View Full Version : The Price of Pain (Gero / Closed)...

Jul 3rd, 2003, 11:33:20 PM
Neyasha was out for a walk on the streets near the GJO, when something caught her atention... and the next thing she knew she was she was in the lower levels, at the adge of a broken walkway. She gets the fealing that something is not right out here, so she draws one of her katana blades and one of her Sai, leaving her geniticaly enhanced sences open, scaning for any sign of danger...

Jul 4th, 2003, 12:22:10 PM
Gero approached silently, inwardly laughing at the girl he had a been sent to collect a bounty from. She saw her look directly at him... Or at least she would have done if he had not been two walkways up. He could kill her now. He had a direct view of her head and his Qualta blade could have finished this early. But, as much as he was disapointed, he had to capture her alive.

Jul 4th, 2003, 03:45:27 PM
Neyasha can tell that she is in danger here, she can hear movement two walkways up. She quickly turns and starts to run very quickly runs back along the walkway she is on, at speeds that a human should not be able to reach. It was at times like this that Neyasha liked having her enhancements.

Jul 5th, 2003, 09:34:56 AM
Gero laughed maliciously. The little padawan thought she could run. Gero would put a stop to that he aimed carefully and shot. The bolt hit her right in the leg. She stumbled and fell. She was writhing on the floor. He approached swiftly.

Jul 5th, 2003, 02:33:10 PM
Neyasha heard the bolt comming, and spun off to her left side, only taking a glancing blow to her right leg, but not enough to slow her down..

OOC: Your not aloud to say that you hit when you attack, Or post how I respond to being hit. Please also keep in mind that Neyasha is a Skilled Geniticly Enhanced Warrior. And that you will have to be more creative than just shooting my leg to catch me.

Jul 5th, 2003, 02:43:50 PM
OOC: Sorry! Forget I said that last bit!


Gero seethed as he saw her continue. He continued up two walkways and saw her running directly under him. He jumped and landed on her shoulders. His intent was to bring her down.

Jul 6th, 2003, 06:00:58 AM
Neyasha can hear him coming, as the air rushes around his body during his fall, and stops running. Her stoping so quickly would cause him land in front of her instead of on top of her. She quickly slashes at Gero's left leg , with her katana that is currently in her hand, as he lands on the ground 1 meter in front of her.

Jul 6th, 2003, 07:11:27 AM
"Ahh!" Gero shouted as he hit the ground. And then was hit again by the girl's katana. As he got up he lashed out at her face with his right hand aiming for the left side and similtaneously thrust kicked at her right side with his left foot. One of the attacks would hit. He hoped.

Jul 6th, 2003, 02:33:43 PM
Neyasha spins off to her left side avoiding the kick but getting a solid hit to the side of her head, but due to her metal infused bone, the hit only knocked her off balance for a moment, and it most likely did more damage to his hand than it did to her head.

Neyasha quickly regains her balance and thrusts the Sai in her Left hand at the center of Gero's stomach....

Jul 6th, 2003, 02:38:43 PM
Gero fell backwards at the pain of hitting her. It was lucky he was Luxan. At the same time he realised that stagerring back had made her miss him on her strike. He decided that he was going to need more then what he had to capture her. Then he had an idea. He walked over to the walkway and jumped a few levels. He armed his electric shot gun and returned.

Jul 7th, 2003, 11:38:20 AM
As Gero goes up two levels to regroup... Neyasha jumps down 4 levels and runs into a broken down condemed shoping mall...

When Gero gets back down... She is gone.

Jul 7th, 2003, 01:10:20 PM
"AHHH!" shouted Gero in frustration. And thought the only way she could have gone was down. that was the way he wuld then go. At that he leapt down a couple of walkways smiling that he was chasing her.

Jul 8th, 2003, 11:25:21 AM
Neyasha continues her sprint through the condemed shopping mall untill she comes to apart where the roof has colapsed.

She runs at the the fallen roof and jums just as she reaches it, she almost makes it to the top of the pile, but as the speed she is moving it only takes one push off of the pile to clear the top. And Neyasha slides downt the other side, accdently causing a bunch of the junked roof to slip and make alot of noise doing it.

Neyasha continues her run through the mall.

Jul 8th, 2003, 12:44:17 PM
Gero got out his tracker and found out that the girl was in the shopping mall. He sprinted down to it and found that the roof was down. He shouted in frustration. Then he saw a solid block he could use to get over. Once he was over he pounded back into a sprint after the girl.

Jul 9th, 2003, 01:13:47 PM
Neyasha Hears that Gero has picked up on her trail, so she turns around the next corner only to find that it is a dead end. She quickly dives into an empty clothing store dodges quietly through the racks and hide behind the main cash desk. She pulls out her comm unit and calls up her ship.... She says quietly...

"Computer... lock on to my lifesigns and if I get knocked out transmit the following message to Master Wei..."

Neyasha pauses for a moment...

"Master Wei, this is Neyasha. If you get this message then I have been knocked out and most likely captured by a bounty hunter. I don't know what he wants with me, but he seems to want me alive. I am guessing that whoever wants me is looking for the a way to reproduse the modifacations that my body contains. If you are to come after me, but can not get me from my capture, Kill me. And if it comes to that please find my daughter for me. my ship in the GJO Hanger can give you all the details you need... The access code is '163873 Beta'. Thank you for being there for me. Neyasha Out."

She puts away her comm unit and rearanges her weapons so that both of her sai are in her hands, and waits, hoping to be able to ambush the bounty hunter.....

Jul 28th, 2003, 11:15:58 AM
Gero ran out of the shopping mall and found himself face to face with two streets. One will lead him to her and the other will lead him futher and further away from her. He wondered if she was stupid enough to go down the dead end street. He got out his tracker. Unfortuanately it was not fine tuned enough to tell him her exact position. He brought out his GPS positioning device and brought it to where he was. Then compared the two datapads. The GPS had a finer detail but only showed where he was but worked on the same map as the tracker allowing him to see which street she had gone down. The dead end. He almost laughed.

Jul 28th, 2003, 11:39:36 AM
Neyasha Holds her postion in the broken down Clothing store, being completely Quiet.. She places a small flash bomb by the only way in, and sets it to go off as soon as the next person walks in.

She then takes he place back behind the main counter, ready to pounce as soon as the bomb goes off... The bomb won't hurt him... Just blind him for a second or two... But hopefuly that is all she will need.

Aug 7th, 2003, 01:13:49 AM
OOC: What kind of sensors does the flash bomb work on?

Aug 7th, 2003, 12:36:57 PM
OOC: It works on a laser trip line.... But Gero wouldn't know that, nor would he know that they were there...

Aug 7th, 2003, 12:52:31 PM
OOC: Yeah that's fine but I do like to know how I set these things off.

Gero walked down the passage carefully when there was a sound like a camera going off but the flash blinded him. He flailed around wondering what had happened.

Aug 7th, 2003, 03:06:01 PM
As soon as the Flash bomb goes off Neyasha jump out from behind the counter and charges at Gero with a flying Kick to the chest.

OOC: Please keep in mind Neyasha's Geneticaly Enhanced speed and strength, when you respond... Thanks :)

Aug 8th, 2003, 01:26:49 AM
Gero was suddenly hit by something that felt like a metal pipe. It forced him into the wall where he slid to the ground, barely conscious. He had one trick left up his sleeve.

Aug 9th, 2003, 10:45:58 AM
After contacting with Gero Neyasha lands next to him and starts to run again, out the door and back the way she came in.

Aug 9th, 2003, 12:52:20 PM
Gero soon followed her, but she had a headstart on him. He threw a grenade. It landed in front of her.

Aug 12th, 2003, 11:08:43 AM
Neyasha rolls off to her left trying to avoid the blast, but the halls were too narrow and the blast sends her flying to the wall. She hits the was, and falls to her knees. she Moves to get up quickly but there is too many peices of shrapnal lodged in to her flesh...

She leans agienst the wall and brings her pair Sai up into a defencive stance. But as she does this her body moves into self peresrvation mode intead of attack mode. Her body shuts down, and she passes out due to the pain, blood lose and shrapnal...

OOC:This thread is now over... You have captured me... and we will not be RPing me being dilivered to Rivin... Consider yourself paid.