View Full Version : Change
Christian Lightheart
Jul 2nd, 2003, 09:31:07 AM
"I just need to know if ReaperFett or Kikran Akard are still around?"
"I'm sorry sir, but neither one of them have been seen for years."
"Well, if you want, I could go ask some of the Masters and see if th-"
"No, that's allright..." They probably don't even remember me.
"Is there anything else I can do for you today, sir?" The droid asked.
Christian shook his head a negative, turned on his heels, and walked out of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.
He wanted to think three years ago, though he wasn't quite sure, was when he was last seen with the Jedi. The Jedi base was on Yavin IV back then, and their numbers were few. Unlike today, when he heard more and more about Jedi exploits, about their move to Coruscant, about how they were growing and soon would be able to rid the world of those who study the Darkside.
A lot had changed, and there was no one he knew anymore with the Jedi. His two Masters missing in action, and even Kat Kariena, a respected Jedi Knight, attacking him disavowing her allegiance to the Jedi. No, nothing was here for Lightheart anymore. Even his family who once lived on Coruscant were no longer there.
Things have changed. No longer was the white-haired boy a timid and shy soul, nor was he sixteen anymore. Nineteen, a bit taller, a bit bulkier, and quieter. His hair was now blonde, guessing that his albino-ness was just a stage in his teenage life. And his eyes: no longer where they scared and shying away from everyone, but instead weathered with a dark edge.
Three days later, Christian found himself on Yavin IV at the old Jedi Temple. He didn't set foot inside the temple, but sat outside, near one of the old run over gardens that sat there.
Xazor Elessar
Jul 2nd, 2003, 10:38:43 AM
It was a beautiful day as a lone figure clad in flowing black robes strolled through a thick forest on Yavin IV. With each tree, flower, and plant she passed, she seemed to speak to it -- and it spoke back. The path she walked was narrow, and at points -- unclear, yet, she continued upon it, knowing it was the only way to the Jedi Temple. The other path -- a wider, clearer path, ran through the woods as well, but in the wrong direction. It was to mislead those who attempted to find the haven of the Jedi -- those who did not belong there. So on the woman continued, breathing in the scent of life from all around.
Upon reaching the old, abandoned Temple, the Knight stopped and pushed back the hood of her cloak. Her golden waist length blonde hair spilled out onto her back. Each lock on her head was adorned in Garou Warrior Braids with silver coins woven into them. They caught the light and reflected it, much like her bright cyan blue eyes did. Smiling, the woman stepped over a log and found herself approaching a grand set of stairs, leading right into the mouth of the foyer -- yet, she stopped. There was another here and she could sense his presence. Her ultra-sensitive hearing picked up his heartbeat and even the rhythmic breathing of his lungs.
Of course, though, this was not a matter of concern -- for immediatly she picked up that his aura was of the Light and for that very reason alone, she would go in search of him. The Jedi Knight had not far to look, though, for as she turned a corner to enter the gardens, her eyes came to rest upon a young man in his late teen years. Thoughtfully, Xazor stood there for several moments before approaching him slowly. She bowed and smiled, baring her elongated canines which gleamed in the light. "Greetings, young one -- what brings you out here this day?" She questioned softly as her eyes came to rest upon his face. He looked so familiar for some reason, yet -- the Garou could not put her finger on it. He even felt familiar to her, but she could not remember. Despite her appearance of a youth herself not much past her teens, the Jedi was in her late thirties thanks to the slow process of aging the Garou folk held. Standing in silence, she awaited him to speak and perhaps then, the answer to her questions would be found.
Christian Lightheart
Jul 2nd, 2003, 02:53:12 PM
"Change and hope," the young man wasted no time in replying. He did not need to. The Force vibrated around him as she came nearer, his only real way of detecting that someone else was approaching. Whether the person, who turned out to be a female, was of the light, the dark, or neither escaped him.
Lightheart glanced momentarily at the woman. She smiled at him, bearing her pearly white fangs. Nothing pointed to his life being in danger, so he continued to sit there, returning his eyes on the beautiful garden.
"What's your story, miss?"
Xazor Elessar
Jul 3rd, 2003, 06:04:47 AM
Xazor smiled and shook her head. "I am a Jedi Knight of the Greater Jedi Order and I've come here seeking something -- yet I know not what. The Force led me to this place and though I've spent three days here, I've yet to find anything warranting my presence -- that is, until now." She said softly, kneeling down beside him. Her eyes scanned the gardens and she smiled once again as hey caught sight of a beautiful flower standing tall in the center of a chaos of weeds.
"I'm Xazor Elessar -- and you are?" The Garou questioned as she extended a hand to the young man.
Christian Lightheart
Jul 3rd, 2003, 07:39:52 AM
So this lady was a Jedi Knight of the Order he use to be a part of. Her face, her name... none of it rang any bells. Did he forget or just choose not to remember?
Christian's line of sight stayed unwavering, therefor he did not see Xazor extend her hand, nor did he make any movements to take it. Instead he sat there, bringing his knees up towards his chest as he loosely hugged them with his arms.
"Christian Lightheart," his baritone voice said quietly. He wasn't a talkative soul, but he also wasn't the shy young kid he use to be.
Xazor Elessar
Jul 4th, 2003, 01:01:57 PM
"Christian Lightheart?" She repeated the name in question form as her mind raced for a memory of him. Suddenly she found it. "Remember Shade Magus? Remember that mission you were on with him to find his Father? I was there too." She said softly, recalling the days when she too was a Padawan of the Order.
Retracting her hand, the woman knelt down beside him and continued looking at the garden. "I haven't seen you in a long time -- a few years, it seems. Why are you not back at the Order?" She questioned, not wishing to pry into his business, but she'd settle for a simple answer. It was a means to make conversation.
Christian Lightheart
Jul 5th, 2003, 11:20:28 AM
Shade... Shade... Shade... Magus? Why did that name sound familiar to Lightheart? He closed his eyes and forced his mind to remember way back when. A mission... with Shade... and apparently this woman as well... to save Shade's father? It was there, in his memory, but faint.
"Why are you not back at the Order?" Mainly because he did not belong there. His Masters were both gone, MIA. And the fact that he honestly could not remember anyone else there besides his Masters... and Shade.
Not really ignoring Xazor's second question, though, he felt as though by asking one of his own in reponse would serve as a way of answering it.
"How is Shade?"
Xazor Elessar
Jul 5th, 2003, 01:27:12 PM
It seemed as though Christian did a lot of thinking, and whether or not he realized it, he thought pretty loudly, loud enough for a Mentalist like Xazor to read his thoughts freely. Sighing as he evaded her question, the woman decided to drop that topic and answer his question.
"Shade -- well, I haven't seen him in a few years. He took off a while back and I thought for sure he was a goner. Then just a few years ago he stopped by the Order and that's the last I saw him before he vanished again." She spoke with a heavy heart. It was not easy to recall everything that happened between them.
Pushing memories of her ex-husband aside, the Knight decided it was best to change the subject. "So instead of returning to the Order, you came here? What is here besides an unkept garden and an abandoned temple?" Xazor questioned curiously, genuinly interested in his quest and hopes for the future.
Christian Lightheart
Jul 6th, 2003, 07:12:46 PM
She answered slowly, with the tone of her voice changing just noticably as she talked about Shade. A topic that she probably could have done without.
Lowering his head enough so that his chin rested on his knees, Lightheart let out a soft sigh.
"Clues," he said, finally looking over to where Xazor had sat herself. "Clues as to where I can find myself. Where I can find a place to belong."
Xazor Elessar
Jul 21st, 2003, 11:06:55 AM
Xazor nodded and smiled gently, knowing what he was looking for -- for she too had once gone out in search of clues. "Why do you not return to the Jedi Order, then? After all, are you not a Jedi?" She questioned, knowing very well that in his heart he was. He seemed -- lost, though.
She too was lost, and had found a place with Marcus Elessar, her Father, at The Lost Jedi. Still, no one really knew that this place existed for it operated outside of the Greater Jedi Order, and even though they were allies, they were silent about it.
"Would you still be interested in training in the ways of the Force? You have great potential, Christian." She said with a gentle smile, hoping his answer would be 'yes'. It seemed as though the Force was urging her to tell him of The Lost Jedi, but she would not -- not yet, anyway. Not until she was sure he would benefit from the information.
Christian Lightheart
Jul 22nd, 2003, 10:23:32 AM
"As long as there is someone who can train me, I'm always willing to learn," he answered. Christian didn't have to think hard about the reply, for he still strived to learn more about his talents and the Force.
Xazor Elessar
Jul 22nd, 2003, 11:03:08 AM
The Jedi Knight grinned to herself and nodded, a decision firm in the back of her mind. "There is someone -- someone who would be willing to train you." She smiled once again and looked down at the ground for a moment.
Somehow, the woman knew that this was the right decision and the choice was a good one. "There is also a place for you -- a place you can call home, if you like." She paused and smiled as she pondered his possible answer.
"Christian, I am a member of a very secretive organization. We are The Lost Jedi and we operate outside of the Greater Jedi Order. This way, we can get done what needs to be done, without worrying about being shunned by the others -- for sometimes our activities do not fit the perceived mold of a Jedi." Pushing a loose braid behind her ear, the woman continued. "If you like, you too can be a member, and also -- I can train you in the ways of the Force."
There it was, the offer was on the table and she hoped that he would not think her to be a lunatic. This was everything -- this had to be the reason why she was lead here by the Force. And now, she waited for his response.
Christian Lightheart
Jul 24th, 2003, 11:34:57 AM
For the first time, Christian actually took a long lasting look at the Jedi. He was silent for a few, wondering if that had not been a premature release of information on Xazor's part.
But it was a tempting offer, and one he really couldn't refuse. He wanted to be trained, and that's exactly what she said she could do.
"Just like that?"
Xazor Elessar
Jul 26th, 2003, 09:15:01 AM
Xazor nodded gently and smiled. "Just like that -- no questions asked, nothing." She stated matter-of-factly. Her eyes met his for a moment and she could nearly see his thoughts moving through his mind. He was thinking a great deal of this, and she also knew that he secretly desired an opportunity like this.
"The only thing you have to do is follow me." She said softly, not only speaking of him going with her to Coruscant, but also, being her Padawan. He would become her student and a member of The Lost Jedi. He would be like Marcus, having left the Jedi Order and now, joining the ranks of the Lost.
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