View Full Version : Cameron talks Terminator 3 and Alien 5

Jul 7th, 2003, 01:53:18 PM
From Dark Horizons:

Terminator 3 & Alien 5: James Cameron recently talked with BBC1 and revealed he's very happy with how Terminator 3 ended up: "In one word : Great. There was a small part of me that hoped it wasn't good - but another part of me hope'd it succeeded. And it did. And I'm so glad it did. Jonathon's made a great movie. Arnold's in great form. I really like what he's done with it". If he had done it, would he have handled it differently: "Yes. That's only natural. I mightn't have structrued it the same, nor may I have ended it the same way - but coming in where he has, such a hard thing to do, and I give Jonathan points for it".
This isn't a man whose going to whitewash his opinion either, take for example his reaction to "Alien 3" - "Hated it. Simple as that. I hated what they did.... I couldn't stand Alien 3 - how they could just go in there and kill off all these great characters we introduced in aliens, and the correlation between mother and daughter. It stunk, but hopefully I'll get a chance to rectify all that". You mean the talk about him being tied to "Alien 5" is true? "To an extent. yes. We're looking at doing another one. Something similiar to what we did with Aliens. A bunch of great characters, and of course Sigourney. I've even discussed the possibility of putting him [Arnold Schwarzenegger] into the Alien movie". Thanks to 'Ryan'.

Good to see he isn't bitter about them carrying on Terminator without him.

And Arnie in Alien 5? It'd get me interested :)

Figrin D'an
Jul 7th, 2003, 03:09:21 PM
James Cameron recently talked with BBC1 and revealed he's very happy with how Terminator 3 ended up: "In one word : Great. There was a small part of me that hoped it wasn't good - but another part of me hope'd it succeeded. And it did. And I'm so glad it did. Jonathon's made a great movie. Arnold's in great form. I really like what he's done with it". If he had done it, would he have handled it differently: "Yes. That's only natural. I mightn't have structrued it the same, nor may I have ended it the same way - but coming in where he has, such a hard thing to do, and I give Jonathan points for it"

A sign that it's a pretty decent flick. If Cameron approves of it, even though he wasn't involved and basically someone else is continuing what was once his baby, that's a nice thumbs up on the T3 project being a good move.

Alien 5... hmm... if Cameron does it, I might see it. Alien 3 and Alien: Resurrection were both pretty horrible, though... it's kind of jaded my hopes of future Alien films being anything more than crap... Arnold and Sigourney, though, in same flick could be pretty cool...

Lilaena De'Ville
Jul 7th, 2003, 04:50:43 PM
I'm just reminded of Predator. :D ALIENS VS PREDATOR!!! ARNOLD AND SIGORNEY! YUS!


Peter McCoy
Jul 7th, 2003, 06:27:43 PM
No! They can't fo an AvP movie - thats my job!

Still, I would like to see an Alien 5. Though I'd prefer it if Ridley Scott did it, or was at the very least on board and involved.

Jul 7th, 2003, 06:34:32 PM
Originally posted by Peter McCoy
Still, I would like to see an Alien 5. Though I'd prefer it if Ridley Scott did it, or was at the very least on board and involved.

I have to agree with you there. I will not watch Alien 5 if Schwarzenneger is in it. Simple as that, it would decay every last shred of credability the series has left. The fact that Cameron is actually considering him to be involved has just ruined my faith in him directing that movie.

Number Three was alright, I loved Resurrection but there's so much room for improvement. Ridley Scott would kick major posterior if he returned for Alien 5, unfortunately, I doubt he will.

Now AvP would be fantastic if Arnie and Sigourney were involved, but I wouldn't want him involved in an Alien flick.

Jul 7th, 2003, 06:36:04 PM
I have to agree with you there. I will not watch Alien 5 if Schwartzenneger is in it. Simple as that, it would decay every last shred of credability the series has left. The fact that Cameron is actually considering him to be involved has just ruined my faith in him directing that movie.
Why? What if when making an early script, they had writtena guy that was later seen to be just perfect for him? Should they scrap the best idea?

Jul 7th, 2003, 06:38:30 PM
If there was a role which Arnold Schwarzenneger fits perfectly in an Alien film, then it most certainly wouldn't be the best idea. I can't see Sigourney Weaver approving of him or even working with him in number five.

Jul 7th, 2003, 06:40:19 PM
She doesn't get much work, I doubt she'd even complain if they had Chris Rock as the ALien Queen ;)

Jul 9th, 2003, 06:48:03 PM
The first time I saw Alien 3, I absolutely hated it. Slowly, it's sort of grown on me. It still ticks me off that they killed off the other characters right at the start of the film, but alas...

I actually liked Alien Ressurection, plotholes about genetic recombination aside. While an AvP movie would be pretty cool, I'd much rather see a Robocop vs. Terminator movie.

Zasz Grimm
Jul 9th, 2003, 11:23:11 PM
Alien 5 all the way! (though, in my mind, I should be directing it.) Hells to the yes! It really got under my skin that they killed off Newt, Hicks, and Bishop in 3. I mean really, what kind of moron are you?

Hopefully it will be action packed like the second. I didn't like 3, or Resurrection that much, still don't. Aliens was the best out of the saga. Period. You can't get better than Hudson flipping out, marine comradarie, things that eat you, much gunfire, a good plot line, and through the midst of the chaos, they had a mother / daughter relationship. And somewhat of a love story!

I can't say that it would be too great for Weaver to be in 5. I mean really...She isn't the same as she used to be, in 1-2-3 I mean. She's...a fraud. And I can't say Arnold would be that great either..

If they could somehow do it more marine like, that would be awesome. Like two, somehow. Or like some of the books that have been written. (Earth Hive, Nightmare Asylum, Female War). Female War was actually good, IMO, they managed to get Ripley in it. (Really messed up way, read it, don't wanna give anything away.)

I'll see it either way, simply because I'm an Aliens fanatic. But, it simply doesn't get any better than Aliens..

( They really shouldn't have killed off Hudson...He was so...cool. ))

Rumor I've heard. Alien 5 may be set up as an Alien infestation on earth, or the destruction of the aliens home world.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jul 9th, 2003, 11:43:12 PM
I think it would be a good flik but poor Alex Murphy would get his booty kicked up yet another wall. I think a T would take him :(

Jul 10th, 2003, 08:05:05 AM
Spoiler for the Robocop vs. Terminator comics: Actually, Skynet's AI was modelled after Robocop's mind. Without his unique cybernetic mind, Skynet couldn't have been developed. In the comics, a human warrior goes back into the past to destroy Robocop and Terminators are sent back to protect their "creator". It's all really quite interesting, IMO, and fits well into both movies' storylines.

Figrin D'an
Jul 10th, 2003, 02:56:27 PM
Maybe it's just me, but the whole concept of the Robocop and Terminator storylines merging just sounds incredibly lame.

No offense meant to anyone whom has read it and likes it... it just doesn't seem like my cup of tea.

Jul 10th, 2003, 04:00:40 PM
The same thing was said about Aliens vs. Predator.

Figrin D'an
Jul 10th, 2003, 04:33:40 PM
Originally posted by Mortaniuss
The same thing was said about Aliens vs. Predator.

Which I tend to find rather lame as well... but that's just me.

Jul 10th, 2003, 07:26:23 PM
I dont mind the concept of Alien vs Predator Movie. Interesting, if anything.

I also hated Alien 3 for the reasons stated by Zasz above, and the fact that it was stupid. But I loved Ressurection. (Michael Wincott = awesomeness)

Jul 11th, 2003, 10:26:16 AM

If EVER they did that, it could be one of the best crossovers in movie plotlines ever! I'd SO go see that! :rollin

Jul 11th, 2003, 03:59:48 PM
Alien vs. Predator is, imo of course, an excellent premise for a crossover. Arnold and Sigourney in an AvP movie would rock, I think, maybe not Arnie. No way can they ditch Weaver though, I love her to bits.

interesting tidbit that most of you probably know already: on the ship at the end of Predator 2, you'll notice on the wall with all the trophies from previous hunts is an alien skull, alien as in from the Alien films. Which is nice. :)

Jarek T'chort
Jul 14th, 2003, 07:21:53 PM
For me, I loved Alien, it was pure sci fi horror, it was a masterpeice. But, I loved Aliens more. I felt more in touch with the characters, like Ripley, Hicks, Hudson, Newt, I mean, god, even Burke was a more interesting character then say, Dallas, Parker et al imo. The character relationships like Cameron said were another thing that made the film excellent.
When I first saw Alien 3, I liked it, but the fact that Newt and Hicks and Bishop were killed just gave me a dislike for the film.
Alien 4 was a travesty, it was just, lame. It was a good premise but it just lacked the raw feeling of like, the terror the characters are feeling that Alien, Alien and to some extent, Alien 3 has.
As for Arnie? No, it would'nt work. With Arnie, you know hes going to win out, hes the hero, but the aliens are this near invincible foe, with Ripley or Hicks you knew they could die, which you know Arnie won't.
AvP would be cool, but how could you get the two to meet?
Alien 5 on Earth? No I dont like that, I think Weaver even said the whole idea of the bugs getting to earth would cheapen the movie, it could easily revert to some ID4 style flick, or become yet another commentary on the cold war.
All in all....bring back Hicks, Newt and Hudson!