View Full Version : Seeking Answers (Council Attention Requested)
Figrin D'an
Jul 2nd, 2003, 12:33:10 AM
Figrin lead the way through the halls of the great Jedi complex, a maze to those unfamilar with it's layout. Behind him followed Terran Starek, and a visitor... one whom claimed an interested past and sought a new path for his life. His future was hazy, however, and the Jedi Master wished to consult with his fellow Council members on the decision of admittance.
The doors to the Council chambers slid open as the trio approached. They stepped inside, and Figrin walked slowly to the center of the room. The rest of the Council were taking their seats to begin the day's session. Figrin, however, remained standing.
"Before we enter into other matters," he began, addressing the group, "I would like to bring forth a potential iniate. His story ( has been told to both myself and Terran Starek. Although the decision of admittance is one that could have been made at my discretion, I felt it wise to consult those with differing perspective. The young man's future is clouded and difficult to forsee. The judgement of the many is, therefore, better suited than that of the one."
Figrin motioned for Ace to step forward into the center of the circular room. The Jedi Master moved to his own seat in the ring of chairs that made up the Jedi Council.
"Please state your name, and recall your story for the council."
Ace McCloud
Jul 2nd, 2003, 01:17:33 AM
Ace stepped forward, not hiding his aura like normal - he figured he should let them read him. He was dressed in a black cloak, with the hood over his head, casting a deep shadow over his face, concealing everything but his blue eyes glowing in the darkness.
He spoke in a deep, scratchy voice, "My name, is Ace McCloud. My past, is some what, 'unique', and not accepted by many. As a child I was abandoned on Endor. The reason is unknown to me, however it could have been my ability to use the force. So a natural hate grew inside me for the rest of man kind. That hate fueled me throughout my life. I had to survive on Endor some how. My abilities grew, along with my connection with the force. I adapted and used the force for survival, for hunting, cutting down trees, and what not. I could feel the dark side of the force, but the light side as well.
"My connection with the dark side of the force was recognized by the sith, and I was taken in. They thought they could completely remove the light side of the force from me, but they were wrong. After 3 years, I left them. And for the next 6 years I was pursued by them. And now I'm here."
Dasquian Belargic
Jul 2nd, 2003, 04:25:18 AM
Dasquian, sat in his chair with his chin propped in the upturned palm of his hand, raised an eyebrow.
“After all those years of hatred, what caused such a sudden change of mind and stance? Was it just a sudden epiphany or revelation or something that had been growing over time?”
Ace McCloud
Jul 2nd, 2003, 12:41:14 PM
"I felt the hatred, the dark side, eating away at my very soul, at my body even. My life was crumbling, they were trying to destroy me! I could not have that," he said with a swipe at the air with his hand, "That's when I realized that hatred was the wrong step, that it only caused more pain and suffering. I forgave my parents, or whoever it may have been that I hated so much. It has not been easy, and it still haunts me sometimes."
Ryla Relvinian
Jul 3rd, 2003, 03:18:13 PM
I had listened to so many potential Jedi over the years, and his story was very similar. His emotions, however, were so powerful that they were unlike anything I had felt before.
"Forgiveness... That is a very powerful emotion," I said, leaning forward a bit in my chair, examining him closely both with eyes and with my mind. "as well as the fact that you can control your anger. These abilities are very good to have. Many Knights never reach this level of control."
I had said the last phrase with a slight smirk, thinking fondly back to those I had known over the years. Whoever got to be his master would have a lot to start out with.
Ace McCloud
Jul 4th, 2003, 02:53:16 AM
Ace nodded to what she had said. "Controlling it has become second nature, it is like breathing now. Perhaps it is something in the force, or maybe it's just me, I'm not quite sure. But thats one of the reasons I'm here, seeking answers. However, thats not the hard part..." he said, somewhat drowning off his last sentence, holding back what he was going to say. Maybe it was best if he kept it to himself, it wasn't that bad anyhow. But it certainly wouldn't help his chances of getting into the GJO, but if he was they would find out when it happened - and it would happen, and there was no use hiding it either, for when it happened, everyone would feel the disturbance.
Navaria Tarkin
Jul 6th, 2003, 08:44:33 AM
There was hesitation. Ace needed to be open if he wanted to join the Jedi and move forward.
She waved a hand towards him and prodded gently.
"What is the hard part?"
Ace McCloud
Jul 6th, 2003, 11:32:22 PM
Ace could feel her pushing at him mentally. He started to resist, seeing it as a threat for he had no friends, only enemies. But he tried to relax. He let the force flow through him slowly.
His voice was a bit softer as he began to speak this time, feeling more inclined to talk, "Urges. Extreme urges from the dark side. It's like someone is trying to tear my mind inside out," he stopped again. During his short statement his eyes began to fade to an orange color. He tried not to resist any mental probing they were trying but he didn't like to talk about it. They would have to try a little harder. He tried to remain cool, he wasn't around people much and wasn't used to this kind of attention. But this is what he had expected.
Figrin D'an
Jul 9th, 2003, 10:48:36 PM
"Have you ever acted on these dark urges?"
It was a tough question, but it was one that had to be asked.
Figrin had remained silent through the conversation, allowing the other members of the Council to question Ace. He only chose to speak when he decided it appropriate to expand upon his own limited knowledge of the man.
Ace McCloud
Jul 9th, 2003, 11:31:08 PM
"Sometimes..." Ace said without hesitation, "but most of the time I can control them. But it takes a massive amount of concentration and seems to send massive ripples through the force..."
Navaria Tarkin
Jul 10th, 2003, 10:14:08 PM
"And what happens when you cannot control them?"
The safety of the Order, as well of Ace, was on the mind of Navaria right now. If the Council took this man in, they had to what they were getting themselves into.
Ace McCloud
Jul 10th, 2003, 11:41:00 PM
"I..." he hestiated for a second, "I don't know.... But what I do know is that it happens very rarely. And over time I have become better at controlling it...but it seems whatever is beating at my mind has become better as well."
Ace McCloud
Jul 14th, 2003, 05:26:14 PM
::Bump:: =P
Ryla Relvinian
Jul 16th, 2003, 04:02:18 PM
"Well, perhaps training with us will help you build up some control for these urges."
I thought for a second, sensing what I could from him but not pushing his defenses at all. I sensed an underlying tension from him, a tension that came from being around so many people that actually cared for his well being. It did not seem to be a familiar feeling to him.
"That's not to say that it will be easy, if this is the path you choose. But I can say that you will not be alone."
Ace McCloud
Jul 16th, 2003, 07:57:24 PM
Ace nodded, "Perhaps I can bring my skill and knowledge to the order as well." He looked around, wondering what else he would have to do. Perhaps a force test or something. Maybe show his face? He wouldn't remove the hood until asked to or until he felt the need.
Figrin D'an
Jul 22nd, 2003, 06:36:00 PM
"Do you have anything else you would like add before the council renders its decision?," Figrin asked, looking directly at Ace.
Ace McCloud
Jul 22nd, 2003, 06:48:44 PM
"Nothing that comes to mind...", He said looking back at Dan through the shroud of his cloak.
Navaria Tarkin
Jul 23rd, 2003, 02:25:58 PM
"Very well ..."
She looked to her fellow Council Members.
"If that is all, we should request the other Council Members not present meet us and discuss McCloud's possible future with the Order."
Ace McCloud
Jul 25th, 2003, 12:36:44 AM
Ace nods in confirmation. "I shall leave you to make your decision then. I will return in an hour or so." Ace bows, showing great respect to all, then turns and leaves the room, and eventually the GJO, into the streets of Curosant.
OOC: Please reply again or contact me somehow when youre ready for my return. Wanted to leave so I could join some quick fights.
Ace McCloud
Aug 17th, 2003, 09:45:58 PM
Ace returns into the council room upon being summond. Except for now his hood is not covering his face. For the first time the council can see his face without using the force. He is a human male of about 26 years of age with a fine, thin beard stretching to either cheek.
He stood in the middle of the room and bowed respectfully to the council.
Navaria Tarkin
Aug 20th, 2003, 01:02:08 PM
"Hello once again Ace McCloud. Before we annouce our decision... is there anything else you wish to say to the Council?"
Ace McCloud
Aug 20th, 2003, 06:47:41 PM
"No," he said as his blue eyes swirld with color.
Navaria Tarkin
Aug 24th, 2003, 06:10:56 PM
"Very well."
A man with few words told much of his character.
"We have decided to let you join the Order under the conditions set forth. You will be assigned someone to watch over you to make sure your adjustment into the Jedi ways go smoothly. There is much tribulation with walking the path of Light to begin with, and you may have difficultly in the future. They are to be a guide and mentor to you, along with your training. It is not permanent ... it is only for as long as necessary.
If you agree to this arrangement, then we will be happy to have you amongst our ranks."
Ace McCloud
Aug 24th, 2003, 09:38:41 PM
Ace nodded, "I agree. I have been breaking away from the darkside for several years now. It is the challenge of a life time..."
Ace McCloud
Aug 26th, 2003, 04:56:36 PM
OOC: FYI: I am currently in the GJO grounds in the thread The rooms of a thousand fountains posted by me with Quay and Time, and started a thread called "Exploring" in the combat area which has had no posts so far
Navaria Tarkin
Aug 31st, 2003, 06:51:02 PM
OOC- that is all right. Shows initiative IMO :)
IC- "Since you agree to them... I welcome you to the Jedi Order on behalf of the Council. You will have access now to the areas designated for Padawans. As for your Mentor... we are still debating on who to assign you."
She raised a brow.
"Unless you have an idea of one that could benefit your needs?"
Ace McCloud
Sep 1st, 2003, 08:59:26 PM
"I have made the decision to completely redo my link with the force...disconnect the dark side of the force and reconnect the light. I have to completely give up the force, and all knowledge of it in certain aspects, little by little. So my usages of the force will become quite diminished. I have already begun this slow process. However I need someone to guide and aid me in this difficult process. So I leave it up to you."
He paused for a second, thinking.
"I have heard of classes I need to take before all else however..."
Navaria Tarkin
Sep 2nd, 2003, 02:15:30 PM
She nodded.
"Yes. All new Padawans are assigned different classes that involved all aspects of the being a Jedi. It ranges from history to basic combat. Those times will be provided in your personal room once you have settled in."
Ace McCloud
Sep 2nd, 2003, 10:13:53 PM
He hmm'd(lol?) in acceptance. "Very well. Is there anything else?"
Navaria Tarkin
Sep 5th, 2003, 09:38:19 PM
She smiled.
"You are free to go."
Ace McCloud
Sep 10th, 2003, 08:11:26 PM
"Thank you," Ace said, as he bowed respectfully then left.
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