View Full Version : Force-User Policy?

Adriana Quinn
Jul 3rd, 2003, 02:58:14 PM
What is the policy on Force-User Ranks transfering over from other Star Wars PBP Boards?

Jul 3rd, 2003, 03:08:12 PM
They can't be.

Ishan Shade
Jul 3rd, 2003, 03:35:27 PM
Yeah, unfortunately they can't be. You must start as a padawan or apprentice somewhere.

Jul 4th, 2003, 07:42:11 PM
But fortunately it really isn't a big deal. I mean, if you like rping, it's fun whether you're an apprentice or not. And it's also highly recommended, considering that if you start out as a padawan, you 1) recieve a master that will sorta ease you into this rp universe, and 2) start off with a friend instantly to talk to.

Ishan Shade
Jul 5th, 2003, 02:05:59 AM
You put it perfectly dove my dear :)