View Full Version : Defiance (open to anyone/everyone)

Shrin Safserim
Jul 5th, 2003, 09:29:42 PM
There are people in this world who will go to any length to have a laugh. They'll tell off color jokes, make strange faces, and have fun at the expense of others. Quite a number of people are enjoying the last of these today, hassling a young man in a white trenchcoat as he walks the streets. Shrin so far has managed to ignore the lot of them, though he senses they may attempt to fight him soon.

No doubt they're attracted to him as a center for punishment because of the sword at his hip, or his stubborn upholding of the Jedi code and the New Republic's laws. Darksiders...nothing more than bullies and punks with trumped up powers and weapons, if you asked Shrin. He's smart enough not to say it out loud though; he can't take on this many people at once.

Jul 5th, 2003, 09:48:57 PM
The blade of a katana went to his neck from an alleyway he was trying to pass. A cloaked figure whose eyes glowed under the hood stood there.

"Going somewhere, Jedi ?"

The stranger said Jedi with a mocking tone in her voice, she was looking for trouble it seemed.

Shrin Safserim
Jul 6th, 2003, 07:42:35 PM
Shrin pushes the katana away carefully and continues on, not speaking or saying a word. He's above this sort of petty brawling; he won't be forced into a street fight.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Jul 8th, 2003, 01:12:06 PM
Kindo, by no fault of his own, always seemed to be around while something bad was taking place. Whether it was a petty street fight or a Sith raid, he was there in the midst. Through this he was able to save many lives, but not without engaging in many fights. Ordinary day? He didn't know the meaning of it.

He stood there, at a distance which kept him unnoticed, and watched as the Sith drew her blade against the recently admitted Jedi's throat, in which he reacted by gently pushing the katana away and continuing forward. Ki-Adi knew all too well that trying to evade a fight with a Sith was like trying to run laps on Tattooine without breaking a sweat.

For now, he would keep his distance and see how far the darksider would take it.