View Full Version : Anarchy In Suburbia (open to jedi)

Salem Ave
Jul 2nd, 2003, 12:48:51 PM

A busy day at the office had finally come to a close, and the elderly businessman stepped out into the now dark evening with a sigh. The quiet didn’t last far too long however, as within a minute or so of his beginning his walk home a shadow burst out of the darkness and pinned him against the wall. It hissed like a serpent and its eyes seemed to glow in the dark, as it glared with malice into his soul…


The teen roared as he swung his sports bat for the intruder, finding the wooden splintering as it shattered against the things hand. With just a swipe of its hand it had managed to turn the sturdy bat into little more than tooth picks strewn over the floor. Though Peter, the boy, had been brave up until this point, his courage was waning, and failed completely as the attacker seized him up by the throat and slammed him back against his bedroom wall…


“Who are you?!”

A young woman cowared back against her living room wall, grasping at the dresser she was stood by in panic. Staring forward at the creature that had appeared in her house but five minutes ago, tears streamed down her face. At her feet lay her son, badly wounded, and her husband unconscious. Mick, her husband of ten years, had tried to beat the thing back, but it had just snapped the shovel he’d used in two…

“Jedi Knight Deke,” the thing hissed in reply.

“Hand overrr yourrr money or yourrr life will be forrrfit – the Jedi Order doe-sss not tolerate thossse who will not co-operate.”

“Here, here!! Take it all, just get out!” the woman fumbled her purse and husbands wallet from his pocket into the things hands.

“Tell yourrr friendsss and family we will be coming for them too if they do not bow beforrre usss.”

“But I thought-..”

“You thought wrrrong.”

And Deke vanished.

The next evening, sun set...

A Jedi Padawan walks the streets of lower Coruscant, only to find his welcome isn’t quite as warm as he’d expected. Pelt by rubbish and shouted at, it seems favor for the Order isn’t what it used to be. He turns to a bar, hoping that the patrons there will be a little more cordial – only to find that is far from the truth as it could be. On his entrance one man, shouting and bawling about not having any money, throws a punch, and a bar brawl ensues, with bodies and furniture flying everywhere. Somewhere in the bar itself, a cloaked figure watches.

The people of Coruscant were not happy.

Jul 3rd, 2003, 06:38:51 PM
Satine watches what happens in the bar, his silver hair hidden by his cloak's hood. Getting to his feet, he brigns his hood down, the Force amplifying his voice.

"What is wrong with all of you?!" he booms out, his eyes flashing with annoyance. "The Jedi help protect you all. Explain this."

With a wave, Satine pulls the Jedi Padawan away from the angry crowd, and then uses the Force to bring both of his lightsabre hilts to his hands, as yet unlit.

Jul 3rd, 2003, 06:44:45 PM
Kanji fled from an angry mob as fast as he could, unable to fly at this time due to his customary wing-raps, he could only flee on foot. Sliding to a stop and entering into the bar of point interest, he gasped as half of the crowd turned to a silver-haired, from what Kanji guessed, Jedi and Padawan and the other torward himself.

"What a terrible messsss..." Kanji groaned, then noticed the silver-haired human's weapons of choice. "Don't draw them, itssss not wissse!" He shouted over the curses and murmurs in the crowd.

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 3rd, 2003, 06:48:41 PM
"Thank you, Master Satine." Answers a rather shaken Loki, a ribbon of blood laced it's way over his lips from his nose. His face was dirty, some of his tunic torn and his thick head of hair messier than usual. He remained close, his eyes darted about the establishment hoping to leave sooner than later.

Jul 3rd, 2003, 06:50:21 PM
Relax, buddy. They won't attack me. they can't be stupid enough to strike at a Jedi Master...But, just to take no chances...

With a pulse of Force power, Satine erases those who were within range of seeing the sabre hilts memories of them. Breathing heavily, Satine quickly slips them back into his robes, and pulls out a pair of wicked looking slug-throwers. Taking a deep breath, he hopes his didn't miss one.

Satine smiles at Loki. "No problem. What do you think they're angry about?"

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 3rd, 2003, 07:01:08 PM
"I'm not sure." Loki gasped, still recovering with his encounter with the aggressive bar patrons. He pushed his padawan braid behind his ear hoping that it didn't cause him anymore trouble.

"They're very anti-Jedi here. The whole neighbourhood." He glanced back to Kanji who looked somewhat flustered himself. "You too, eh?"

Jul 3rd, 2003, 07:04:45 PM
Satine motions Kanji over.

"Three are safer then just one, c'mon."

He takes a look at the crowd, wondering just what happened to turn these people against the Order.

Kanji, Satine Force-sends, Do you know anything about why they're after our hides?

Jul 3rd, 2003, 07:06:24 PM
Kanji nodded breifly at Loki, "Aye... They are quite angry about sssomething about the Jedi.." He glanced over his shoulder at the outside mob, slightly bristling himself as he moved closer to the others, "And it will not bode well for usss if they mob.."

Nay, Masster, I have not a clue.. He sent in reply, watching the crowd..

Jul 3rd, 2003, 07:10:14 PM
If they mob, he sends again, this time to both of them, Try not to hurt them too much. Only do as much damage as needed to get out.

Salem Ave
Jul 4th, 2003, 02:27:00 AM
While the crowd calmed themselves and tried to puzzle out just why they had been attacking, some decided to leave – or rather, one or two did, but only one of note. Hood down, luminous eyes visible, Salem Ave passed the three Jedi without so much as flinching. He moved out into the street calmly, turning left into the darkness.

Luckily the music inside the bar was quite loud; otherwise the sound of his claws embedding into the wall of the establishment would have been heard. He wretched himself upwards onto the low roof of the building and crawled on all fours, like a great arachnid, over the tiling. In the center of the roof was a glass dome, looking down onto the dance floor proper. It had been fitted to provide some atmosphere, though the thing was so dirty now it just gave for a seedier impression.

The Sith stationed himself at the things edge and closed his eyes. Perfectly still, he began reaching his mind out to one or two people below. There was a loose cannon in their somewhere, and in a few seconds he’d be drawing a pistol and heading for the young Jedi Padwan.


“The kids the anti-Christ!!”

Jul 4th, 2003, 09:58:25 AM
Satine hears the click.

"The kid's the anti-Christ!!"

Growling, Satine taps into the Force to speed his reaction times and strength, and rushes to the man with the gun, and quickly wrenches the gun away, using the Force to tuck the gun into his belt.

Leave those two alone! he roars, his anger reaching new heights, his stares, if eyes shot laser energy, could have killed the entire room.

Salem Ave
Jul 4th, 2003, 10:04:35 AM
The man seemed for a second to be confused, and then his whole body shook. His head fell limp and shoulders rolled, before he looked up once more at Alpha. He strode forward a few paces, his expression completely emotionless.

“Anger from a Jedi? Isn’t that against your code, weakling?” he questioned, his voice hollow.

Above, through the murky glass, Salem watched. His focus was entirely on the man speaking to the Jedi cadre, as he watched the events in the bar through his puppets eyes.

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 4th, 2003, 11:04:05 AM
Loki was now several paces behind the Jedi Master, he'd never faced the barrel of an archaic slug-thrower before. His only defence was to hold his hands up in front of his face and close his eyes.

"Master Capashen," He whispered now closer to Satine. "I don't think this man is acting of his own accord."

Loki was almost certain of it, his greatest asset was his ability to sense emotions through the Force. The people in the bar were either angry or afraid but something was amiss, an extraneous element.

Jul 4th, 2003, 03:08:34 PM
Satine draws both of his slug-throwers again, and gives the puppet man an odd look as Loki speaks.

"I think you're right, Loki." Turning to the puppet fully, Satine responds. "Call it my little problem. I might have trouble with anger, but I can gaurantee that I'm not weak. Stop hiding behind a puppet, and I'll prove it. Or is a straight fight more then you can handle, picking on JEdi Padawan more your thing?"

Jul 4th, 2003, 04:36:42 PM
Kanji followed up on the rear of the trio, watching the crowd, alert for any type of action. His snout swung from the left, to the right, then back at the left. "Massster, I think..." By now the trio had been surrounded by a human wall of flesh, "... we are in enemy territory.."

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 4th, 2003, 05:25:41 PM
As the mob ranks closed in, Loki's hand instinctively went inside the pouch which hung from his utility belt. His fingers wrapped around a small stone and he closed his eyes, using the Force to see instead of his eyes. The volatile mix of emotions was making it more difficult for him to concentrate.

"We may have to act very soon."

Salem Ave
Jul 5th, 2003, 03:42:19 AM
“Why don’t you put away those crude weapons… or are you too craven?”

The one pulling the puppets strings had his upper body resting against the glass now, so that he could get a good view of everything going on below. Both clawed hands were held against his temples in a habitual gesture of concentration.

“It’s hard to be a man when there’s a gun in your hand, don’t you agree?”

Jul 5th, 2003, 07:59:54 AM
Satine, already angered by what was going on, was easily goaded into releasing his weapons, shoving them back in their holsters. As the crowd gathers in, Satine begins to draw Force energy into himself, ready to create his signature Force-shields or for a blast of TK.

"Fine. Guns're up. how about you come down here, so I can show you why it's a bad idea to annoy a Warrior Jedi..."

Salem Ave
Jul 5th, 2003, 08:32:08 AM
“Why should I? So long as you uphold your Jedi code, you can’t hurt these people around you… they’re innocent bystanders, it’s not their fault they’ve been swept up in all this,” the puppet professed, motioning arms wide out at those around him.

“Little more than minutes after people moved against you, you had pistols drawn and were about ready to let fire. No thought of diplomacy, no thought of trying to reason. Straight to the saber and the blood letting.

What a wonderful way to promote the Jedi cause to the people of Coruscant – and your underlings, how they must learn from you! See the mighty Jedi Master, gun-slinger extraordinaire! I can see the news titles now – people appalled as so-called Jedi creates massacre in down-town bar. Myth of the Jedi shattered as trio of light siders tears up a storm, none left standing, all because they couldn’t quite manage to quell a small disturbance…

…Your Council must be so proud of you for not giving into your rage.”

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 5th, 2003, 11:40:42 AM
"Master Capashen, let's go. There's no point in listening to much less reply to this crooked banter." He looked back to the only entrance and exit to the establishment and addressed the crowd gathered before it. "Would you stand aside and allow us to leave, please?"

Jul 5th, 2003, 12:23:36 PM
Satine watches Loki, and nods in agreement.

Besides, Satine thinks to himself, I was only going to shoot to injure, not to kill....

Satine lets Kanji get in front of him, and takes up the rear of the formation, his silver eyes scanning the room to make sure nothing happens.

Salem Ave
Jul 5th, 2003, 12:31:22 PM

The puppet applauded, “So you do have some sense in you – or is it cowardice?”

A laugh rumbled out of the man, as the crowd watched. Most seemed to not care now, either retreating back to their seats or the bar to get their glasses topped up.

“I guess we’ll never know, but do run along, all of you. I imagine it’s past our little friends’ bedtime.”

A breath out and the man blinked before turning away, a little confused at first but helped back to his previous state by a mug of ale – although his drinking buddies were a little puzzled at what had just happened. Outside Salem was backing away from the sky panel, and with a whoosh of displaced air vaulted down onto the ground, blending in with the darkness like your average everyday street dweller.

Jul 5th, 2003, 12:44:39 PM
Kanji moved torward the exit, giving the patrons a healthy stare. That puppet of a man concerned the draco, he looked a little less than a mere lowlife worker yet he had the vocabulary of a well-educated patron of society. Certainly not a alcohol consumer, and the confused look on his face...

"Quite," Kanji murmured mostly to himself, then turned to his fellow comrades, "Let usss make hassste, ssshall we?"

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 5th, 2003, 02:07:12 PM
Shrugging off the words of the strange bar patron, Loki followed Kanji outside, his hand still clenched tight at the Agedan crystal. He felt relieved that they had failed to hold the attention of the mob for long.

"I don't think we should leave this though." He said aloud to both Kanji and Satine, who was behind him. "Something is influencing these people to see the Jedi in a very negative light. Perhaps a chat with the local law enforcement, see if anything peculiar has been occuring lately?"

Salem Ave
Jul 6th, 2003, 06:35:14 AM
“Everrrything al-rrright, Gentlemen?”

Casual, nonchalant, and acting as though he was completely unaware, Salem had strode out towards the trio. Allowing himself the liberty of a small smile – which faded quickly, quite simply because the vampire looked far more suspicious with that eerie grin on his face than he did with an impassive stare – he glanced from Jedi to Jedi; the dragon looked much larger than he’d first thought it was.

“I hearrrd therrre wa-sss some trouble in the barrr? You wouldn’t know anything about that, would you? Sss-ergeant Reeves sent me to see what was going on.”

Jul 6th, 2003, 10:03:41 AM
"Yeah, there was trouble," Satine says, burshing a few spikes of silver hair out of his eyes, looking at the "law-enforcement" that was standing there.

Satine points a thumb over at Loki. "They decided to attack a Jedi Padawan in the bar, and the second Padawan was almost mobbed. We think something is controlling most of these people though. Any help you can give us would be appreciated."

Jul 6th, 2003, 10:29:11 AM
Edit: Gayness! Can this be deleted, please?

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 6th, 2003, 10:29:38 AM
The slippery, slithering voice of the new arrival distracted Loki, a chill of cold and he lost his concentration. His eyes immediatly snapped up at the peculiar man who had approached them, they narrowed as he stared and he frowned. For now he kept silent and maintained his distance.

Salem Ave
Jul 7th, 2003, 10:11:52 AM
“Sss-omething controlling them?” Salem purred, bringing a hand, if it could be called that – Salem’s hands were comprised of three single claws, one of which was smaller than the others and acted as a thumb, up to his chin, giving it a habitual thoughtful stroke.

“You’rrre all Jedi then?” he added, a suspicious tone in his voice as he once again looked the three over.

Jul 7th, 2003, 01:19:35 PM
Satine's eyes narrowed. Something about this man struck him as evil. He casually put one hand on the butt of his right-side slugthrower.

"Yes." he says, looking at the strange claw-hands. "Why?"

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 7th, 2003, 06:10:39 PM
Loki saw Satine's hand move to his weapon and he knew he had to act and fast. The last time the Jedi Master moved for his weapons little good came of it. He stepped out from behind him.

"We need to get to the nearest police station. It's best we don't linger here what with this aggressive crowd." An idea popped into his head. He looked to the Jedi Master and then at the clawed individual. "Perhaps you would be so kind as to lead the way, sir?"

Salem Ave
Jul 8th, 2003, 03:00:47 AM

Salem replied, before beginning to walk, motioning for the group to follow. As he strode he had to keep his thoughts away from his game plan. Thus far the Jedi had not suspected anything of him enough to make a move, so long as he could get into comfortable territory before they did, he would be fine.

“It’sss just thisss way.”

They were heading up a narrow street now, a walkway sandwiched between two buildings, both of which had metal staircases zigzagging up their walls. A ladder lead to the first set of steps, about ten feet off the ground. Salem narrowed his eyes and he glanced around, trying not to be too overtly calculating.

“Odd that people sss-hould be agrrressive towards Jedi. I alwaysss thought you werrre the good guysss.”

Jul 8th, 2003, 06:48:36 AM
Satine had released the grip on his weapon as he walked, keeping an eye on this stranger the whole way.

"That's just it. We are the good guys. I don't know what is happeening, but it can't be good."

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 8th, 2003, 10:42:57 AM
Loki's hand was once again inside the pouch on his utility belt, the night air had cleared his mind and he could not ignore what reason and common sense were telling him. This was not the way to the nearest police station.

"It's not unheard of, ever since the appearance of Taro Idol and his followers, the anti-Jedi sentiments have spread like wildfire." His eyes were fixed on their guide in front. "So what area of law enforcement do you specialise in, Mister--?"

Salem Ave
Jul 8th, 2003, 12:54:41 PM
“Ave. I worrrk in crime-scene invesssigation mostly, but I still make the beat occasionally.”

Salem looked back towards Loki. He seemed like a bright young boy. Bright enough to be reaching for his weaponry when his counterparts had allowed Salem a somewhat wider birth. The vampire smiled thinly at this.

“You know a lot about thisss sorrrt of thing, hmm? It’s good to sss-ee the education system is working well.”

He stopped walking all of a sudden and muttered something to himself as he looked up at the scenery that was surrounding the party.

“Sss-eems as though I’ve gone a little off the beaten track,” he murmured.

Now or never, his mind told him. Make a move. Nownownow. Salem couldn’t argue, it seemed like the perfect time, especially with the leader not having his weapons at the ready. Salem twisted, ducked and tore Loki up into the air by his robes. One hand holding the boy, the other swung him up and over the first flight of stairs as he vaulted himself up into the air – again, movements similar to some form of arachnid.

Salem held Loki in close, for insurance, and began his ascension of the metal stairwell without a word.

Jul 8th, 2003, 01:40:22 PM
Satine growls, and rips one of his slugthrowers from its holster, but it's too late. The man was already climbing up the stairwell. Gathering the Force around him, Satine leaps, grabbing onto the stairwell, and vaulting onto it, running up the thing in chase.

Kanji. Find a place to hide out, and wait for me there. I'll be back after I take care of this thing....

Jul 8th, 2003, 01:52:02 PM
Kanji scowled, watching the Jedi Master vault after the creature. He, with his caring nature, shook his head in reply to Satine's command and slinked out of the alley as fast as he could move his girth. Once into the open street, he checked the roadway for hostiles before moving his left shoulder to gain acesss to the simple buckle that would unlatch that wing...

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 8th, 2003, 02:37:38 PM
His abduction had happened so fast that Loki didn't resist. He had expected something to happen and now he wouldn't neglect his efforts to prevent something bad from happening by detracting from his game plan.

He struggled a little in order to prevent Ave from suspecting something but largely focused on the agedan cystal in his sweaty fist, it was vibrating furiously. He knew if he was to survive this creature then he would first have to regroup with Satine and Kanji.

Salem Ave
Jul 9th, 2003, 04:44:43 AM
Salem moved with leaps and bounds. One of his major strengths was his agility. He could move like some great ugly ape, much thanks to his claws. Still he was slowed somewhat by the imbalance in weight and use of only one hand which Loki caused. It was a little suspicious that he wasn’t receiving any resistance, but it made the job easier.

Up to the next flat piece of grating and as Salem looked down he could see Alpha following below. A glance to the side revealed a walkway along the side of the building, which he took off along. Midway he stopped and hissed, looking across to the building opposite.

“You betterrr hold on.”

Seizing up Loki in one hand, and stand him on the rail for but a moment, he stepped a foot up onto the pipe around the path and flung himself out into the air. His grip on Loki vanished as his hands went out in front of his body – ready to thud into the brickwork. If the Padawan wasn’t holding on he’d have to pray that he had a soft landing below.

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 9th, 2003, 04:59:10 AM
Loki cursed under his breath as the need to let go of the only weapon on his person was suddenly unavoidable. Both hands wrapped themselves around articles of Salem's clothing as they cleared the distance between the two buildings. Their landing, or collision rather, with the wall was severe and it rocked the small padawan.

"What is it you want?" He asked wearily.

Salem Ave
Jul 10th, 2003, 06:15:02 AM
“Ju-ssst a little enterrrtainment,” Salem replied, glancing over his shoulder at the young Padawan with another odd smile.

The Knights hold on the wall was slipping. His equilibrium rocked, he began to slide downwards, scattering stone and dust into the air below as he went – leaving two great gaping scars in the wall.

Jul 10th, 2003, 06:39:00 AM
Satine had lost them momentarily, leaping with Force enhanced jumps, and landing on the top of a building in a crouch. Growling low, Satine looks around, before sending out a message to Loki.

Loki, can you hear me? Where are you?

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 11th, 2003, 02:41:56 PM
Loki heard Satine's attempt to contact him, not much good that will do considering he can't communicate telepathically. Instead, he shouted as loud as he could as he and his abductor slid down the side of the wall. "Help! Master Capashen! Kanji! I'm up here!"

Now silent once again, he patiently waited until he and Ave were back on solid ground again, then he would try something without risk of plummeting to his doom.

Jul 11th, 2003, 03:48:44 PM
Satine's head snaps up at Loki's yell, the JEdi Master running across the roof of the building, and gasthering Force energy around him. Leaping, he uses the Force to provide more power, and lands on a nearby building, and then runs again, towards the sound.

Jul 11th, 2003, 05:53:30 PM
Kanji's attention, too, snapped torward the voice's direction. By now, the draco-terran had taken flight with his wing-wraps fluttering loosely around his arms, chest, and wing-bases. Halting himself to a loose decending hover, Kanji pivoted his torso forward and fanned his wings out to their full span while his eyes scanned the buildings. Soon he spotted Satine sprinting across the rooftops, and thus began flying in his direction with a quick angled dive only to land on all fours, loaping much slower behind Satine..

Jul 11th, 2003, 08:23:46 PM
Satine nearly jumped out of his skin as Kanji landed beside him, and then surpressed a flash of anger as he continues running.

I thought I told you to stay out of this...

Jul 11th, 2003, 08:32:01 PM
Kanji smirked lightly, not faltering in his run as he replied mentally. 'I do respect your command, Master, yet someone is needed to get the boy to safety whilest ye' confront the theif. See my point?'

Salem Ave
Jul 12th, 2003, 03:44:16 AM
Everyone else went up while Salem was sliding downwards, jumping and landing within seconds down on the alley floor once again. A brief look skyward revealed the dragon had taken flight, and his massive form provided a good gauge for the location of the Jedi Master. Loki had slipped down off of the vampires’ body now, while Salem surveyed what was going on above.

“I believe I’m going to get caught sssoon,” he mused aloud, the faintest hint of a laugh slipping through into his tone.

Jul 12th, 2003, 07:21:03 AM
Satine nods in silent agreement with Kanji, and then stops at the edge of one building, looking down. He could tell through the Force, vaguely, that the people he searched for where on ground level now...

Smiling, Satine jumps over the edge, using the Force to levitate him down to the ground, and then he takes up the hunt again...

Jul 12th, 2003, 09:44:45 PM
Kanji halts before going over the edge, determining the best route of travel for his greater bulk. He could've tracked the kidnapper himself, but his force aura sense wasn't that great of a skill.. yet.

Sliding down shortly behind Satine, Kanji folds his wings in close and continues on, feeling... closer than ever before to the strange officer.

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 14th, 2003, 11:47:53 AM
"Who are you really?" Asked Loki, who had taken a couple of steps away from his strange looking abductor. His hand had already slipped back into the pouch at his side and taken one of his agedan crystals out. He focused on it and held it tight in his balled fist. He grimaced. "You're clearly some sort of Dark-Sider."

Salem Ave
Jul 23rd, 2003, 01:53:56 AM
“I am?”

Salem looked down at the small boy and shook his head.

“Perrrhaps I’m a bounty hunter claiming a contrrract on your head?”

The Sith turned and looked up and around again. No sense delaying the confrontation, however short he intended it to be – this was just an attempt to stir something up, not to get a beating from a Jedi Master.

Jul 27th, 2003, 06:49:03 PM
Satine feels his quarry stop, and smiles grimly, increasing his speed. The JEdi Master soon skids to a stop a dozen feet from Salem, Satine's face having an angry expression on it.

"Let him go."

Salem Ave
Jul 30th, 2003, 06:57:44 AM
“Do you sss-ee me holding onto him?” Salem replied in question, raising his empty hands into the air.

Jul 30th, 2003, 10:14:50 AM
"Alright wise-frell. How bout you explain what the point of this exercise is? If it was just for a beating, you could have asked me..."

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 30th, 2003, 06:53:38 PM
"I'm beginning to think that he did this to entertain himself, as such I think he should be reported to the local law enforcement however, I'm almost certain this individual is a Dark-Sider." Loki looked to the Jedi Master. "Perhaps an investigation is in order?"

The boy maintained his distance, in his hand the agedan crystal began to tremor but he had a feeling it wouldn't be needed.

Salem Ave
Jul 31st, 2003, 03:08:38 AM
“If you had contrrrolled your anger, none of this would have happened.”

Salem’s head tilted to one side as he regarded the Jedi Master.

“Think of it asss a lesson, from me to you.”

Jul 31st, 2003, 08:05:51 AM
Satine snarls, his voice coming out almost as a hiss. "A lesson? And what the frell is this about anger? I have barely showed you any at all..."

Salem Ave
Jul 31st, 2003, 12:50:16 PM
“But you have sss-hown me some, and that is crime enough for a Jedi.”

Salem raised a hand and began to count off events.

“Example the firrrst – an innocent is not acting as you would wish him to and thus you instinctively draw pistols upon him. Example the sss-econd – you are not in control of your emotions enough to stop yourself snapping at me, a small thing but prrroof none the less,”

He absently gestured the clawed hand, “Prrrofanity is the crutch of the unintelligent man.”

Another dismissive wave and he continued, “Perrrhaps you should rethink your calling in life. Not all of you isss purrre and good is it, Master Jedi?”

Jul 31st, 2003, 01:09:37 PM
"Renthisssj thric sssalsssvir ir," The deep, hissing voice of Kanji spoke, "durah *thric* martivir."

Of course, very few outsiders would know of the translation that his dialog would yeild. But it had to be a retort of some sort, judging on the way his eyes narrowed upon vocalising his native tounge.

Jul 31st, 2003, 10:36:47 PM
Satine laughs at Salem's last words.

"Not all of you isss purrre and good is it, Master Jedi?"

He replies: "No, not all of me is. I fight a daily battle with my darker half, and trust me, this is controlled by most standards. I'm a warrior, and all that matters, to me, is how I get my job done. And my job is to rid this universe of Sith and Dark Jedi..."

Salem Ave
Aug 1st, 2003, 02:29:37 AM
“I don’t know why. We’rrre not bad people.”

Salem stared at Alpha for a moment before turning and looking over his shoulder.

“… Unforrrtunately it is my time to deparrrt. I hope you all enjoyed yourrr evening and learnt sss-omething from it,” he remarked before launching himself up at the wall of the nearby building, claws entering the brickwork with a thunk.

Loki Ahmrah
Aug 1st, 2003, 07:51:24 AM
Loki was already galloping up the stairway winding back and forth up the side of the building, he had a feeling this had been coming and the moment Salem had mentioned departing he ran for it. Unfortunately, Salem was fast and had a much more simple route to take, Loki was running back and forth to reach the top of the building and his abductor had overtaken him.

"Quick, stop him!"

Aug 1st, 2003, 11:03:23 AM
Satine nods, and taps into the force, ripping bricks out from underneath Salem's grip, and causing him to freeze as he regains his footing. Doing this again, Satine begins running up the ladder on the side of the building, trying to beat the Dark One to the top. Trying to catch him.

Salem Ave
Aug 2nd, 2003, 06:10:05 AM
The bricks fell from beneath his feet and he scrambled, hands managed to keep a hold while he pulled himself upwards. The signatures of the Jedi could be felt moving upwards trying to keep a track of him and so he angled his ascent away from them, hoping to latch onto the next building and complete his get away.

Aug 2nd, 2003, 08:44:34 AM
Satine could feel Salem begin to move, and smiles grimly, gathering the Force about him in a leap, his cloak billowing in the wind. He lands on a nearby building, and looks across to see Salem scrabbling up. Time to throw a wrench in the works...

Closing his eyes, Satine takes one of the bricks that he had ripped out, and sends it zooming into Salem's left arm with massive force...

Loki Ahmrah
Aug 3rd, 2003, 11:26:26 AM
Finally Loki had reached the top of the building but Salem was in the process of scaling it's neighbour with some difficulty courtesy of Master Capashen who was across the street from the strange creature. If Kanji could make it up into the air in time, they would have him surrounded and be able to take him in for questioning. Loki ran.

And leapt onto the building Salem was climbing, the gap between the two edifices was narrow, there being only an alley bellow. Still there was no sign of the creature, Loki took out an agedan crystal.

"Surrender yourself peacefully. No harm will befall you."

Salem Ave
Aug 7th, 2003, 04:48:38 AM
Salem’s arm burned with pain and he was unable to hold on any longer. Hissing, he found himself dangling from only one hand as his weight began to take a toll on the bricks – sending him against skidding downwards in a cloud of dust and shattering stone.

Aug 7th, 2003, 07:05:58 AM
Satine smiles, and quickly runs down the nearest fire-escape ladder, hoping to beat Salem down to the bottom...

Loki Ahmrah
Aug 7th, 2003, 02:40:17 PM
Loki throws a piece of synth-rope down towards Salem, who's rough descent down the side of the wall quickly looked like it was turning into a fall. The length of rope from the dispenser on his utility belt was almost spent and he called down to his one-time abductor, instructing him to take a hold of it.

Aug 7th, 2003, 04:26:57 PM
Yet Kanji beat them both to the punch.

He caught the strange fellow by his shirt cuff, fanning his wings quickly to keep himself from colliding into the building wall and from falling to the bottom. Reassuring his grip on Salem by reaching down with his other paw around the fellow's right arm.

"Do not sssstruggle, sssir... I may drop you by missstake.." He hissed, nearly loosing his rise to the rooftops. Soon enough he breached the rooftops, nearly dropping Salem onto Loki save for catching his footing on the edge, pearching with heavy breaths, Salem caught tight by his collar and right arm in a vice grip.. of sorts...

Salem Ave
Aug 8th, 2003, 04:50:17 AM
Salem thrashed and flailed wildly, trying to free himself of the dragons hold. He could not abide physical contact, especially from disgusting species such as this. A natural reaction through the Force, built upon by Jeseth Cloak, was Salem’s ability to decay material – and although this had an awe inspiring effect on plant life, the best it did to sentient beings was made them feel dizzy and faintly disorientated, as Kanji was now.

“Off me you sss-nake!”

Aug 8th, 2003, 06:51:59 AM
Satine finally made it to where Salem is, and smiles grimly. He notices Kanji look a bit pale. "You ok buddy?" he asks, before turning to Salem.

"Shut up already! Now, where were you leading us?"

Salem Ave
Aug 8th, 2003, 06:57:24 AM
“I was leaving - you followed me,” he snapped in reply, still wriggling about in the Padawan’s grip, his eyes hot and flaring with anger.

Aug 8th, 2003, 04:39:43 PM
Kanji's grip only tightned with each of the strange-one's thrashing. Indeed, he felt slightly disorientated, abit tired as well but it ceased to hinder his brute strength natural to one of his kin. "Ssssnake?!" He growled, shaking his prisioner with two quick jerks, "Come up with better insssultsss, I have heard that twice two many timessss. Why did you kidnap ssssir Loki, sssstrange-one?"

Loki Ahmrah
Aug 8th, 2003, 05:04:23 PM
Loki had just finished winding up his synth-rope and again took out one of his agedan crystals, holding it tight in his hand. His breathing was heavy, his face was wet and glistening and he wanted to sit down and relax but with Salem in his current state, that was impossible.

"Please, try to relax. You will only get yourself hurt." The padawan crouched down and instructed Salem as he squirmed under Kanji's strength. He looked up to Satine. "Master Capashen, can you-- calm him in any way?"

Salem Ave
Aug 9th, 2003, 03:07:47 AM
Salem hissed out a long breath and allowed himself to be still, although he was swaying slightly in Kanji’s grasp as a result of his previous attempted escape.

“What doe-sss it matterrr?” he shook his head.

His hands had fallen down to his side, and one was gripping around his lightsaber. It might have been noticeable, but in two seconds time it wasn’t going to matter that anyone had seen it. Salem whipped it up and backwards, the red beam snapping to life and burning against the hand of the one who held him. He was dropped and hit the ground with a thud, crouched, before flipping right backwards off of the edge of the building.

Loki Ahmrah
Aug 12th, 2003, 02:39:22 PM
"Not again!" Loki yelled, who had rose to his feet the moment Salem had broke free. There was a whistling sound as his silvery synth-rope wrapped around a water pipe exposed by a damaged part of the roof. The rope secured with a clunk and having already gathered some speed the padawan leapt from the building and plummeted down towards Salem. His synth-rope dispenser unravelling wildly.

"You are only going to hurt yourself. Drop your weapon!"

Aug 12th, 2003, 04:31:44 PM
Satine growls, and ignites his own sabres, following Salem, using the force to guide his fall.

"Do as the Padawan says!" satine roars, the Force amplifying his voice.

Aug 13th, 2003, 05:00:29 AM
Kanji cradled his injured hand, the scales burnt and few fused together. Pausing only for a few heartbeats, the dragon kind emitted a loud growl while watching... Wasn't much else he could do with Salem weilding a lightsaber withot risking more harm..

Salem Ave
Aug 13th, 2003, 05:07:00 AM
Salem plummeted. If he had been the type to laugh maniacally, he would have done it now. Saber still in hand and kissing the air with a violent hiss as it rushed downwards, the Knight watched the two people falling from above – Alpha doing a freefall and Loki abseiling down on his rope.

The vampire hit the ground with a crack. It wasn’t him shattering inside however; it was the ground beneath him. The Force cushioned his fall nicely and his bones weren’t the easiest to break, so he found it easy enough to cope with the fall. He looked up – Alpha was going to be down here soon.

This hadn’t gone as he had planned it to, but he would be out of here soon he hoped. He had places to be and he wasn’t keen on being late.

Aug 13th, 2003, 06:47:38 AM
satine flipped so he was going in feet first, the force gathering around him. This was someting new to him. He slows himself, before hitting the ground and rolling to absorb the impact. Coming up in a crouch, Satine points his sabre at Salem, and gets to his feet, slowly circling the Dark one.

Loki Ahmrah
Aug 13th, 2003, 07:45:23 AM
With one arm latched loosely around the synth-rope for balance, Loki plunged inside the pouch and took out a crystal, near the bottom of the building with little rope to spare he planted his feet against the wall and began walking down backwards. His attention was on the crystal in his hand as it began to tremble and shudder, it wouldn't take long to prepare but he hoped Master Capashen could hold the offender in place long enough.

Salem Ave
Aug 20th, 2003, 02:21:11 AM
Salem mimicked Satine’s movements, shifting to the side, with his center of gravity crouched low. His red saber blade, crafted by that frell Cloak, was as good now as it had ever been and looked ravenous for battle after its months of ill-use.

Aug 24th, 2003, 10:04:37 AM
Without giving any warning, Satine suddenly jumps forward, his silver blade slashing out. Ave manages to block it, and counters. Ducking, Satine rolls away, coming up in a crouch, and stabbing him...

Aug 25th, 2003, 06:56:15 PM
Kanji watched from above for a moment or so, then fanned his wings and leaped from the edge. Angling his wings to freefall with minimum damage upon impact, Kanji aimed for a spot about twenty feet from the two duelists.

He landed in a deep crouch, collapsing his body down onto all fours then relaxed back onto his haunches, wings folding neatly upon their places. Kanji's eyes fixed on the battle.

Loki Ahmrah
Aug 27th, 2003, 02:05:54 PM
Thud. And Loki was back on solid ground albeit a little disoriented from his inpromptu spot of absailing. It looked like the fiend who had assaulted Kanji moments ago was now surrounded and this time would not escape.

"Don't be a fool. Surrender and you will not be harmed." Loki said, approaching but all the while making it a point to keep out of lightsaber reach. He ckutched the crystal in his hand with determination. "You are to come to the Jedi Temple with us, Mister Ave."

Salem Ave
Sep 1st, 2003, 06:31:26 AM
Salem jumped backwards – he was incredibly agile, though one might not think it – and drew up his blade to make sure no hits were landed. Loki’s words made him turn his head for a moment, before locking his eyes back onto Alpha.

“Neverrr. You wouldn’t catch me dead in that sssssscumhole.”

Sep 1st, 2003, 07:17:35 AM
"I think we would be able to catch you dead in there..." Satine says menacingly. "Would you like me to do that favor for you?"

He brings his sabre up, ready to pounce...