View Full Version : A Prodigal Prodigy
Hades Eversor
Jul 6th, 2003, 11:06:39 AM
"I'd better not be left hanging around here all day--" Hades snapped on his heels, turned and beckoned his porter over to him with one finger. He smiled devilishly. In one hand, he held a large box which he thrust into his underling's chest and with his other hand slipped a twenty credit piece into his jacket pocket and patted it. "Before you hurry off, do make sure that this package arrives safely to my parents, there's a good chap."
With a wink, he dismissed the porter who held the box at arms length, it shuddered and hissed occassionally much to his dismay.
"Hello?" The boy called out impatiently. He was an average sized twelve year old, pale-skinned with bright, blonde hair slicked back and a malevolent glimmer in his eyes. He shouted. "Hello!"
Jul 6th, 2003, 11:11:44 AM
A hand gripped the boys shoulder from behind.
“Shh, boy,” an old voice said from above, the face of its source shrouded by a sapphire cowl,
“You’ll wake the dead if you shout any louder.”
Hades Eversor
Jul 6th, 2003, 11:18:11 AM
"Who are you?" Hades said, recovering from shock, which he hid as best he could. He shrugged the withered hand from his shoulder rather violently. "What do you think you're playing at? Get your hand off me!"
The boy then surveyed the hooded man with a look of distaste. "Why are you hiding your face? You have three nostrils or something?"
Jul 6th, 2003, 11:22:56 AM
“Maybe I do, my boy. Would you want me to remove my hood if I did?”
Beneath the cowl, the old man smiled. Rather than explaining, he simply pulled away the shroud – a rarity for the Warlock. The face was older, a little more worn by time, but Hades should have recognized it within seconds.
Hades Eversor
Jul 6th, 2003, 11:25:50 AM
Hades gave a wry grin, for his parents such a look would have been bad news but for the old man, it was as close to a friendly greeting the boy could stomach. His smile faded quickly as he took in the suprising appearance of his favourite uncle. He frowned. "You look older than last time."
Jul 6th, 2003, 11:47:12 AM
“As do you, my boy,”
Warlock had a tendency to call most everyone ‘my boy’ regardless of age or rank, but with this lad it did actually fit. Breathing in deeply and straightening up his posture, as he let his weight rest upon his staff, he continued, straight to the point.
“What are you doing here, Hades?”
Hades Eversor
Jul 6th, 2003, 11:55:18 AM
"Mum and dad have had enough of me." He answered nonchalantly, then shrugged. "Dad said mum was on the verge of a nervous breakdown and that he was balding early. They said you knew how to look after me."
He lied about the 'looking after' bit, his father actually said that his uncle was the only one who could 'control' him but Hades wasn't prepared to give the old man that liberty. He nodded at his trunk on the floor. "So it looks like I'm staying here now. With you."
Jul 6th, 2003, 12:17:24 PM
“I don’t know about that, my boy… this isn’t a boarding house, it’s a Sith Order,”
Had Warlock been in the Canon Temple on Coruscant it would have been easily for him to say yes, but there were other factors present here – such as would the Council want a young boy staying with them? For that matter, was Hades even aware of where he was?
“A dangerous place, most certainly… ‘haps too dangerous for a young boy such as yourself.”
Hades Eversor
Jul 6th, 2003, 12:22:29 PM
"Nothing is too dangerous for me, uncle." Snorted Hades, giving his surroundings a once over as if asking for something dangerous to leap out at him. Then he returned his attention to Warlock. "What are you doing here anyway? Are you a Sith?"
His grin reappered, a glint of excitement in his now narrowed eyes. "What goes on here?"
<FONT SIZE="1">OOC: Now I'm off to get my shower. :)</FONT>
Jul 6th, 2003, 12:27:42 PM
“I’m learning about the Sith, yes… I’m just one of the apprentices, however,” he replied, seeing a little flare of contempt on the boys’ eyes at the term apprentice – Hades, evidently, was a boy used to always being the Master, that much was clear.
“And most of what goes on here,” he continued, motioning his staff around the empty room,
“Is learning. The more powerful Sith pass on their knowledge to those who are new to the art.”
Hades Eversor
Jul 6th, 2003, 01:12:20 PM
"Learning." Hades repeated grimly. He wasn't unintelligent but prefered more practical methods of learning; if he was told to read about how to start a fire, he'd start a fire and write about the consequences. "Mind you, learning about the Sith can't be that bad."
So is it true that Sith can throw lightning from their hands? That's what dad's always said."
Jul 7th, 2003, 09:24:06 AM
“I’ve seen gigantic dragons, lizard men and more, but no lightning hurling as of yet.”
Warlock made an indecipherable face, somewhere between concern and irritation. Hades appeared to have brought all of his belongings with him, so had no intention of leaving.
“I hope you’re not hoping to join… I’m not even sure they take youngsters.”
Hades Eversor
Jul 7th, 2003, 06:01:58 PM
"And what if I wanted to join?" Hades retorted irritably, his eyes which were once bright orbs of wonder at the mention of lizardmen and dragons were now burning with anger. "Is there something wrong with me? Not good enough to become a Sith?"
He turned and stomped off a few paces, then booted a dent in his case which slid accross the floor from him. His voice was more reserved this time, as though talking to himself, though still boiling with fury. "Why can't I make something of myself?"
Lady Vader
Jul 7th, 2003, 06:21:22 PM
*LV emerged silently from the passage behind the boy as he gave retort and question to the older man standing before him. Warlock continued to look at the boy, though his eye shifted momentarily to watch as LV came into the light of the grand entry way, Iesis coming into view as well, and placing her large black body beside LV's leg.*
*As LV stopped on the edge of the large room, she said nothing as the boy continued his sracastic questioning. She merely observed until the time was right to speak.*
Jul 8th, 2003, 03:03:56 AM
“It’s not my place to give you right of passage into the way of the Sith, my boy,” he apologized, somewhat dryly, gaze momentarily shifting to the shadowy form of Mistress Vader.
“I may be wrong about the whole children not joining… I’m new to this place too, you know.”
Hades Eversor
Jul 8th, 2003, 10:47:48 AM
"Yeah, I guess you're right. You have a habit of doing that, uncle. Being right and all." Hades slumped down miserably on his fallen trunk, chin resting in his hands. He was oblivious to the arrival of Lady Vader and her sand panther.
"I admit, I hadn't thought about becoming an--" He frowned. "--apprentice here until you mentioned it. I just wanted to stay with someone or maybe some people who will, you know, understand me. You do, uncle."
Jul 8th, 2003, 12:43:21 PM
Another enigmatic expression and Warlock nodded.
“There are others who can shed more educated light on the matter,” he replied, looking away from the sulking child to the skulking woman.
“Madame Vader?”
Hades Eversor
Jul 8th, 2003, 02:41:50 PM
Hades could've fallen off his seat in suprise. His head turned immediatly in the direction of the woman and her pet, his milky cheeks flushed pink upon realising someone had been in the room with them. He stood rather abruptly and took a step back towards his uncle all the while staring at Lady Vader not having a word to say.
Jul 8th, 2003, 05:42:23 PM
*Iesis softly growled and licked her jowls, before sitting her obsidian hindquarters down, all the while watching the young lad.*
Lady Vader
Jul 8th, 2003, 05:42:49 PM
Indeed, my dear Warlock.
*She looked down at the boy, favoring him with a chilly smile.*
So you came here to seek a place to stay and not to learn? Or did I misunderstand you?
Hades Eversor
Jul 9th, 2003, 04:43:06 AM
"I came, that is to say I was sent, here looking for a place to stay." Hades gave Warlock a fleeting glance. "That was until my uncle here told me what kind of place it was--" He scowled and added, "--but he thinks I'm too young."
Lady Vader
Jul 11th, 2003, 12:25:24 AM
*LV cocked her head slightly, answering his comment.*
*And then she smiled cooly.*
And perhaps not.
*She took a few steps forward, testing the boy's firmness in his stance, bring her face close to his, ever keeping that cool smile on her lips. Her sharp green eyes glittered in the torchlit room.*
The best time to learn is when one is young.
Jul 11th, 2003, 04:45:57 AM
Warlock adjusted his grip on his staff, griping more firmly at the gnarled length of wood that he was rarely seen without. From the sounds of the Sith Mistresses words, it was likely that the boy could be welcomed into the fold. Not quite sure whether he was pleased or unsettled by this, the old man tugged his cowl a little further over his face, blanketing it in shadow as he watched the verbal interchange continue.
Hades Eversor
Jul 11th, 2003, 06:35:56 AM
A triumphant grin was on the boy's face and his eyes were alive with excitement. He knew now was the time to be careful, not to mess up his chances.
"And I'm willing to do whatever is asked of me, miss." His face contorted slightly, he felt dirty, he was sucking up and there was a foul taste in his mouth which he had to rectify. "As long as I can stay here and become a Sith."
That felt better, he was negotiating rather than being some sort of teachers pet. He felt all grown up.
Lady Vader
Jul 11th, 2003, 11:16:52 AM
*She remained silent after his words, staring at him, gauging him. After a few moments, she straightened and looked to Warlock. She couldn't help but notice his knuckles had become whiter as he choked his staff.*
*She wasn't quite sure what to make of the physical reaction, whether it was fatigue and he was just holind onto his staff tightly to keep from toppling over, or whether he was upset with the potentil outcome of this meeting.*
*Never the less, regardless of emotional attatchments, dislikes, and what not that was in the family bond between them, the boy did show potential. And she was going to take advantage of this potential and mold it.*
*She looked back at the boy, eyes narrowing.*
Be it known that if you join the Order, it comes with certain rules.
*She proceeded with the short list.*
All within the Order will become your family, your brothers and sisters, regardless of family blood relations or not.
There will be no infighting. You will respect everyone. And if you have a problem with one or more of them, you find a way to work it out. A group divided cannot move forward. A group united can crush a world.
If, when the time comes, you wish to leave the Order, be it known we do not chain you to blood oaths that you shall stay here or die. You are free to go, granted you leave on good terms with the Order. otherwise it can lead to an untimely demise.
And, you shall never slander the name of the Order. Doing so is reason enough for immediate banishment, or death, depending on the gravity of the grievance.
*If the boy had never received discipline, or been confronted by a commanding figure, he was going to get a quick lesson here and now.*
Do I make myself clear?
Hades Eversor
Jul 11th, 2003, 02:11:29 PM
"You do." The boy had stiffened and gave a curt nod of agreement. He was somewhat unsure how to react but knew how he should not act in front of someone who was clearly a high-ranking member of this Order.
"So what does joining this Order entail? What am I expected to do?" He asked curiously.
Lady Vader
Jul 16th, 2003, 07:25:04 PM
*LV straightened, but still kept her eyes on the boy.*
You're expected to learn and to respect your elders.
And if you are serious about joinging, then next step is to find you a Master.
Hades Eversor
Jul 21st, 2003, 08:17:48 AM
"A master?" Hades repeated, his face had a sour look about it. He was paler than usual as the thought of having a master sank in painfully. "Um, ok." He swallowed back an outburst of protest and maintained his composure. "How do I go about that then?"
Jul 23rd, 2003, 02:01:40 AM
Warlock resolved mentally that nothing bad would come of the boy while here. He could watch over him, and providing he got a good tutor he would be safe, so long as he didn’t go running into challenges where he had no place or skill to support him.
Lady Vader
Jul 23rd, 2003, 01:47:31 PM
Well, either a request is put in, or you are picked up right away.
*She was silent for awhile, contimplating.*
And it seems that Makoto has taken an interest in you... enough interest to train you. So he shall be your Master.
Remember, though, that you can come to any of the Elders for answers to question you may have... and when Makoto is away, it would be advised that Warlock here look after you.
*She turned to Warlock.*
If that is acceptable with you, of course.
Jul 23rd, 2003, 02:33:30 PM
A small shifting of Warlock’s hood indicated a nod.
“But of course.”
Hades Eversor
Jul 24th, 2003, 01:36:13 PM
"Makoto." He repeated, grumbling to himself. In his head he envisioned him being beaten senseless by some wild, overbearing hulk of a Sith Master for not being able to hold a lightsaber correctly. His insides went to jelly.
"Okay. So where am I staying?"
Lady Vader
Jul 24th, 2003, 05:19:11 PM
You're staying in the Sith palace, on the second floor where the other Apprentices stay.
*She turned to Warlock.*
Would you be so kind as to escort the boy to an empty room on the second floor?
Jul 25th, 2003, 02:16:03 AM
“Very well.”
One hand caught his cloak and pulled it more firmly around his body.
“Come, Hades.”
Hades Eversor
Jul 27th, 2003, 11:33:19 AM
"Er, thanks miss." Hades concluded, giving the woman a curt nod, unsure how else to give his begrudged thanks. He and Warlock then headed off, away from the entrance hall to find a room somewhere in the palace (
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