his teeth, Damien's jaw tensed as he allowed his darkened eyes to open and sit upon Lacen's face. So many things had gone down between them behind the scenes -- things that no one was aware of and that Damien was not allowed to speak of.
He did not bother to squirm anymore for the hold that the man behind him had on him was tough and strong. It was hopeless and he soon realized that he would be going back to the hospital -- the place he could not even escape by death. "H -- he just wants to get rid of me." The young man spoke with a voice rather broken and quiet. It was not a reflection of his supposed demeanor and in fact, it was his true self. Shifting slightly due to the pain the restraints were causing his wrists, the young man breathed in deeply and shook his head. "But you don't care -- no one cares."
With this said, Lacen gasped in a bit of horror and shook his head. "The boy is clearly insane -- that's why he was admitted here. Surly you do not believe his words." The man sent a glare Damien's way before locking eyes with Morgan. Extending his hand, the man smiled. "Dr. Lacen Jakarta -- head of this hospital." He said in the form of a self-righteous introduction. It was evident that he was rather self-centered and stuck up. This was portrayed in the way he carried himself and what little attention he gave to the youth. He was out to impress this Jedi and win his favor in order to cover up and hide the mistakes he had made throughout his life.
Morgan Evanar
Jul 12th, 2003, 10:16:04 PM
Morgan elected not to shake the man's hand. Here was a slug with extra slime. Even the mad have some truth in thier words, but there was no doubt that Damien was correct.
"Of course." He kept his gaze steady on the "doctor". "Why was Damien left drugged at the Jedi Order? We aren't equiped to handle the mentally ill. Furthermore, why weren't we notified?"
Damien Steele
Jul 12th, 2003, 11:12:20 PM
Lacen noted that the Jedi was not willing to shake his hand. A bit miffed at this fact, he withdrew hastily and sat down once again. He was asked a few simple questions which he had no problem answering. "He was drugged because he is out of control." The man stated matter of factly.
He shifted his weight nervously and it was more than apparent to both Damien and Morgan that the man was under pressure now. He was glad to answer the Jedi's questions, but it was more out of fear than anything else. "He was left at the Jedi Order because we know you can do something for him. Heal his insanity or what have you."
His eyes moved to meet Damien's for several moments and the young man could only stare back in anger and resentment. "And you were not contacted? I see not how that could be -- I spoke directly to a Jedi, or at least, I thought I did." With this, a concerned looked crossed the Doctor's face and he shook his head. "We made arrangements that he would be looked after and taken care of by a Jedi. Surly you must have been made aware of this?"
Of course Morgan had no clue -- Lacen had not spoken with anyone regarding Damien. In fact, Damien was not actually mentally ill but rather, he was deeply depressed and needed a purpose in life. The Doctor knew this and he hoped that the Jedi could give Damien what he needed to pull himself from the state in which he resided at the moment. Either that -- or the Jedi would give him the strength he needed to actually go through with plans for killing himself. Either way, Lacen could have cared less and did not understand the purpose of this meeting. Sitting in silence, he kept a close eye on the Jedi and Damien, waiting for some kind of response.
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