View Full Version : July 2nd-6th I'll be away - Make that the rest of July......Seriously.

Jul 2nd, 2003, 01:29:00 PM
Just so you guys know. Sorry to anyone Im in threads with. I'll reply as soon as I get back. :)

So that includes:



Catch ya later.....

Xazor Elessar
Jul 2nd, 2003, 01:33:32 PM

Bye bye, Sasha! ;) *huggles* Have a good time! :D

Dae Jinn
Jul 2nd, 2003, 01:34:11 PM
Have fun *steals your hunky sig* Be safe too cutie! :)

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 2nd, 2003, 01:38:37 PM
:wave have fun

Jul 2nd, 2003, 02:52:37 PM
*grins mischieviously*

I'll do my best to be safe while having fun...I swear. ;)

Taking off in a few.....have a great few days everyone. Thanks for the well wishes. :)

Lilaena De'Ville
Jul 2nd, 2003, 08:12:38 PM
:wave byeee Sasssssha!

Silus Xilarian
Jul 3rd, 2003, 07:16:18 AM
Yur uncles gonna make you do pushups when you get back

*points and laughs*

Have fun d00d

Jul 6th, 2003, 07:29:14 PM

When hasnt he got me doing pushups. Im as good as dead with what I had going on this weekend.... ;)

Extend the days on here....wont be around much the 7th or 8th either.

On the 9th, swear I'll catch up....

So yeah...hope everyone is uh....having fun. :)

Taylor Millard
Jul 6th, 2003, 10:57:22 PM
Uh huh...suuuuure.

Gimme 400 pushups.

200 for going away for the weekend.

And 200 more for staying later than you were supposed to.


Have fun man. :)

Lilaena De'Ville
Jul 7th, 2003, 09:52:27 AM
I can only do like...two pushups before I collapse >_<

Jul 7th, 2003, 09:59:26 AM
I can't do many pushups. Situps I can, but pushups I end up just lying down :)

Jul 7th, 2003, 02:17:17 PM
Hey! You didn't ask ME permission to go have fun! :verymad


Hope yer having fun, Sasha! And come back soon! :)

Jul 10th, 2003, 06:34:49 AM

400 pushups? Man....and I thought preseason for hockey sucked... ;)

Anyway.....Alright, Im now going to be gone for the rest of July. Im going back home to Russia to visit my parents and play a lot of hockey.

I'll be taking off on Monday, so I'll do what I can to catch up on threads between now and then. I might be back in the states between visiting my parents and the tournament, so if I am I'll check in. Other than that....sorry to anyone Im in threads with. Sorry to make ya wait on a response.

*grins at AB* Like ya wouldnt have let me if I'd of asked. You're a softie beneath that evil LV exterior... ;)

Have a great rest of July....

Salem Ave
Jul 10th, 2003, 06:46:45 AM
Have fun in Russia :)

Dae Jinn
Jul 10th, 2003, 08:34:22 AM

Awesome! Have lots of fun, cutie and be safe! :D Score lots of goals and...other hockey things ^_^; :lol

Lady Vader
Jul 10th, 2003, 04:58:05 PM
*grins at AB* Like ya wouldnt have let me if I'd of asked. You're a softie beneath that evil LV exterior... ;)

Ssssssssshhhhh! You'll let my secret out!


Jul 11th, 2003, 06:42:36 AM
Salem - Thanks! Its hard not to have fun there....

Dae - *muffles laughter* Uh huh...score lots of goals and other hockey things.... I'll see what I can do about that. ;) Have a good couple o'weeks while Im gone.

LV - Uh...yeah. I think that secret was out looooong ago. :) *waves* Good luck with all the stuff at work over the next few weeks. See ya in August.... :)

Jul 11th, 2003, 07:33:20 AM
I want to poke LV now to see if she is soft, but she'd kill me! :uhoh


Jul 11th, 2003, 12:35:24 PM
Huggles Be safe and have loads of fun..... The kind Kei and Max would have ;)

Dae Jinn
Jul 11th, 2003, 12:43:15 PM
Originally posted by SashaKovalev
Dae - *muffles laughter* Uh huh...score lots of goals and other hockey things.... I'll see what I can do about that. ;) Have a good couple o'weeks while Im gone.

Well, unless you're the goalie or something :mneh :lol When you come back, you can explain hockey to me again. I still think it's Soccer on Skates ;)

Jul 11th, 2003, 12:44:02 PM
Fett - You better be able to run awfully fast..... ;)

Kei - *grins as innocently as is possible* Who me? Do something like Maxim? Heh. Always. :) Be safe....sheesh....that kinda takes the fun out of it, but I'll see what I can do. :)

Jul 11th, 2003, 12:50:28 PM
;) Gotta let Max out to play besides I am sure there are girls somewhere on a balcony asken you to party lol

Jul 11th, 2003, 02:17:25 PM
LMAO. I sure hope there are. :)

Xazor Elessar
Jul 11th, 2003, 03:31:50 PM
*huggles Sasha*

"Please don't go!

She's gonna be sad! :( So am I.......but I know you'll be comin' back! :D

So you have tons of fun over there -- tell your 'rents a good friend says "hi!" and don't hurt yourself playing hockey. I'll skate for ya here! ;)

Stay safe and think of me often, bro. *huggles again* I'll miss you!

Jul 12th, 2003, 05:52:31 PM
*hugs back*

Awwww..I wont be gone long. You wont even miss me. *teases* Fel certainly wont, that cheating...... ;) Besides, ya havent finished that last thread. Ahem. Cough cough.

And yeah yeah, I'll be back. I promise.

*laughs* I'll be fine playing hockey. I wont get hurt then... Its the stupid stuff I do when Im not on the ice that gets me in trouble. ;)

Miss ya too. Have a good few weeks - dont do anything I wouldnt do (which leaves the list of options wide open enough to have enough fun to forget I ever existed here). :)
