View Full Version : Ninjas on Fire

Jul 3rd, 2003, 12:40:51 AM
He looked innocent enough. Small glasses perched on an unobtrusive nose. Dark and bushy eyebrows set over a pair of black eyes. His shorn head was unremarkable. Absent were the mechanical arms fitted with suped up blasters, as well as the clanging of weapons and grenades against scored armor. Rather, the silence of a regular dark blue robe and the clothes underneath filled the air about him.

He had decided that when dealing with the kind of people he intended to deal with, it was wise to gain their trust. Naturally, one would trust an unarmed monk rather than a mercenary bristling with turrets and missile launchers attached to their arms and neck and other extremities.

Sohei had been frequenting the bar recently, and had gone unnoticed amid the brief explosions of violence and confrontation as he sat at a table and sipped his Batorine blood wine. It had been a stake-out of sorts. He had been watching the door in the corner upon each visit, and it had never opened. The woman he needed to speak with was in there, probably locked away bustling over paperwork. There was little left he had to prove to the galaxy, however his mind set would not let him just fade away. One last commission. If she ever came out of there.

Jul 3rd, 2003, 10:12:00 PM
Some time - and a few more Batorine blood wines later, the office door that Sohei had been watching opened, and Hera stepped out of it.

It had been brought to her attention by communication from the front bar that the newcomers interest had seemed focused there, and she had delayed coming out, just to see if this was indeed true. And how long he would wait. He had waited long.

Many patrons had gone for the night, and only a few die hards still skulked into their beers, and would most likey have to be tossed out. Music played from somewhere, probably piped in now as the bar was, for the most, shutting things down for the day.

Hera stood a moment in the doorway and looked over at the stranger who had been patiently watching that direction for so long.

Jul 3rd, 2003, 10:53:25 PM
Her name had passed his ears many times, as well as his eyes. Never before had he actually seen her, nor had he spoken to anyone who had seen her. He had surmised from the clues shuffled about in the galaxy that the woman he was dealing with would be older and maybe even senile. He had been grossly mistaken. Being out of the circle for some time had it's drawbacks.

Through Sith deceptions and "magic", Sohei had seen centuries-old Lords and warriors appear to be young and energetic. He would not even try to guess her age, though he did admit to himself her body would suggest she was younger than he. It mattered little, as he was surprised enough that she even came out, and was looking at him.

Sohei quietly stood up, and strode across the bar towards her, covering the distance silently. He stood but for a moment before her then bowed low at the waist and rose, a friendly smile gracing his lips with eyes that begot no emotion. His voice was direct, yet softly respectful.

"Greetings, Lady Hera Drenkast. I am Sohei, and I wish to be at your service, if you would have me."

Jul 4th, 2003, 09:33:49 PM
His approach surprised her.

Not that she hadn't expected him to come over to speak to her, but it was the manner in which he did it. There was a certain humility about him, but not the kind where you wanted to beat down and snuff out the weakness. There was a confidence in what he was offering, in himself.

It threw Hera off guard a little.

Her knee-jerk reaction was to reply brusquely.

"And just what type of service do you think me in need of, Mr. Sohei?"

Jul 4th, 2003, 09:41:27 PM
A lone figure had stood up and was now beside him , As Sohei came up from the bow the barrel of a mini railgun was pointed at his face. And a tall man with unruly hair was smiling.

"Do you have an appointment? Let me check the books to see if you do." He leaned his head back to Hera. "Does he have an appointment boss?"

He waited for Hera to answer as he kept the barrel trained on the stranger. You dont just waltz up to the head of the SFF and think you can get all "chummy" and stuff. And you dont get "chummy" with a watchdog like Ez around.

Jul 4th, 2003, 09:51:53 PM
Hera didnt shift her eyes from Sohei - she watched to see how he would handle a blaster to the head for no provocation.

Ezra, she was certain, enjoyed his "watchdog" title very much. Infact, she sometimes thought he must wonder how she ever survived alone in the galaxy without him.

The Vamp was such a contradiction to her. No matter how badly she treated him, he consistently stuck beside her anytime he felt she may be in need of him.

A slight lifting of her brows now was the only indication she was waiting for Sohei's response.

Jul 4th, 2003, 10:53:13 PM
As expected... Sohei's expression did not change as he nodded to the "watchdog". He decided to answer Ezra's question first, out of acknowledgment that the man had a gun to his head.

"Ah, a thousand apologies. I did not schedule an appointment, but as I have observed over the past few days, one does not need at appointment to establish relations in this bar."

Sohei then nodded to the blaster.

In all politeness he said, " You may holster your weapon sir, unless of course it makes you feel safer. Now, may I answer Lady Hera's question?"

Jul 5th, 2003, 11:10:27 PM
Ezra narrowed his eyes, even though this person was pretty humble at first impressions, it didnt fly with the Faene Watchdog.

"You may answer her question when she says you can answer her question. And I didn't hear say."

He kept the barrel pointed at the guys face, waiting for Hera to say otherwise.

Jul 5th, 2003, 11:30:18 PM
She smirked - Ezra wasnt making life easy for the newcomer.

Looking at Sohei she kept her smile, a faint playfulness could be seen behind her eyes. They held a hint of the type of woman she was, or could be if she allowed herself to be.

"Please, by all means, speak Mr. Sohei"

Jul 5th, 2003, 11:48:57 PM
Sohei turned his attention away from Ezra and the gun and spoke with the same confidence and subtlety.

"I would not presume to establish that you are in great need for any service, as I see that Shadowfaene has done extremely well under your guidance. However, it can be said that you could perhaps be lacking in the ah... "clandestine security". To put it a bit more bluntly, I am what you would call an assassin.

"Please, do not interpret this as a suggestion that you can't take care of your own business. I would be blind, deaf, dumb, and in a coma to say that. And it is unusual for an assassin to go looking for a job... those that require my skills usually seek me out. Nevertheless, in your type of business it can sometimes be essential to have an extra hand like me... a silent and invisible hand which would leave no trace. I ask you for a commission, Lady Hera DrenKast."

Jul 6th, 2003, 12:01:02 AM
"You're right - I dont need assassins here. If you need someone killed, I fully expect a person should do the deed themselves."

She walked passed him and over to the bar, helping herself to a rum.

The place was empty now with the exception of Sohei, Ezra and herself.

"But - someone who can handle themselves is always an asset to have around. You realise we would have to do an extensive background check on you. Cant just be hiring whoever walks in the front door."

Jul 6th, 2003, 12:10:17 AM
The hint of failure brought a tightening of the flesh around Sohei's eyes. He turned around and nodded to Hera.

"Of course... I will remain here for as long as you wish. I would be happy for any assignment you give me... would you like to ask me any questions? An interview, as it were?"

Jul 6th, 2003, 12:13:33 AM
"What do you know about ShadowFaene - how we operate..?"

She drank down the shot of rum.

Jul 6th, 2003, 12:22:06 AM
Sohei approached the bar and sat upon a stool. He folded his hands into his sleeves and spoke.

"I know that Shadowfaene is owned partially or wholly by the Cizerack, which automatically associates it with trade, be it legal or otherwise. I know that you have business affiliations with smugglers who run guns, spice, and other "black market" commodoties. I believe that they smuggle for you, and you make a tidy profit. Other than that, I must admit that you have kept your dealings well-concealed."

Sohei watched Hera, his demeanor the same.

Jul 6th, 2003, 12:26:40 AM
Ezra had placed the gun into a holster slung under his arm. He sat near Hera and Sohei watching this assasin closely. Yep he was in a mood of sorts lately, mainly beinf irritable and short tempered. Such was life. He listened to the convo, eyes hard as steel.

Jul 6th, 2003, 12:52:37 AM
Hera all but choked on her rum and just barely stopped it from shooting out her mouth.

"Owned by the Cizerack?? Good gods! Is that the word on the street?"

She stood up now - obviously agitated.

"I bet its that damn Nasseerri and her freinds that Kei Ai'Reei and their propaganda machine!"

Sohei had defintely said the wrong thing. All the rest had been pretty on the money, but unfortunately for him, the Ciz were a tough subject due to their presence being a result of hostile negotiations by the Pride on SFF itself. A compromise had been made for a mutual benefit. A Ciz representative was on Base to keep her eye on things for the Pride, in return for her base not being obliterated and a friendly business relationship could be maintained.

"Owned?? Now where the frell did you hear that?"

Jul 6th, 2003, 01:03:22 AM
Idiot, idiot, idiot!

"You must realize, Lady Hera, that my last sanction had me out of contact with much of the galaxy up until a short while ago. I am not as informed as I should be, and I see now that what I had assumed to be true was wrong. I apologize for the offense.

"I had heard about Cizerack involvement with Shadowfaene, and a slight conflict of interest. I assumed too much. I doubt that it is the general opinion of others."

Sohei hoped he didn't just blow his chance, as he probably did. Not that she couldn't read his mind anyway.

Jul 6th, 2003, 11:25:55 PM
"Being underinformed can get you killed. And other members of your team."

Yep, she was PO'ed and wasnt about to let the whole Cizerack thing drop.

"A miscalculation based on half-assed information can spell disaster" she growled.

She was more angry at the misconception that ShadowFaene was owned by the felinoids - or more correctly, the sleight to her own ego that anyone could think that possible- than she actually was angry at Sohei. But all in all, it computed out to the same thing.

"Those Cizeracks..." she continued to rant..."its bad enough that I have to tolerate Nasseerri and her man-slave doddering about the base. I desperately need a reason to kill that cat....or atleast get them out from under my skin for a while..."

And here, she refocused again, and suddenly looked at Sohei as having potential use.

Her mood seemed to shift completely. Her voice quieted and a crafty gleam appeared in her luminescent blue eyes.

"Ever tried your had at spying....Sohei?"

Jul 8th, 2003, 08:53:21 PM
Sohei had to tread carefully. Be too enthusiastic, and she might consider him incompetent.

"Ah... the art of spying goes hand in hand with what I do. In some cases, when I was preparing for the final strike, certain pieces of information did infact gain me "bonuses" with my employers. I would gladly offer any services I am capable of to Shadowfaene, including spying."

Jul 8th, 2003, 10:05:53 PM
Hera got directly to her point.

"Think you can handle a Cizerack?"

Jul 9th, 2003, 09:13:35 AM
Sohei gazed directly into her intense eyes, to try and read her thoughts from her expression.

hmm... masked well. I have no choice...

"I don't think any species of non-Cizerack have ever gained their complete trust... however, the shadows need not be trusted, if you understand. I could and will, my Lady."

Jul 10th, 2003, 10:46:08 PM

Her reply was simple and honest.

"You will be part of our SFF crew and learn the ropes like everybody does. But you will befriend Nasseeri at your earliest chance and keep eyes and ears open as to her activity. And watch her manservent too.

We, of course will be doing a check on your past connections and until such a time as I am completely satisfied, your access will be restricted to the general SFF areas. This will not hamper you too much in your task with Nasseerri - she herself not being privy to everything that goes on at ShadowFaene."

She paused now and looked Sohei over.

"You bring any gear with you?"

Jul 11th, 2003, 08:13:26 PM
The usual precautions... I am lucky she didn't dismiss me after that slip.

"Ah, gear... currently I am in possession of numerous projectile weapons including blasters, disruptors, dart shooters, and sonic weapons. However, they have fallen into disrepair, due to the fact that I rarely use them on account of my sanctions require more subtle means of elimination. I have no force abilities, and so I am not in possession of a lightsaber... however I do utilize a force pike and numerous knives and daggers. Explosives are also very useful as catalysts to... accidents.

"This little armory resides in my modified Skipray, the Kyoujin. I also have a droid to assist in piloting the ship efficiently.

"Lady Hera, I thank you for your acceptance, and I will gladly go through any training you require me to pass."

Sohei became slightly more relaxed. Now that he had been accepted, the professional assassin within him revealed itself in the cold disposition of his eyes. His thin lips remained in a polite smile.

Jul 14th, 2003, 09:28:53 PM
"I was referring you gear as in your personal effects, but weaponry I guess falls into that catagory."

Ezra had been quiet all this time, no doubt sizing Sohei up all the while.

A glance toward the Vampyre and Hera indicated that Ezra would help Sohei get settled.

"You can stay on-Base - we have member quarters that will suite your needs, Im sure.

The basic run-down of ShadowFaene is this - we get a percentage of any smuggling contract that you take while employed here, in return for using SFF resources, personell etc. If you come on a job that SFF has been hired for in general, then you get an even share between those who crew that particular job.

Any questions?"

Jul 15th, 2003, 09:40:46 AM
"Yes... any information at all you could provide about the Cizerack under suspicion that would be useful to me. I plan to be prepared with my information this time, again I did not mean to offend you.

"I am honored to be in your service, Lady Hera. I hope that our relationship is beneficial for all."

Sohei respectfully bowed before turning to Ezra.

"Lead on, sir."

Jul 15th, 2003, 09:56:03 PM
ooc: please check The Hydras Lair, thanks.