View Full Version : Two Little Boys (Complete)

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 3rd, 2003, 07:21:13 AM
"That's good. That's very good. Yeah." Loki sighed, wiped away the sweat on his forehead with the sleeve of his tunic. He winced, looking upwards into the glaring sun which beamed down upon the green fields which stretched out in all directions for several hundred acres. The only reminder that they were still in the heart of Coruscant were the skyscraper peaks peering over the tops of trees and rolling hills.

"That was only a short velocity. Normally they would go on and on, getting faster and faster until someone is struck or yields by shouting 'Solah!'" Wearily, he trudged away from Giger and slumped himself down into the grass, resting against the base of a large tree trunk. He enjoyed the shade and relaxed. His fair-haired friend seemed full of energy still. He believed he heard him mutter something about pirates.

Jul 3rd, 2003, 07:43:19 AM
Giger hacked and slashed through the are with his wooden sword. He'd made it himself from some old wood they'd found lying about one of the workshops. After checking it was alright with one of the older member sof the Order, they took the materials back to their room and crafted these superb weapons of mass destruction. They were perfect for fighting off hordes of demons and evil beings such as bounty hunters, darksiders and even space pirates. After slaying the last wraith, Giger placed his "The Avenger" back in its scabbard attached to his belt and ran over to Loki.

Loki was having a breather underneath one of the trees that resided on top of a small hill in the middle of the parkland - though Giger preferred to call it "Death Mountain" and the "Tree of Pain" - the terrible fortress of the mutant space pirates. Naturally, he was Captain Giger, sworn enemy of the Space Pirates and leader of the Galactic Avengers, with Loki as his sidekick - Loki.

He climbed his way up the small hill and looked around, surveying the trees and flowers. A few hundred metres away he could see the edge of the forest, full of birds and small furry animals. Though he knew it was really the Forbidden Forest. he knelt down next to Loki with eagerness.

"Lets play Space Pirates! You can be my sidekick and we can save the galaxy from the evil Abbadon and his minions! C'mon, get up! We've got aaaages before lunchtime! Why waste it lying here?!"

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 3rd, 2003, 07:54:37 AM
"Who's Abbadon?" Asked Loki, climbing to his feet before Giger tried to persuade him any further, he saw it as self-preservation rather than eagerness to play. He was still waking up and yawned but at the same time wondered why he got to be the sidekick rather than Captain Loki!

"Well, where can we find Abbadon and his evil millions?" Asked the padawan, unsheathing his wooden weapon, still unnamed much to Giger's despair.

Jul 3rd, 2003, 08:10:05 AM
"Thats the spirit!"

Giger mimmicked Loki's action, unsheathing his sword also. He pulled it from its scabbard and hoisted it high into the air, pointing towards the sun. He then redirected his attention towards the forest again.

"If our intelligence was correct, we'll find the evil Abbadon deep inside the Forbidden Forest. Thats where he's constructing his Lightning Ray. If we don't stop him from completing his superweapon, it could result in the destruction of the galaxy! Quickly - to our ships!"

Giger raced down the hill to another tree where their ships resided. They were really just two Hover-scooters, but Giger preferred to call them XJ2 Hover Invigilators - it sounded so much cooler than scooters! Once onboard, he powered up the anti-matter engines and calibrated the Neutron Cannons (two toy slingshots secured to the handlebars by two ribbons he borrowed from Cassidy) and waited for Loki.

"C'mon Loki. Time is of the essence! Who knows what dangers await us inside - Der-der-DER!!! - the Forbidden Forest!?!?"

A small bird landed on his shoulder, as if mocking the fact that he was really just a boy playing a game and not really a superhero. He gave an angry, unamused look in an attempt to scare the bird away, but it only tweeted in his ear before jumping onto the handlebars.

"Fine! You can come along too! Just stay close to me!"

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 3rd, 2003, 08:20:00 AM
"What's this? Could it be that Captain Giger's sidekick has overtaken him?" Loki whizzed past Giger, patting his thin head of hair as he sped along on his hover-scooter. Getting into the mood, he couldn't resist a big "Yeehaw!"

"Captain, I've finally got a name for my trusty blade!" He cried, sweving to a halt momentarily. He dramatically unsheathed his sword once more, brandishing it high in the air and cried theatrically. "I dub thee 'The Blue Fate'!"

Jul 3rd, 2003, 08:33:36 AM
"Excellent Loki! Let our bootprints lavishly linger on the butts of evil! Onward!"

The two Galactic Avengers raced ever onward to the Forbidden Forest. But after several minutes of high-octane speeding, Giger brought his ship to an abrupt halt. Loki did the same. Giger disembarked his Invigilator. He gripped The AVenger in his hand tightly.

"Ready yourself Loki. Danger lurks nearby! It must be Abbadon's Harpies - sent to prevent us from finding his Lightning Ray!"

The small bird flew from the scooter to Gigers shoulder again. He looked at the tiny animal and smiled.

"As for you...er...Boo! You can fly up and recon the area. Maybe there's something more than just Harpies here!"

Funnily enough, the bird took off into the sky and began circling the meadow. Giger was surprised the bird responded at all. Surely it couldn't understand him!?

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 3rd, 2003, 08:45:50 AM
Loki shoots Giger a sideways glance, it wasn't unheard of for some Jedi to have an animal empathy but not so young. He shrugged it off as coincidence and followed his brave captain deeper into the forest. He stepped on a twig, it cracked and Giger hissed a reprimand from up ahead.

"What are Abbadon's Harpies? Do they have wings?" He asked hopefully, slapping The Blue Fate in the palm of his hand, careful enough so as not to cut himself.

Jul 3rd, 2003, 08:59:06 AM
"They're sub-terranean dwellers, but they do have wings that can carry them great distances. There are two kinds. The smaller ones can't stay in the sunlight for very long or they get tired. But the larger ones are more resistant to light. They're much stronger too! We'd better be extra alert as they're unnervingly stealthy!"

Giger continued his survey of the surrounding area. The scooters were resting against a tree a few metres away from the edge of the forest. Even just inside the forest canopy, it was still quite light as the sn came through the green blanket above them. And further into the forest wasn't all that dark - nothing scary in the slightest, just a fun place for children and families. Funnily enough, Giger could make out a family of Bothans a short distance awya, walking along one of the many gravel paths in the park. It looked like they were heading to the pond. The pond!. That seemed like a great place for Abbadon to hide the Lightning Ray - under the water!

"Thats it! Loki! I know where the--SCREETCH! SCRAWK!!!"

Giger began making monstrous bird noises whilst simultaneously running over to a large horizontal log just off the path they were walking along. He jumped up onto it, continuing the noises as he did so.

"SQUAWK! It's the harpies! Get ready! SCREETCH!"

Giger readied The Avenger in his hands. this was the first encounter of the quest, and it certainly wouldn't be the last!

"Go for the eyes Boo! Loki! Behind you!"

Giger leapt into the air and brought his sword down hard into the back of one of the imaginary harpies, cleaving it in two. They wer eindeed the large rones, but still no match for The Galactic Avengers. That's not to say the battle would be easy!

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 3rd, 2003, 09:22:35 AM
The look of confusion which had grown more apparent with every squak and screech suddenly changed to a look of fierce determination as Loki jumped up onto a tree stump and began winging at the air. Occassionally he expelled great war cries and jumped down from the elevated vantage point and cleaved one a harpies' head in two.

"Captain Giger! Quick! Heeeelp!" Loki cried out, he was nowhere to be seen. He had stepped back to avoid a low-flying monster and tripped over a log and tumbled down into a small ditch, arms flailing madly.

Jul 3rd, 2003, 09:33:22 AM
He heard the cry for help instantly. Giger looked in the direction of his friends call for help, but could not see anything. He then noticed the bushes shaking slightly and figured it must be Loki.

"Cover me Boo! I've got to help Loki!"

The bird landed on the felled log and began skimpering back and forth along its entire length as Giger made his way over towards the ditch. En route, he was waylayed by numerous harpies. They almost succeeded in overwhelming him, but a timely airstrike on behalf of Boo made all the difference, and the path to Loki was once again clear. Loki jumped down and untangled Loki from the tentacles of the carnivorous Tel'Chakka Plant and helped him to his feet once again.

"Try to be more careful next time Loki! I can't very well protect the Galaxy all by myself, now can I? Besides, we've still got to stop Abbadon. Lets go!"

The two emerged from the ditch and vegetation, only to find themselves surrounded by an entire pack of harpies - both large and small varieties.

"Ahem! Well isn't this a pleasant surprise! All of you were sent just to stop little old me! I'm flattered and all but er...I'm afraid I'm going to have to disappoint you."

He smiled and joked for a second or two, eyeing each of the harpies in turn, then turned to Loki and whispered...

"Get ready to create a diversion!"

Giger signalled Boo with his eyes. Luckily, the small bird caught on instantly, and flew off to where their scooters - I mean ships -were parked.

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 3rd, 2003, 02:33:52 PM
"His name was Giger, he was a bald kid. To the Jedi Order came but nobody knew his name." Loki errupted into song to, strangely enough, the tune of Copa Cabana and was doing some sort of raindance. "He wouldn't speak, not even one word. But now he's in action and wants a distraction."

He kicked his legs high in a violent sort of can-can, the beasts scattered to either side to get out of his way and behold the strange behaviour. [I]"Fighting Harpies. Harpies and Thingies..."

Jul 3rd, 2003, 03:43:10 PM
It was all going according to plan. The harpies and thingies were all staring in awe at Loki's abnormal antics. Excellent. They didn't have the slightest clue what was about to happen. The first scooter came speeding down the path and was heading right for them. It ramme dinto three of the smaller harpeis and tweo of the larger ones, knocking them several metres into the forest.

"Now Loki!"

With that, Loki jumped onto his ship and zoomed off down the path. The remaining harpies then turne dtheir undivided attention to Giger. He began backing away from them, only to find that he was surrounded. He gave an innocent smile just as Boo heroically burst through the barricade of harpies to save him. Giger wasted no time in savouring the moment, and jumped onto his ship. As they cruised down the path, Giger turned back to the harpies who were all baffled by their miraculous escape...

"Catch me if you can!"

It seemed the battle was over, but the war had only just begun. The harpies quickly took flight, some of them disappearing above the canopy of the forest. Giger quickly caught up to Loki, making sure his Neutron Cannons were charged and ready. He put some berries in them ready.

"Don't relax just yet Loki. We're not out of the woods yet!"

The hunt was on.

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 3rd, 2003, 03:56:10 PM
Several berries had attatched themselves to Giger's face now dripping with berry juice. The band on Loki's catapult swung incriminatingly. The boy looked back to his now soiled friend with an appologetic look.

"Sorry Captain, the neutron cannon misfired." He cried out, looking forward and ducking on his hover scooter to avoid some low branches. "Watch out! The harpies are swooping down, trying to knock us off our ships!"

Jul 3rd, 2003, 04:11:55 PM
Boo eagerly began licking the berry juice from Gigers clothes and face. Giger shook his head in disappointment at his supposedly faithful sidekick.

"Fear not Loki. I am immune to Neutron bursts. Though I should get that looked at by maintenance once we return to Galactic Command! Now then - LETS TAKE THIS FIGHT TO THEM!"

Giger shifted his entire body weight down and then up, causing his Invigilator to effectively "bounce" on its repulsorfield. As he went into the air, he shifted his weight sideways, causing the scooter to turn and face the way they were coming from. He then unleashed a salvo of berries at the invisible demonic creatures as they flew in hot pursuit. As he layed waste to the oncoming attack, more and more came out of nowhere. Desperate times call for desperate measures, and Giger knew exactly what to do.

"Loki! Activate the Continuum Transfunctioner! It may be our only hope!"

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 3rd, 2003, 04:29:03 PM
Loki, in a similar manouver to what Giger had done, turned his scooter around and upon the command, dug deep into a pouch on his utility belt and pulled out a clear Agedan crystal.

"Hold on! Keep firing, captain!" He cried, his eyes were shut tight and he had a firm grip on the precious stone. Then he threw it in Giger's direction. "Activate your shields. Quick!"

The crystal let out a blinding burst of white light which showered the area in it's radiance then flew back into the padawan's hand.

Jul 3rd, 2003, 06:47:58 PM
Giger shut his eyes quickly as the light hurt his eyes slightly. He brought his scooter to a halt and jumped off. Loki slowed down to see what was wrong. Giger ran up to him with widened eyes, jumpng with curiosity. Boo flew close behind.

"Aw! That was so cool Loki! How did you do it!? Show me, please please show me! C'mon, how did you do it!?"

The introduction of some real techno-gadgets had caused Giger to completely abbandon the make-believe game for the time being. He was far to interested in Loki's seemingly real Continuum Transfunctioner.

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 3rd, 2003, 06:55:56 PM
Loki was about to slip the crystal back into it's pouch when Giger attacked him with a series of questions. He grinned sheepishly and opened his hand to show his friend the stone.

"It's an agedan crystal. If it is manipulated with resonant frequencies, it emits bursts of light." He gave it to Giger for further inspection. "It's what they use in lightsabers."

Jul 3rd, 2003, 07:23:40 PM
He grabbed the stone with excitement and began holding it up in the air as high as he could. He was standing on his tiptoes with his arm stretched as high as it would go. His face was beaming. He gave the stone a little wave in the air before Boo landed on it.

"So whats a resonant frequency when it's at home then!?"

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 4th, 2003, 11:10:04 AM
"A resonant frequency is a strong, deep sound which repeats itself. I am able to create the same effect as these sounds using telekinesis and as such am able to create light of different strengths and if I concentrate it's possible to sustain the light coming from the crystal." He smiled at his younger friends enthusiasm. "Once you get yourself a master, I could help teach you how to do it."

Jul 4th, 2003, 01:18:04 PM
"That'd be great! Thanks Loki!"

He gave the stone back to the taller, older boy, then took Boo onto his finger and held him high in the air like the stone before.

"I think I'm ready to start my training now. I've settled in and I can't very well go on just being an initiate. I'll talk to someone when we're back at the Academy. But I can't start my training just yet..."

He lowered Boo once more, and perched the small bird back on his shoulder.

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 4th, 2003, 01:25:41 PM
"Besides, we have bigger fish to fry." Said Loki, hopping onto his hover-scooter. "I suggest we head to the Top Secret Base of the Galactic Avengers to regroup now that we've scared away the rest of those harpies."

Loki was pointing at a small cave in the side of the hill. It was dark inside but tell-tale signs of wooden support beams indicated that it was an artificial cave and safe. "What do you think, Captain?"

Jul 4th, 2003, 02:00:01 PM
"Good thinking Loki! Once we get back to headquarters, I'm going to put you in for a promotion! Lets go!"

Giger mounted his Invigilator once again and the two young Jedi blasted off to home base. In order to reach the artificial cave, they had to travel about fifty metres, which took them out from under the forest canopy and into a small clearing where the hill resided. There was a number of benches nearby, as well as a small playground and a snack-hut. The sullustan owner of the hut seemed very friendly as a group of children bought some ice creams. Giger suspected that ice cream wasn't the best choice of snack on a day as hot and sunny as today. Besides - he had just enough credits to buy himself a frogdog and a drink.

"I hope the rest of the troops aren't hogging all the tables in the mess hall when we get back to base!"

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 5th, 2003, 02:15:15 PM
"I'm sure they'll reserve a space for us." Loki said as they pulled up outside the entrance to the cave, it looked foreboding even on a day like this. He peered inside it's gaping mouth and unclipped a small torch from his utility belt.

"After you, captain!"

Jul 5th, 2003, 05:16:06 PM
Loki turned round only to find that Giger had disappeared. But he hadn't gone far. Within eighteen seconds the young boy had paid for the frogdog and was on his way back with his mouth covered in ketchup. He quickly wiped himself clean with the napkin and rejoined his faithful sidekick.

"Onward, my trusted traveller!"

Giger entered the cave boldly. Upon entering the cave, he began to greet his comrades. There was General Nova sitting at the officers table, as well as Lieutenant Hawkins and Justice Dash, and of coursethe rest of the troops. They all smiled and raised their glasses to their entrance.

"Nice to see you all. We thought we'd stop by and say hello. We're hot on the heels of Abbadon!"

Gigers last comment created quite a stir in the messhall, and he was subsequently bombarded with a flurry of questions.

"Sorry everyone. I work with only one person - Loki!"

Giger turned and gestured to his friend.

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 9th, 2003, 01:34:55 PM
Loki swaggered proudly into the cave filled with his peers. How they envied him for working with Captain Giger. They made their way deeped into the cave which had, unsuprisingly, an unnaturally floor. The stone edges were even rounded of to a safe degree but the boy shoved that to the back of his mind as they played.

"So captain, will we need anything from here before we set off again in search of Abbadon? Do you have any schematics of his secret lair? What does it look like and is it heavily gaurded?"

Jul 9th, 2003, 01:50:39 PM
"Nobody knows what we'll find when we reach Abbadon! Nobody's ever found his lair. But we'll be the first to do so! Expect it to be heavily guarded! Thats why we'll need these!"

Giger handed Loki a pair of pretend gloves. The two little boys then proceeded to put the gloves on.

"These are the Gauntlets of Power. They have various abilities thanks to our head of research, Professor Jean Splice."

Giger waves at Jean, who was standing over by the entrance to the mess hall.

"Well then, we'd better get going again."

Giger finished his frogdog and stood up to leave.

"Farewell everyone. Smoke me a kipper - I'll be back for breakfast!"

He turned to the cave exit once more.

"Lets go Loki! To the Giger Mobile! Hee hee!"

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 9th, 2003, 03:14:54 PM
"Gauntlets of Power--" Loki was muttering to himself in awe as they left the cave once again and jumped on their hover-scooters. They started up their engines and sped off deeper into the forest.

"Beep! Beep!" Squeaked Loki behind Giger, he gasped and squeaked again. "Beep! Beep!"

Captain, my sensors are picking up two unidentified lifeforms up ahead!" And surely enough the two boys whizzed past a young couple who seemed to be joined at the lips. "Do you think they could be undercover spys for Abbadon?"

Jul 11th, 2003, 04:11:22 PM
"It's a possibility!"

Giger quickly powered up the Neutron Cannons and fired a shot at each of them before whizzing past whilst giggling hysterically. The couple lauhed at him as he zoomed off down the path in the direction of the fountain.

"I think we're almost there. Be wary. Anything could happen!"

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 21st, 2003, 07:38:31 AM
Several minutes passed before the two boys finally arrivaed at the towering fountain marking the dead centre of the gardens. They both came to a hault to marval at it's splendour; it was enormous and grand and the cascading water shimmered in the sunlight. There weren't many people around at this time of day so Loki promptly approached.

"Oh no! Watch it, they're dangerous!" Loki jumped back pulling Giger away from the foutain. He pointed frantically at the clear waters. "It's full of slithytoads! They must be gaurding something." He paused and strained his eyes. "There!"

Atop the foutain, at it's heighest point was a gold keycard, it gleamed in the sun. "That's the key to Abbadon's lair I bet." He looked worried all of a sudden and stared into the dangerous water. "I have a bad feeling about this, Captain!"

Jul 23rd, 2003, 07:39:03 PM
Gigers eyes darted up to where Loki was pointing. Sure enough, there was the key. Giger ran back to the Invigilator and scanned the key.

"Hmm...sensors indicate that there is a Plutonic Inversion Field surrounding the key. If we go near it we'll be vaporised. Plus, those slithytoads have poisonous bites. I don't know how we're going to get that key without going over and grabbing it!"

In actual fact, somebody's frizzbie was lodged atop the fountains highest point at an angle. It was far too high, not to mention dangerous to climb. Giger sighed in disappointment. To him, it was the key to Abbadons lair...

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 24th, 2003, 12:24:13 PM
Loki gave Giger a sideways glance and saw the genuine look of disappointment, the look of defeat and steeling his nerve, the padawan took it upon himself to scale the fountain - if this was where their journey meets it's end then they were at least going to have some fun.

"Captain," Loki placed his hands on Giger's shoulders, "I'm going in there!"

Then he turned and ran at the fountain and the slithytoads and the Plutonic Inversion Fields - Captain Giger's brave sidekick, Loki - in his head he could hear the dramatic music reaching a flourishing climax. With a great cry he launched himself head first into the water.

Jul 24th, 2003, 01:33:19 PM
Still sitting on his scooter, Giger grabbed one of the berries and began fiddling with it. He pretended it was an electro-bomb, capable of disabling the inversion field, and threw it at the fountain. It splashed into the water, but the ripples were non-existent due to the downpour of water from the fountains spout. Giger then armed the Neutron Cannons and began blasting the slithytoads, providing covering fire for his sidekick.

Giger should be the one risking his neck - he was the captain after all. But he was too small to climb up onto the fountains first ledge, never mind reach the top.

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 24th, 2003, 01:42:29 PM
Erupting from the pool with a spectacular spray of water lurching outwards, shimmering in all directions, Loki threw back his soaked, thick hair and leapt over a slithytoad, inadvertedly dived on top of another as he avoided Giger's neutron blasts and waded quicky to the base of the fountain.

"Here I go, wish me luck!" He yelled, then gripped the smooth, wet ledge of stone and jumped, he swung his leg over and onto the top of the platform but the force of the water pushing against his leg and falling on top of him made him lose his grip and fall. He splashed back into the water, drenched to the bone now and swam to the otherside. "Keep firing, Captain!"

Jul 24th, 2003, 03:09:37 PM
As Loki shouted his request, Giger ran out of berries.

"Sorry Loki, but the cannons have overheated. They're useless now."

Down the small park pathway, Giger notices a lightly-coloured hover-van making its way towards the fountain area. Giger assumed it was one of the park rangers on routine patrol. He hoped it was his friend Tony.

"Hey Loki! I think Tony's coming. Maybe he'll take us for a ride!"

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 24th, 2003, 03:53:03 PM
By the time Loki saw to whom Giger was pointing, he had already scaled the first platform of the foutain and was measuring up his second challenge. The man who approached was of park security, Loki had heard his fair-haired partner in crime talk about him in the past, they were seemingly good friends; Tony gave Giger a wave but even from this distance it was clear he was observing Loki with suprise and curiosity.

"Giger--" Loki whispered down to his friend. "--what about the key? What about Abbadon?"

Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 25th, 2003, 04:32:05 PM
"There are darker powers in the galaxy than Abbadon, if you look."

Jul 25th, 2003, 04:35:41 PM
"He's not going anywhere, silly!"

Giger was already standing on the edge of the fountain waving over at Tony as he drew ever closer to them. He beeped his horn, triggering a smile from Giger.

"Maybe he'll let you dry off back at the Park Visitors Centre and then give us a guided tour."

Giger wanted nothing other than to thwart Abbadon's plans. But he was getting tired now. They always had time after dinner to carry on their quest.

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 25th, 2003, 04:41:17 PM
"Shh!" Loki hissed with sudden urgency. "Giger, did you hear that?"

His younger friend gave him a blank look, he started mumbling something about him being the one who was speaking and that of course he'd hear it but Loki wasn't listening. Staning atop the fountain, holding onto the stone structure he looked around wildly. Someone had spoken to him, they were near too, he was sure of it.


Jul 26th, 2003, 02:37:13 AM
Giger cocked an eyebrow in Loki's direction, whilst leaning back ever so slightly in the opposite.

"LYes...Helloooo Loki! I'm...right here!"

Giger waved at Loki, looking around briefly to make sure nobody was watching.

Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 29th, 2003, 10:43:25 AM
:: An illusory veil sweeps over the area. To those outside of it, the park was empty. The security guard's mind was simple to cloud. He forgot all about the two boys, following the suggestion she set upon him to go out for a night of drinking and frelling. But to Loki and Giger, who were trapped inside the veil, the sky had darkened, a red sun shining through amorphous black clouds. This once splendid park was now a forgotten ruin, long abandoned by the living. Fires burned the twisted landscape beyond as far as the eye could see. It was though all of Coruscant had been cast into hell. Sorsha looked up at the young Jedi standing on the fountain and smiled ::

"Hello Loki."

<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td background=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/pics2/h.gif colspan=3 height=12><img src=http://meras.org/forum/images/blank.gif></td></tr><tr><td background=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/pics2/v.gif width=12><img src=http://meras.org/forum/images/blank.gif width=12></td><td><table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td valign=center bgcolor=#000000><center><img src=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/pics2/7-08/Calybak1.jpg></center></td><td valing=center bgcolor=#000000><img src=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/pics2/sorshaR2.jpg></td></tr></table></td><td background=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/pics2/v.gif width=12><img src=http://meras.org/forum/images/blank.gif width=12></td></tr><tr><td background=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/pics2/h.gif colspan=3 height=12><img src=http://meras.org/forum/images/blank.gif></td></tr></table>

Jul 29th, 2003, 10:49:49 AM
Giger shrieked in a high-pitched voice as he ran for a place to hide as best he could. He hid behind a large trash can next to a park bench. His eyes darted all around him. He didn't know what was going on. Nor did he want to find out. His eyes returned to the woman by the fountain, who addressed Loki in a very polite manner. That made Giger worry even more.

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 29th, 2003, 10:57:32 AM
Loki was startled by Sorsha's sudden appearance, so much so that he lost his balance and fell from the foutain and into what was once water and was now something which resembled a putrid marsh. He climbed to his feet, still gripped with disbelief at the dramatic change which had befallen their surroundings. He looked, hesitantly, towards the woman who had appeared out of the blue.

"Who are you?" He asked clearly, wondering how this woman knew him by name.

Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 29th, 2003, 11:27:49 AM
"I am known by the Jedi as a Witch, and as a Heretic by the Sith. My name is Sorsha."

<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td background=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/pics2/h.gif colspan=3 height=12><img src=http://meras.org/forum/images/blank.gif></td></tr><tr><td background=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/pics2/v.gif width=12><img src=http://meras.org/forum/images/blank.gif width=12></td><td><table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td valign=center bgcolor=#000000><center><img src=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/pics2/roc/roc93.jpg></center></td><td valing=center bgcolor=#000000><img src=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/pics2/sorshaR2.jpg></td></tr></table></td><td background=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/pics2/v.gif width=12><img src=http://meras.org/forum/images/blank.gif width=12></td></tr><tr><td background=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/pics2/h.gif colspan=3 height=12><img src=http://meras.org/forum/images/blank.gif></td></tr></table>

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 29th, 2003, 11:38:08 AM
The woman's blatant honesty was suprising. Loki frowned for a moment, then perked up and dared to climb out of the pond and closer to the woman. He glanced over to Giger, whose shiny head was visible behind the trash can. Content that he was alright, Loki turned his attention back to the Heretic/Witch, her introduction was at least original.

"Hello Sorsha." He said with forced politeness.

"I am Loki Ahmrah." He frowned, adding. "But you already know that. What is it you want?"

Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 29th, 2003, 12:10:21 PM
"I want you to tell me a story, Loki."

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 29th, 2003, 12:14:48 PM
"And what story would you like to hear?" Loki asked, somewhat confused by the request.

Jul 29th, 2003, 12:18:10 PM
"It's a trick, Loki - don't do it!"

Giger didn't realise he had shouted anything until after he'd done so. Realising just how loud he'd yelled, he ducked lower down behind the trash can. He sat on the ground with his back to the bench and looked out across the wasteland of fire and ash that was once green parkland. His heart began to beat faster as he became more and more scared. As he did so, the ominous light that glowed behind the grey clouds above him began to fade ever so slowly, becoming greyer and greyer exponentially, yet never fading entirely. With a small tear in his eye, he whispered into the air...

"Boo? Where are you?"

Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 30th, 2003, 07:22:11 PM
:: Sorsha began to answer ... ::

Originally posted by Giger
"It's a trick, Loki - don't do it!""

:: ... then she turned and pointed at the trash can. It whipped upwards into the air and ...

... kept falling up ...

... until it disappeared like a balloon. She looked at Giger and sniffed, then turned her attention back to Loki ::

"I want you to tell me a story about you. Tell me about your adventures."

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 30th, 2003, 07:48:26 PM
Loki had jumped with fright when Sorsha turned her attention to Giger, she didn't hurt and persisted with asking to hear a tale about his adventures. No matter which way he looked at it, the young padawan still found the request, given the circumstances, odd. Nevertheless, he didn't want to anger this formidable woman so in an attempt to hide his discomfort he sat on the edge of the fountain, water dripping profusely from his drenched hair and clothing.

"Please, take a seat."

Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 31st, 2003, 08:57:59 AM
:: Sorsha sits on the ground in front of Loki, pulling her legs up and resting her chin on her knees. Her expression was wide-eyed and innocent. She seemed to be more like a little girl than a grown woman as she looked up at him with pretty brown eyes ::

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 31st, 2003, 10:19:37 AM
Loki had to smile. He pushed his glasses further up the bridge of his nose and began his tale.

"My friend and I, Captain Giger and his trusty sidekick, Loki, that's me, have spent many years in search of the evil crime lord, Abaddon. The wicked kingpin is notorious throughout the galaxy - I'm sure you've heard of him - and this dynamic duo decided to bring to an end his malicious reign of terror." He looked at Sorsha, she was still wide-eyed and silent, a wry smile on her face. Behind his back, Loki pointed in the direction of the park security shack. From where he sat, Giger should be able to see his hand gestures. "Today that is-- and well, at first I suggested to Giger that we should go and get some help but he, being the courageous leader that he is knew he could take out Abaddon alone."

He continued his tale of how they had fought with the harpies and how they had been driven to hide in their secret lair before resuming their search for their nemesis' hideout. Upon finishing, Loki asked: "Do you have any idea where we can find Abaddon?"

Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 31st, 2003, 11:29:23 AM
Originally posted by Loki Ahmrah
"Today that is-- and well, at first I suggested to Giger that we should go and get some help but he, being the courageous leader that he is knew he could take out Abaddon alone."

:: It was the subtle inflection of the words that tipped Sorsha off, and she frowned at the deception. Her eyes changed from brown to bright gold as she closed her eyes and opened them again. They were slitted, like a cat's eyes. Cat's eyes in a human face ::

"You're hurting my feelings now, Loki. The only danger you have to fear from me is if you try to be clever."

:: she rose to her feet and looked at Giger again, locking on to him with a feline gaze ::

'If I wanted to, I could slay you both, and no one would hear your screams. Don't frell with me, little boy."

Aug 1st, 2003, 04:18:10 AM
Giger once again turned his back to the bench and tore himself away from the womans unfriendly gaze. A tear made its way down his right cheek as his watery eyes searched the skies for his animal friend once more. The sky was more turbulent now, as rainclouds were forming and air pressure built up. A storm was well on the way. His heart beat faster and faster, and he had a tremendous pain in his head. He felt drowsy and nauseous. The little boy felt as if he should go and join his friend over by the fountain, so as to avoid any surprises theis "Sorsha" might spring on them. She didn't seem very nice at all. She was the first bad person Giger had come in contact with since he'd arrived at the Jedi Order just over a year ago.

He reluctantly sat next to Loki, making sure his eyes never looked in the direction of Sorsha's.

Loki Ahmrah
Aug 1st, 2003, 07:57:50 AM
"There's no need to be rude!" Loki snapped, playing Sorsha's game to maximum effect. He had been the victim of a similar encounter before with a woman called Dalethria, she had tricked him and fooled him into believing she was Navaria and then again, making him believe she was a kind person. "It's only expected that my friend and I are worried, it's not everyday a witch turns up and turns the world upside down then asks to hear a story so if you want to hear more stories I suggest you show a little more patience."

If she was going to kill them he'd rather not engage in the foreplay prior to her strike but if she just wanted a little fun then he hoped to buy some them both some time. He smiled.

"Okay, I'll be happy to tell you another story but I want to hear one of yours first."

Sorsha Kasajian
Aug 12th, 2003, 06:54:11 PM
:: Sorsha looked as if she had been physically struck across the face. Then the astonishment was lost in mirth as she laughed giddily ::

"Alright. I'll tell you a story about two little boys. They were off in search of adventure, to find the one called Abaddon. On their journey, they met a witch. She was a pretty witch. :D

Very pretty. :D

She tested their courage, and found that they possessed brave hearts. So she decided to give the boys a chance to become real heroes, and save a beautiful girl from the clutches of Abbadon. If they lost their courage now, they would damn the poor girl to an eternity of darkness, and Abbadon would win. Only they could save her."

Loki Ahmrah
Aug 13th, 2003, 02:08:23 PM
"Listen up, Giger." Loki began, giving his friend a gentle nudge with his elbow. "This story is about us!"

Maybe it was coincidence or maybe it was just Sorsha playing more mind games but regardless, Loki saw an opportunity to cheer his friend up and help him through the experience. By the sounds of it, the witch was going to allow them to continue their adventure. Although it was pretense on his part, Loki beamed excitedly at his bald-headed friend.

"Did you hear that, Captain?" He asked not without the neccessary melodrama. "We've a damsel in distress to save! Abbadon's gone too far this time!"

Aug 15th, 2003, 09:24:56 AM
Giger sighed with disappointment and despair. He was terrified of the woman sitting nearby, and furious at the fact that Loki was so calm and almost excited about it.

"Loki, do remember that this was just a game. There were no harpies. There is no lair. There is no damsel in distress. There is no Abbadon! All there is is that woman!"

His eyes caught a glimpse of Sorsha's mean eyes.

"Er...no offense to you, Miss..." he apologised fearfully, hiding behind Loki slightly.

Sorsha Kasajian
Aug 20th, 2003, 12:07:35 PM
:: a genuine pout forms on Sorsha's lips, and she looks more like a little girl again ::

"Giger, don't you want to be a hero?"

Loki Ahmrah
Aug 20th, 2003, 12:19:10 PM
Loki nudged Giger and whispered.

"Come on, Gigsy. We can be heroes!"

Sep 19th, 2003, 04:18:02 PM
Giger closed his eyes, looking up into the air. He gave in.

"Oh, alright. I suppose so. Lets be hero's...", he replied, with an extreme lack of enthusiasm.

"But if anything goes wrong I'm blaming everything on you, alright Loki?"

Sorsha Kasajian
Mar 9th, 2004, 10:39:45 AM
:: Sorsha pets the top of Giger's head as a glowing portal opens in the air ::

"Shall we go, Captain?"

Mar 11th, 2004, 02:37:28 PM
Gigers mind raced with thoughts of all the horrible things this Witch might show them, and all the danger she might put them in. It was awful. In the most unenthusiastic voice ever, he replied...

"Oh....tally-ho, I guess!"

Loki Ahmrah
Mar 16th, 2004, 10:38:47 AM
"That's the spirit!"

And the three ventured into the portal, it closed and the world they left behind returned to normal.