View Full Version : Greetings from the Hapan Expeditionary Fleet

Hapan Expeditionary Fleet
Jul 6th, 2003, 09:01:49 PM
::The stars above the world of Mon Calamari begin to ripple, then distort as four Hapes Nova Battlecruisers exit from hyperspace. As the fleet moves into a diamond formation, the Commander of the Fleet opens a comm channel::

"We are the Hapan Expeditionary Fleet. We were sent by the Queen Mother to seek out those who would join us, and those who would be a threat to us. Who may I be speaking to?"

Lion El' Jonson
Jul 14th, 2003, 03:24:53 PM
A crackle of static came in over the commlink aboard the battlestationAckbar, followed by the smooth voice of Hapanii. Admiral El' Jonson crossed towards the comm-link and activated it.

Ackbar was a massive battlestation, almost as big as the Mon Cal's floating cities. It floated on the waves, and supported 3 full wings of starfighters as well as full troop brigades.

"Attention, Hapan Expeditionary Fleet. This is Lord Admiral Lion El' Jonson, Outer Rim Commanding Officer. Please repeat your intentions. Are you hostile?"

He turned to one of his commanders.

"Captain Selayar, get a blockade moving. Make sure they can't get access to the shipyards or the planet itself."

The Mon Cal nodded and then gave out orders in his gravely voice.

"Sssirr, I've dirrrrected the Battletide and herrr battlegroup to defend the shipyardsss. Your personal fleet isss inbound to defend Mon Calamari."

Lion nodded.

"Very good, Captain."

On the tactical screen, two MC-90's and their supporting battlegroups moved to screen the shipyards. They interposed their bulk between the impressive Battledragons and the huge, glistening shipyard complexes. In the meantime, Lion's 13km flagship, the Avatar fired up her engines and moved directly infront of the Hapan Expeditionary Fleet, over a thousand weapons batteries warily targeting the 4 ships.

Lion had heard of Hapan ships. They were huge and powerful, with the exception of tremendously wasteful turbolaser batteries and a shortage of targeting computers.

"Hapan Fleet, we've interposed several ships between you and likely targets. This is a standard first contact procedure, not hostile action.I repeat, please state you intentions again."

Lion sat back in his command chair, waiting to see what their next move was.