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Ki-Adi Kindo
Jul 4th, 2003, 11:15:47 PM
There was something about the early morning that appealed to Kindo, and for more than one reason. It was the only time a day that the Temple was serene. Everyone was lying in their beds, comfortable and at peace. If you worked around the same clock as a Jedi, sleep would soon become a cherished amenity to you too. Every Jedi got their chance to get away from the hustle and bustle of the everyday schedule, and that was something that wasn't taken lightly by any Jedi.

It was still dark out and everyone was peacefully asleep, that is, for the most part. Ki-Adi was up and at it, already dressed in his standard training attire and geared to go. He didn't have fun waking up so early, but he had done it for a long time. It was what taught him discipline, not to mention a muscular build it gave him. It was also the perfect time to meditate and contemplate heavy decisions, or at least it was to him.

The Jedi Knight had already begun his strenuous workout routine, which consisted of a number of exercises. Though the Order had invested in some complex and expensive equipment, he chose to stick with some of the more simple workouts. Push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups... you name it, he did it. He was a lean, mean, Jedi machine.

Rognan Dar
Jul 17th, 2003, 10:56:45 AM
Rognan had made it a thing, or at lest tried to, to get up early. It wasn't easy, but he did it. And he tried to do some saber pratice to warm him up for the day.

He was entering the training grounds and looked around. No-one was here...no, wait. There was someone. He felt someone else in here. But who and where he didn't know. He walked around untill he found Kindo exercising.

Rognan hadn't seen his previse Master in a while. This could be a good learning experience.

"Well, hello there, Kindo. Haven't seen you around these parts."