View Full Version : Voices (open)

Chaos Alexander
Jul 7th, 2003, 01:02:45 AM
::It was well into the night at GJO. Many people were in there beds asleep already. Things were different for this young Jedi. Even though the room was dark and quiet, and the right condiations for most people.

The room was mostly like a garage. Weapons hung on the wall, and droids parts were in random spots. In the center was a hover bike. The corner was a bed and a lone man.

He tossed and turned as if having bad dreams. No one else had this problem. No one else heard the voices. It was a problem that him and Xazor were working on.

Dead Speak. The Force ability to speak to the dead. Luke did it with Obi Wan and Yoda did as well. Now Alexander could do it. He just could not shut it off. He heard it mostly when he slept. Thousands of people long good with somethign to say. Endless chatter till dawn when he was fully awake. He could shut them out when he was awake, just not in his sleep.

As he rolled once more he fell out teh bed. A long thup sounded as he hit the floor. He struggled to get up and breatehd deep. Sweat rolling down his face. There were to many nights liek this now.::