View Full Version : Bloodied Path(open)

Eris Alexiel
Jul 3rd, 2003, 07:11:58 PM
A large black wolf dove and wove through the crowds. Its loping gait wasn't slowed much except when the crowd got denser at points. Black as night this wolf was that nosed through them, pushing through with its shoulders as well. A young woman looked down and after the wolf before back to her clothing, reaching down to touch the stain that was now there. She screamed at what she found, blood. Yes, the wolf was covered in it but not from a fight. The wolf's tongue lolled out as it ran but not in fatigue, blood lust was on its thoughts for now.

imported_Grev Drasen
Jul 3rd, 2003, 08:38:49 PM
Apart from the gasps and screams nothing much was done to stop the wolf in its path; as the creature continued to weave in out of the mass which consumed the busy streets. Before one could even feast eyes on the creature it was gone from sight, a single blur of ebony darting out of view.

Reaching a lesser part of the dense crowd, a foot hooked out from behind the beast, sweeping from underneath into its hind legs attempting to send the canine bucking into the ground – hard.

“I beg your pardon,” a hooded man stepped from the throng of people, appearing to be an older fellow with a cane assisting his stride and a hunched back; although a cloak shadowed any distinguishable features from first glance.

“I didn’t see you there, little puppy, all right I hope?”

Eris Alexiel
Jul 3rd, 2003, 08:45:54 PM
The wolf canted its head at the stranger, he didn't seem old, the scent wasn't right. It woofed softly, not sure whether or not to growl, it didn't know if he was friend or foe. It bared its teeth in a wolf laugh and gazed up at the stranger with murky brown eyes.

imported_Grev Drasen
Jul 5th, 2003, 09:26:42 PM
The old man chuckled to himself and kneeled to the canine. He dug in the trenches of his overcoat to retrieve a strip of dried jerky, offering it to the creature with a warm gesture; his face still shadowed beneath the cloth.

“Hungry I suppose?”

As he moved in with the treat a cane followed suit behind it, slapping the wolf forcefully across the side of its head. It wasn’t enough of a blow to knock the beast cold, but rather disorientate it for a short moment.

Pulling back, and the man drove a boot straight for the wolf’s snout.

“A demon I swear it,” he shouted to the gathering crowd, “The beast murdered my wife, ripped her limb from limb! This is no ordinary creature, it’s a monster!”

He continued, rallying the mass behind him, as a circle began to enclose the canine.

Underneath the cloak the anger of the man’s voice was replaced with a childish grin. This would prove a temporary enjoyment for the incognito miscreant.

Eris Alexiel
Jul 5th, 2003, 09:35:03 PM
Eris reacted in the way any animal would by pouncing and pinning the one who hurt her. The wolf weighed more than one would have thought, slamming Grev down hard. Its fangs were less than a centimeter from his face as it growled lowly, a bit of slobber dripping down as well. Its head turned a bit and sunk its teeth into the man's shoulder before jumping off, hackles raised and growling with a sound that would send chills down anyone's spine.

Shrin Safserim
Jul 5th, 2003, 09:41:01 PM
"What's going on here? Stand aside, move out of the way!"

Shrin shoulders and elbows his way through the ring of people to find a man and a wolf facing one another as if they had been brawling.

"Sir, what is the meaning of this? Why are you abusing this poor animal?"

Eris, covered with blood, instantly appears as the victim to Shrin. Grev, with no injuries to note, is clearly the aggressor here.

Eris Alexiel
Jul 5th, 2003, 09:46:02 PM
Eris nosed the new man's hand with her muzzle, her growls quieter now but still not taking her eyes off the man who had kicked her. She didn't understand why this one chose to attack her, she had done nothing wrong, the blood on her was animal blood not human.

imported_Grev Drasen
Jul 5th, 2003, 11:17:19 PM
“It butchered my wife, sir!”

He continued ranting about the animal, trying to convince the crowd that it was in fact a beast possessed, readied to be put to death.

“This monster is evil, sir, so I suggest you leave – now!”

Shrin Safserim
Jul 6th, 2003, 06:07:24 AM
"Evil? It seems friendly enough..."

Despite these words, Shrin's hand flinches at the wolf's muzzle. He doesn't know whether Grev is telling the truth or not. If he is, it will mean dire consequences for this wolf.

Vishalla Daoked
Jul 6th, 2003, 09:37:43 AM
Vishalla who is a child, and an elf child at that, walks up to Eris and tilts her head slightly before she starts to scratch Eris behind the ears. She had heard what was being said about the wolf, and chooses not to believe it. She is wearing a slightly dirty white dress which now gets a bit of the blood on it as she's scratching Eris.

"Now aren't you such a nice puppy. You would never butt....buch, well hurt somebody like you're being acoo......acosst, well like you're being blamed for."

She looks at Grev and then to Shrin and then back to Eris, slightly embarressed at not being able to say some of the words that had been used by Grev. She then says to Grev.

"You're a bad man for hurting the puppy. She's done nothing wrong."

Eris Alexiel
Jul 6th, 2003, 04:02:23 PM
Eris licked the child face once, she liked this kid, then again, helpful people were always welcome. Her growls had quieted down to nothing but her eyes remained on the one who had kicked her, what was the matter with this man?

Vishalla Daoked
Jul 6th, 2003, 06:39:02 PM
Vishalla continues to scratch Eris behind the ears, not thinking that she is anything other then just a wolf. She sits down cross legged on the ground, and with surprising strength for somebody her age, pulls Eris down so her head and front paws are on her lap, she continues to pet Eris, not worrying about getting the blood on her white dress.

"You are a very nice puppy aren't you. I wish I had something to give you, but I don't. At least if I do, I don't know about it."

She keeps petting Eris.

Eris Alexiel
Jul 9th, 2003, 08:46:14 PM
Eris whines softly and woofs, it was rare that anyone was nice to her wolf form, most retreated from it. Would this one like her still if she knew what Eris really was? For now, that question hadn't entered her mind, she was just content that the evil human wasn't hitting her anymore. Besides the petting she was receiving was quite nice.

Vishalla Daoked
Jul 10th, 2003, 07:37:14 AM
Vishalla wraps her arms around Eris and gives her a hug.

"I'd bring you home with me and take care of you, but I don't think RK would like that. RK isn't all that found of puppy's because, well I can't remember why.

But you're a nice puppy aren't you."

She continues to pet Eris after hugging her.

Eris Alexiel
Jul 13th, 2003, 06:56:19 PM
Eris woofs as if to say yes before yawning and stretching a little in a lazy way. Her eyes occationally wandered to the other two, wondering when they were going to speak up again.

Vishalla Daoked
Jul 14th, 2003, 08:01:22 AM
Vishalla continues to pet Eris, but she looks up at the two ppl that were talking when she showed up, wondering slightly what they are going to do next.

Shrin Safserim
Jul 16th, 2003, 07:20:50 PM
Shrin pushes Eris back from Vishalla and pulls the girl to her feet, maintaining his eye on Grev.

"Go on. This man and I have business concerning this dog. It's best if you not see."

Vishalla Daoked
Jul 17th, 2003, 07:42:12 AM
Vishalla gets a hurt look on her face as she's pulled to her feet.

"No, I'm not going."

She goes over to Eris again who was pushed off of her and wraps her arms around her.

"I'm not going to let anybody hurt the puppy. She didn't hurt anybody and I no let others hurt her. She's a nice puppy."

She keeps her arms wrapped around Eris as she looks to Shrin, then to Grev and back to Shrin.

imported_Grev Drasen
Jul 30th, 2003, 10:00:13 PM
“That wolf ravaged my home and wife,” the old man barked from underneath his hood, glowering at Shrin as if he were a thorn in his side.

He scoffed, pressing his weight against the aged staff, “Get out of here, last warning.”

His voice smoothed from its angered state into a calm foretoken.

Eris Alexiel
Jul 30th, 2003, 10:08:38 PM
Eris moved closer to Vishalla and woofed at Grev. Why was this man lying she wondered? What reason did he have?

Vishalla Daoked
Jul 31st, 2003, 07:50:28 AM
Vishalla gets a determined look on her face as she keeps her arms wrapped around Eris. The man had said to get out of here, she that's exactly what she intends to do. But not by herself. She's going to take Eris with her since she's not willing to let anybody hurt her.

"Okay, I go."

She says loudly enough for everybody to hear, and then quietly to Eris.

"Come on, we go and you no get hurt. RK have to make do with a puppy around."

She goes to start heading off, her arms still wrapped around Eris, taking Eris with her as she goes.